::: CHEETAHS ::: Sat., 8/26


Mornin', cheetahs...

Just gettin' us started...I plan to run and lift (not sure which DVD yet) but LATER today. Had a few Coronas last night so I'm not up for a first-thing-in-the-morning workout. Ugh.

Have a great day, everyone!
Hey Cathy! I guess I took too long writing my post cause when I started it, you hadn't posted a checkin yet! LOL I hope you atleast enjoyed those coronas last night!}( I love kickin' back with a couple of beers once in a while. Sometimes they just go down so easy, ya know? :9

Well, here's my original post:

Hi Cheetah Gals!:)

Well, ofcourse it is raining outside this morning so that I get to run my "practice race" in the mud if not the pouring rain. x( There had better NOT be a thunder storm at class time b/c then they will have to cancel the class and I'll be REALLY upset!:-(

So I am UBER excited about the jogging stroller! Ofcourse this only ADDS to my rotation troubles that I had posted about in the open forum as it turns running into an activity that I will now be able to take advantage of at almost ANY TIME! Double-edged sword, I tell ya! ;)

I actually created a rotation for this coming week for myself, leading up to race day. Tell me what you think, if you don't mind! I don't want to over-do or under-do anything that will could cause problems for me on Saturday!

Saturday (today): Run
Sunday: Rest day
Monday: Run
Tuesday: HSTA + Abs
Wednesday: Run
Thursday: Lower body + Abs
Friday: Upper body + Abs
Saturday: Race
Sunday: Rest

Happy Saturday to all!:7
Good morning cheetahs! It's been a long and boring night at work for me and thankfully it's almost over! I'll be heading out directly to my favorite trail for a 3 mile run. After my nap I'll go for some HSTA. This afternoon I'll be helping out my twin sister(a school teacher) ....she called me frantic last night because her school got flooded. They found another room for her class but SHE is responsible for moving all the desks, equipment, etc! Anyway, I'm going to provide some muscle! For those who are curious, she is my fraternal twin, looks NOTHING like me and we share no interests....go figure! Tomorrow I'll be going for my long run....18 miles. :7

Hi Wendy- A jogging stroller!!!!! I figured you'd be getting one of those soon. You'll be getting alot of use from it I'm sure. I'll be interested in hearing about your experiences with running your 5k course. You're rotation for the week looks very sensible to me.

Good morning Cathy! Go work off those Coronas girl!

Carole- I quickly scanned yesterdays posts and I thought I'd let you know the site for Dean Karnazes 50 day, 50 marathon site where you can learn his schedule. Most of the "marathons" he is running during the week are actually just the marathon courses and not the actual races. On these days people can register to run with him for a fee. The website is www.endurance50.com. Glad to hear your nephew will be going to rehab soon :7 :7

Later y'all- Hi to everyone who follows!!

G'mornin':) Sunny and cool here today so I'm looking forward to a 6k run after my coffee. I'll do some upperbody work after, maybe mishmosh some MIS and B-Max. My Girls are all sleeping at various friend's houses tonight so I'm going to meet up with some old friends for some fun tonight. I'll behave (somewhat;-) ) as I have a long run tomorrow, after two weeks at 16k we're backing up to 12.

Cathy, re: yesterday's post, me and the Girls have been on our own since '97. The first few years were tough but as much as we miss him, life here in 'Girlyland' is pretty awesome and I love the dynamic I am blessed with in my home. Okay, you had your turn with 'My Corona' last night, tonight it's MY TURN!!:+ :7 :+ }(

Wendy, ummmmm, I think I heard the whisper of a rumour that you got yourself a jogging stroller and are just a weeeee bit excited about it, is that true!!:p :+ Hope the rain lets up and that your class is a go!

Shelly, yikes!, sounds like you are going to be working it with your sister. I'm surprised that it's her responsibility to move everything. Hope it goes smoothly. I was just talking to a client who also has a fraternal twin who looks nothing like her, at 30 they still get asked if they are identical!! Too funny!

