chicago chicago chicago

Trish, be patient. Not as many people on the boards on Sunday evening. I believe there are quite a few Chicago folks here. Myself, I am 2 hours downstate in that other state Illinois.:7
hello, hello, hello!! I currently live in Naperville..and am a faithful Cathe follower...Although my eating habits would not indicate this, just my workout routines...:)

let me know if you need any help and support..I'm online(usually a lurker) most evenings...:D

Holy smokes, you probably ran within a block of my house. I almost did the walk that morning because it was my birthday and a good way to celebrate 45 would have been to do that.
Yeah, I've done the 5K before, I live .25 from the HS. Flat, funny, Mahomet is one of the hillier spots around here!! But it is flat, flat, flat here. Fun to have friends come in that never have seen it and how many miles you can see in the country.
Just wanted to say hi to all of you Chicago people as Des Plaines is my home town and I go back home often. I love the Windy City!

I'm just checking in too. I'm orginally from the Evanston/Skokie area but am now living in the South. I was back in Chicago in September and had a great time (as always). I really miss the food. You can't get a decent pizza here to save your life.

The first thing I do when I get into Chicago is go out for pizza. My favorite place is Gullivers - on the north side bordering Evanston. They use to have places in Skokie and Niles but Chicago is their only location now. I also miss the pastries. All we have is Krispy Kremes and the bakeries that are in the grocery store. There use to be a great bakery in Skokie. The owners were Austrian and made the best pastries. It's a good thing I don't live up there now. I would be as big as a house!!
Jane- Also a transplanted Chicagoan in the south! I went to college in Chicago and was stationed at Great Lakes for 3 years.

I do so miss the pizza!!! I saw on FoodTV the other night (Deen boys went to Chicago) and Lou Malinati's delivers! Oh, the pastries, as well!! There was a to-die-for German/Austrian bakery on Lincoln Ave in the city. We used to go there all the time, especially around GermanFest and hit the bakery!!! YUM!
Hi Amy-

I have ordered pizza through Lou Malinati's. Not exactly the same as in person but if you need a "fix" it works out pretty good. They offer a whole Chicago package with ribs, hot dogs and cheesecake. As far as pastries, I use to work in Chicago and my boss would bring in pastries from a Polish bakery. They were HUGE and so good!! Oh my...I'm making myself hungry!!
My DH and I totally miss Carson's ribs!!! I miss the massive pork chops too!!! YUM! Oh, my stomach is growling!

You're right, I ordered from Lou's a year ago and it was good, just not the same.
Oh yes, Lou Malinati's and Carson's Ribs. My brother lives close to Lou Malinati's so we do get the pizza from there once in a while. YUM! Oh and yes, the bakeries!

I went to Wrigley Field for a Cubs game in August. My Mom use to take us there a lot when we were kids. It brought back such great memories.

I use to go to Wrigley Field all the time when I was in college. We use to sit in the bleachers. It was first-come, first-serve seating back then and only cost $1.50 - $2.00. We had the best time. One time my twin sister and I were propositioned by a New York Met player. That is probably the most memorable experience I had while sitting in the bleachers. I have just wonderful memories of Wrigley. I only wish the Cubs would play better.
I used to walk past Wrigley Field all the time on my way to work when I was in college. I babysat at a brownstone several blocks away!

I know that Eli's is a Chicago thing, but for cheesecake, I have to go with Junior's from NYC! Forget NY pizza, though!!

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