Cheetahs Sunday 8/6


Hi girls.

Well, I should have been out the door ATLEAST 30 mins ago but I just got up a little while ago...UGH!x( I'm gonna try to pull myself together and get some kind of run in this morning. I don't have a ton of time though. For some reason my drive to get outside is much weaker then to go to the gym. I guess I'm a wimp at heart. :p ;):7

Carole: What your sister said was harsh but probably quite warranted. As much as I'm sure it hurt John to hear and probably hurt her even WORSE to say, she felt it had to be done. Tough love. Sometimes a person needs that. I can't even imagine how hard this is for your nephew to deal with. I hope what his parents said to him makes a difference though. They continue to have my best.

Barbara: Thanks for the heads up on that Itread you have. I downloaded the 60 min one that is labeled as "indoor marathon training". I have only done the first half so far. It's different from the others I have. TOUGH. This one even gives you a minute to walk/rest after every 6 minutes and it's STILL tough! The second half is comprised of sprints. I'm afraid to try it! LOL

Okay, well let me put clothes on and get moving. I'm barely done with my first cup of java and haven't eaten. I don't have a problem with food though so I'll probably swallow a banana shortly before heading out the door. I am hoping I can accomplish something worth my effort this morning!

TOODLES until later girlies! :*
Good morning cheetahs

Wendy...get out there!!!!!!...:)...I do hope what John's parents said will make a difference. This is such a tough situation. I'll know a bit more today. I hope you have a fun safe run!

Laurie...yes I am part of a Gaggle!! That was sweet of you to remember my close relationship with my Dad. That was a very nice thing your old boss said...:)...thanks for your prayers for John.

Laura...I always wanted a brother...:)...I am not real close to my oldest sister, she is 11 years older than me and that could be part of it. My DH shares a B-Day with your youngest boy. And[/img] to your DD...I hope the 8 miles goes well for you today.

I am doing a 8-10 mile trail run with my sister and friend. The weather is much cooler these days which I am truly enjoying..

Have a great day...
Good Morning everyone:)

Wendy the indoor marathon sounds pretty much like the one I have. Im routing for ya on your outdoor run today. BTW another coffee addict here.

Carole my prayers are still with you. Thanks for keeping us updated. I do think about him.

Well today I am going to go to the gym and try the new iClimb#9 40 minute workout. I just love Keith's voice. He is so motivated. I will try and check in later to see how everyone is doing.
Good morning cheetahs! Yesterday was a rest day for me :) It's been busy at work but it slowed down enough so I could sneak in a posting.
This afternoon I'll go for some Muscle Max :7

Wendy- I'm proud of you that you're venturing outdoors girl!! Just do a little bit more each day and before you know it you'll be doing your 5 miler and thinking nothing of it. The hardest part as you already know is just getting out the door and getting started!

Hi Carole- What a trying time for our dear superCarole and her family!
Your nephews infection is a disappointing setback I'm sure. I can offer you some consolation. In all my years of critical care nursing, it never ceases to amaze me what a young body is capable of enduring and recovering from. A young person has incredible recuperative abilities, both mentally and physically, especially with good family support, which he obviously has. It will be a long, rocky road that will try everyone's patience, hang in there! A trail run for you today :7 :7 No better mental therapy IMO!!

Hi Barbara- Your I-tread workouts do sound interesting! Have fun!

Later all!

Mornin', cheetahs!

I'm taking a rest day today -- unless I get a strong urge to run or lift later on. Am going to play it by ear.

Carole :: With each new twist of developments, my heart just goes out to your nephew and the entire family. It boggles the mind that one overlooked bruise could have such a devastating impact. I hope he gets his appetite back.

Wendy :: oops, my bad! I misunderstood you on the 5-miler. I thought you were *already* running it on the tread, so I fully understand wanting to work your way up to it.

Hi to Shelley C, Barbara, & all the rest who follow today.

Enjoy your Sunday-
Cathy :)
Good morning ladies!!!

Wendy - hope you're back from your run! And hope the street runs start to be as fun as the treadmill ones... It's tough, I know.

Carole - I, too, hope your sis's talk with John helps. As you know, my prayers continue - enjoy your trail run.

