Hi cheetahs! Back again for another great cheetahfix
I finished with an energizing 3 mile interval run and enjoying some coffee and cheetahtime now before going on to some Rodney Yee Yoga.
Thomasina- So nice to hear from ya!! hey if you are lurking today...
I ran a 25 mile endurance race against a mule last October.... and the mule won!! I thought of you, my favorite cheetahmule! We miss you! Congrats on that fabulous rock star award, that is an amazing accomplishment. I hope you will pop in now and then and let us know how it is going with your weight loss goal!
Lori- I bet you are looking forward to some nice quality time with your cute little DS!! Snoozeaerobics.... my favorite workout!!!
;-) ;-)
Judy- I'm betting that you are going to surprise the heck out of yourself with this 5k next Sat!!! If you'd like some more advice re: 5k race prep you can try Hal Higdons web site. He has training programs and advice for all races. I think your prep has been great and you are in fantastic shape, you'll have a blast!!!
Kristi- Great job with the interval run there!!!
Christine- Aw, that little cutie is very hard to resist!!! I can see why your DH was so tempted, but I don't blame you for passing! Puppy raising is hard enough with only one! That is so great you are taking that couple out to dinner. I bet it means the world to them.... LOL about the granddogs!
Wendi- How nice to hear from ya sweetie! Hey, you're only human, like us all and we've all been there, done that re: backsliding a bit. Not to worry, you are approaching it very sensibly and you'll be back on track and feeling better soon
BTW.... your boss
is just jealous IMHO!!
Carole- Ahhh the foam roller..... good idea!! I think I'll do a nice long session with it today. Did you get the final race instructions from the LV marathon site? I like the idea of the disposable timer device! BTW.... nice looking running wear!!!
Jackie- You've convinced me to get the HILO dome workout! I like Amy's style also and her workouts do keep improving. I really have enjoyed the ASCII. I'll treat myself to this one after my marathon.
Susan- Good luck with the shopping frenzy day, but you are a pro at shopping.... as I have personally witnessed;-).
Wendy- Sorry your work day was so crappy! I guess it's the time of year. You are a braver woman than I.... I simply couldn't handle a room full of active yelling munchkins!! Hope your nap is a nice long restorative one.
Cathy- Have a nice day at work?
I think I'm pretty well caught up now!
tata for now