Chin your heart out


Hey chinners...I posted this thread 2-3 days ago and somehow it didn't go through;( ;( ;(

Joanne...yes it did snow here. I love snow, but this is getting irritating - my bike had a little teaser and then back in the garage. ARGHHHHH. I was SO ready for summer. must be leaving SOON. I saw your posts on the no sugar thread..I'm thinking of joining one of those. Badly in need of excellent diet right now. You mentioned the carb/bloating thing. YES ITS VERY REAL. I feel like a swollen whale today and it's all carbs. For the past 2 weeks I was doing really well and my tummy was nice and flat - I'm chubby again after 3 days of higher carbs - I HATE THIS.

Soosan...are you still with us or did you float away with the woo-wooers???? :7 :7 :7 (I mean that in the kindest way!!!!). I hope you had a great time. I need a yoga session in the next day or two.

Melody? Anyone else still out there??

Hey I heard about the new workouts and I'm dying for them. Please post the minute we can preorder - I don't check many of the other forum topics right now. Can't wait!!! Have a great weekend chinners!

Hey Briee, how are ya? I think the weather has been bad everywhere. Though not as bad here as other places.

I am leaving Thurs for Vegas!!! Are you all packed and ready to stow away? I also have a new hair doo for Vegas. It's much shorter and darker (closer to my original color). Must get some chins in before I go. I've been a slight slacker. Took 2 rest days this week :( Now I am a day behind on my rotation. Today is GS CT- I think I have a dread factor because of the gizillion push ups LOL!!

Soooooooooooooosan, Joanne, how are ya?? Joanne, I hope your wrist(?) is better. Soooooooooooooan, hows your mom?

Waving to Melody just in case she's out there!!

Catherine-my wrist is slowly getting better (thanks for asking). I was diagnosed with tendinitis. So, I haven't done any weights all week. I miss doing push ups. I even miss dead hangs-never thought I would say that :)

Briee-Went on my bike a little yesterday-about 8 miles. It is hard to ride with the wrist thing going on-have to pretty much ride one handed!

Sooosan-how was your Yoga weekend?

Sorry to complain so much. Next post-no complaining from me!

Joanne, honey you can complain all you want to in this thread!! We support thru the good and bad!! So fire away!!!! I hope your wrist heals quickly. What a bummer. Sometimes it just seems like one thing after another doesn't it?

Oh yeah, I forgot about Ms Soooooooooooosan's Yoga weekend. She must be all calm and serine right now.

Briee, what cha up to?

I just finished B&G leg blast and bonus abs. Not happy with my performance. Kept getting dizzy and nauseated and having to pause. I had a nice breakfast of oatmeal and walnuts an hour well before workout. I don't usually do that x( Will try to fit some chins in later. DOMS is kicking in from CT yesterday!!

Hey guys! Yogaville was very cool. The type of yoga they do isn't what I'm used to and doesn't really count as exercise. It's more meditative and restorative and nothing I'd do at home, but a nice change of pace. My goal was to try to be better at sitting still and I think I accomplished it to a small degree. The pace was S-L-O-W. The best part of being there was hanging out in the dorm room with my three best friends. One of them brought a fart machine and it went downhill from there.:)

The food was awesome - tons of organic, vegan offerings at each meal voluntarily prepared by people who are looking for a break from life or pursuing a different path. It's not for me, but I really admire people with strong convictions and the genuine desire to serve others.

Vegas on Thursday, Catherine? I bet you can't wait! How long are you staying? Are you getting psyched for the Road Trip too?

Briee, I know what you mean about the weather! It has been miserable here the past two weeks and I am SO ready for spring.

Joanne, are you going with anyone else on the Road Trip? Sorry to hear about your tendonitis. Doesn't it somehow make you think about how good it feels to do exercises you hate? (Yeah, that made sense!:))

I'll be out of town today but will check back in tomorrow morning. Have a great day, everyone!
Sooosan-Is it an actual fart machine? I am a fart machine :eek:
Julie is going with me on the RT. She lives here in MN and I met her from the Forum. I met her at the same time I met A-jock and Jillybean about 7 years ago. We met at a resturaunt and we really clicked and we still get together once or twice a year.

Briee-Are you getting out on your bike-it is so beautiful today!

Catherine-Is it this Thursday you leave? I did B & G premix leg blast the other day. I love that one.

My wrist feels pretty good today-yea! I did some tricep dips just to see how it felt and there was no pain. I just have to keep telling myself to go back slowly-I get so impatient.

Have a great day.

Catherine....I LOVE your pictures. Your hair is beautiful!!!!

I've been out of town for the last few days too - at a speech competition for the kids. How was Vegas???? Hope you had a great time!!!

Will check in later - gotta run to class with the ladies.

Gorgeous, gorgeous pictures, Catherine! You look beautiful! I'm so glad you had such a great time.

My friends and I who went to Yogaville are going out to breakfast this morning and dressing up like Yogaville people do. I've decided to wear all orange like the swamis do. Aren't we mature?

I'm still working out with my friend and she's doing great. We've blown off some of the cardio to walk or bike ride because the weather's so nice, but we've moved from Push Pull on to Muscle Max and will probably start the Pyramids in a couple weeks. I'm so proud of her - anybody else I've done videos with has always bailed. Her clothes are looser and it's really fun having a committed workout partner, even if I'm not challenging myself quite as much as I normally do.

How'd your kids do at the speech competition, Briee? Was it just for homeschoolers? Sounds very cool!

Have you been bike riding, Joanne?
Soooosan-your friends sound like a lot of fun. I wish you could post a picture :) Yes, I have been bike riding. The weather has been so nice.

>I've decided to wear all orange like the swamis do. Aren't we mature?

ROTFLOL. Hey..I just bought an orange tank top - can I be a swami too? (I've NEVER claimed to be mature).

Kids had fun at the competition. Dd took #1 in her illustrated story speech. Dd took #2 in a duo with a friend. The comp. was homeschool and a few Christian schools. Had a blast at the hotel - swimming etc.

Worked out with the ladies last night and then TaeKwondo. I HAVEN'T BEEN THIS SORE IN A LONG TIME. I think I'm getting old. We did a lot of grappling on the floor and I think that and mega pushups did it. Will do B&G tonight as I believe that part of me might still work.

Hey Soosan...last night in TKD I was leaning back demonstrating one of the Bryan Kest stretches and the other girl in class says "put your hands on the floor and walk over". So I did a back walkover - haven't done this in like 20 years. I like Bryan Kest a little more now! :) :) :) ;)

Sooooooooooooosan, your lunch sounds like fun!! It's a shame we all live so far apart. We could plan luncheons with colorful outfits LOL!! Hope you had fun

Joanne, how is your tendonitis??? Your bike rides sound like so much fun. Do you go alone or do I remember you saying DH goes to?

Briee, I bet your are super proud of DD!! And of yourself for that walk over- I never could do a back bend much less a back walkover!!

Today I had a migrane at about 2:30 this morning. I caught it early enough though. Then it was back to work :( I did pyramid bonus premix and a total of 12 chins. Still a bit draggy. But at least I am working out!!

Catherine-Sometimes I go biking by myself and sometimes with hubby or a friend. I have had a headache for the last 18 hours and I seldom get headaches. It is making me really crabby. I'm off to work out and I hope that helps. My wrist is good-thanks.

I've been working on the negs and trying to pull up as much as I can which is still not much! I had a dream the other night about me doing chins :eek:


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