::: Cheetahs:::Monday 8/29/06


Mondays are such good days to get a schedule going! :) :7

Hi Gayle :) How was your TM run last night?

Christine- I didn't reply to you yesterday. I am sorry. MM is a favorite of mine too. It gets every muscle exhausted!

I have an interesting feeling on my sides of my hips from the elliptical, but no hip pain! I have been doing the stretches only twice daily but with a timer and really holding them 30 seconds. I'll have to see how it goes after the 6 or 7 mile easy (but hilly) run this morning.

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.


Good Morning Cheetahs! So who is happy it's Monday!? :p

Judy, Enjoy this morning's run. I hope it's pain free!:)

So this morning I am previewing MIC's step segment as I think I am going to give a go before I head to the gym for a TM run. I am thinking of a short warm up run and then giving the second half of my 60 min Itread a shot as I still haven't gotten to it yet. }(

After all of the downright SCAREY reviews of MIC, I think I will be trying the MIC segments on thier own first. I'm quite afraid to do the work out in it's entirety!:eek: LOL
Well, sorry I didn't check back Sat & Sun but it was a busy weekend! I won't even bore you w/ details but my dh & his brother had the computers hooked up playing games y'day so I had no computer to use! I ended up doing GS C & T (timesaver-32 min) & then did all of GS legs. I still felt great muscle-wise after my 16 on Sat! I'm soooo ready for 20 this weekend! Then it'll be 3 weeks til the marathon!!

Then Melissa & I went for a 13.5 mile bike this morning. It was soooo dark when we started, we couldn't hardly see the road so we took it slow. We rode up into town & rode around a while until it got lighter & then took the back road home. It was a good ride!

It's back to school for the kids today & gotta do some CleanMax & LaundryMax as usual! I swear it's a never ending job w/ 3 kids! (or 4 sometimes if you count Greg! LOL)

Judy ~ Yeah on the no hip pain!! WTG on keeping up w/ the stretching, I'm sure that has helped a lot! Enjoy your run!!

Wendy ~ Enjoy your workout today! Sounds like you have a good plan! I don't have MIC so I don't know what to tell ya!

Everyone else ~ Have a great day & great workouts!!
Happy Monday Ladies:) No run for me today (10 soggy miles yesterday) but I think I'll do a little bit of cardio to loosen things up a bit. Maybe IMAX3 step only. I'm not sure if I'll do yoga or some upperbody weights and abs. I'll see how the cardio goes;-) Back to school errands today, they go back Sept. 5. I'm preoccupied with thoughts of our 41 year old spa director. He's having surgery today to remove an 11cm cancerous tumour from his kidney. There's a 20% chance that the cancer is localized to the kidney only which would be very good news. He's a great guy and I pray that all goes well for him.

Judy, have a good run.

Wendy, it took me a while to really 'like'}( MIC hi/lo but I loved the step routine right from the get go! Have a great workout.

Jess, sounds like your feeling really good with your longer runs, that's awesome! I'm so amazed at the challenges that our bodies can rise to!

I'll chat more later ladies. Hi to all who follow:D

Take Care
Hi, laides. Happy Monday. Back to a routine, like Judy said.

OK.......I'm crying! LOL. Just got my kids ont he bus and I was fine, till I got home and the house was empty! My baby is in school! I can't believe it. He'll be fine, but we still worry, right? I'm not worried about my older DS, just my BAAAAAAABBBBBBBBYYYYYYYYY!

I was planning on doing my long run of 10 miles today, but since the kids went to bed at 8 last night, I hit the treadmill last night instead. The only problem was that I was SO wound up that I fell asleep at 11, but was up at 1:45am. Couldn't get back to sleep till almost 5am! I was TIRED this AM when the alarm went off!

Today's plan: running errands first. Then coming home for my workout....upper body weights and abs! I'm thinking CTX upper body or GS something or other!

I'll BBL to check in, after errands and my workout. Happy Monday!

