Chin-up check in 5/11/06



I had to modify my chin ups, because they were getting too easy with my bar stool. YEAH!

Took a dinning room chair, knelt down on it and continued with my chin ups. Eight chin ups, and eight pull ups. Of course when it got so hard, I had to use my legs a bit, but, I am getting stronger. I'm on my way, I can feel the fibers doing their thing. I also bet DOMS may be on its way as well.


"If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all."
-My mother, Mary Cooper-
YAY Janie! Watch out or before longSooooooooooooosan won't be speaking to you.:+

I did the negatives and inverted rows on Tuesday and still have major back DOMS today. And I know it's from the negs and rows cause I worked chest and tricep Tuesday.

Anyone else out there today?
Good job! I did "real" chins this morning with no assistance, several sets, then did assisted with my Total Trainer, which is just like a total gym.

There's nothing like chin-ups to make you biceps pop! All the curls I did for years never did for my biceps what chins do! I want to convert the world to body-weight exercises. I think I'll hit the floor and bang out some push-ups after having said that!

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
You know HB, lately my skinny arms actually have a bicep and I was about to give all the credit to the GS workouts, but now that I think about it, maybe the chinup negatives are the real boost.:)
Way to go, Janie! It's so great that you're making progress already.:)

HB, largely due to you, there's a whole bunch of us trying chin-ups, (including friends of mine who have never heard of, so you're having more of an impact than you know!:)

Melody, just don't let Briee know if you develop a bicep vein on your of-late huge muscle or she will most likely not speak to you.

Lots of chin-up check-ins today! I wasn't sure where to post! (See, Honeybunch?):)

I think the chinups are confusing our brains as well as our muscles...I never know where to checkin either.:)

WOW, Janie and Kathryn wonderful progress. I'm still hanging on the attempts from a dead hang, and I'm taking the position that the attempt turns on those back muscles. Those negative and inverted rows are on tap for tomorrow.

LOL at the reference to my "huge muscle" and my veins are so tiny that the IV team is called in whenever I need blood drawn or an IV started. I even have a broken needle in the bend of my left elbow from childbirth 25 years ago. Hey that's it, that's why I can't do chinups.

Kathryn, thank you for posting the non-dairy donut link for Briee, I'm not sure how much longer we can stand her without donuts she can eat.

BTW, Briee, glad to hear you are ok after that fall, but do be careful with your workout just in case.

Good night to all.:)
Janie, great job girl!! Keep it up and Soooooooooooosan will add you to her list ;)

Melody, you have to potential to really kick our a$$e$ with chinups given your body type!!

Soooooooooooosan, you are so right. HB is an inspiration to us all. Including others she's never even heard of.

HB, you need to develop a body wt workout DVD, pretty please!! I love doing body wt workouts, but I still need the motivation of videos. It's like I'm working out with friends!!

I did Imax 2 today instead of legs and back. Oh it felt soooooo good. Haven't done Imax 2 since Dec. I think I am procrastinating doing my chinups though!! Actually I think I miss doing cardio after doing that P90X rotation.

>Melody, you have to potential to really kick our a$$e$ with chinups >given your body type!!


I'm working on this "kick a$$ potential" stuff, boy am I working. This is a gal who before last month had never in her life even attempted a chinup or pullup. But let it be known, I DO NOT like to fail at anything and rarely do.}('d we get a Thursday checkin? Cool!!!

Thanks so much for your vegan donut pictures Kathryn. I'm sure this will revive me!!

Melody...I love your attitude!! You'll be chinnin in no time.

I think I may whimp out and skip a workout today guys. My neck is REALLY tight/sore. I may have landed further up than I thought. So sorry Soosan. I'm hoping to get up early and see how it goes. I began my favorite interval tape this morning, but only got 1/2 way, so I did get some cardio in. It is made up of IMAX II, Low Max, and SB blasts. The pullup bar is calling and I haven't visited it in a few days...better get back there!! I have no excuse with vegan donuts now, although I wonder if they make a locarb version??? are you doin with your chins???

I would love to do a DVD, one on body weight exercises, and another on making exercise fun. Exercise is such a drudgery for most people, and it's SO important to find the fun factor.

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
Hi Ladies,

This sounds like the challenge I need. I have a Chin-Up Bar, unfornatuely, it is not being used. Every now and again when passing, I jump up and push out one rep :(

But, can you please give me the information you guys are using so that I can build up to TWO reps ;-) :) Thank you.

Hey Teddygirl, come and join us we're so much fun:+ Most of us are doing negative or eccentric chinups to help increase our strenght. There's a post somewhere where Briee explains this, but I am not good at pulling up old post. I am sure someone will. Meantime check out this website: I am currently up to 3 reps and want to get to 4. It's hard!! I think just adding them to your routine and being persistent help.

Oh and for HB- can I be a background exerciser in your video?? :p

I've already suggested this Catherine on another thread. We will be rich and famous. Can I be next to Catherine in the line up????? We can share donuts while the camera is on Soosan. Oh this will be such fun!!

HB....Fun factor is so important. You are 100% correct. I am attempting to recruit others to join our Tuesday night class and they think it won't be fun. We must make exercise fun!!! Such a weird thing as I have a blast when I exercise...usually!!

Because of me a whole bunch of you are doing chin-ups....and I know why! I shamed you all into it because I convinced you that if a 56 year old chick who'd never done them before can now do them, the rest of you young whipper-snappers have no excuse!

Admit it, isn't it a great feeling to be learning them, even if you can't do them yet?

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
Who you callin a whipper-snapper LOL. The fact that I know what that means should tell ya something about my age. :+

I agree you are inspiring and even without the age factor you are doing awesome things. Factor in your age and it's just down right amazing!!! I do mean that in a good way ;-)

So how old ARE you, Miz Catherine Fit Fairy?

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
>I've already suggested this Catherine on another thread. We
>will be rich and famous. Can I be next to Catherine in the
>line up????? We can share donuts while the camera is on
>Soosan. Oh this will be such fun!!

And I've already suggested the line-up on another thread. It would be HB, Briee and Catherine in the front doing their billion reps, Janie, Kathryn, and now Teddygirl (welcome!) in the middle with Teddygirl doing one every now and then and Kathryn and Janie almost getting there, and then Melody, Joanne and I in the back wearing yellow modification shirts just hanging there grunting.

I like the donut idea, Briee, but I think we should have X talk about them on camera after the workout, kind of like the way the recovery drink is discussed on the P90X DVD's. We would discuss their nutritional value and perhaps even sell them.

BTW, what's your Tuesday night class?
I'll be 40 next month. I think that's fairly well seasoned. Well, I learn something everyday. I actually enjoy life more the older I get!!


BTW: Briee, you asked about my progress. See the 5.12 checkin

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