CIA: 2102....


...Powerbar Training. Just wanted to know what people's thoughts are on it. I have BodyPump which I find moderately difficult using 20 lbs (bar included). My muscles felt a little tired during the workout and I thought I would be sore the next day, but I wasnt. But, I love the music and it's just fun. I've never done any CIA workouts before. I just ordered my first though, Extreme Intervals.

Thanks for the info,

I like it!

This workout is high rep/low weight and I find it very difficult. I have to lower my barbell to a weight lower than any other video and my muscles still get incredibly fatigued during the workout. I don't experience any soreness the day after, but I generally don't get sore anyway. The music is fun, but not very loud. The ab section is excellent and I find the shoulder work especially challenging. I definitely recommend this video!!
Hope you enjoy Extreme Intervals! I like that one too!
RE: I like it!

Thanks for the info. I read the reviews on videofitness web site, but I wanted to get a "real" opinion from the Cathe crowd who know tough/challenging video workouts better than anybody! to spend more money!! Shhh, dont tell my hubby.

:) Thanks,

RE: I like it!

Okay, I just looked up this video on the collage website. They categorized it as a "beginner" level. Do you agree with this???

Beginner rating

I think this is one of the workouts where you can make it as challenging as you want. I really struggle when I do this workout and the word "beginner" never enters my mind!!
RE: Beginner rating

I have this video and really like it! I would NOT consider it a beginner workout though--definitely intermediate and depending upon the amount of weights you use, it could even be considered advanced. I think the leg work in this video is very good--I find it challenging and interesting without being "too much".

I got this video because I am pregnant and my doctor recommended that my weight training routine focus on high rep/low weight. This video has been perfect for my pregnancy. I have had to decrease the amount of weight I use as I my pregnancy progresses, but the workout still feels good to me--it even gets my heart rate up slightly. I will use this video post-pregnancy and I can see myself using it to complement the Slow and Heavy series, MIS and the CTX. I think it is a solid total body workout...
I'm not sure where they get the beginner rating

I've been doing Cathe's weight training since she came out with MIS, and Power Bar kicks my tushie. No, you don't use as heavy weights, but that's the whole point. I don't know that I would recommend PB to a beginner. There aren't really enough form pointers for that level exerciser. The sets are so long that I don't think a true beginner could get through many of the exercises ( especially the lower body work ) even with very light weights. It's MODIFIABLE for a beginner by skipping some reps and/or sets, especially if they have another tape with good form instruction to learn from, like the Firm's Form Pointers video. But have no fear! This tape can be very challenging for the advanced exerciser! :)

RE: I'm not sure where they get the beginner rating

This video is no longer listed as "beginner" on collage. I guess it's possible I looked at it wrong but I dont think so b/c it made me do a double take at first and there's nothing else categorized as beginner on that page anymore. Hmmmm....

Feel secure in knowing...

Hi Stacy,

I just wanted to reassure you that the reviews that you read at VF are done by some of the very same people you find here:). One of the best...and first reviews of this tape was even done by Erin who posted in this thread...and a great and accurate review it was Erin;-)..I give it a big DITTO. hehehe

If you have some spare time and you want to make the reviews work for you a little more, maybe gear them towards folks who loves Cathes style and intensity, sit down someday and hunt through the reviews of Cathes tapes, find the folks who have the same enthusiasm for her workouts as you do. Then, as you scan through other reviews with different types of workouts and instructors, you'll find some of the same people still writing reviews...and you'll get a feel for how they may compare the workout to Cathes...many may even say in the reviews how they measure up to her intensity.
If I may, and I hope the two ladies don't mind, I'll use Erin and Erica as examples..they both are VFers and I, for one, always keep and eye on their likes and well as their desire for a good challenging workout..they both seem to like things I like:).

You'll also find a frenzy of discussion and mini reviews on the VF forum when new tapes are released. This stuff sometimes (and I'm bad at this too) never makes it in an official review..but can be better and more detailed than when when some reviews are written.

And a side note far as the terms that Collage uses...I've never been a fan of grouping the terms "beginner" and "advanced" together. I know if we were doing those old school tests..."beginner" and "experienced" would have been a better match. Some wires get crossed when people try to rate intensity, choreography and if it's a good tape for someone new to that type of exercise...I just don't think most of the ratings are all that accurate because they try to cover all aspects with one term.
If it weren't for the poor form displayed in the would be a great starter full body for someone looking to work into strength. And, as with any will always use what weight is appropriate for you and just make it challenging for your own fitness level. Heck, if someone has never done strength before... doing this with no weight would be a good start. Well, if it weren't for bad form...but I don't think you'll see that listed on the cover;-)

Have fun with the's got a super ab routine in it. I liked using it with the CTX strength. I'd do upper body CTX, lower body CTX and then the Powerbar full body as a rotation..very fun:).

The video is shown with the instructors and background exercisers using a barbell, not a bodybar. I don't have a bodybar either. I think people like using a bodybar for this video because you don't need a lot of weight for the workout to be effective.
Hi Nancy!

I'm flattered that you keep an eye out for my likes and dislikes! We definitely have the same "up and down" taste in workouts!!
RE: I like it!

What weight barbell do you use for this tape, Erica? For MIS I use 35 lbs., and for the CTX I use whatever Cathe uses. I'll have to view it and try it out. I need a something to alternate with MIS and the upper body weight in Bodymax for my Lower Body Solution rotation.

To be honest with you, I haven't done this tape in a while and never write down the weights I use for videos. But here's a guess for what I use on 2102 - I probably use 30-35 lbs. for legs , chest and back. For, MIS I would use 50-60lbs. Then I drop to 15 lbs. for shoulders and biceps? Maybe 20, but I'm thinking 15. Whatever it was, it was very low for me and still so challenging that I have a tough time finishing the reps - especially on shoulders. I usually use 35lbs. for shoulders and biceps in MIS. I can't remember if I kept the barbell that low for triceps or if I upped the weight at all.
But, (after all that) maybe you should wait for Cathe's Power Hour to come out. That sounds like a very similar video and you might not want two videos that are so much alike. But, if you can't wait that long, 2102 is a good, tough endurance workout.
Hope this helped!!
RE: Honeybunch...

I have the tape already, but thought I'd use the Pump Party for a change of pace. I viewed it today, and the leg work looks good. I've dropped the poundage I've been using to lean out my legs, and my upper body doesn't need built up more, just kept up!

I liked the Extreme Intervals part. I wish Cathe would do another Interval tape. Maybe next year.
Honeybunch (again)

I was talking about 2102 Powerbar Training. You must be talking about 2101. I've only done Pump Party once and wasn't crazy about it, but a lot of people love it! I do enjoy Extreme Intervals a lot, though!
Hope you have fun with Pump Party! Your Lower Body Solution rotation looks great. I'll be really interested in hearing about your results!
Hi Stacy, I have this tape and I like it a lot. I was sore after doing this tape for the first time. It is long and with some good and intersting moves. The music is very good, but way, way too low in Volume to contribute greatly to the energy and motivation or fun factor. I feel Power Bar Training "misses the point" in not utilizing the music, the beat, and the energy and matching the moves with it. JMO...

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