Chin Up Checkin 8-5


Last ones getting long so I thought I'd start a new one, but for those of you who missed Soosan's post - go back and read it cause I can't cut and paste yet (but Catherine can).

That is so interesting, a German teacher. My mom's side of the family all speaks german and as children we got so irritated that we couldn't understand them (they would instantly switch to German, midsentence, when they didn't want us to understand). I always swore that when I was older I would learn German and never have yet. I should spend a few weeks with you and take a crash course!! We now live in an area where we are surrounded by Amish and of course they speak a German dialect as well.

I'm a SAHM too and have been since 1990. There are times that I would LOVE to be working again. I visited a local health club here and "that feeling" came over me again, but I'm still needed at home and it's quite a drive to the nearest club.

On to other important things...I DID WORKOUT LAST NIGHT - didn't skip it!! (okay so I skipped ab skipper X-but I promise to do it today). I had P90X on the agenda, but here's what I did Catherine. I did Legs and Glutes and laid out my P90X legs and back worksheet and about every 5 minutes I did my set of chins/pulls as prescribed in the leg and back workout. My biggest beef with P90X is lack of good leg work, so this rotation - I want 2 strong leg days at least and this worked just great. Did a total of 51 chin/pullups last night (8 of those were wide front). My chin day is complete. Today I'm going to do either KM or a turbo jam with some leg work. Fun fun fun.

It is so interesting to read about everyone's life stories. What a diverse group of ladies we have hear!!

Briee, glad you got your workout in. I must confess, I didn't do Ab Skipper either. I did do 5 pullups last night though (singles that is) I know what you mean about lack of heavy leg work. I love Legs & Back and get a good workout. But still like a good ole fashion set of squating and lunges etc with wts. I did S&H legs this morning in an effor to get a leg workout this week. I am so far behind schedule I couldn't do Back & Biceps yesterday and L&B today. BTW, I have DOMS in my biceps from yesterday }( And man oh man where my legs shaking on S&H. I did 50 pounds on the squats and only 40 on the lunges. I would love to increase that, but not sure my form would be good. I would like to try to get in either kenpo x or stretch later. Of course I always have good intentions, but,.... Ya know life gets in the way. I am gonna keep my rotation on the same schedule and just cut my losses and move forward!!

OK where's Janie, Joanne, and HB??? HB's no doubt either hanging from a bar somewhere or doing pushups. I bet she sleep chins instead of sleep walking she gets up and does chinups LOL!!

Melody, I'm sure you won't see this. But hope you are enjoying fun in the sun with the family!!

ETA: WOW WOW on the 51 chins and wide fronts!!!!! I still can not do a wide front, only shoulder width. But that's ok!!
I have such a hard time mentally getting my act together when I get off track so I know exactly what you mean. P90X legs and back is also one of those workouts that "is what you make it". Use great form etc and it's just fine. I know at this point I need WEIGHT to get my legs/tush back in order. I've neglected this area for too long. (I ideally want to do some leg work everyday to get them back in form - but this is too ambitious at this time). I'll just be happy if I can stick to the p90X for a few months!!

DO NOT GO TOO heavy on legs without some kind of squat rack/cage or smith machine. When I was doing S&H the other day I had 90# on my shoulders and was within a "cage" and I happened to tip just a tad when I was in the squat. I have NEVER had this happen before, but had I NOT been in a cage I would have lost it and it would NOT have been good. Aquajock recommends a weighted vest to add more weight than #50. (I love my cage - has a squat rack and chin/pull bar built in - got it on big sale at MC sports - worth every penny).

Everything aches at this point...but it's a good ache - the kind I LOVE.

I have entertained the thought of a weighted vest at some point,.... we'll see. I would love to have a cage!!! Right now no room. But who knows. I am sure I could get rid of some of DHs things LOL and then we'd have plenty of room!!!

I love that good ache!!

I've always claimed that I'd live without my kitchen sooner than my weight room. A cage makes a decorative stand in your living room, hang shirts or plants, mount the TV at the top, donut holder. I can think of a thousand in one ideas to convince your dh:7 :7 :7 :7 . Trust me...I know them all.

I just got back home from NJ. It took about 9 hours because there was an accident on 95. Yuk. It's always nice to be home, though, especially since DH couldn't come this time.

Briee, my parents are from Germany. They came to the US at age 25 with my brother who was 18 mos old. My sister and I were born a few years later, and obviously a lot of German was spoken in our home. The German they spoke, however, was a dialect mixed with English - basically whichever word was easier to say. My parents almost always spoke English to us (they wanted us to fit in), and we kids very rarely spoke German, so although I speak it well from having grown up in a bilingual home, I never attained native fluency. Ironically, the friend with whom I job share lived in Germany for a while, so we speak it when we don't want our kids (or anyone else for that matter) to know what we're saying, much like your mom's side of the family. What did you do before 1990? Did you work in the health club until then?

