Cheetahs Monday 7/31


Hey girls.

Yes, I am awake at 3am though I am NOT happy about it! LOL DH woke up at 1am with a coughing fit that in turn woke me up. 15 minutes later the coughing fit was over and DH fell back to sleep...I have been awake ever since. x(

My work out for today will be Ripped to the Core. Cardio will only be my running class in the evening.

Have a great day!:)
Hopefully you are asleep by now. I am sorry about your wakefullness last night. We wer awakened by our cats telling us they brought in another mouse. It is the 6th one in two weeks. They are very busy hunting in their new outdoor surroundings! And they are like little kids showing us what they accomplished! After I threw the mouse out the front door with a dust pan and broom, I had to disinfect them and then finally get back to bed. I should have stopped here to say hello to you, LOL.

On the agenda for today is a 6.5 mile run with my girlfriends and chest and back, either CTX or PUB.

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Good morning - Judy and Wendy and those that follow.....

It is already 85 degrees here in Minnesota and it's only 6am!!! UGH! I'm afraid a run is out of the question for me with temps like that already and an expected high of 100 with humidity extremely high as well. Ugh! I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm ready for fall - I want to be able to have my windows open and a nice breeze going through. :)

Due to some unexpected family committments in August I will not be able to run my 1/2 marathon afterall. x( ;( x( ;( I'm bummed out, but it's something that I just can't change. But, on a little lighter note, I will be signing up for a 10 miler in October so that will be my next run.

Today - I'm going to start Cathe's August Rotation and put in my runs where she has cardio.

I hope everyone has a great Monday! STAY COOL!!!

Jess: Can't wait to hear about your trip.

Wendy: I sure hope you are snoozin' in this morning :)

Judy: Good luck on your run, I hope the weather is nice and cool for it.

Judy- You have a great work out planned there! You go! Ever plan to run a race??

Aaaawwww Marcia! That stinks that you had to cancel your half! I'm sorry! :-( So how's your new biz coming along, girl? :)

Well, despite not getting back to sleep until about 4 this morning, here I am! I want to get Ripped to the Core done before DS gets up so that I can have nap time to myself...I just might take a NAP! LOL ;)

I hope the air isn't like soup for my class tonight!:eek:
GOOD FOR YOU, Wendy! Naps are a wonderful thing - I hope you get to enjoy one.

The business is going slow because I'm so chicken to jump in with both feet! I am going to set up my website tonight after work and order my business cards. I need to have a party and get it under my belt. UGH! My confidence is waivering and I need to JUST DO IT! :)

Marcia, I used to sell Partylite Candles. It was hard for me too as sales is not my fortee'. I am not the social, outgoing type. I am quiet and shy so I felt awkward trying to push myself on people. Your best bet is to start with friends/family as they will likely have a couple of parties for you that will hopefully "kickstart" something for you. That's what I did. Hope this helps!:)

Best of luck!:)
Thanks Wendy! I'm having an "open house" at my own house next Thursday so people can come whenever and see what it's all about with samples, etc. I'm hoping to book a few parties from that. I am a very social person and love meeting new people, but I'm just so nervous to put myself out there and take a chance. I'm afraid of failure, so I'm trying to muster up some self confidence to do it! :)

*slinking back in to say hi* Yep, it's me!! Sorry I haven't posted. It was such a whirlwind week & I just needed a bit of a break!! Plus, I had to take one, I'm having some leg issues. x(

Anyway, short version of trip- original 6AM flight cancelled, then had to drive an hour to another airport, and got there 6 hrs later than scheduled & NO luggage. Made it to the dinner for the testimonials at the hotel a half an hour late, and still NO luggage. A friend there lent me some jammies after & got a toothbrush from the front desk. Thank God they were doing wardrobe on the set the next day!! The set was awesome- it was at Raleigh studios where they film CSI: Miami. The same lady did wardrobe as last time, got a cute hot pink tank & grey yoga pants (which I got to keep). Then I went to hair & makeup, she used some awesome stuff in my curls that really worked! Just minimal makeup, she said I didn't need it anyway (so sweet). They just wanted natural since we were working out! Lots of waiting & tons of food for all of us (there were about 25 testimonials, 3 of them that I knew from last time).

