Cheetahs Thursday 7/20


G'Morning to my Kitties!;)

Well I'm hittin' the road in a bit and will see how it goes. My knee seems to be okay so we'll see what happens. :)

I'm off to my sister's for a visit today so I won't be around much after this morning. I'll try to catch up tonight when I get home.

I'll come back and post the results of my run when I done....

Have a great day!:)
Wendy- I hope your road run goes well. If your knee gives you pain, remember to ice it.

Today is upper body and abs and stretch. But I have to go to the old house this morning to meet the carpet cleaners and clean it up a bit before closing.

Last night I walked with DH for about 45-60" on some very steep hills. It felt good and my hip did not bother me at all after wards. It is most bothersome when getting up from a longish sit likea car ride or dinner out. Fortunately, I am not sitting much with this move!
Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Another hot & humid day out there already!! We did 5.5 miles w/ a couple walk breaks. Came home to guzzle guzzle more water!!

I think I'll just do PLB stability work in a minute & do the new WP Body ball pilates again later.

Sorry I haven't posted personals, y'day was busy w/ 6 kids here (babysitting my friends 3) & spent a few hrs at the pool. I'm getting so tan!!

It's supposed to rain today so I think we'll go run some errands. I've got to pick out a few outfits to take w/ me CA. Mainly just casual stuff- one workout outfit, a casual *after workout* outfit, and another regular casual outfit. The lady that did the wardrobe last time is doing it again, she's really awesome! That's the fun part- wardrobe & hair/ makeup! ;-)

Well, want to get PLB ball done now & then shower!! Have a great Thursday!

So I am back from my run. My knee was "acting funny" at first so I had to stop a couple times quickly but after that it seemed to be OKAY. It felt a bit wierd but didn't hurt.

I completed 2 miles in 23.32 minutes. I am learning that I have to keep my outdoor runs at a slower pace if I want to log the mileage. If I try to run as fast as I do on the TM then I can't make it as far....

Well, I just finished my breakfast and now must hit the showers. Gotta be out the door in an hour! Going to visit my sister for the day with my mom and my son!

I won't be back until this evening...I'll try to catch up then!:)
Good morning cheetahs! After I leave work this am I'll hit the trails for a 6 mile hilly run. It's cooled off a bit here lately so it should be tolerable.

Wendy- your run sounded encouraging (knee wize that is) Good job!
Outdoor runs are bound to go slower than the TM but you're doing great! Have a good time with your family. :)

Judy- Sounds like your new house is coming along. BTW I LOVE the name of your kitties!!!

Jess- Another muggy run for our celebrity cheetah! Will you let us know what channels, times etc, we will be able to see your infomercial?

Christine- poor little Tuckertoo! I hope he's all recovered now. I wish I could run with one of my dogs. They just get too crazy!

I'll check back later! Hi to all you other fabulous cheetahs!!!!!

Good morning cheetahs it is not real humid here like say back east. We have days when the humidity is higher than normal and yes those days are more miserable. Right now the temp is 80 and the humidity is 38%. Not real great for 5:30 AM!! Where exactly does your knee hurt?...just be careful with it...:)

Karen...thanks for checking in! Good luck in the new venture with your sister and her DH! And remodeling, you don't have time to run!! let us know how the appt goes with your Doctor...

Shelly...hope you had fun with MM. The band really burns those muscles...I do agree about the elevation being a factor. I guess I didn't consider that as I have run the shorter run 15K there for years. But it could very well be the 22 mile difference between races!! Enjoy your hilly run today...:)

Christine...sounds like a fun hike. I am glad Tucker lets you know when he is done! Okay, toys are always fun to use. I have 3 Polar HR monitors and 2 Timex GPS' just never know when you need a back up..:)

Judy...I have found it is much better to have those BM's before my run or any workout. I agree it is an awful feeling as I have suffered before from IBS and it was the clogged up version...:(...Thanks Judy, my head is much better and my heart and soul are definitely recovering...:)...I do agree about the altitude...Sounds like a nice walk with your DH. have gotten in some great workouts. And it always reminds me I should get out my slideboard...I will be running a bit less now so it might just be what I need...:)..I know that the early Polars would pick up interference from others, but I thought the newer ones did not. My sister has a Garmin and loves it. I use the Timex GPS and have not picked up any interference, but when we run together we are usually off a bit on the miles. So I don't know which one is more accurate.

