chinup check in Tues 6/6


Hey ladies, just wanted to start a thread. No chins for me today. Will start back up tomorrow. Recovering from a stomach virus. Will maybe do some light cardio this evening.

How's everyone else doing? Briee is awal again, hope all is well with her and her family.

have a great day!
Catherine-Sorry to hear you were ill. I'm going to work on the chins later today-I've been slackin. With the weather so nice I just want to play outside. Maybe, hubby will put a chin-up bar outside :)

Hi Catherine and Joanne.

Catherine, the "check-in ho" is here.

I'm following Cathe's rock hard bottoms rotation AND before the upper body w/o today I did my chin negatives 3 sets of a slow 10 count down holding for 3 cts halfway down. Then I did 2 sets of very assisted widegrip pullups - legs bent behind me with my feet/toes supported by my high step. That's my new method to my madness. And I worked on push-up negatives and pushups, too. Is someone going to come assist me out of bed in the morning?

Plan is to do the same again on Weds for certain and Friday or Saturday, the day depending on how the old bod feels.

Hi to everyone else.

Briee, you OK?
Did chins and reverse rows. Not enough of either, but at least I did something.

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
Hey everyone! I'm getting back on track after the busy-ness surrounding the ball (which, by the way, was a SMASHING success!) I did 5 10-ct negatives this morning and Push/Pull this afternoon. I almost always do Push/Pull after a workout hiatus - it's a great way to get back into things. The chin-ups felt easier than usual - maybe the hiatus did me some good.

Glad to hear everyone's working hard! (Although I guess Catherine and Joanne have been slacking a bit - just kidding! I know you have a virus, Catherine, and I hope you feel better. No excuse for you, though, Joanne}()

But Melody, you are really going at it! You are doing amazing things for your body (esp. core), working so hard on the push-ups and pull-ups. We ectos will prevail!

Briee, I know you're too busy to work out much, but drop in and say hi when you get a chance. The check-in's not the same without you! :)
hey Soooooooooooosan!!! Glad the ball went well :D :D And negatives getting easier- Yippeee!!

Oh and I haven't missed my chins this week. I got in a total of 16 (in sets of 3 & 2s) before my puke fest started on Sunday (sorry TMI) Tonight I did lowmax step only and I plan on legs and back tomorrow.

Just so y'all know Melody's been ho'ing round on us!!!! She's in the pushup checkin, the rock bottom's checkin and goodness knows what else. She is our resident checkin HO :+ :+ :+ You go girl!!!

Fair warning: DH told me my chinup bar has finally arrived (for my bday, a month ago) and it's in his truck. WATCH OUT as I will now be striving for that most loftiest of goals: A Chin Up :p }( ;) :7

I read "another" of my checkins and I can do something you can't do...300 walking lunges no problem, no stops, no rest.:p

I should be asleep.
Cathe never remembers me when I'm gone for a few days and I get really miffed by this (they make me "LOG IN" all over again!x( ).

Thanks for the notes guys. Been so insane here and our computer crashed on top of it - for several days!!. Guess it was working too much too.

CONFESSIONS: I didn't work out for a total of 9 days.x( x( x( x( x(

I've just had too much goin on. I did do some long bikes, through out that period of time though. Even biked to church on Sunday with ds (about 15 miles - WAY too many hills). It was the most beautiful bike in the world. I love the ridges/valley's out here - but the climb up the ridge is %$#@#@$% sometimes. NO CHINS.

So, last night I worked out. Actually the day before I did 9 chins just to see what I could do after that long break. Then this morning I was going to do exactly what Soosan does. Break the fast with Push/Pull. Did 1/2 of it and then got a phone call so at night I did SJP in it's entirety, but before I did I did chins. 6, 5, 8, 5, and then 5 wide front pullups, 1 neg PU wide front.

