chin-up check in 07/18


I can't believe how all the other checkins are way above us, so I started a new thread.:7

I'm doing legs and core today, but had to say Good Day Chinsters.
Thanks for catching that, Melody. I suggest each of us takes a turn monitoring the check-in forum for a few hours a day so that it never happens again.:p

I did Imax2 1-6, followed by the second half of Yoga X, including yoga belly. Doing a week of nothing but yoga and Pilates has significantly improved my flexibility and balance. I wish I had the time to do it more.

I guess I'll be doing my chins tomorrow.
I've been a bad girl. I'm on week 3 of P90X and haven't done Yoga once!! I know how good it is for me, but somehow I just can not make myself do it. I even have PY4Y and told myself to do the 30 min and didn't do that!! What a slacker. Yoga is so helpful to me. I am so inflexable. Oh well, guess I should just make myself!!

Hi Sooooooooooooosan! Glad you're joining the patrol:p Your post has made me decide to do yoga/pilates while at the beach.

Catherine, I'm going to look for my yoga whip to get you going with that yoga.:eek:

On my way to GS legs and core work now.
Drats, can't find the darn yoga whip. Maybe it's in that room we loosely call an office. It's my next clean out project.:7

Oh well, GO DO SOME YOGA MISSY CATHERINE!!!!!!!!! Or I'll send my DSs along with their "Chicken Dance" CD to your house.:eek: :+
Briee doesn't like yoga either. I wonder what makes it click with some people and not with others. Do you otherwise like to stretch, Catherine? Would you rather sub Stretch Max or X Stretch for yoga? Flexibility is an important component of fitness, but I don't see why it has to be in the form of yoga if you don't like it.
Melody, how long are you going to the beach and which beach are you going to? You'll love doing yoga and Pilates while on vacation. It's a good way to let your body recover, but still feel like you're doing something (which, of course, you are).
Another yoga slacker here. I've done the Eoin Finn a couple of times. I love stretching and do that almost everyday but for only about 5 minutes. I like yoga but for just maybe 10 or 15 minutes. Then I start getting bored. I know it is good for me and should do it more.

I'm going to go work on my chins as soon as my breakfast settles.

Hi Chinsters,

Well, I've been very bad lately. I've had 2 family reunions this month, and not much time to do my routines/rotations. So I think I'm back at square one. My schedule for today is cardio, and tomorrow are chin ups and pull ups. I'm afraid, but all I can do is not quit and just continue on.

I'm so proud of you all, you are great to share your experiences, and with that inspire me once again. I'll never quit, ever! But darn, you know? I'm still advanced though, but barely.

Take care everyone, I enjoy you all,


"If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all."
-My mother, Mary Cooper-
Janie, now that's dedication. You just jump right back in there with both feet!!

Do not underestimate how hard chinups are. And give yourself credit for slight gains. I can clearly remember when I felt like "I'll never be able to do one" Then I felt like well I'll never be able to do 2,... Tell yourself you can and you will!!

I get so much inspiration from you ladies. It's awesome to come here and share our successes and our woes. And there's no judgement here. Well, except Melody's after me with her yoga whip ;-) We are all at different levels in our chinup quest, but that absolutely doesn't mean that one is working any harder than another. As Tony Horton says "do your best and forget the rest!"

OK, I'm done philosophizing

Well, I motivated myself to go workout with my last post. I missed yesterday's workout because I had to work late. Well this afternoon I have been talking myself out of working out all afternoon. It's too hot, I'm too tired, no really I am TOO TIRED!! I'll just do it tomorrow, it's ok. Well after all that negative talk coming here and posting inspired me and I am done with Shoulders and Arms!! Yippee. Told ya you all are motivating!!!

HI Joanne, Sooosan, Janie and Catherine

Great attitude Janie. We'll get day...maybe not one day soon...but one day.:)

Joanne and Catherine, line up, I found the yoga whip.}( :eek: :+

Sooosan, we love Harbor Island. It's a private beach off the coast of Beufort, SC. No stores, no movies, no shopping strips, no video arcades, etc. just homes and condos and a beautiful pristine beach. We spend the days boogey boarding, frolicking, exploring, building sand castles, crabbing, net fishing, watching the sea turtles, dolphins, shrimp boats...can you tell I'm ready to go back?!!

Off to "beach dream" now. Have a good night you great gals.:)
I did Yoga tonight for about 17 minutes and it felt great. I'm starting to get more comfortable with his routine. My legs had it after the 17 minutes so I had to quit (some of those poses really get me). Thanks gals for the push to do more Yoga -plus I got scared of the whip :)

Worked on the chins today too.

Janie, so nice to see you posting! Sometimes life just gets in the way of sticking to an exercise routine. The main thing is that you always come back to it. Good for you and thanks for your always sweet and inspiring posts!:)

Catherine, I'm glad you're taking Melody's yoga whip to heart. Yoga X is a great routine, but I often subbed in shorter routines when I did the 90-day rotation. Even 30 minutes is better than nothing and actually quite beneficial. Good for you for making yourself do Shoulders & Arms. You would've regretted not doing it. Now I need someone to crack the whip to get me back to doing chins. I've done some lame attempts from a dead hang, but haven't felt up to doing negatives since I got back from Maine. I did the long routine (80 min) of Eoin's PY4H yesterday and will do MM later this morning, but for some reason I don't feel physically ready to do the negatives.

Melody, Harbor Island sounds wonderful. When are you leaving? I liked your comment to Janie about how we'll be doing chins one day, even if it's not soon. I agree that it's bound to happen one day if we keep plugging away. Thanks for that reminder!:)

Joanne, yay for you for doing 17 minutes of yoga (not that you were counting)! Did you do PY4H? Which poses get to you?

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