Cheetahs Thursday 8/31

Cathy: So!?!? Well? Tell us all about the race girl!:)

Barb: Jeesh you are a busy lady! THREE parties in ONE weekend??? God bless your heart! I would have an attack! LOL

Katie: Sorry to hear that your back is still giving you trouble...I think I caught it! LOL I woke up this morning in pain too!:-(

Gayle: Why did the rain scare you? Was it raining hard?

Mattea: I took Carole's advice and I laid off the hills. I played with speed a bit but kept the run short. HSTA is causing me multiple DOMS days here!}( Sorry about your reaction to the meds...that had to be a bit scarey! Glad you are better now though.

Jess: Napmax is PERFECT for the miserable weather we've been having. I have tropical storm ERNESTO to thank! x(

Elaine: 90 minutes on the elliptical!? You go girl! There are definately good points to not having a schedule but bad points too. I find myself floundering around, procrastinating on housework, being lazy, getting bored. I am also missing the social interaction with adults that the work place brings to a person. I love my son more than anything in the world but I need to talk to adults a little bit more now! LOL My race is saturday (EEEK!:eek: ). It starts at 9am but I am aiming to be there for about 8.

Christine: I can't wait to hear your HSTA report!:)

So now I am hearing that thanks to ERNESTO there is a very good chance that my race will be VERY rainy! x( x( x( I wouldn't mind too much if it were a road race but it's alot of dirt/gravel trails AND lots of hills. Potentially hazardous conditions when wet. I'm scared!:-( I don't want to run this race and end up with some ridiculously slow time b/c of the weather! I was hoping to try to beat my practice time but now I'm thinking it's not going to happen. Granted it was a bit rainy during the practice but I have a feeling it could much worse on Saturday! ACK! Sorry for complaining. I'm just really bummed about this. :-(

I have legs on tap for today but I feeling quite beat up so I'm not sure what to do. I woke up with a pain in my back as well as a general feeling of aches and pains and doms in my entire body. I will give it a chance to subside and see how I feel in a little while. At that point I will decide what to do today.
Hi cheetahs!

The race went well...I'm not sure of my exact time, but it was somewhere around 30 minutes. Results should be posted sometime today. My friend struggled a bit but hung in there and seems open to doing future races. It was fun running with a partner, but I was tempted to pull ahead. I'm definitely slower than I used to be (still carrying around a few excess pounds) but felt strong. I just love kicking it in at the finish when others are dying out. :) Afterward, a couple of our friends met us for beers--an unusual post-race activity, but that's what makes the night races a little different...and FUN. :)

Jess :: sorry about your migraine...they're the worst! I know you have a scrip for it, but next time, try chugging some Gatorade at the very onset of your symptoms. I swear it helps. I haven't had a migraine in a long time (knock wood), but someone gave me that trick. Something about the electrolytes really knocks it out. It doesn't eliminate the migraine but does seem to speed recovery time and reduce the intensity somewhat.

I agree it is perfect weather for NapMax. I am going to take it easy this some schoolwork...and will make up my mind about my workout this afternoon.

Wendy :: If I were you, I might take today as a complete rest day on account of the aches and pains. You want to be totally fresh for Saturday. As for the weather, I would say try not to psych yourself out too much or make too many expectations for your first race. I'd set a general goal (maybe under 30 or whatever your normal training time is), and just go out and have a good time. I know you did a practice run, but I think you'll probably need to get used to the feel of the race, the distance, and esp. how to pace yourself. Remember not to go out too hard in the beginning -- you may be tempted to get swept up in the flow. A good hard rain will likely slow you down some. I did the AC half years ago -- two hours of being out there in pounding rain -- it wasn't fun, but I'll tell you, braving all kinds of conditions made me feel like one tough cheetah!

Well, I'll be poppin' in again during the day. When school starts, I'm sure I won't have this kind of time anymore. :-(

Hello to all who follow...have a great Thursday...stay dry and run hard, cheetahs!
Cathy :)
Morning, I'm coffee swilling and mentally preparing for 8K before work this morning. Haven't mapped it out yet but it is sunny and cool so it should be a nice run. I can't believe that tomorrow is September 1st and the kids are back to school Tuesday. It brought back nice memories watching Elizabeth sit on her bed last night organizing binders and pens and such. All things are possible at the first of the school year, a clean slate:) Seems like she just started kindergarten and here she is starting her senior year :-( ...kinda bittersweet:)

Wendy, you should be so proud of yourself and how far you have come with your running! It takes so much physical and mental energy to rise to a new challenge and you've put in your miles (literally and figuratively) do not give Ernesto permission to take away your positive energy, you'll be needing that to focus and achieve your goal. I don't want to preach to you Hon but screw Ernesto and the 'chance of rain'. You've taken control of all that you can control in so much as your preparedness for the race goes. Surrender to the things that you cannot change. The race is yours to run, all else is circumstance. Positively no negativety!!:* Get excited Girl!!:)

Hello to all you fabulous Cheetahs!! Better map 'n GO!!!

