Choosing a New Rotation

Hey, Ladies!

I am trying to choose between two rotations for the next four weeks. I'm having a hard time picking between the January rotation from this year (Let's Work - 90 minute heavy cardio) and the August rotation from last year (Bootcamp). Does anyone have any advice / results that you could share? I was wondering if the 90 minute cardio was effective or if it was too much.

Thanks for your time and help! It's always a tough decision for me on which rotation to choose. There are so many that look fun!

I haven't done the Bootcamp rotation but I did the Jan. 06 rotation, and all I can say is "wow!". That one kicked my butt -- I lost 1 dress size and made huge gains in cardio capacity. I plan to do that one again the next time I hit a plateau. I highly recommend it.

Good luck!

Thanks for the help! Did doing that much cardio have any negative effects on muscle strength/definition at all? I spent the last two months building muscle through two separate rotations (one for upper body and one for lower) and I am looking now to lean out some, but not lose those gains I have made. I'd like to just lose that last bit of fat layer...

Congratulations on the weight loss! That's great!

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