::: Cheetahs::: Sunday 8/13/06


Hi Cheetahs!

Today is Imax3 and stretch Max.

Cathy- You must report back to us about your class with Cathe!!!

Barb (pace1987) As I recall you took a class with Cathe a few years ago.

Jes- I haven't seen your infomercial yet, but I'm on the lookout!

Enjoy this beautiful Sunday!!!!

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.


Good morning, cheetahs...

It's a rest day from running (though I do have the urge to get out there-it's beautiful again!). Am going to take a yoga class a little later this morning and then hunt for that danged cable for my Garmin.

Judy :: I definitely will!

Barbara :: where in Jersey are you? You're scaring me about Monday's class! *lol* Will I need to be scooped up off the floor?

Colleen :: welcome! Sounds like you've been managing some good workouts despite the ankle trouble. I don't know any runners who can do that - not stretch before or after a run or both.

Hi to Carole, Jess, Wendy, Christine, Laura, Laurie, Marcia, Mattea, Pamela, Thomasina, Elaine, Barb, ShellyC, Katie, and anyone else who drops by.

Enjoy your Sunday!
-cathy :)
Good morning cheetahs

Good news for John. He sat up in a chair for 30 mins yesterday! They told him at least 15 min and he held onfor 30. I think he was in a bit of pain but this is progress...:)...thank you all for your continued prayers...

Judy...good workout planned. How is the hip?

Barbara...yes, you should take a pick of all your equipment!

Elaine...GREAT idea to change the course!! Good luck on the new 18 miles....we will be pulling for you...:)

Cathy...If you have any of the Officemax stores, they usually have a good collection of cables...My masseuse always tells me my calfs are tight and boy does she work them....in a good tough way! You are so lucky to live close to Cathe!!! Have an awesome time kickboxing with her!!! I'd only miss WTC as I just don't like those awful sad movies...:(...but I know alot of people will go out of curiosity.

Christine....I'm glad you like iTrain. I picked the year package. I might download a couple more of the iClimb for when I get my Elliptical. They are quite motivating...sounds like a nice 5 mile hike yseterday...can't wait to see what you think about the iTread you do today...

Colleen...as much as we should all warm-up and cool down we skip it now and then...I hope your ankle is lots better today in your run/walk...let us know...:)

I am meeting my running friend for about a 12 mile run. Some pavement and some trail very close to my house. Then most likely yard work as I started raking yesterday and have no idea how long it will take me to finish...

Have a great day...
Good Morning everyone today is a rest day for me.

Judy, yes I did take Cathe's class back in 2003. I also went to her grand open of her new gym before the road trip in 2005.

Cathy I live in New Proidence, NJ it is Union County.

Jess what tv commercial were you on?

Carole that is such great news about your nephew. Your sister must be so happy and of course you too:). When I clean up my basement I will take a few pictures:)
good morning ladies,

I got an ran 6.5miles today at a 9:47pace. It felt good today. I will do my wts later as I am always too fatigued to do them after a longer run or workout.

Carole that is great about john. That is a big start!!!

Jess I think I will go to target today and get that windsor ball workout. I hope it helps with the lower tummy. since getting closer to 40 I notice I have to work a little harder to keep things in order.

How do you girls like your garmins? I love love mine!!!

chat later!
Happy Sunday Cheetahs!

Carole – Great news about John! I’m glad to hear it! Enjoy your run today!

Judy – Enjoy Imax 3! I like that one.

Cathy – Good luck finding your cable! Have fun doing yoga.

Barbara – Hey there! Have a great rest day!

Laura – great job on the 6.5 mile run today! Way to go!! I have problems with weights after a long run, too!

Colleen – welcome! I hope your ankle feels better soon. I don’t stretch before I run, but I do start slowly to get my body warmed up. Good luck with you run today!

I’m doing #9 iTread 60 minute today. We’ll see how that goes. I’m going for the jogging pace, so hopefully I’ll do about six miles. We’ll see. Tonight we have a function to go to for one of our Indian friend’s daughter. She’s 18, and will be performing traditional Indian dances. Afterwards we’ll be going to dinner at an Indian restaurant. Good thing I only have weights tomorrow!! I cannot run after Indian food! :p

I’ll check back and let everyone know how I like the iTread!
Barbara...yes I think we all were happy about John's progress. My sister is still hoping to get him off some of the pain meds. I was happy also about an article in our local paper promoting a yard sale at one of the High Schools for donations to help with John's expenses.

Laura...good run today! I have one of the Windsor ball workouts and I really like it...yes I do think as we age we seem to need to work out harder...:)

Christime...I hope you like that iTread workout. I just downloaded an iClimb #5. Hope to use it on my Elliptical if it comes next week. I'll have to give Indian food a try sometime. Have a great time tonight...:)

I did 12.17 miles with my friend. It was a nice run and I didn't feel to beaten up...:)...now some housework and yardwork....
Well, I love my new iPod Nano - it's great! The iTread was everything everyone promised - intense and tough, but doable. It consists of a warm up and 4 segments. Each of the segments starts with a 60 second walk, then a 2-4 minute sprint, followed by a 60 second walk, and about 10 minutes of fairly steady state running. Grace was great, but I did laugh when she kept saying that she was right there with us - you know she's all nice and non-sweaty sitting in a recoding studio somewhere. I ended up going 5.86 miles as I had pushed a bit hard on the sprints so I was tired at the end, but next time I'll get the full 6 miles in. I did enjoy it, though.