Take Care

ETA: Hey Cathy, congrats on your run!!!! I think your method of post run de-briefing sounds perfect;-)
Hi, ladies.

Wendy-I agree with Laurie. Take the bull by the horns and RUN, GIRL!

Cathy-Great job on the run!

Hi, Laurie. Tears are in order (for me, at least) at every milestone in school. And I mean EVERY milestone. I am such a sap. I cry at everything, from the first bus trip of the year to the school skits to the holiday shop fundraiser! LOL

OK.........cold morning here, but it woke me right up and earlier than normal, actually! I was up at 5:15am and in the basement by 5:30! Did 4 miles followed by Leaner Legs. Ouch! Now, I'm suiting up for an hour walk with my neighbor/friend.

Greetings Cheetahs-

Wendy- I agree about not doing legs this morning. Listen to your aches and pains. Perhaps yoga may be better preceded by a nice walk with that sweet Joey in the jogging stroller. :)

Today will be the elliptical and and shoulders and biceps. I never got back to doing shoulders yesterday after cleaning the lower level and taxiing the younger kids.

Time to go get busy :7

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Cathy, Laurie and Gayle: Thanks for the encouraging words. It means alot to me! You gals are the bestest! :+ :* :D

Cathy: Great time race time girl! I couldn't run a 5k that fast even if it were flat!

Laurie: Hope you have a good run this morning.

Gayle: WOW, I could never get up THAT early and exercise...ESPECIALLY when Meaner Legs is on the agenda! :eek: I bow down to you woman! LOL
Good morning cheetahs

Wendy...good workout yesterday. I will have to revisit HSTA with you and Christine. A chance of rain in the 5K?...not a problem for a tough cheetah like you!! One thing we can never control...the weather, just remember your training and that all of us are pulling for you...:)..I agree too if your muscles are still sore from HSTA do something light and easy today...

Cathy...good job in the 5K! That was good running with a friend. Don't feel bad, I've gotten slower myself...and that you felt so strong is a good thing!!

Laurie...great news about Andy!! I have those bad eating days too....I try to do it before a long run...:)..enjoy your 8K today!!

Judy...enjoy your elliptical workout and shoulders today... have a very busy weekend coming up! Glad you are keeping up with your workouts as that can be tough thru all this planning. Thank you, I am hoping DH will keep it up!! sorry about your back. Have you tried icing the sore area for about 15 min?

Gayle...ouch in the triceps is good...:)..sorry about the rain but it sounds like you got in a good TM workout yestaerday. Good workout early today! LL is a tough one...

Mattea...sorry about the meds making you sick...the intervals were fun...:)..a powerless lawnmower...YEOW!!!

Elaine...maybe get some Zinc to take, sometimes that can help ward off colds. Any of the upper body P90X is good, I prefer Cathe's legwork over any P90X legwork. The first three weeks of this rotation I did P90X Shoulders & Arms and Chest & Back from Cathe S&H or GS, now on this week (and the next 2) I am doing P90X Chest, Shoulders and Triceps, then P90X Back & Biceps. I usually throw in an endurance workout later in the week for shoulders, tris and bis and work my legs with Cathe twice a week standing and once a week floor. Hope your 24 DVD makes it to you!!

Christine...thanks for the CC's...:)...enjoy those leg presses on your new high step!! Yes...forgot to say yesterday...everything down there is 15 min away!!!...:)...and you are tall....but I am also short...GS floor gets my hamstrings but L&G gets my Butt...

Tomasina...HI!...nice to see you quickly...:)

I am doing S&H legs and a 20 min iClimb plus a 30 min program on my Elliptical.

Have a great day...:)
G'morning ladies! It ended up being a sleep-in day for me. Erin was told no running for a couple more days from the chiro & Melissa was just going to treadmill. I still didn't feel very well last night so I think I needed the sleep. I've got that post- migraine yuck feeling today. I hate that!! Plus my allergies/ sinuses are going nuts. I'm trying to decide what to do, I had thought about KickMax or maybe just taking Allison out for a jog/ walk. We got a new innertube for the jogger & Greg fixed it for me- yeah! I had wanted to do MM today too. Decisions decisions....

I'm definitely feeling like I'm ready to just get the 20 miler out of the way!!! Bring it on Saturday!

I'll let you know what I decide to do! Have a great day!

Well ladies, I hate to say this, but I think I am out of commission for awhile.;( ;( My back starting hurting so bad that it gave me a massive migraine. I had to take Vicodine (which I HATE) in order to get through the night last night. I woke up at 2:30 this morning in so much pain that I had to take another one. This morning, I can barely move. I ache from the backs of my legs, through my glutes, up my spine, up my neck and to my head. I have the migraine again and can't bend over or look down. I am going to the doctor today, but I have a feeling he's not going to be able to find anything. Anyway, I think that running is going to be out for awhile. DH thinks I probably have a compressed vertabrae or something. Anyway, I want to cry so bad, but know that if I do I'm only going to make my headache worse. Anyway, thanks for all your thoughts. We'll see how the doctor visit goes today. The worst part of it all is that I can't miss work today. It's month end and one girl is already leaving early.
Oh, to add insult to injury, I am starting to get a sore throat too.