I did high step training this morning. Can you say "Leg Presses"? Reminds me of a Firm workout. Anyway it was a good one. Running late as always. I really am more social than my posts indicate.

Have great workouts ladies, Natalie
Good morning cheetahs

Judy...I have had that interesting feeling in my hips from the Elliptical too! Not pain at all....hopefully it is a burning fat feeling...:)...have a good run

Wendy...I LOVE MONDAYS!!!! I think you will like MIC but it is tough and long...

Jess...your marathon is getting closer!! Good luck on the upcoming 20. Will someone be running with you for it? I don't even have kids except DH and I always have tons of laundry?...

Laurie...I'd take off running today too after 10 miles of soggy running!! The kids here started school last week. I pray things go well for your 41 yr old spa director friend too...

Gayle...I bet it is tough to let the baby go off to school...and now a quiet house!! Sorry about your insomnia...have a great workout.

Natalie...I agree...alot of leg presses in High Step Training...good workout though!

I am giving Cardio Coach 6 a try this morning on my Elliptical. Then P90X Chest, shoulders and triceps this afternnon.

Have a great day...:)
Morning ladies. Well, my weekend was not so great. DD is sick again with a high fever and will be going to the doctor today. I had every intention of going to the gym and doing my long run yesterday, but when DD gets sick, she won't let me leave her side. Which I don't mind because I love the cuddle time with her. So, I didn't get my run in yesterday. Then this morning I woke up at 4:00 and DH told me that I kept him up tossing and turning. Well, I woke up to my back aching to the point I wanted to cry. I don't know what's going on. I haven't run since Wednesday, but my back is still killing me. Maybe it's not the shoes. My back hasn't bothered my like this since I was pregnant (and NO, that's not it:p ). I've been trying to stretch it out, but when I get up in the morning it's so stiff. I think I'm going to do my run tomorrow in my old shoes and see if my back bothers me after that.

Sorry, no personals now, I have to go check on DD.

Good morning!

My 20 mile run yesterday was tough, too tough.....so, I'm going to get in another one next weekend after changing some things around beforehand. Hopefully, I'll discover where I laid my energy!

Carole, Maybe you have tons of laundry because you have lots of sweaty workout clothes to wash!

Wendy, I read your account of the run on your 5K race route! Man, it sounds kinda brutal! But at least you know what you are up against.

Sounds like everyone esle is doing good with their runs and also that the popularity of the elliptical is picking up. I just love mine and still marvel at the non impact workout I get from it.

Today I'll be doing upper body. Probably GS CT, core and an elliptical workout. Maybe I'll give one of my cardio coaches a whirl since I have no 24 DVD to watch today.
Katie- I hope your DD is OK!

Jes & Gayle- Enjoy your school hours! I always try to pack in as much as possible!

Carole- How do you like cardio coach? It seems to be popular around here. Is it expensive or boring?

Wendy- So you did MIC step :) Have fun at run class tonight

Fitlibrarian- having limited time can make posts short, but it is OK. Just post when you can. I have those days too. I'm only on now long enough to finish my coffee. Then it is Clean Max!

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.


Elaine ~ Sorry you had a rough 20 miler!! I'll be doing 20 along w/ you next week, so let's hope we have good runs!!! Enjoy GS CT, I did that one y'day!

Funny you mention watching 24, my running buddy Erin watches that when she uses her treadmill, she loves that show! I've never watched it, I don't watch much tv!

Laurie ~ I hope all goes well w/ your friend's surgery! Keep us posted! Enjoy your IMAX 3 today!

Gayle ~ Awwww!!! I'm sure I'll feel that way when my youngest goes to school. It was hard enough watching my 2 older dd's get on the bus last week! They grow up so fast!! WTG on getting in that treadmill run, I just don't think I could handle the treadmill after running outdoors for so long now!