ALSO on earth do you do those dips. I tried them for the first time after I figured out I could take 2 barbells and place them on my squat rack with loaded weight (for stability only). I got in between them and lifted my legs to bend them and dipped. Oh my word....this is hard - just to figure out the form for beginners. Once I got the "feel" down, I did 3, 5, and then 2. My shoulders almost feel like they are being worked more than my tri's. HB....what's being worked most here?

I will not help you out of bed this morning Melody....I won't be able to move. Sorry :p :p :p . I was beginning to get sore when I climbed into bed last night:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: .

Hopefully the exercise fast is broken for good!!! You guys are doing great!! Melody...way to go on those lunges!! I do them, but not stopping between 100's is hard (okay impossible) lunger you!! Soosan...congrats on your successful ball!! I am so impressed by all you do. You're amazing! Now...we've done push/pull...whats on the agenda for today. I was thinking a kickbox like turbo jam or something on the lighter side. WHAT? did you say YOGA? (I think yoga would do me good right about now - just a stretchy, non athletic type of yoga - I should clarify!!).

Briee (did I yap enough to make up for a few days?)
Brieeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! Good to see ya. Sorry things have been so crazy for you. It sounds like you are getting back into the swing of things. Don't beat yourself up for time lost, just move forward. I agree with you on dips I have such a hard time I feel like my shoulder is being worked. I really should try doing "real" dips more instead of the ones off my step. Try a relaxing Yoga tonight and enjoy!! Good to have ya back.

Today I did legs and back. I am trying to work legs twice a week - prep for Hawaii in the fall!! I really should do the rock bottoms rotation-can't have Melody showing me up on walking lunges:+ Chinups: three sets of 3, two sets of 2.5, three sets of two and two sets of 1 for a total of 21!!! I am happy with that, but still want to build my numbers for each set up. Practice, practice, practice!!!

How's everyone else doing??

Hawaii...can I come?

I don't know if I explained the dip thing well. I just realized that we also refer to dips (as in P90X off the chair kind) as dips. Don't know why I wasn't thinking of those. Were you talking about those Melody? When I do P90X I do them off the chair with my legs on another chair with one leg lifted. I was trying the dips that you do on a parellel bar and you pick up your feet with all your weight on your hands and you lower your body and then push it back up. I was thinking that this is what HB is referring to when she does dips. Most of those power towers have dip stations, but I think they aren't made for a female. Hand spacings are MUCH too wide. I keep the bars pretty close to my hips - about 5 inches out or so.

How are you feeling Catherine? I'm beginning to ache, but not as much as I thought. I'm MAKING myself drink water as I was remembering your advice regarding LOTS of water. You are so smart!!!

Would love to have you come to Hawaii Briee, we could show off our buff look from all the chinups we do LOL!!

I never thought about my powertower having the hand placement for males for tricep dips, but I think you are right. It does seem too wide for me- it feels awkward. HB any suggestions. I want to do them but if doing them on the tower is not good because of hand placement, I guess I'll just stick with the step or chair.

I am feeling pretty good, thanks for asking. H2O and good nutrition is sooooooo important!!!

Oh yes...we must do chins together in Hawaii. With all going on here...I'd love to leave tomorrow. ;-)

I'm not feeling too bad either, but I'm sure it's the H2O. I frequently forget to drink and I think I've been feeling yucko most days due to this alone. Today was just great and I made myself drink all through the day. Thanks Catherine!!

I just went to the store and my dd bought a pack of 6 donuts. I didn't touch them...I'm going down to work out. I bought a "muscle and fitness HERS" magazine in the check out line and the lady behind the register said..."why are you buying could make one yourself". I gotta tell you guys, honestly I have pretty low self esteem behind all the joking around and I have almost NEVER had anyone say something to me regarding the shape I'm in, so this comment made my day. It has been a tough week to say the least, but her comment lifted my spirits a bit.

Briee (you guys lift my spirits even more!!! Your the best!!)
I'll volunteer to do chins with everyone in Hawaii. Maybe that's just the inspiration I need to really do one.

I just wanted to say hi to Briee and encourage you not to stress about missed workouts, or anything else, take care of yourself.