Carole - sounds like you had a nice run!
Carole :: that's fantastic about John! What a fighter! Glad to hear some positive news... I'm going to try to go for massages more frequently - can't go as often as I'd LIKE to, of course, but I'm going to try to budget for one every 3 months at least. It really does wonders as I'm sure you'd agree. I also took an hour-and-a-half long yoga session today - boy, were my muscles shaking! - I really am way too tight, so I'm hoping regular practice will balance the running and lifting. I feel good after this weekend!

Barbara :: you are pretty far up there then...But she was worth the drive, I'm sure! I have been toying with the idea of joining her gym, but it's 10 miles from my house and not at all near where I work, which is 14 miles from my house in the OTHER direction. I don't know if it's worth it or wise, but from what I saw of the gym when I visited, it was state-of-the-art and immaculate. Gotta think on that some more. I guess as long as I'm seeing results from doing the DVDs, I oughta just stick with that. Anyway, for Monday, should I geek out and bring my camera? Do you think she'd mind?

Laura :: great job on your run! I'm glad to hear someone else feels too pooped after a hard run to lift right away. I noticed that this past week. I'd run early in the AM and then lift at night. I guess we just have to listen to our bodies.

Christine :: are you doing that run on a treadmill or outside?
BTW, I got the right cable but the computer is not recognizing the Garmin...grr! Technology! *lol*

OK, I better get out there & soak up some sunshine.

Good afternoon, Cheetahs!! Just had a few minutes to check in now! I did a 17 mile bike ride w/ my friend Melissa this morning. It was actually kinda chilly, only in the upper 50's when we started!! I started to rethink my tank & shorts but I warmed up once we got going! Felt great! Then we went to church & out to eat at Chevy's for lunch (thanks to a treat from my Dad!).

Gonna head out & go visit my best friend's 5yo ds at the hospital in a few minutes. He's my 5yo's *boyfriend* & he's having some kidney problems. They couldn't get him to stop throwing up all Fri night & thought he had appendicitis. They ruled that out but found something wrong w/ his kidneys so they are doing some tests on him & keeping him a couple days. The girls made cards for him so we'll go see how he's doing. Then I'm taking my older 2 dd's to see Monster House, they really want to see it! Then back to choir practice & church tonight!

And Laura- I think you'll really like the WP ball workout!! Using the stability ball really helps you target your abs more!

I forget who asked, but I'm on the sculpting circle infomercial for Winsor Pilates. (and hopefully will be on the new dynamic body ball workout infomercial once it's done filming!)

Gotta run! Have a great day!

Hey Cheetahs! I'm back from Atlantic City!:)

I was losing miserably as of this morning but I recuped all of my $ plus an extra $10 so I was happy. So happy as a matter of fact that I went and bought myself a little gift that I had eyed up yesterday at the new mall on the boardwalk! I got myself a Coach wristlet for the times that I don't need to carry my "full size" purse around with me. }( It cost much less than my losses ALMOST were for the weekend!:7

On friday before I left I think I told y'all I ran 1.5 miles just to test out my new Garmin. :)

Saturday morning I ran the boards: 2.49 miles in 27.18 minutes, 10.58 average pace.

This morning I was BACK out there: 3.10 miles (5K;)) in 34.25 minutes, 11.06 average pace.

Tomorrow I have my running class!:eek: My legs are going to be TIIIIRRRRREEEEDDDDDD! LOL I totally forgot about the class or else I would not have run today and would have saved it for Tuesday! OOPS!:p

I ended up running and chatting the last mile yesterday with a woman who runs every weekend and has run many races including several halfs and marathon! She was telling me that her and her husband had trained and were going to go on vacation to Dublin, Ireland and run a marathon there but it was set for the October immediately following Sept 11th. Consequently they cancelled the trip and haven't been able to reschedule it. I felt so bad when she told me that. :-( Anyway, she appeared to be a pretty seasoned runner and it was nice to run with her and hear what she had to say.

Gotta RUN (LOL!:p) for now but I'll be back later or tomorrow!:)
Wow Wendy sounds like you had a good 3 day run. I've been eyeing the forerunner now for a while. I will just wait and see. Wendy where does your dog go when you go away out of curisity (sp)? My mom or my brother in law always takes care of my dog when I go away. This year my mother stay at my house for a week when I went to Cape May.

Cathy I would bring a camara. When I went I took a bunch of pictures and Cathe did not mind at all. Also I brought My IS series and she sign them for me:) Yes It was about 1 1/2 hour drive. I met up with Francine another forum member here who hasn't been here for a while. Very sweet person.

Christine great run:) sounds like you had a lot of fun. Well I will be back tomorrow:)

DH was home this weekend so we didn't have to worry about the dog but we have relatives and friends who are usually willing. We've only had to kennel him one time since we got him and we've gone away overnight several times.


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