Carole :: yeowch on the lifter's shoulder! That's something I don't think I could watch, either...Christine said when she eats cheese, people may not want to be in the same room w/ her. :)...Fun way to cool off at the end of a steamy run.

Wendy :: I think it was a combination of the heat & illness in Athens that did Radcliffe in, if I recall correctly. I remember she collapsed in the later part of the course.

Christine :: Hey, that's awesome you have found a compatible riding partner and may get into the racing.

Linda :: welcome back! Glad you enjoyed yourselves. Good job still getting in some runs while away...thanks for the feedback on the hand-held. I think it may be my best option...Glad your stomach issues have passed. That is NO fun when it happens out on a run.

Wendi: Have a blast with DSO! You truly do deserve it. I am so sorry about your friend. :(

Cathy: It makes me laugh how much we have in common. I did not mention that I LOVE crab cakes too. I tried to make them once...I will stick with the restaurant variety. :) I also really am enjoying your blog. Great run, even though it was tough. I will be skimming my book too. :eek: Oh well. We are doing a book study from what I gather from the letter so I am not too worried about it. I am ready to go back. I have gone to school today, made the seating chart, etc. I am a wierdo and do not do well with lots of time off, as I have said here MANY times already. I just told DH to remind me to never take the summer off again. It works for most, just not me, which is fine. You enjoy this time to its fullest! :) I hope you are having a nice, relaxing evening.

Lorie: IA with Cathy...very admirable work you are doing for those sweet animals. It is sad when people mean well and then just can't do it. At least you got to work out some this week. :)

Wendy: Congrats on getting the nine miler done today!! I am going to have to up the mileage too since I have a race at the end of September. It is only a ten miler though. That is cool DH will be running with you. My DH wastes me too whenever he decides to do something athletic. I am glad DS likes his new bed. :)

Carole: I was good with the pizza the other night. Only two slices, back in the day it would have been a whole five or six! Yes, gymnastics is an interesting sport. I admire their strength. I know it is not an Olympic sport, but I have always liked ballet too. I was lucky, in 4th and 5th grade we got to go down state and see a ballet company perform the Nutcracker Ballet Suite. I loved it. What a nice treat you had at the end of your long run. :)

Judy: I am glad to hear that your cross trainers helped with the golf. :)

Dallas: That is great DH will be tracking his nutrition with you. I have not checked out your photos yet...will soon. :) Congrats on the new nephew!! I am not one to want to hold them. I am afraid I will hurt it since they are so fragile! LOL! I bet running would be good therapy for your DH. Maybe with some luck you can talk him into it. :) Sorry about the stomach issues.

Karen: Congrats on the finish!!!! You did GREAT with the race and all the goodies too! :) Hope the party was fun!

Christine: I have been eyeing that brand of shoes for a while now. I may have to take the plunge pretty soon. My BFs are dealing with a loved dog who is like Kimo. Good days, bad days. That is great you have a new biking friend! I hope your heel isn't bothering you too much any more. So when is the next bike race??? ;) I bet you would knock it out of the park! :)

Linda: Sounds like a nice vacation. Would you be willing to share some pics????? I gotta have the MT fix. :) Nice to have you back!!

Yesterday was just Rodney Yee Power Yoga, today 5 mile TM run. I have been feeling good. Nothing exciting to report. See you all in the am. Maybe afternoon since I am working out and then going to school for a bit. Good night! :)
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