Chin-up Check In Fri. 5/26


Hi All Chinsters!

Tomorrow is my upper body workout day. Since, I haven't had much progress with the chins I am going to do my upper body tomorrow with no weights (per HB). Just chins, push ups and tricep dips. And, I am going to spend more time on the chins.

Today, I did Imax 1. And, hopefully, a bike ride later.

Have a great Memorial Weekend!

> I am going to do my upper body
>tomorrow with no weights (per HB). Just chins, push ups and
>tricep dips. I sense a "tricep dip" challenge coming? ;-)
Kathryn-Good idea!

Soooooosan-I did the Yoga workout yesterday. Oh my. I only lasted about 30 minutes. I really liked it and feel it today. Thanks for the suggestion!

Finally, a challenge I can participate in - tricep dips!
I'm good with those and core.:)

Sick children yesterday and last night and this morning again, so I missed cardio yesterday. So today will be cardio, abs and yoga and a full body weight w/o tomorrow (instead of my planned split upper/today lower/tomorrow) with chinup negatives AND pushups.

Joanne, I'm trying to work it where I can get uppper and lower body w/o in 2/x per week and am planning to do one of the upper with no weights as you described.

I hope everyone has a great workout today and some fun along the way.:)

Briee, angel food cake on the bar? You are getting desperate my girl.:7
> Just chins, push ups and
>tricep dips.

You know, the more I think about this, the more I like it!

Maybe after I'm done with my P90X modified rotation, I'll change my weight workouts to "back to basics" rotation of upper body (chins/push-ups/dips with maybe a few sets of overhead presses or delt flyes to hit the side delt) and lower body (Rockit squats).
>Hi All Chinsters!

If those of us in the chin-up challenge are "chinsters"(I like it) are those of us doing the push-up challenge "pushers" (!). And what about the potential dip challgenge: "dippers"?
>>Hi All Chinsters!
>If those of us in the chin-up challenge are "chinsters"(I like
>it) are those of us doing the push-up challenge "pushers" (!).
> And what about the potential dip challgenge: "dippers"?

Kathryn -

I like it: chinsters, pushers, dippers. Of course, Briee will equate the "dippers" to a food reference.;-)
Hi All,

I would love to do the challenge of chinsters, pushers, and dippers. Modified for me of course.

Will be doing yoga, today and tomorrow, the next day is my verstion of chin-ups. I did have to start over again, after the ocean trip, but hey, thats life for ya. Just keep blugging away, never give up. That's what I say to my self.

I just love this thread, take care everyone,


"If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all."
-My mother, Mary Cooper-
Pushers, hmmmmm,... I love it :7 :7

I did IMAX2 this am and plan to try to fit in some yoga this evening. Perhaps I'll try my pushup challenge, maybe. Plan chinups and lower body tomorrow.

Have a great day all!!

Hi everybody. I think it's time I join you here at the chin-up check in.


Cuz I just bought myself a power tower! I've had my eye on it for a while and it finally went on sale. I really wanted the assisted pull-up machine, but the checkbook didn't like it so much.

SO.......details, please. What's the difference between chipn up and pull up? Any secrets I need before I put the rack together and try it out?

I'm so excited. I'm planning on using it for pull-ups/chin-ups, dips, sit ups and the exercise where you hand and raise your lower half to work abs.

Oh come on Melody...I don't equate EVERYTHING to food. Well....not quite everything. It's just a phase in my life I believe. I was deprived of food for so long that it's become an obsession. (long story - sickness, very restricted vegan diet due to continual infections).

Dippers...that's cute...I need a dip station. I honestly haven't tried these. Now I'll have to find some bars to do this, any suggestions.

Briee (french cruellers dipped in organic coffee - "dipper's" - I bet that's in the dictionary - I'm going to check now)
I like Gayle already!! Welcome to our humble thread - care for a donut?

Briee (I'll try to answer questions at later point....children calling)
See, I told everyone "dippers" would lead Briee to a food discussion.:)

Welcome Gayle!!!! I'm jealous of your tower. I am excited for you that you get to join in our here.;-)

I'm awaiting the arrival of P90X and the multi-grip pullup bar myself.

I'm not a pullup/chinup expert (can't do a darn one) so I'll let Catherine, Briee, Honeybunch, etc. explain all that.

Hey everyone, new girl to bring the donuts.:9
Nobody told me I'd need to supply donuts on top of buying a power tower! LOL

Well, then, how many chin ups to counteract the effects of 1 donut???

>SO.......details, please. What's the difference between chipn
>up and pull up? Any secrets I need before I put the rack
>together and try it out?

A chin-up is done with your palms facing you, and you try to get your chin over the bar (I only count these as a full one, others are "nose-ups," "forehead-ups," "mouth-ups," etc.

A pull-up is done with palms facing away from you. I haven't read any guidelines for height (except one that said "as high as you can," which seems to allow for a lot of leeway!).

Chins are easier (but by no means "easy"!) than pull-ups, because the biceps are involved more and take some of the load off the back.

First, be careful when putting the top bar on the rack: I busted out the inside panel of a window because I wasn't paying attention to that end of the bar when I was manoeuvering it into place. (where is embarassed smilie?)

I've tried several methods during this challenge, and I've decided that two are best:
as-far-as-you-can-lift dead-hang pulls (I started with 1/3 - 1/2 range of motion) and negative reps (get yourself to the upward positin any=which-way=you=can and then hold for a count of two, and lower for a count of 10, or as slow as you can go).

Now that I've finally gotten to the point of doing 1 chin, I start with the dead-hang attempts, then add on some negatives, allowing for lots of rest between reps (I don't know if I'll ever get to reps in a row!).

Look back over our check-ins from the last 4 weeks (find them all easily by doing an advanced search, looking for "chin check" in the "topic" area of "check ins") to get more tips and inspiration, and to see how we've progressed.
Donuts may also be used as a motivational tool:
hang donuts on the chin-up bar, and with each attempt, try to take a bite!

Oh, and another tip: when I got my first real chin-up, I was aiming for the ceiling, NOT the bar, and that seemed to help.

"Donuts may be used as a motivational tool."

That makes it sound so professional, acceptable, athletically inspirational.
>"Donuts may be used as a motivational tool."
>That makes it sound so professional, acceptable, athletically

Does it help if I sign that advice as "Kathryn, B.S., M.A.,Ph.D."?
>>"Donuts may be used as a motivational tool."
>>That makes it sound so professional, acceptable,
>Does it help if I sign that advice as "Kathryn, B.S.,

Oh Kathryn!

By all means!

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