So finally we got to go to the set & I met Susannah & Rachel from the DVD's (I totally felt like I knew them from working out w/ them so much!!). They were both soooo tiny & shorter than I expected!! (I'm 5'7", I think they were maybe 5'1" or 5'2"??). So we all found a mat to work out on & a body ball (which is so awesome, it's kinda like a medicine ball to use for resistance!). Then in comes Mari Winsor!! She was so funny & the cameras were rolling getting us doing the new body ball workout. Then we were laying on our backs & I hear the voice that sounds so familiar. I'm thinking, that sounds like Jamie Lee Curtis??? Well, sure enough, it WAS Jamie Lee Curtis!! She's the new celebrity for Winsor Pilates. She was sooooo funny & very sweet & personable!! She came around & introduced herself to each of us. So we finished the workout & then got a chance to talk to Mari & Jamie. Then they pulled Wendy (another testimonial whom I knew) & me over to a different area & were touching up our makeup. I had no idea what was going on & all of the sudden Jamie Lee came over to interview/ chat with us!!!! It was sooooo awesome. We chatted for a good 15 min or so. She was just so easy to talk to & she really looks great in person too. So who knows if they'll use any of that for the infomercial, but it was awesome anyway! And they took pics of us w/ her which they'll send us (we weren't allowed cameras on the set).

So.... we took some more group photos & then went to the stage for lunch (it was like 3PM by this point & we were all starving!). They had a huge spread for lunch & Jamie even joined us & the crew! She sat a table away from me & I waved to her & she said, Hi Jessica! (I was so psyched that she remembered my name!)

Anyway..... very cool experience!!! We were all done & could go by then. So I called the hotel & still no luggage yet. So they sent me to wardrobe to pick out something to wear!! (they were all feeling sorry for me by this point!) I got a really cute pair of jeans & a hot pink halter (I normally don't wear halters but they told me I looked too cute! :p ) and a cute pair of jeweled sandals. So a few of us went to shop at Old Navy & out to eat at Chili's later on. It was fun. My luggage was finally at the hotel at 8PM that night!!!! :eek: I couldn't believe it. I was so tired by then, went to chill out in my room.

My flight the next morning was at 7:20AM so I had to get up early again & almost missed the flight (another long story), then just made it to the connecting flight- had to run from one end of Atlanta to the other!. I was soooo excited to be home & my dh & kids were waiting for me at the airport. I have to brag on my dh- he did so great w/ the kids & they were well taken care of even though they missed me like crazy!! So, only ONE of my bags made it home!!! Again, luggage issues. I went to the desk & they said that they'd deliver it the next day. Fine, I didn't need it anyway. We went out to eat at IHOP & got home. I was soooo tired. I went to bed around 10:15 & the phone rang right as I was almost asleep. They were going to drop my luggage off that night. UGH! Ok, so I wait for the guy to deliver it & was heading back to bed. I didn't know it at the time, but when the guy backed out he RAN OVER OUR MAILBOX!!! So the next morning we see the tire marks in our yard & the mailbox on the ground!! I called Delta & they said that they'd reemburse us for the cost. Oh my goodness, if anything else could have gone wrong w/ my luggage I don't think it's possible!!

So anyway, that's the shorter version!!! So much going on, but lots of fun & I'm glad that I went anyway.

And, on to my injury. I've been feeling some twinges in my quad, but figured it was just from running more miles. It hurt a bit after last weekend (10 miles) & just ran 5 miles on Mon. I still felt it a bit the rest of last week, but took off from running since I was gone anyway. It was 15 miles this weekend so I started off w/ Erin on Sat & it felt ok til about mile 3, then it continued to hurt until I finally headed home at 7 miles. She told me to go swim in her pool (yeah, Erin!) so I swam for a bit & did some water jogging. It continued to hurt all day & was really hurting Sat night. I've been icing & taking Advil to help. I thought it was ITB, but I really think it's a muscle issue on the outer part of my quad. It doesn't hurt like what I've read about ITB, my knee doesn't hurt at all, it's mainly the outer part of my quad/ thigh on the left side, halfway up the leg. So... I swam again this morning (.25 mile) & will swim a few days to see how it feels. Less than 2 mos til the marathon, I don't want an injury!!

OK, VERY long. Sorry!! Thanks for reading & sorry I didn't post earlier. Kinda bummed about the leg injury & just busy too!!

Good Morning Cheetahs!