Laura...nice to see you...:) what city in Cal do you go to? Have fun with PLB..

I'll be doing a 5 mile run, GS Chest & Tri's, and abs of something. Only 110 for the high today...Have a great day...:)
Glad that the knee's feeling a bit better, Wendy!! My buddy Erin has been having some knee issues & she had to turn around at mile 2 this morning because of the pain.

It's definitely a good idea to slow the pace to do longer mileage. It really helped me for the 13 mile run this past weekend to run slower & take the water breaks!!

Have fun w/ your sister & mom!

Oh yeah, another muggy run! Yuck! It's supposed to rain good today so I hope that clears some of the muggyness out of the air! I'd rather run in the rain than in that humid fog!! Enjoy your 6 mile run!! Hope it isn't too hot for you. There's no way I could run during the day w/ this weather!

Yep, I'll let you know the details. Actually, you can see me on the sculpting circle infomercial that is still airing now. I see it a lot- on my channels mainly Fox in the morning (6 or 6:30AM) but it plays on a lot of stations. I think it's just listed under Guthy-Renker for the infomercials. I'm excited because I get to work out w/ a group of ladies & Mari Winsor!! I just got my itinerary, it is all happening so fast!!!

Anyway, have a good one, Shelly!

Mornin' girls - I know I've been MIA, but summer is really kicking in to gear now and I'm just swamped. My new business adventure is going pretty good, my website should be up SOON!!! I'm so excited!

I started getting organized in all aspects last night of my life. I got out a journal and figured out a exercise rotation to incorporate, got out my Weight Watcher materials and re-read those, both core and flex, just in case I switch back and forth. I measured myself and took 'before pics (UGH - this was my major reality check).

Jess - you have inspired me to do a lot of this, I want to be 'famous' like you ;-) I've started writing my own story as well, maybe I'll be in the 'success stories' someday, too.

I very motivated to do this. I'm off to get a new haircut this afternoon to start off the whole "new me" process!!! I have fairly long hair right now and just throw it in a ponytail, well, it's time for a cutie-shorter look that will be 'professional' for my new business and 'fun' for everyday. If I can figure out how to put pics in here I will do that when I get back.

Have a great day everyone!

Carole ~ We are going to Manhattan Beach, I just found that out. Last time I was in Santa Monica which was really neat too, the Promenade & the Pier were both w/in walking distance of the hotel which was fun! But last time my Mom went with me & this time I'm going solo so it will be a little different!! I wish Greg could go w/ me, but we'd have to pay for his ticket & then no one to watch the kids. The girls are looking forward to some *Daddy time* & they'll have a blast w/out me, I'm sure. :-(

It sounds like you have a good workout planned for todya! Wow- only 110- that's almost cold! ;-) I really liked the GS Chest/ tri's, I'm still feeling it a bit today & I did it on Tues!! Have a good workout!