Okay I'm chugging my coffee, double knotting my laces and getting to it! Hello to all who follow!

Take Care
Jess...I have to say I agree with Elaine about the 3 week taper. In the 12 marathons I ran I always did a 3 week taper (sometimes 2 week). I had not heard of 4 weeks until you posted that article. I do also believe you need to find out what works for you...as we are all different. I guess the bottom line is I am not a real huge believer in some of the new things they seem to find pertaining to running and training, I tend to stick with what has worked for me and the other marathon runners I know...:)

I'll be back for more personals...:)
Good morning cheetahs

Wendy...sounds like a good work yesterday...and CONGRATS on the jogging stroller!!! Your rotation looks good to me the week before the race!!

Shelly...I didn't know you had a twin! That is very nice of you to help her. Flooding can be a mess. Thanks for the link to Dean's info...:)

Laurie...I bet your legs loved the Yoga yesterday! Enjoy your workut today and have a great night out!!!

Jess...my DH used to run with me years ago. Knee surgery in 1987 stopped that! It has always been tough to get him to workout, and I so worry about his overall health. All I am asking is for 3 times a week, so we will see hw that goes. As in what I just posted to you...I think you can put off the 20 til next weekend..:)

Mattea...good luck furniture shopping. I hope you find what you want..good workouts for you....I do love that Elliptical.

Katie...sorry about your back. I guess it could be the shoes. Have you ever considered Chiropractic care?

Cathy...good run yesterday and then GS! I don't think the Docs will know a whole lot until John gets going in rehab. Your legs on the Elliptical go in a oval circular motion which is supposed to mimic running/walking the best without the impact.

Christine...let us know how you like MM! Wow, North Carolina?....is that near any Catheites??? Sorry about the windy weather yesterday, I agree that bike riding then would not have been fun! Hope you had fun with Circuitmax and a great lunch.

Elaine..I am so glad you are feeling better, Hope the 8 went well yesterday. Yes, the Elliptical is awesome...:)

Colleen...the thing I have noticed more at 47 was I really need to eat clean to loose weight. That could be the same for you at 53. I think you have progressed thru running at a good rate. Give it time...

Thank you all for your encouraging words for John. I ma so relieved he is finally progressing. I will know more this weekend as both of my sisters went down there. I would have gone too but too many commitments here...

I bought a Garmin Forerunner 305 yesterday!!! http://smilies.sofrayt.com/%5E/r/dance.gif[/img]

I will do a 20 min Elliptical workout, floor legs and some yoga.

Have a great day...:)
G'morning Cheetahs!! Thanks for all of the advice & help w/ my running dilemma! I still feel like a novice since this is my first marathon & am trying to figure out what works for me! It turns out that the weather was the deciding factor!! A little bit of drama this morning, but we ended up doing 16.15 miles!!

First of all, another friend joined us for the first 5 miles (she ran the 5K I ran in June) & she's training for her first half in Nov. So then Melissa & I continued to finish up, we decided we'd do just 14 this week & then do our 20 next week. (she was tired & jet-lagged because she'd been in CA all week)

Anyway, we got to about 10 miles & it was starting to look pretty dark. By about mile 11 we were seeing lightning & hearing thunder & then came the rain!! It just hit hard & was POURING rain. We kept on going, no choice since we were a good 3.5 miles from my house. We were just hoping it wouldn't hail. It just kept raining & thundering & of course by the time we were almost back in my neighborhood it was just sprinkling! We were at 14.5 by that point so we figured we'd just do a couple loops & finish up 16 miles. We did that & as we came back to my house I finally realized that the van wasn't there. OOPS! Greg had gotten worried about us & Steve (Melissa's dh) had called & since Greg knows the usual routes that we run, he said he'd head out w/ the girls looking for us. Poor guy looked for us for a good 45 minutes!!! (we probably just missed him at one point!) I got home & saw that he'd grabbed my cell phone so I called him to tell him we were back. The girls were all worried about me & they drove all over the countryside looking for us!! What a good guy. I felt so terrible & he just told me we were nuts to be out in that weather! Well, we didn't really have a choice since we were already out by the time it started! My shoes felt like lead weights all full of water though!

