Hey gang! How're you hanging? LOL!
How come no one's said anything about a chin up since the start of this post?
Catherine, you look wonderful! I love your arms. You've worked hard, and it shows.
I did assisted chins/pulls today, in P90Xs Back & Biceps routine. Attempted a few unassisted chins, and got myself up, but not really high enough to count. I also did some 5-count down chins. You know, I think I'll embrace the chin/pull up challenge with greater enthusiasm post P90X, when I intend to add only a handful here and there, not do a trillion of them, in a bazillion different ways!
Briee - feel better soon! Yes, the flu is great for getting rid of the junk. But it sucks. How many kids you got, btw? I remember you from the Fit Moms check in, and if IIRC, you have at least one young one, don't you?
Tomorrow is yogax.....Ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........