Wendy - Good luck on Saturday. Take it easy if you ache. Don't push it!!! I know from experience.;(

Good Morning Cheetahs!

Wendy – haven’t gotten HSTA yet! I really hope I get it today, although I’m feeling L&G now, but that’s pretty standard. L&G always gets me! I agree with Cathy that a light cardio or rest day is in order. Especially with your up coming run! And you’ll come through this too! My first 12k was in the pouring rain and it was one of the best runs of my life. It can’t get too hot when it’s raining – so that’s a plus! You’re going to do so well – even if you do not quite get the time you hope – and we’re all here cheering you on!

Cathy – WAY TO GO!! Sounds like fun to run with you friend! And beer and pasta! The half I ran in Sonoma had wine tasting, so yeah, I know what you mean about not the usual post-race activity.

Laurie – My kids are in their second week of school, so I can sympathize! I also have a senior – impossible to believe! {{HUGS}} as I know how hard it is to see them grow up sooo fast! Have a great 8k!

Gayle – Wow! You’re really going now! 4 miles at 5:30AM? I’m impressed!!

Judy – have a great workout!! Sounds like you got plenty of CleanMax and DriveMax in yesterday!

Carole – No worries! The CC’s were sitting around my house collecting dust. Glad to have them gone (I have enough dust collectors as is!).

Jess – Sorry you’re feeling yucky today! I hope you feel better soon!! *Sends healing vibes*

Katie – another sick Cheetah! I’m sooo sorry! *sends healing vibes to Katie, too*

Today is a scheduled rest day, so I may just do some yoga and core, or I may do nothing. My poor dad – moves to North Carolina and one of his first visitors is Tropical Storm Ernesto! He’s doing well, though. I do love the beach during storms – wish I were there! DD13 is a Broadway fanatic, so we watched Fiddler on the Roof last night together – free on On Demand from Comcast! What a great movie! I really enjoyed it.
Hey Ladies, I love, love, loved my run this morning. 8k in just under 48 minutes including 2 hills and a long incline. I think it helped me go faster to keep reminding myself that if I slowed down I would definitely be late for work and I was opening the clinic. Didn't get to stretch much and my legs are letting me know it now. I'll try to stretch before going back to work.

Judy, hope you enjoyed your elliptical workout. Alot of Cheetahs lovin' their ellipticals lately!!

Carole, I haven't pulled out SH legs in ages, maybe I'd best wait until after my half for that;-) A month from tomorrow we RUN, I'm getting very excited!!!:)

Jess, sorry you're feeling the migraine hangover today but I'm loving your attitude about Saturday!

Katie, I feel so bad for you, back pain is awful and hard to work through. You will feel better soon!! I hope your doctor can give you some answers and strategies to get out of pain as quick as possible!

Christine, I'm embarrassed to say that I've never seen Fiddler On the Roof, love the music though. Hope you enjoyed your rest day yoga, core or nothing:+ :)

I gotta go stretch these legs or I won't be of much use to my clients this afternoon..

Take Care
I got HSTA today. Is this really as tough as it looks? I've never seen Cathe breath as heavily through an entire workout as she does this one, not even IMax 3! I'm very afraid! But also very excited...

I have this scheduled after an interval run... I'm thinking maybe turn that into an easy run, then do HSTA.
Okay, I'm back from the doctor. My spine is fine (they took some x-rays), but my muscles are all out of whack. She said that the muscles in my back are so stiff that she can see them sticking out of my back when I bend over. She wants me to start PT next week to work the muscles out and get them back to normal. In the meantime, she gave me muscle relaxers and anti-inflamatory medicine. Then, on top of all that, I have a bacterial infection as well. She put me on antibiotics. I have a fever and she thinks that is what is causing the headaches. So, I'm going to take it easy for the next week or so and see how things go.

I'm off to take a nap!

Oh Katie! That does not sound fun! What do you need to do to prevent that? More stretching? I hope you're feeling better soon!!! {{HUGS}} and healing vibes!
I hope you got a good nap!! That sounds so painful!! Back pain & an infection too!! You poor thing! Definitely take it easy as much as possible!

Well, I ended up taking Allison for a 3 mile walk/ little bit of jogging this morning. I just didn't have my usual energy this morning & just enjoyed being outdoors. Then we played outside for a while & while she napped I did MM. I was feeling pretty good by then & even upped my weights on a couple sets! ;-)

We took a nice walk after dinner too so I guess that was all my exercise for the day! Tomorrow's my rest day but I'll do my pilates & maybe some yoga!

Have a great night!


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