>Carole ~ We are going to Manhattan Beach, I just found that
>out. Last time I was in Santa Monica which was really neat
>too, the Promenade & the Pier were both w/in walking distance
>of the hotel which was fun! But last time my Mom went with me
>& this time I'm going solo so it will be a little different!!
>I wish Greg could go w/ me, but we'd have to pay for his
>ticket & then no one to watch the kids. The girls are looking
>forward to some *Daddy time* & they'll have a blast w/out me,
>I'm sure. :-(
>It sounds like you have a good workout planned for todya!
>Wow- only 110- that's almost cold! ;-) I really liked the GS
>Chest/ tri's, I'm still feeling it a bit today & I did it on
>Tues!! Have a good workout!
>Hugs, lucky girl, I love Manhattan Beach and I was born in Santa Monica! The Redondo Beach Pier is also nice if you get a chance to see it as it is not far from Manhattan. I bet your DH will like the time with the kids. Hope you take some Pics! And hey, send me some of your rain...:)
Oh, Marsha!! You about teared me up reading your post!! Seriously, I've soooo BTDT. I remember seeing my *before* shots thinking they were my *after* shots. I had hit my pre-preg weight after my 3rd dd (still overweight, but smaller than I had been) & was so excited. Well, a lot of those pictures that were my after shots ended up being my before Pilates shots!!! I remember crying when I saw pics of myself in my swim suit from our trip to FL 2 yrs ago. That's when I ordered Winsor Pilates & couldn't believe how quickly I saw changes in my body & shape!! And measurements are a great way to measure your success too. I don't go by the scale much anymore because although I haven't lost much weight in the last year I'm continuining to change shape/ drop body fat %.

You can do it! We're here to cheer you on & if you need a cheerleader I'm your girl! ;-) That's one reason that I did the infomercial, if a former *fat girl* like me can do it, anyone can do it. Seriously, I never wore below a size 10/12 even in high school (and actually more like a 14/16 after kids!), so to tell me that after 3 kids I'd be wearing a size 4 & having to buy Junior clothes in some things I'd have laughed my head off!! I actually weigh less now than I did in JR high!!!

Ok, got long. Sorry. I get all excited to see someone motivated to change & I know you can do it!

You're doing great w/ the moving, Judy!! I'm glad that the hip is feeling better. Good job listening to your body!! Enjoy your workouts today!

Thanks, Jess - I printed out your response to put in a little file for those days I want to throw in the towel. Reading it will help me stay on track.

Everyone have a wonderful day! I'm hoping to get a good run in today at some point.

Good Morning to my Cheetah Friends!

I’m trying to decide what I’m going to do today. Probably start with Step Heat and if I’m feeling up for it (a bit sore from the hike yesterday), add on the third combo of Step Jam as I did not complete it on Tuesday. It’s already hot here!

Wendy – running slow to get the miles, especially when it’s hot is a good idea. I do that as well. If you can run the distance, the speed will come. You’re doing so well!

Judy – glad to hear your hip isn’t bothering you on walks. And I know what you mean about having to dash to the restroom – that was my 10k! I didn’t enjoy the finish line as I was too worried about finding a port-a-potty!

Jess – Sounds like your trip will be a blast! Santa Monica is really nice, and you can swim in the ocean there! Have fun!!

Shelly – oh yeah, Tuckerboo is right as rain. I even mentioned a hike today and his furry butt wiggled in anticipation. Not today though – way too hot. Have fun on your 6 miler!

Carole – oh, I know what you mean. I’ll end up with more gadgets as time goes on! Oh, I wanted to tell you that SH Tri’s and Bi’s was wonderful! I really feel it in my bi’s and tri’s. Mainly I don’t as the exercises move too quickly. I’m liking the rotation.

MARCIA! Good to hear from you! Let us know when your website is up! I like to support women’s businesses!! Good luck with you reorganization! Sounds like you’re getting everything back on track! Good for you!

Happy Thursday everyone! 2 more days and I leave for Hawaii! I’m so excited! Must do wash and start packing things!
Thanks Christine! Have fun in Hawaii. My DH and I were there a couple of years ago and LOVED IT. Which island(s) are you going to be at?

Have fun - it's absolutely beautiful there. Go to the big island and see the volcano state park if you can, it is truely something to see!

Hey Ladies, I've been debating posting here and thought 'why not'!!! I'm not really a cheetah yet (and I ain't no cougar either;-) ) but I am quickly learning about the love of running. I am almost 7 weeks into a 16 week 1/2 marathon programme, we run Oct. 1. I've got lots to learn (like how the heck can I only get chafing on 1 thigh????:+) I'll be generous with the BodyGlide next run for sure!!!