Today is a rest day from running, I was going to do the standing/floor work from L&G but I slept in and have early appointments. My FIL is visiting today so we may put the canoe on the car and head north to a lake. My 3 Girls and I were tourists in our town yesterday and took the Trolley ride through historic Kingston, it was fun and interesting, we walked around the waterfront for a while and had an unclean dinner of fajitas on a patio, we walked again and then had a waffle cone. It was a really nice afternoon and evening, I love getting out with them like that. I surprised myself and have already figured out my route for next Sunday's 14k and am even looking forward to it!

Wendy, hope you get that nap in! Sounds like you are lovin' Ripped to the Core! I'll cross my fingers for cooler temps for your run!

Marcia, too bad you had to cancel your 1/2. With the crazy hot weather we've been having October sounds like the perfect time for a race. What are you selling with your home based business?

Judy, I just saw a show where they put a mini cam on a domestic cat in Manhatten to see what the nights were like for him. He would catch up to 18 mice in one night!! Enjoy your run with the Girls!

Hello to all that follow!:)

Take Care

edited to add, Hi Jess, Welcome back!!! So sorry about your injury, here's tons of good {{{{{{{VIBES}}}}}}}} for healing!! Take good care of that testy quad! Nice to have you back:)
Hi Cheetahs!

Just a quick hello for now, I'll be back later today to catch up with everyone. I was out of town last week (we took the kids to Adventure Island in Tampa, Fl), but I thought about you all. I tried to post before leaving town, but apparently I forgot to hit submit before shutting down the computer.:+

I haven't reviewed any posts since before I left, but Carole I have been praying for your nephew. I hope you've received some good news.

Take care everyone -- I'll be back later.

Jes- What a unique experience your trip was!

Laurie- That is funny about the cam on the cat :)

Marcia- What is the product or company that you are woking with? I'm sure you will do fine with it as you get into it more and more.

Pamela- welcome back!

Carole- What is the news with your nephew?

Hello to Barb, Mattea, Shelly and Christine and pace1987 and whomever else I missed!

I did the 6.5 mile run and stretch. Now I am having a smoothie. In a few minutes I will head down stairs to do chest and back, and then house cleanning.

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Good morning cheetahs

First off...Christine is FAR from lame!!! She is quite a lot of fun to be around. She did great and it was not a fall...merely a slip on a steep hill...:)...She is very sweet as my avatar pic was taken when I was a bit more cut...:)...And I know you will all be jealous to know I got to meet the lovely fluffy furred TUCKER! Both of Christines dogs were outside to meet us!! My sister and I had such a great time with Christine, I think we were all very relaxed...I do wish we could have gone the 11 miles and spent a bit more time with Christine, but needed to get back. It was a beautiful day and so cool as what we are used too. Way killer hills....going down was fun...:)...I hope we can go back again and coax Amy to join us...:)...and of course any of you other cheetahs...:)

Sounds like you all did some great workouts this weekend. I do really hope someday to eventually meet all of you...:)

Wendy...don't you hate it when our wake us unecpectedly like that and then THEY go back to sleep!!! Sometimed they are just brats! you are aquiring a collection of dead mice??....It is quit funny the way cats like to share...have a good run.

Marcia...sorry about you missing the half...:(...there will be others...Have fun with Cathe's Aug rotation.

Laurie...sounds like you had such a nice day with the girls. I had some veggie fajitas in San Jose...YUM! had alot of fun in LA. Despite the luggage problem. I had an injury like you are descibing but on my left thigh. Your IT band does go all the way to your hip and I did my injury was related to IT band. Try to avoid downhills for awhile, that seemed to help me...

My nephew has had some rough days. It is normal for him to go thru an anger stage. He is there. I just hate the way he talks to my sister (his Mom). Now he is refusing to eat and wants his feeding tube back in. I think he is trying to have some sort of control as he really has none at this point. I know if the feeding tube goes back in I doubt he will go to Rehab anytime soon. Not sure when I will go back but as I can I will update you...

Today I am doing P90X Shoulders & Arms, abs and some sort of cardio. I won't run as there has been a big fire in a city about 100 miles from us, but we have a lot of smoke here from it.

Have a great day...:)
Good morning ladies!

Today I'll do GS Chest and Tris, core and elliptical (yay, I get to watch another episode of 24!!!) I'm going to take it a bit easier this week. I started out with a 12 mile long run and will only work legs twice rather than three times.

Wendy, I had a night similar to yours on Saturday. I was glad my long run on Sunday was only 12 miles but, even so, I was dragging all day yesterday. I didn't have time to take a nap but even if I had it's difficult for me to do. For some reason I feel like I'm missing out on an aspect of life if I sleep during the day! I asked a few days ago for a description of your beloved Ripped workouts but I guess you missed it. So, what are they all about?