I was sure you were going to skip your workout last night, not because you're a wuss, but because you seemed like you needed a rest. If I don't work out by dinner, I don't work out. I just don't have a lot of energy at night, unlike you, who seems to be the Energizer Bunny! 51 pull-ups is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! I'm just floored.

Catherine, I still think it's incredible how quickly you went from 1 to 5 chin-ups this summer. You and Briee would make mincemeat out of me. I think you should go for the weighted vest, although it must be kind of hot, don't you think?
Soooooooooooosan, sorry you got caught in traffic coming homex(

I must clarify- I did 5 single pullups last night, not five in a row- I wish!! Last week I almost got to 5 in a row. I know I will soon- it's up to how hard I want to push myself!!

I don't know how Briee does these late night workouts. I'm like you Soooooooooooosan, if I don't before dinner, it ain't gonna happen!!
>I don't know how Briee does these late night workouts.'s called CAFFEINE! I just drank a strong cup of Fair Trade Dark Peruvian coffee and I'm down to do kickmax or Turbo jam....hmmmmmm it's a toss up.

It's so peaceful here at night and NOBODY interupts my workouts, unlike in the morning. Even when I get up early...seems somebody wanders in and makes me laugh while chinning and I lose reps. Nothing ticks me off more than that :7 :7 :p :p :p

Oh...almost forgot....that evil Ab skipper is on the agenda. Doesn't KM have ab work (I'm trying to remember)...maybe I could sub????

One more thing....Soosan, don't you dare find someone to speak German to on the Cathe road trip when you don't want Catherine and I to know what your saying. I'll deck you:p :p :p :p . (that trip would be SO much fun). REALLY...your history is SO very interesting. VERY diverse group here at Cathe - I love it here.

Briee (one more reason to learn German - isn't there some program...learn German in a day, Yoga for German speaking wanna-be's, hey maybe then I'd have another reason to do yoga - I need a reason}( }( - besides that awesome feeling when one is done:7 )
Hi Everyone,

I'm a little of everything. English, Irish, German, Dutch, French.

I haven't been doing chin ups, cause of my neck. Seems I shouldn't be here at all. But, I could cheer all you on anyway. I'm afraid I'm slipping behind. Darn.

Did yoga and tredmill for 50 minutes, today. Yesterday, I did a full body workout, and 40 min. of cardio, along with core work.

Briee, you are a very interresting person. And so fit!

Soooosan, glad you are safely home from NJ. I hate traffic too.

Catherine, 5 pull-up! WOW! Good for you.

"If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all."
-My mother, Mary Cooper-
Briee, well you know Cathe speaks German too. She and I will be speaking it often on the next roadtrip because we won't want anyone to know we're talking about how she's going to ditch Cedie, Jai, et al because she wants me to be her sole background exerciser from now on. It would be great if all the chinsters could go on the next RT, though!

Catherine, 5 singles is still awesome!

Janie, that's what stinks about these. You have to be SO careful not to injure yourself. It's very hard to find that middle ground between progress and injury, and it looks like Melody, you and I keep experiencing setbacks. I think Joanne is playing it safer because I don't recall her talking about injury too much.

I may not be able to work out today or tomorrow, but I'll get back on track Tuesday. I'm not going to do any negs for fear of injuring myself, but will try to get to the Y for some assisted reps. If I don't get there, I'll just try some with a chair like they do on P90X. Any tips on those?

Oh, and I think we all know what everyone in this check-in looks like except for Catherine and Briee. When are you guys going to post some pictures, huh????

Thank you for the encouragement.

Hey, you don't have a picture up either?

I'd love to see who I'm talking with. Could you, would you, all put pictures up?

Please be careful, we don't want you hurt. I'll be cheering you on, on Tuesday.

Today I'll be doing Power hour or IMAX 2, I better decide soon, and then use the rebounder around 20 minutes or so. My DH will help with chinnies next time they are on agenda.

I just bought some jeans yesterday, and they feel and look good to me. Just because, well I work hard at this, so sometimes, I go out and treat myself.

Did you all pay full price for P90X? How much is it? Is it worth it? Should I do it? Could I get a good price on Ebay?....


"If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all."
-My mother, Mary Cooper-
I had out of town company (my family this weekend) so I really got behind in ready the check-in.

I joined a club when I was 19 (the one Briee was teaching at). I was a SAHM until my two girls went to school. My job now is a City Clerk/Administrator (part-time) and I also do the books for DH's construction business. Yes, we do need to keep checking in beyond 82.

I did Circuit Max this afternoon. I just do legs for the circuits. Also, worked on the chins some.

Janie, new jeans - yay! What kind did you buy?

