Chinup Check In 7/30


No chins for me today. Did Chest Shoudlers and Triceps!! OUCH!! This one was harder than I remember!! I did do 8 Clap pushups on my toes and 10 on my knees. I think I could have done 10 on my toes though. I gave up too early!

Anyone out there chinnin today??

I am.

"You can't win them all - but you can try." - Babe Zaharias[/img]
>>>Our computers been down and I finally got a chance to get back on >to see Soosan's >the main thing is that everyone continues to do >Yoga> post. I'm ROTFLOL and want to add that I love you guys too and >would also love to go hang out and eat donuts with ya all right about >now!!! .

>RE P90X: I believe one must eat VERY correctly to gain muscle, but it >can be done. I did the P90X for about 15 months and gained muscle
>(subbed certain things as stated in last post). I defined my delts a >bit, but want to continue to add muscle in this area - I WANT BIGGER >DELTS (any ideas short of yoga would be appreciated). I think I got a >little burned out, but I'm ready to make a go of it again.

>I just want to say that I worked out everyday this week. This summer >has been so incredibly crazy that this is a big achievement for me >right now. I'm hoping that I can stick with a P90X rotation and not >loose my mind. I can't take rest days...when I do...I loose it. You >guys help me not to loose it completely!! Even this yoga infested >thread . Hey Soosan...I did MM yesterday - I thought of you


Briee, I took the liberty of cutting and pasting your post onto today's thread.

I agree that muscle can be gained on P90X with careful planning and eating. I have seen major changes in my body with P90X. Mostly definition, not size. Which is ok, but I would like to add a little size. I know what I need to do, but,....maybe one day.

I just started week 5 of a classic rotation. I have yet to do YogaX LOL. But I have added in Eion Finn's yoga. We'll have to keep each other sane!

YAY Briee for the everyday this week workouts!!

YAY Catherine for doing ab work.

Catherine, I have done Ab Ripper X a couple of times and find it quite easy, so I haven't done it any more. I do Cathe's with some of my own stuff added and find this more effective for me.


(Sorry to scream:) )
>BTW Melody and Briee, this one's for you all. I DID Ab
>Ripper X today!!! I still hate working abs :p Hey Mel, I
>can't remember, have you tried ab ripper yet??
Hey Catherine, have you considered starting an "I Hate Abs" check-in?:7 I'd check in wit 'cha!
>Stop that this instant. I'm having enough trouble with
>Catherine and her ab workouts.

Hey, I'm just trying to help. Us cardio haters do cardio all the time. If Catherine started an ab haters check-in, she would HAVE to do abs. Yeah--that's how it works! That's my story and I'm sticking to it.:7
BTW Catherine, love ya:*

Catherine, I don't like Ab Ripper X but I LOVE Core Synergistics. Just thought I'd say something nice about Tony and P90X for once.;-)
Oh no, is Michele chiming in again:eek: . Don't do it Catherine, we can't loose you to an I hate ab work thread. (hey michele - we've missed you! you cardio hater you).

What do you mean the abripper is easy Melody...that's sick! All your muscles must be in your core. You must have one incredible tummy. How is your dh enjoying/hating the P90X?

I'm dying just thinking about chest and back tomorrow. Any motivational speeches Catherine. I have to drive to the dells to pick up my son in the EARLY AM so I'm trying to figure out when to do this. Even toyed with the idea of doing half tonight and half in the AM. ALSO...please Catherine...let me know the first week rotation so I don't have to go dig it out of my exercise log. I loaned all the books to a friend 4 hours away and haven't got them back yet. Just a run down of the week if you get time.

I really just need to know what day Yoga X falls on so I can schedule it too full to do anything :p :p :p (that was for Sooooooooooooosan).

Hey HB....glad to have ya checkin - you faithful chinner you.

Briee(thanks for cutting and pasting my post. How do you do that?)
My dd is looking at your pix Melody and wondering if you adopted all your boys at the same time and how old were they when you adopted them? Are they related (I told her I don't think so). And when can you all come and play??

Hi Briee,

Tell your daughter: No, they were not all adopted at the same time. Lee was age 1 yr, Mac was age 2 months, Wil was age 1 year when we were blessed with them. Lee is now 11, Mac is 8 and Wil is 8 (Mac is about 4 months older than Wil). I did have Lee as a 2-1/2 yo while Mac was an infant and then when Mac was about 1y 4mos came Wil. So a 2-1/2 yo and two 1 yos was lots of fun, especially with all their doctor appointments every week. (But you know more about all the little ones at the same time, don't you, Briee). They are not biological brothers, but spend time with them and you'd never believe that!

As to when they can come and play, anytime after the beach. Give me directions.:) But can we swing from the loft if we come?

P.S. I do not know why I am up this late.
Just do it!! Chest and back is tough, but I tell myself do what ya can. That helps. The rotation is C&B, Plyo X, Shoulders & Arms, Yoga X, Legs & Back, Kenpo X, and Stretch or rest. Oh and don't forget Ab RipperX on those strength days. You know that easy ab work
:eek: :eek: I can't believe Mel think's it's easy!!

Have a good day all!!

Oh, Michelle, that's exactly why I haven't started an I hate ab check-in. Cause then I'd have to do it!!

Well, the wedding went well and the company all went home. I plan on working hard on those chins today. I was able to get on my bar here and there but I need to do some serious work. Also, was able to go running over the weekend so today AFTER the chins I think I will do PUB.

Thank you for sharing that Melody. They are so darling in your pictures and I'm sure you guys have much fun. I was adopted along with my brothers (none related) when I was 3 days old, my brothers were babies when they were adopted as well. Now were taking care of my mom. My dd has always been interested in hearing about adoption stories. She is more interested in who my real mom is than I ever was. I never really cared and was always fine with my adopted family. Your boys will grow to appreciate all you've done for them as well. And I'm sure you know all THEY have done for you!! They are truly blessings!!

Now for the P90X update. I have finished 3/4 of Chest and Back yahooooooooo! I have had a broken up day, BUT I AM FINISHING IT. And I will tack on that easy little ab workout -ab ripperX- by nightfall. And thus the first day shall be finished. Thanks for the breakdown's been a while and I have major shortterm memory.

It's supposed to be 105 today and we are swimming most of the day. (we found someone who wanted to live without their doughboy pool and deck and we are in the process of doing the deck - there is always something - THIS IS A BLESSING)

Yeah, I get to do Plyo X this afternoon. And it's hot!! Even though it's air conditioned inside I still feel the heat and boy is it hard on me!!
Ya know I really like chest and back, it's tough, but I love the challenge!!

Briee, better get those abs firing this evening LOL!!

Hey back at ya Melody!! Count down to the Beach!!!!!


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