Barbara - enjoy your iClimb! Sounds like fun!

Shelly - hey there! Have fun with MuscleMax - it's the one HardCore I don't have! I do hope you can make Big Sur!

Cathy - Enjoy your rest day!

I'm off for a trail run - 7 or 8 miles I think. I was going to run with AmyG today, but because I have plans this afternoon and her DH couldn't make it until later, we had to postpone. We're doing lunch on Thursday, though! then it's off to listen to my old guitar teacher at a local watering hole. He's a world class jazz musician - I can't wait to hear him play! Have a great Sunday all!!
Just quickly checking in before I head out for an 18 mile run. No running partner today so I'm going solo.......

Laurie, I replied to your question on the Open Forum about gels, etc.

Carole, So, so sorry to hear that your nephew is having a set back. When I think of him I do offer up a prayer.

Good morning to everyone else. There is zero marine layer this morning so it's going to be a little warmer than usual. I need to get my butt moving and get this run done before it's hot (or should I say warmer than it is now!)

Talk to ya'll later!
I'm back. :)

Carole: Have fun today with your sister and friend.

I need to ask the gal I talk to in my running class if she'd like to start meeting up maybe one time per week so I can have company once in a while on my runs. That will also push me out the door!;-)

Barbara: Have fun with your Iclimb. Have you tried Icycle yet?

ShellyC: MM is such an awesome work out! Enjoy it! Glad that work has slowed some for you. Thanks for the encouragement!

I don't know what I'd do w/o you Cheetahs!:+

Cathy: Enjoy your rest day!:)

Christine: Sounds like you and Amy are going to have fun on Thursday!:) Enjoy your trail run!

Elaine: 18 miles...that just blows my freakin' mind! :) :+

Well, I got out there and even though it wasn't real hot yet and part of the run had a nice cool breeze, the first 1.5 miles or so was tough. I was initially thinking I'd only make it 2 miles and give up. Well, I pushed and pushed (Cathy, thanks for the little challenge idea-it worked!) and guess what girls!? I RAN 4 MILES!!! It was sllllooooowwwww but steady...It took me 48 minutes. Thank goodness speed is not my priority outdoors at this point. LOL I am just so thrilled that I was able to do it!:7 :7 :7 :7 :7 Once I got beyond that first 1.5 miles it got easier but then I started sweatin' pretty fiercely and it was a battle to keep the sweat from burning my eyes. I lost! LOL My eyes were STILL burning after the run while I was in the shower! I came in the house after the cool down and just started POURING with sweat all over again. I don't know why that happens...must be the temperature change from outside to in or something. I was STILL sweating after the shower! It took me a good 30 minutes post-shower to get back to "normal". I feel good now though! I'm gonna be flyin' high all day now! I'll be tired...but flyin'!;) :7
Hey Cheetahs!:) I'm just coming down from a 14k run enjoying a big glass of water and a bowl of oatmeal with flax and yogurt:9 Such a scenic run today, 4 k of it was along the shores of Lake Ontario, nice breezes (but in some parts it smelled pretty funkyx( ). I'm sure learning alot about myself and my body on these long runs. I'd better get going, me and 11 year old Faith are going to the beach with friends, should be a wonderful day, I hope the waves are big.

Elaine, have a good run and thanks for your informative post over on the Open Forum:)

Carole, so glad that your temps have gotten more sane, sounds like a nice run you have planned.

Hello to Barbara, Wendy, Shelly, Cathy and Christine:) Happy SUNDAY!!!:7

Take Care
WTO Wendy!! That is awesome. No I haven't really tried icycle maybe once on my stationary bike for 20 minutes. I thought it was tough. I want to try it at the gym on their bike.

Shelly have fun with MM. I love the upper body premix from that.

Cathy try and take it easy on your rest day:)

Christine trail run sounds fun. What is it? Is it like going through the woods and running on rocks? I did that a few times with my husband and it was fun but you really have to watch the ground.

Hi Elaine and Laurie.

