:::: Cheetahs :::: Tues., 12/5

Shelly - that's what I thought (I know anything under 100 is normal - and this was 102 - not that high). Oh well, I'm getting cholesteral and a liver panel done (mom died of liver cancer). So at least that will be good.

LD - I love the GS series - they are nice and hard core, without being tedious. I'm doing the GS series for each body part, so it's about 20 minutes each day, which allows me an hour of cardio or lower body with the weights and some abs 3 days a week. Which is a total of about 90 minutes.

Hey - we're going today to pick out our Napa Condo!!! Yeah! I wasn't going to go as I have to work, but we found out it's at 4PM in San Francisco, so I asked my boss and bless her heart she told me to go. So, we'll probably end up having dinner in San Fran as well! YUM! Nice thing about this area is that every restaurant treats vegetarians well.
Christine, Have you ever eaten at House Of Nanking on Kearney St? It's a hole in the wall restaurant that has had a line out the door everytime we have eaten there. It's awesome!
Elaine – no I haven’t! May have to try it. Thanks!! I love restaurants like that. I’m excited to be leaving early today as I’m sick of pretending to be busy when there is nothing going on… :+
Hello cheetahs,
I am checking in late today. I had a chiro appointment and I just got back from my regular doctor. My doctor did an exam and checked the reflexes and did some feeling around. She is referring me to a physical therapist and she wants me to stop any impact exercising and I can just do the elliptical or the bike. She said to keep strength training and to be careful with too much stretching and also to make sure I am doing the right stretches. She also gave me a non steroidal pain relief tablets call Naproxen. I am feeling good about this. She is not too impressed with my chiro, so I will either find a new one or just stop that for awhile. I am feeling hopeful and I am going to follow her orders to the T. I am just glad that I can still do some exercising.

Enough about me. It is a busy place around here today. I have no time for personals right now, but hopefully I will be back later. Thanks for all your encouraging words cheetahs:)


aaaahhhhhh...the massage was wonderful.......:)...I am trying for every 4 weeks.

Laurie..sounds like a fun celebration in the spa! I am so happy that worked out for you. I want some snow....:(

Colleen...well, we will see how much of the rotation I really do...:)...I sure have missed the GS series, looks like lots of us have...

Sunny...yes, I am liking the GS's again! Sounds like you got in a great workout.

Elaine...I know how you can feel with the after marathon letdown. But I think the new Cathe's and some Jari will perk you right up! I am not sure yet how the endurance is affecting my heavier lifting as I didn't go real heavy on the GS workouts yesterday as I was getting the massage today and she loves to focus on the sore areas!!

Christine...yes B&G is going to be an alltime glute killer! Sounds like you need a massage!! I know YOU could do my rotation...:)..I put off X-mas shopping, decorating and cards...every year. I take after my Dad, he was the GRINCH. Enjoy your dinner in SF.

Wendy..sorry about your crazy day and not being able to run.

Jess...that is awful about the hose. Those kind of things drive me batty when I get new things and can't use them yet..Good idea to put off running if the roads are slick. So what is "Hustle up the Hancock?"

Shelly...hope you don't get too warmed up in the 30 degree temp for you run..:)..I thought your pic was cute...your DH should have gotten a butt shot so we could see the bow!

LD...good workout! I have not done CF in its entirety yet.

So I did get in my run but got into cleaning up some clutter before my massage so GS legs will be my workout this afternoon.
hey ladies,

a couple of you mentioned me having sciata...i think you responded to the wrong person i do not have sciata. thanks for the tips though...lol

wendy- or anyone else with itreads, on the website you can download them into your mp3 player. can you also load them into your ipod? if so, can anyone tell me how. btw- i am not computer saavy:p

carole- i want a massage.....lol. glad you enjoyed.

thanks ladies...
Isn't Naproxen, Aleve?
That is what I took for my PF until my doc prescribed ibuprofen. Glad you are following doc's orders. Hope you are feeling tip top soon!
elaine sure you can join me in being bad.

okay,here it goes, if you have a weak stomach beware! My brother works in a gas station that has a subway attached to it and some of the people there havent been very nice to him. a girl at the subway place made him a sub sandwich and he found out later that she spit in it. she admitted it and said she didnt know why she did it and that she was sorry. subway only put her on probation. which everyone else feels she should be fired!! I was going to go over to say something to her but by the time I got off work she had done left. I think that so low as a human being to do that to someone. my brother is the nicest guy but has that look to him I guess to pick on him or something. talk with you all later!!

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