Natalie ~ I don't have High step training either. I did used to do the FIRM before I found Cathe though, I should see how easy it is after getting used to heavier weights now!! :p

Carole ~ Yes, it's getting closer!! My friends Erin, Melissa, & Amy are all running the marathon also. I'm debating whether I'll actually run *with* them the whole time though since I did about 10 min faster on the half marathon. They've all done marathons before but are a bit slower than I am. We'll see how I feel come race day!!
Enjoy your Cardio coach workout!

Katie ~ Sorry about the sick dd! That's so hard when they feel so yucky! Did you see my post about sleeping on your tummy?? Seriously, I always have back issues when I sleep on my tummy! Also, strengthening my core has helped strengthen my back also!

I did CleanMax & MopMax, started another load of LaundryMax, and talked to my Mom. Now I'm off to keep my dd entertained (she *helped* w/ cleaning) & I'll do some pilates later & stretch!! It's dark & yucky out, more rain coming so it will be a nice indoor day to get things done!

Good Morning Ladies!

Judy – YES Mondays are a great time to get a schedule going! And I do agree with MM. I swear it takes the best of the GS series and CoreMax and condenses them to a 68 minute workout.

Jess - Great job on the run! I'll be thinking of you and Elaine next week on your 20 milers!

Wendy – Have fun with MIC – it’s tough, but it’s fun. Great workout! I love the high/lo – although I do have to admit I’m happy when it’s done. The step is intense, but I like the step from Body max better. I don’t sashey too well – I look like something from La Cage aux Folles… :p

Laurie – Prayers to your spa director. That’s so scary! Way to go on your run yesterday!

Gayle – sorry to hear you didn’t sleep well! {{{HUGS}}} to you for sending your baby off to school. That’s sooo tough. I know.

Natalie – I’ve heard leg presses are fabulous for the butt (of which I have none), so I bought HSTA with my high step. I can’t wait to try it! And don’t worry – we’re happy to hear from you anyway, and know that personals take time. Glad to have you here!

Carole – let me know how you like CC6! I have CC5 and I like Shawn, but I’m not sure about Candance, so I never bought it. I enjoy P90X CST – I like the way it’s done. Have fun! I’m thinking of another P90X rotation after my Half… We’ll see.

Katie – Sorry to hear about DD! I hope she feels better! Maybe you need to flip your mattress. Whenever my back starts to bother me, I do that and it seems to make it better. In fact, it’s on my agenda to do today.

Elaine – I simply cannot understand why a 20 mile run might be tough! *winks* I really admire the way you’re handling this. Even though the run was tough, you’re going to do it again, to figure out why it was so tough. You’re an inspiration!

I’m supposed to do a long run today, but my knee is still a bit tender, so I’m thinking maybe I’ll do an easy 5 miler just to see how it goes, then do my long run on Wednesday. Of course, if I do the 5 miles and I’m feeling good, I may just do the 9, so we’ll see.
Good morning everyone! Another Monday lover here :) It's so crowded everywhere on weekends. Still feeling pretty good after my long run yesterday (18miles) I did a good long stretch routine afterwards and even got in some cycling. Today will be GS legs and an hour on the elliptical:7

Judy- I hope your 6 mile hill run goes well...that's very encouraging that you're having no hip pain :7

Wendy- MIC is an oldie but still very much a goodie! I feel (along with alot of others) that the hi-lo portion of this is more challenging than the step. It's a good strategy to do them separately at first but if you can run 5 miles I have no doubt you can handle the entire workout}(

Hi Jess- I know what you mean about your DH...When people ask me if I have kids I often say only one big one...my hubby! You know that only difference between men and boys is the size of their toys! I have yet to run my first marathon, however, from what I've learned I think a good strategy for you would be to start out with your friends the first half at least and then, if you are feeling well to pick up the pace. You gotta respect the distance and you don't want your first marathon experience to be ruined with a crash and burn from starting out too strong! BTW, what marathon are you running...is it a large event?