Oh well, it felt good even in the rain & I'm glad to have it done. Onward to the 20 mile next weekend & then taper mode!!! Almost there!!!

It's a nice rainy, relaxing day. LaundryMax & a few things to do & I think I'll pull out some crafts & games to keep the girls busy. Maybe even bake some cookies or something fun. We're going to a dinner at a co-worker of my dh's house tonight so that way I'm not showing up empty handed.

So that's my update!! Hope you all had/ have good runs this weekend!!

This is weird...I just went to post this and it vanished! Thankfully, I had cut and paste most of it. So trying again...

Wendy :: Your posts crack me up - I think it's your way with words (UBER excited) :) Oh, I definitely did enjoy my Coronas. :) Hope your practice run is dry...the rotation looks good.

Carole :: congrats on the Garmin! Oh boy, we cheetahs love our new toys. I must say, I wish I'd bought the 301 instead of the 201...if anyone else is in the market for one, I don't recommend the 201 as it is notorious for snafus in hooking up to the PC. After no luck with tech support, I was tempted to upgrade mine but then decided I really don't *need* to upload my training info to the computer. Or do I?

Shelly :: oh man, put the guilt trip on! :) lol The classroom move will most definitely give you a workout. I'm in my 5th year of teaching - and for FOUR of those years, my classroom was moved. Well, actually, last year I went to a new district. But anyway -- ugh. What a project! Esp. considering we teachers tend to hang on to too much STUFF! :)

Laurie :: enjoy your workout today and a night out tonight! Now I've got "My Sharona" stuck in my head -- with new lyrics, of course. :)

Jess :: I got caught in a storm once - scary! Glad you had a safe run.

Yesterday, I "broke down" (I know this will be hard to imagine given my recent spending habits) and ordered Jari Love's Get Ripped to the Core and Slim and Lean as well as the Shiva Rea's Yoga Shakti (thanks, Mattea!)

Hi to Elaine, Christine, Judy, Laura, Barb, Barbara, Mattea, Gayle, Thomasina, Marcia, Pamela, Katie, Colleen, Natalie, Wendy Marie and anyone else who drops in today.

-cathy :)
Good morning ladies!

Today I will do GS BSB and a 5 mile pace run. Tomorrow will be my first 20 miler. I am soooo glad that whatever it was I had is just about gone now. I have run 18 miles with a terrible head cold before and it was no fun at all.

I have an off topic question that I might also post in Open Forum:
My brother's birthday is Monday. He has cancer and is currently in the hospital because of blood clots in his leg. I'll be going to visit him and want to take a gift but I have no clue what to bring. The problem is that his cancer is bad. It started in his lungs and has metastasized to his brain, lymph nodes and bones. Since he is not able to enjoy his regular hobies and such it is hard to know what to get him. Got any ideas?

Jess, Sounds like you had an adventure this morning. Glad you decided to run 20 next weekend instead of today.

Carole, Does the Garmin 305 have a HRM? I LOVE my Garmin!!! Don't know how I lived without it.

Cathy, So you did CoronaMax last night huh? Sounds like fun!

Wendy, Whoohoo on the jogging stroller. Joey's gonna love it!

Editing to add:
I'm sorry! I missed Shelly and Laurie but certainly did not intend to!

Shelly, You're a nice sister! When you are out there running tomorrow I will be too. I'll be thinking of you.

Laurie, Have fun tonight and have fun running 12K.