And I have posted pictures of me before. Here's a link to some of Marla Gaz' Road Trip pictures. I think I'm in 3 of them (the first one I'm in is with Brenda, Cedie, Marla and Lorraine - I'm the tall one in the white shirt on the left). I also posted links to a couple of pictures of me in our local paper after the YMCA ball I helped organize in June. (One was just my back.) I don't remember which threads the links were in.

Joanne, wow, you've had a lot of company this summer! Is your house kind of like a resort or something? I think I know where our next Chin-Up Check-In Get Together should be after we get back from Hawaii. We can have one every month, even beyond 82.:p

Well, off to fold laundry and then go for a sail with the family. Hope everyone's enjoying their Sunday!:)

Thanks for the pictures, you look awesome. Now I have a face to go by. I bet you had a ball on the road trip. How lucky you are to be able to meet Cathe.

I bought Long and Lean gap jeans. They fit so well. I also alter them into straight legs.

Joanne, sounds like your two jobs add up to full time work, and a very busy Summer. Take care.


"If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all."
-My mother, Mary Cooper-
Hey all!! I have been a slug all day. I don't know what is wrong with me!! I am just so tired. I finally made myself get up and do KPC (in place of kenpox). I feel better now. So I don't know if it's physical, mental or both??? I am soooooo sore from S&H legs yesterday. Heck I still have DOMS in my biceps from Friday!!!

Janie, good for you treating yourself to new jeans. I have heard good things about gap jeans and may have to try them. As for P90X I got it last summer off of BB. Paid full price somewhere around $150. Worth every penny. You might be able to get it off of ebay. But for me I am leary of ebay and videos these days. Hearing alot of people buying copies that are supposed to be originals. It's been a well worth the money to me.

Joanne, you are quite the social queen!! Hope you are enjoying your company, but getting the rest that you need.

Soooooooooooosan, how's your injury? Don't get too discouraged. Just do what you can. I see your strategy,... you don't want to not be speaking to yourself!!! LOL!!!

Soosan....I'm ROTFLOL over here (can't wait for the Cathe road trip)!!!

Isn't Sooooooooooooosan beautiful Janie - what a back!! I promised to do pictures...I believe it was "someday"??? I do SO hate pictures - only of me of course!! I'll talk to my son and see if we can arrange something....(like a beautiful picture of me eating a donut - the donut being the beautiful part:p :p :p ). Soosan I forgot to say earlier that prior to 1990 (year of the first baby) I worked for the Baptist General Conference for about 3 years. The first year in Accounting (my major for PART of my college career). Sounds incredibly boring, but a job is what you make it....I was actually called in by the head CEO and told that the department was becoming a circus and I had to tone it down a bit (he said this while smiling though :7 :7 :7 )Accountants can be VERY boring. I then moved into the Home Missions department with a much more exciting bunch of pastors - and they were, believe it or not.

Hey Catherine....I did KPC in place of KenpoX too!!! I love KPC!!! My dd is waiting as we speak to go downstairs and do a Turbo Jam for my off day. I've been there though Cath, sometimes I just can't get going....but generally it's when I've taken a day off. Quick question....I do the same thing this week and next correct? I think I'm right, but want to confirm. So C&B tomorrow AGAIN.

Briee (I'm off to purchase a German dictionary for the next road trip}( }( }( }( - you can't be too prepared)
This week is the same Briee. Weeks 1-3 are the same. Then your rest week. I'll post it later if you want.

I think I've done something to my lower back x( It hurts, feels like something pulling everytime I bend over at the waist. I've had back trouble before and this is different. Nothing major, hopefully it won't last.

Hope everyone has a good day!!

Good morning, Chins! No workout for me today. I'm taking my oldest son shopping in Richmond and then on to camp for two weeks. My second oldest has been in Idaho for the past two weeks and is coming home Wednesday. Boy, do I miss these guys when they're gone! I'm already dreading an empty nest. Even though my youngest is only six, I know how fast time flies.

Catherine, aren't you inhibiting results if you don't rest when you're super tired and sore, or does your experience tell you you need to push yourself through those times? My injury is completely better - thanks for asking. I'm still going to start with assisted reps and do those for a while before moving on to negs, though.

Janie, I like Long & Lean Gap jeans too. My favorites, though, are AG. They're expensive, but they were on mega sale last year at a store that was going out of business, so I bought two blue ones and two white ones. I bought P90X from the Firm Ya Ya Swap. I think I paid around $100. It's a great series, but I don't love it as much as some people, mainly because I don't like push-ups and pull-ups.

Briee, if anyone can make accounting more circus-like, it's you! Did you meet your husband there? I don't blame you and Catherine for doing KPC instead of Kenpo. I found Kenpo to be boring. I only did it once and subbed KPC the rest of the time.

Lucky for Melody the weather has gotten cooler on the east coast. She deserves a relaxing vacation - she's something else!

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