Carole, I'll join you other CA ladies anytime! I agree with you that Christine is as nice as can be. My time with her was much shorter than yours though so I'd definately be eager for a get together.

Jess, Bummer about your injury! I know *exactly* what you are going through. Do you have access to an elliptical? I have found that particular piece of cardio equipment invaluable during marathon training. Until last year I always supplemented running with an exercise bike but the elliptical is so much better. Last year I had an injury that sidelined me from running for about a week so I immediately bought a one month membership to a gym and started using the elliptical in place of my runs. Afer the injury was better I continued to use the elliptical in addition to my runs right up to taper time. When Sarah started training for the marathon she ran this past spring she ended up with a stress fracture and for about 6 weeks used her elliptical in place of running. She even did her long *runs* on it while recovering and went on to run a phenomenal first marathon. Anyway, I finageld my DH into consenting to buy a Precor last March and I've been using it faithfully twice a week while running 4 times a week. My weekly mileage is over 40 miles now and so far, no injuries. (This is where I knock on wood, cross my fingers and say a prayer!) Oh, and I've had similar luggage/airline experiences as you only I didn't have access to a wardrobe where I could choose an outfit to wear so at least you were lucky in that area!

Laurie, How old are your girls? The weekend sightseeing sounds like it was fun and relaxing.

Marcia, That's too bad about your 1/2. I prefer 10 miles to 13 so I would probably be disappointed but more eager to run the 10 mile race. I've got a mental thing about 1/2 marathons!! LOL!! I should work on getting over it. Someday..... I echo the others curiosity, what are you selling?

Hi Pamela and Judy!
Good Morning lovely Cheetah Ladies!

Wendy – I am SOO sorry to hear about your being awoken too early. I hate that. My DH gets the sniffles and needs to get some allergy meds which are inhaler form, so all I hear is SNIIIFFFF for about 5 minutes. That’s like nails across a blackboard to me! So I understand. We’ll all sympathize together!

Judy – how sweet of the kitties to present gifts to you! Too bad you cannot ask them to do it during the day! Have fun on your run!

Marcia – I am sorry to hear about your half! How frustrating! But family does come first. The run in October will be fun, so enjoy! And try to stay cool. We’re enjoying cooler temps for the first time in weeks. We’ll be sending that your way, too, soon…

Laurie - Oh have fun with your FIL! Sounds like you’re having a good time. Unclean is good every now and again. :p

Jess – our CELEBRITY!!! Sounds like you had a great time, even with the luggage issues. What took them so long? Oh and to meet Jamie Lee Curtis! That had to be exciting! I so enjoy her.

Pamela – oh how was Adventure Island? Sounds fun!

Carole – I’ve found that all of the Cheetahs so far are just fun and relaxed. I have yet to meet such a great group of women. I’m loving it! And yes, we need to coax Amy out for the next one! I had so much fun with you and your sister.

Well, yesterday’s “slip” really hurt my hand – to the point where I was concerned that I may have broken it! But, I think it’s just a severe bone bruise. I’m not sure about weights today. I had planned on starting a GS rotation today. We’ll see. I want to get a short run in – 3 or 4 miles. So, I’m thinking that maybe I’ll do the run, then Legs and Glutes and I think I can hold the weights for that. I’ll attempt GS BSB tomorrow – hopefully I’ll heal fast!

I’m sitting here on a brand new computer! I’m so stoked! We FINALLY broke down and bought a desktop for the family. My old laptop is on it’s last legs. Got a pretty good deal through Best Buy on a Gateway. It’s a nice system – just trying to get used to the keyboard now! I put it together this morning and was thrilled when I could get on line with y’all!!

Enjoy your day!
Hi there cheetahgals! I've been MIA for a few days, but that's not unusual for any of us over the summer. Life can get busy at times.I was finishing up my motorcycle training over the last few days. It was quite tiring! I used my muscles in ways they are not used to!
Anyway, I passed!!!!! My skills are still basic but they are there!!
I go to the DMV later today to get my official M stamp on my driver's license, then it's motorcycle shopping :7

Carole- You hit the nail right on the head about your nephew. The anger stage is definitely one of the most difficult for families to deal with. I hope your sister is getting some kind of counselling on how to deal with this. With the right support he'll work through this stage and eventually realize his potential. What would really benefit (later on, now now) would be to meet with other people who have successfully dealt with spinal cord injuries and gone on to athletic or other type achievements.
How wonderful that you got together with Christine!!!! I think it is so fantastic when the cheetahs can get together. Sounds like you had a great time. You are one smart cookie for avoiding running outdoors today. Have a great time with p90x, I am absolutely LOVING these workouts!