Today was a 45 minute trail run along the bluffs of Lake Ontario. It was gorgeous, breezy and shady. I was a bit nervous about having to watch the ground so as not to turn an ankle (I'm inherently clumsy:+ ) but all went well and I enjoyed a luxurious stretch under the shade of some huge oaks. I came home and did PP UBx2 premix. Today was my first trail run, yesterday my first day of hill training. I am loving these new challenges and amazed at how much joy I felt running today, (sorry but I'm also inherently cheesy:D ). I am very keen to learn from you lovely, experienced cheetahs...:)

Wendy, I hope the weirdness in your knee goes away, good job on your run!

Shelly, enjoy that hilly trail and the cooler weather:)

Carole, :eek: ONLY 110!!!!:eek: I hope that's a 'dry' heat, humidity is such an energy sucker! Have a great run:)

Christine, happy stepping! Step was always my favourite cardio, now it's a toss up between that and running! A trip to Hawaii eh? Sounds fantabulous!!!:)

Thanks for letting this green runner join in, I'm annoying my non running friends with my 'running this and running that' ways lately, I'm happy to find a place to rave about my newest challenge:) Have a great day all!

Take Care
Marcia - we're going to Maui. I know DH and I at least (if we can get the kids up, they're welcome to join us, if not - their loss) are planning on doing the bus ride up to the volcano on Maui at 5AM and bike ride down the volcano. It's supposed to be incredible!

Laurie - WELCOME!!! We are all levels here - some green, some heavily seasoned. It's a great group with no cattiness despite the name... :+ We're always happy to have someone else join us!! Isn't trail running great? It's my favorite kind of running. Nothing like the feel of running through the trees and over all sorts of terrain. I did have a friend one time tell me though, that there are two kinds of trail runners - those who have fallen and those who will - so watch those feet and the overhanging limbs! I, personally, belong in the first group. :p

I did Step Heat and the third Combo of Step Jam. They are certainly interesting! And Cathe's voice is so deep!! These are nice light cardio. Nothing too challenging. If you're step challenged, start with these. I enjoyed them, though. Something different. I'm not sure about Step Max - I can't get past the cutsie purple butt floss leotards with the white shorts with purple flowers... Does anyone like this one?
> I did have a friend one
>time tell me though, that there are two kinds of trail runners
>- those who have fallen and those who will - so watch those
>feet and the overhanging limbs! I, personally, belong in the
>first group. :p
>I did Step Heat and the third Combo of Step Jam. They are
>certainly interesting! And Cathe's voice is so deep!! These
>are nice light cardio. Nothing too challenging. If you're
>step challenged, start with these. I enjoyed them, though.
>Something different. I'm not sure about Step Max - I can't
>get past the cutsie purple butt floss leotards with the white
>shorts with purple flowers... Does anyone like this one?

:)Thanks for your welcoming words Christine. I appreciate you sharing your friend's words of wisdom, I will be vigilant but am willing to accept the element of risk, gives the run an edge }(

The only part of StepMax that I do, and quite like is the 3rd section or 'plyo power' I think she calls it, I think of it as the embryonic stage of 'LowMax'. I find that the set and workout clothes clash horribly but it's neat to get some perspective on Cathe's evolution in both choreograph and aesthetic sense. I like segement 2 and 3 of StepJam but object to the excessive use of the word 'groovy':+ Step Heat unfortunately gathers dust.

Take Care
A big huge welcome to our newest cheetah runningnut- Laurie!!!!!
You'll find this checkin invaluable in keeping the motivation and excitement going! I've marked Oct.1 down on my racing notes- will this be your first race? If so you are really starting off strong with a half marathon! Trails are such fun, but like many people, I learned the hard way to look down frequently!!! Took a spectacular tumble a coupla months ago :( I had my first trail race (a 10k) a while back, way fun but also WAY harder than your basic road race.
We all look forward to hearing from ya!!! :7 :7 :7

Marcia- your post was so wonderful to read!!! You go girl!

My 6 mile trail run felt great this morning. I'll go for a good dose of Coremax next and a turn on the eliptical! Tomorrow I head to Phoenix with some buddies for some more motorcycle training!!!!


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