Good morning! Today's my rest day, which comes every ninth day in this rotation so I'm going to relish it.
I love waking up early and reading all your posts from the night before. They always make me laugh and put me in a good mood. I'm in bed reading to my daughter at 8:00, and DH and I usually turn out the light at 9:30 or 10:00. I am no night owl and early morning is my peaceful time.
Catherine, sorry to hear about your knees. Mine get tweaky from time to time which tells me when to back off. You're smart to skip the exercises that aggravate it. What good is being fit if you're walking around in pain half the time?
Melody, I doubt my "bad" day is better than your best! You, Joanne and I just have body types that struggle w/these kinds of exercises, but like I said before, being an ecto does have its advantages (flexibility for one and the ability to eat a lot of donuts without gaining weight). I've been trying chins from a dead hang for the past few days and it's still pretty pathetic. I envy your core strength. I've been working on it for years and it has greatly improved but I still have to modify some of Cathe's ab work. How are you in the push-up department?
Joanne, I really hate chin-ups too. I think once we can do one, we might like them better. Although I still hate push-ups and I had to work hard to be able to do just one of those. I still hated them then, and now that I can do around 16, I hate them almost as much. So maybe we will still hate chin-ups after we can do one.
Briee, you seem to have endless energy. You obviously work physically hard all day renovating your house, homeschooling kids, taking care of horses, etc, yet your body still allows you to work out at 1am! There is no way I could do that - I just don't have the stamina. As far as skipping abs goes, I know you get a lot of core work in doing all the pull-ups you can do.