Talk to you all later!
Elaine :: I'm so sorry about your brother. That sounds awful. Is he likely to be discharged anytime soon? Maybe a gift certificate to his favorite restaurant - if he can't go home, it could still be used for carryout, which would probably be a nice change from hospital food. If he has internet access somehow, an amazon gift cert wouldn't be bad either b/c then he can order just about anything. Or maybe a singing telegram. I had one sent to my sister's workplace for her 30th birthday a few years ago. It was great b/c they had me fill out a questionnaire beforehand, and they used that to tailor a song just to her. Everyone roared ~ it was just hilarious. Hey, laughter's the best medicine, right? It would surely be memorable!
Good Morning Cheetahs! We’re quiet today – only 8 messages when I logged on!! :p

Cathy – Good for you to have a Corona once in a while! Hope it was fun! Now go run them off! :+ Ahh, the spending bug hit you, too! Busy little bug yesterday, wasn’t she?

Wendy – ONE MORE WEEK!!! How exciting!! You’ll do well even in the rain! I’ll pray there’s no t-storms about for you! And yes, the jogging stroller means you’ll be able to run outside more! I’ve even seen jogging strollers on the local hiking trails around here. The kids enjoy them!

Shelly- I didn’t know you’re a twin! Nice of you to help out – that’s a bummer. Our teachers are not paid enough for what they have to do. Enjoy your run today!

Laurie – Enjoy your 6k, and especially your night out with the girls!!

Carole – Actually had to postpone my trip to North Carolina by a week because of my stupid unemployment – they scheduled a class for me that I HAVE to take or lose my benefits. I can reschedule it to the next day, but not the next week. So, I moved my trip back by a week. Good thing is that I get to spend more time with my sister and her family who will also be down there at that time. It’s a pretty time of the year to be down there – no tourists, and gentle weather. I can’t wait to run the beach! I’m doing MM tomorrow, I think. Congrats on the Garmin! I keep looking at them, but I figure a job would be a good thing to have first.

Jess – Wow! Sounds like you had an adventure!! Way to go running through it! Enjoy the rain now – I like rainy days – they force you to relax more.

Elaine – I’m sorry to hear about your brother! I cannot think of much, but I know when my mom was nearing the end and could not read as well, she really enjoyed books on tape. Not for everyone, though, I know. Glad to hear you’re feeling better!!! Enjoy your 20 tomorrow!!

I’m off for a hike, not a trail run, a hike. Figure that I’ll slowly work this heel and knee back to strength again. I ordered my Step from Amazon.com – overnight shipping for $3.99!! I joined as a prima member. I’m stoked to get it! As I told Carole, I had to postpone my trip to the Beaches of North Carolina by a week – I’ll leave Tuesday night via a red eye. Ick, but hey I won’t spend the entire day traveling east. Dad is moving to Emerald Isle in North Carolina – it’s one of the Outer Bank islands. I love it down there.
Speaking of buying property – a close friend who is also a real estate agent just told us of two bedroom condos that are being built in Napa. The price is great, and we might be able to afford one, especially as the condo’s won’t be complete for a bit. We are considering moving to Napa when the kids are out of the house, and this will give us a great start. I’ll keep you informed on how it goes!
Hey everyone! I'm back! :+

ShellyC: I can't believe they make the teachers move the classroom furniture! That is sooo lame! I'd be pist if I were her! x( Have fun with HSTA...I will be braving it soon as you can see by my plan for this coming week!}( I can't wait to get out w/my stroller but I have to wait to get it first! ;) LOL

Laurie: You are really inspiring me to train for a half! I can't wait to hear how you do! It's sooo exciting! How much longer do you have?

Carole: I am so happy that John is moving along with his progress. Now that I am getting the OKAY on this week's work out game plan, I must write it down and actually DO IT! LOL ;) Congrats on the forerunner! After enduring all of the chatter about them you finally broke down and bought one, ey? :p }( I LOVE MINE!:) Have fun with it!

Jess: Glad you got your run in this morning despite the rain. It was raining on me and my group for a while as well. No thunderstorm luckily...they would have cancelled the class if that had happened. So when is your marathon again? That is sooooo awesome! I'm so excited for you!!!

Cathy: YEAY! Another Jari convert! Well, okay, not quite YET, but you bought them! :+ I really love those work outs! They are TOUGH! You like "UBER", ey? LOL I got that from a friend in open discussion. She's just crazy like that! She cracks me up!:7

Elaine: Sorry to hear about your brother. I don't know what kind of suggestions to give besides possibly things he can do while sitting or laying down like reading or doing crosswords or something.