Wendy- As a night shift worker for 25+ years :eek: I can definitely relate to interrupted and shortened sleep! I've become masterful at taking afternoon naps, it seems like around 1-2pm is a natural time for one and it is so rejuvenating! It will help you revive for your running class! How is that going anyway?

Judy- Sounds like you are enjoying your new house. I have kitties also but they stay indoors (too many coyotes) Catching mice is great but I hate it when they bring home birds, baby rabbits, etc!!!
Great job with your 6.5 miles....a piece of cake for you:)

Marcia- Wow 85 degrees in the morning!? This summer has been brutal! Here in No. Arizona it's actually been quite pleasant this week, highs have been 75-85 so it's nice and cool in the morning.
I can relate to your "fear of failure" feeling. I agree with the advice to keep your first venture confined to close friends and family for a confidence boost. And be sure to provide your website to us so we cheetahs can support you! Have fun with Cathe's killer August rotation!

Laurie- Sounds like you've been having a great rest time!! I'm envious of your canoeing! I'm really into kayaking (as you can tell from my avatar) but haven't had the time for it lately :-(

Jess- Great to hear from you!!! That was the SHORT version :eek: of your trip? Seriously, it was great reading about it! What an opportunity! I'm so sorry about your injury ;( It doesn't sounds like ITB syndrome at all, more like a pulled or strained quad muscle. Anyway, that could be quite minor and taken care of with a little rest, ice, etc. Keep us posted!!!!

Hi Pamela- welcome back!!! How are your runs going? Any more races planned?

Christine- I'm so incredibly jealous that your got to run with our SuperCarole and her sister! I think it's great you've signed up the the RnR half marathon! The full marathon I'm doing in Phoenix next January (with Gayle!) is also a RocknRoll event. There is a band every mile and cheering squads also. I'm thinking they will provide a great diversion so it will take my mind off of how long I've been running:7

Enough inane babble for now. I ran a nice 4 miles this am, to the mailbox and back and now I'm headed to the basement for some KPC!

Hey Elaine! We're posting at the same time! I so agree about the napping thing. I have learned to take 15 minute "power naps" that cut out the tiredness, but they really only work when the tiredness is due to physical activity, not lack of sleep. Only sleep helps with that. I slept in to *horrors* SEVEN AM this morning. I feel so lazy... Like I'm sleeping my life away.
Hello again, before going downstairs I had to say HI to Christine and Elaine- looks like we're cyberbabbling at the same time:) :)

Christine- have fun with your new computer!!! Hope your wrist injury gets better soon. It does sound like it was only a bruising.
Elaine- You're info on the elliptical was interesting! I have one but I don't use it all that often. I'm rethinking that as I increase my mileage in marathon training. Definitely a good idea to reduce injury risk, especially at my age.!

I am SO JEALOUS of you California cheetahs being able to get together!!!!!!

Oh jeez - Shelly - I missed you! A quick note to say hi to you as well! I agree that the bands will help with the pain of running that long of a distance! I have to sign up my DH as he decided he wanted to run, too - so I'm excited about that. If this goes well, maybe I can talk him into a trip to Phoenix in January... Then WE can meet! It is nice to meet the people you chat with daily! Okay, okay, I have to get moving - it's 9:30 and I'm still sitting on my butt!!!
Hey Elaine!

Ya know I read your question the other day and just forgot to answer! LOL Sorry about that!:7 There is Ripped, Ripped: Slim and Lean and Ripped to the Core all by Jari Love. They are all endurance weight work outs. Ripped is the easiest one of the three but if you use heavy enough weight, they ALL kick a$$! Ripped to the Core is a FANTASTIC compound exercise work out! Slim and Lean is like an advanced version of Ripped and it's AWESOME! I love them. }(

I had purchased BB's Slim Series a while back because I wanted a good line up of high rep/low weight work outs. Well, I did those a few times but just can't handle them now. UGH! x(

When I heard good reviews about Jari's stuff and found out it was endurance I HAD to try them and I am so glad that I did. They are really great...about an hour long each.


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