Soooooooooooooosan...that was really evil!! Withholding donuts.
Actually...I'm blaming you guys for my weight gain of 5 lbs or so. My newest statements....chinups make you gain weight. (I'm sure it couldn't be the donuts
). I'm usually lo carbing for the most part, but the past month I've been eating junk, really shows on the scale, but I have more energy for chinups it seems. I'm going to try cutting weight again, but I'm sure I'll loose chinup reps. Will be interesting to see.
I did chins last night, 9, 6, 1 neg with 25 second descent, then took a couple hour break and when I came back did 11, and then 7. I then went to the inverted rows that HB listed. These are fun!! Did 10 first set with underhand grip, 10 again and then 8 overhand grip. Then did 1/2 of P90X chest, shoulds, tris.
I've got to get this diet back in order. You guys are such a bad influence pushing donuts on me all the time
(ha ha)
Soosan, glad you're still resting. Really do be careful getting back into it. I might suggest doing negatives with a toe on the chair, just barely touching it to give some support, or use bands and lower slowly with the band assist - you will still be buiding muscle.
Janie....I think you are feeling more at home here (Muttly references}( }( )
Catherine....welcome back from AZ!!! The bar is calling!!
Kathryn....we sucked ya in!! I'm interested to see how you progress with these. Keep detailed records. What is your body type?
Melody - thanks for the dryer description of your children at play - they are VERY creative. My kids respect them already. We currently don't have a dryer, as ours just died, so I can freely describe this one to them.