Laurie- Good job on your 10-miler yesterday...What....you're giving us the distance in miles, not kilometers? What's going on there Canadian cheetah? I hope it turns out well for your spa director.

Gayle- You are too cute! Don't you know that separation anxiety is supposed to happen to the child! Well, as consolation you now have no distractions and can get in some quality workouts. I believe you about getting in little sleep...I really try to avoid runs before I sleep. It really affects the sleep quality and doesn't pay in the long run.

Natalie- believe me no one thinks you are anti-social for not posting much!!!! Alot of people here have busy schedules that don't allow them much time for this. Great job with HSTA!

Carole- new Queen of the elliptical! Is DH still doing it too? Which do you think is more challenging.... Itrain or CardioCoach?

Katie- I'm so sorry your DD is sick! Your back issues are troubling that it's still going on. I've read on some runners websites about many people who have back problems that cleared up with new shoes.
It's worth a try to experiment with this but if you're still hurting I do hope you make a Dr. appointment!

Elaine- I'm sorry your 20 miler was so tough! I've been learning on long runs that strategy and planning is everything! Sleep, Pre-run meal, hydration, equipment, clothes...it all factors in. I'm sure you'll figure it out...you are one smart cheetah!

Okay, as much as I love stalling and chatting this fine Monday morning it is time to get the butt in gear!

Hi Christine- we were doing the simultaneous posting routine! Good luck with your run today...good strategy!
Hey Shelly!! Thanks!! I'll figure this all out. I know once I get moving I'll be fine. But I did have a turkey burger this morning, so I have to wait for that to digest - I woke up STARVED (don't know why - it's not like I didn't eat well yesterday!).

Have y'all seen the blogs? I'm sooo stoked for Butts and Gutts and Body Max 2. I think I'll love DrillMax, too, but they're being awfully quiet about it. I think she's going to kill me with it. And the ladies just look so fabulous. I'll never have abs like that, but it's sooo nice to dream about it.
Christine ~ Thanks for the well wishes on the long run! I hope your knee feels good & you can get in a good run today!! I've gotta do 9 on Wed! Let us know how it goes!

Shelly ~ I love Mondays too!! It's my get back to routine & housecleaning day! I don't like to run errands or have to go anywhere Monday & the rest of the week feels like smooth sailing once things are done! Is your marathon the same weekend as mine or pretty close? I'm running the Quad Cities marathon on Sept 24th, and yes it's a big marathon! My plan for the marathon is definitely not to start out too fast, but I also don't want to run 10 min miles, that will just make 26.2 miles last so much longer!! My avg pace for the half was 9:04, so I'm thinking maybe a 9:15 pace might be good for the full. I'll just see how I feel after the taper & on rested legs!! Our training pace has been from 9:45- 10 & I find that I just really don't enjoy running that slow. My legs actually feel better when I'm running faster. I won't complain though because I'm happy to have company. I will run my 9 miles this week at a faster pace & see how I feel then also. I just need to get my running buddies doing Cathe too & then they'll really see a difference!!

OK, finished another load of laundry & this is my break time for another cuppa coffee! ;-) The computer's always my reward for getting my chores done!! :)

I have mornings like that too where I just wake up starving! Turkey burger sounds yummy!

Yes, I read the blog every day! They all just look fantastic and I love their outfits!! I would love to have abs like that too, but after having 3 kids plus losing 70 lbs has NOT been kind to my tummy. No bikinis for this girl!! It has gotten better & my upper abs are really getting defined but my lower ones are just not pretty!! :eek: (but they're strong!! :p ) I wish I could afford a tummy tuck!

I've been buying the ultra lean ground turkey breast, mixing it with spices and onions, then making burgers out of it. I just keep them in the fridge and pop one into a skillet when I want one. Take 5 minutes and they are really good!

As you can see I haven't made it out the door yet. I'd better get moving as it's supposed to be warm this afternoon, but there's a nice marine layer right now, so it's cool.

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