Okay so now for my class. The course is TOUGH! LOTS OF HILLS!!!
The first part is a gradual climb through open grass. It then turns to a dirt/gravel trail and it goes straight up :eek: , flattens out for a few seconds and then up again :eek: :eek: ! These hills take you through a wooded area. Then there is a series of small "rolling hills". After this you come out of the woods and it flattens out again for a few mins and then on to what they affectionately call "the bowl". It's a huge semi circle that goes down, around and then back up. At the end of the bowl is another super steep section before it flattens again. This is all about the first half of the run. After the bowl it flattens out nicely for quite a while through open area and woods. Closer to the end in the woods there are a couple of smaller hills and then it's flat back through the open grass to the finish.

I DEFINATELY could have found an easier 5k to start with! LOLOL }(

Anyway...My time was 35.59. I am very happy with that considering that I had to walk or atleast slow down considerably on some of the hills. Even the steep downhills cause I was afraid of falling. When I ran a 5k on the boardwalk a couple of weeks ago I did it in 34.25 and I didn't walk at all! Having only added 1.34 mins on to my time for this course far exceeds what I thought I'd do! I'm thrilled! Now if I don't throw up next saturday morning, all will be good!:p

Edited To Add: Hi Christine! You weren't there when I STARTED writing this novel!:p Have a good hike today!:)
Oh yeah, one more thing before I forget!!! I exchanged phone #s with a girl from my running class today that I have been chatting with every class for the past several weeks. After the race we are going to try to get together once a week to run together! That should be a nice change for me! :)
Christine :: I *did* run off those Coronas - thanks for the nudge. This place keeps me honest!...Just finished 4.2 miles and MM u/b...not my strongest workouts ever, but I'm glad I plowed through. Good luck with the condo! And nice trip comin' up!

Wendy :: That's a GREAT time for a hilly course! You'll probably find that you run even faster on race day as you get caught up in the crowd and the rush. :) We'll be pullin' for ya, of course. Yeah, I kept reading good things about Jari's workouts, so I'm taking the plunge. It's good to mix it up. I also just picked up StretchMax on ebay. I need more disciplined stretching! Checked out your updated pics :: little Joey sure is a cutie (adorable shot of him getting a haircut), and look at you gettin' all ripped, girl. Oh yah, the uber thing made me chuckle ~ it's that German thing. :)

Well, we must have some busy cheetahs this weekend ~ it's been fairly quiet. I am off to get showered and then later I'll be hittin' the bowling lanes for a wild night of fun. *lol* The theme of this weekend is definitely CoronaMax. But CoronaMax LIGHT. :)

Have a great night, ladies!
cathy :)
Jess...I am happy you got in a good 16 miler today even thought the weather was a huge factor. I have done some long training runs in the rain myself and the good thing is, it does make you strong..:)..can you carry your cell phone when you run?

Cathy...yes new toays are s fun. I didn't even see any 201's or 301's my search went right to the 205 or 305 so i just tried to find the best price. I know you had some trouble hooking up to your PC...maybe and upgrade to the 205 would be good?...

Elaine..yes the 305 does have a HRM, I wouldn't have gotten the Garmin without that..I am at a loss with your brother's gift? A favorite food? A favorite movie on DVD? Good luck on the 20...I'll be pulling for you...:)

Christine..I am so jealous!!! You get to run on the beach!!! I got a great price on the Garmin $273.95 total...:)..as they normally sell for $349..I love Amazon.com...glad you got your step ordered.

Wendy..yes I caved and got the Forerunner. I kept having these battery issues with the Timex GPS's...and the Garmin I got has a rechargable lithium battery...:)..not a bad time on that 5K course. My advice would be to take it easy on the first hill and after you warm up, go with the flow. Running with a friend from class once a week will be great!!

I finished my workout and did some Yardmax....tired now and looking forward to a long run tomorrow...:)

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