Think I'll get a a little sleep now. Sweet dreams.
Night night Melody. We're always up this time of night aren't we?

Soosan's having sweet dreams by now!!

I just finished Turbo Jam Kick punch and jam. Fun and I thought of you Soosan while doing the yoga poses at the end. :) :) .

Kathryn's cuddling with cats.

Janie...what are you up to? are the kids doing? We have one left to get the chicken pox who seems to be resisting. Little trouble maker (she's a lot like her mom). Unless of course the oldest three REALLY didn't get it (I think they had a mild case years ago, but not sure if it was REALLY chicken pox). Oh my..could be an even LONGER week.

Good morning! It's always fun to wake up and read everyone's insightful comments.

So Catherine's Hawaii trip is turning into a Chin-Up Check-In Road Trip? I'm in! What more motivation could we ask for? Throw some donuts into the mix and we'll be taking over the airplane.

Catherine, 21 chin-ups?!! You are SO strong! And to think you couldn't even do one last year. Amazing.

Melody, you really seem to have a lot of stamina. You just keep going and going. 300 walking lunges, huh? I've only done them once and I think I did 200 a la one of Cathe's rotations. I find them b-o-r-i-n-g, but I know they're effective. I don't have too much trouble strengthening or reducing fat in my lower body; it's my mid-section that needs tightening and my upper body that has trouble gaining strength. (Oh, and I can do a split too - yay us!:) Except I think I remember Briee mentioning a while back that she can do one too, which isn't fair because she's so strong too.)

Amy, so glad you're joining us! At this point, I'm still speaking to you, right? }(

Joanne, whatcha been up to?

Briee, what a compliment from the check-out person! How could you NOT be buff with all you can do? We want pictures!

So, let's see, where am I workout-wise? I did PP Tuesday, Imax2 1-6 yesterday and I'll either do power yoga or HSTA today. My kids are all done with school (my oldest son is graduating from 8th grade tonight - wah!) and tomorrow we're going to Busch Gardens so no workout then, and we're probably going to VA Beach Saturday, so no workout then either. That's why I think I'll try to cover a bit of everything with HSTA. I also unfortunately still have a lot of ball follow-up to do.

Enjoy your day, everyone!:)
OK-Sooooosan & Briee - I'm not speaking to you because you both can do splits. Maybe, if I keep doing that Yoga DVD it will happen for me.
"I've only done them once and I think I did 200 a la one of Cathe's rotations. I find them b-o-r-i-n-g, but I know they're effective. I don't have too much trouble strengthening or reducing fat in my lower body; it's my mid-section that needs tightening and my upper body that has trouble gaining strength. "

Sooooosan- My thoughts exactly about the lunges but I do throw them in here and there. And, you and I sooooo have the same body type.

Count me in for the Hawaii trip!

Briee-Maybe your child will get the chicken poxs when I did - in High School. Here I have 5 brothers and sisters that all had chicken pox when young and I didn't get them until later! And, I'm sure you must be really buff - that is great about the compliment.

Hubby and I are taking the bikes up North this weekend! Looking forward to it! There is a great State Trial up there. So, I've heard.

Oh yea, chin-ups. No progress but still plugging away at them.

Once again, this check in thread is great! It really keeps me motivated!

A quick wave to everyone. I'll be doing upper body and BBW (Cathe's rotation) and will include my negatives and pushups.

I hope all the chicken pox vanish real soon, Briee. Goodness, I'd be scratching my own skin off from sheer stress if I were you. Hang on this too shall pass.

Soosan, Catherine, Joanne, Briee, Kathryn - you all are doing so wonderfully. I feel like the lone ranger, except I can do the splits and walking lunges. I'm not stopping I am not stopping I AM NOT STOPPING chin/pullup attempts.

Kathryn, Kathryn, are you out there?

Amy, Amy are you doing chinups yet?

Gotta run, family is driving me nuts wanting to know what I want to do for my birthday tomorrow. Have they ever heard the term "nothing"?

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