Well I did the iclimb + I did my legs with the weight machines. Have a happy Sunday everyone:)
Barbara: Icycle IS tough but it's a great work out. Have you ever taken a regular spin class before because that's what it is...your own personal spin class. :)

Laurie: I can't believe that you are already running that far! I bow down to you girl. ^5!!! :)
Wendy I did only once take a spin class and boy I had a bad experience because this was my first time and the instructor was really annoying because here I am struggling and she kept coming to me and only me telling me what to do turning up the resistant on the knob, ect. I was having a hard time to begin with. I just thought that wasn't right. But one day I will take another class and if it happens again I will just have to speak up and not be shy.
Thought I'd pop back in to tell y'all that my new trail shoes were great. They may be 1/2 a size too big, but that's actually a good thing on long hikes where your feet swell. They are a little heavier than my regular running shoes, so it'll take a little to get used to the extra weight - but they are nice and padded and very comfy.

I picked up the World Weekly News - you know - that highly "reliable" rag you see at the grocery store. It's cover screamed, "Aliens abducting Cheerleaders!" So I thought my DD17 would get a kick out of it. (she's a cheerleader). Inside it says the way to avoid being abducted is to break the intial hit from the paralysis ray. That means being able to sit upright as soon as the beam strikes. (most abductions take place at night while we sleep according to this article). According to WWN the local authorities of Rosewell New Mexico are offering classes designed to strengthen the midsection... You know - sit ups... They are calling them Ab Ductor classes... So, another reason for core work - not only will it strengthen your core, allow you to run faster and do more with less injury, it may help prevent alien abductions!!!

Okay, and now back to your previously scheduled forum...

well i made it through the 8.23 miles today,not counting the 1mile warm up and 1 mile cool down. we walked about 3/4 of the 8 to have my brother catch up with us but other than that I ran the rest of it. I havent ran over 5 miles since the half in may and it felt sooooo good to be able to complete it without dying. I told them though that once I got to the end of the road that I was walking the rest because I didnt want to jump too much mileage at once. I learned not to do that the hard way when I first started running. I dont want to develop tendonitis again.

carole my sister is only 5-6 yrs older than me,never remember exactly how old she is and my older brother and her are closer in age but him and I are way closer than she and he are. Him and i are alot alike and believe the same way though. My sister has always resented me for some thing or another. I dont know why but she has. I have learned not to let it bother me anymore because it use to. I really missed that sister to sister relationship after my little sister left us and I finally realized I wasnt going to have it with my older sister.

I have been off work since wednesday and I dont want to go back. Time flys when you are having fun!!!!

talk with everyone later!
Thanks alot Shelly...your words about the young being strong really help...I haven't heard anything this weekend so I am hoping for maybe good news. His whole immediate family are there...:)..the trail run was great therapy!!! Enjoy MuscleMax...

Cathy...enjoy your rest day. I think this whole thing has boggled my mind...I do hope he continues to eat well.

Christine...have a fun lunch with Amy thurs. Tell her we are going to try and get some of us Cal cheetahs together...I enjoy some jazz...Glad the trail shoes worked well. I am definitely going to work my core to keep the Alien Ab Ductors at bay...:)

Elaine...thanks for your prayers. Good luck on the solo 18 miler. I also use Accel gel and Accelerade...:)

Wendy...4 MILES!!!!!! Way to go girl...:)..When it is humid I sweat alot after a run when I get home.

Laurie...good job on the 14K. I bet the course was beautiful. Enjoy those big waves at the beach...:) sisters I am closest to are 5 1/2 and 7 years older than me. I meant to tell you how sorry I was to hear you had lost a sister...:(...Good job on your run...8.23 miles is great!!

So Barbara and Wendy...I downloaded an iClimb 40 min workout for my Nordic. And then....I went to the Nordic track site....and ordered an ELLIPTICAL!!!!!!!![/img]....I am so happy.....:)
Oh Carole I am so jealous but am happy for you. I really think that you will enjoy the iClimb workout. I really like Keith's voice. He is very motivating. I kinda like him better then Grace who does the iTread. Well anyway I can't wait until you get your Elliptical. Let us know. You deserve it.
Barbara: What that spin instructor did to you was TOTALLY wrong! Every instructor I have had has always said to go at your own pace and don't do ANYTHING you don't think you are ready for. Do you have a choice of instructors?

Carole: YEAY! I'm so happy for you! Let us know when you get the elliptical and how you like the IClimb!:)

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