Cheetahs! July 19th Hump Day


G'morning Cheetah Gals!:)

It's hump day! We made it half way through the week! WOOH! LOL

So the DOMS is layering itself on to my lower body. My legs are more sore now then they were yesterday...must be from the elliptical! I KNEW it was a good work out!;) }( :+

I am going to walk around the house some and analyze my knee...I REALLY would like to hit the TM today. I can always keep it short if I have to, right? Once my knee is at 100% I am going to download my first HOUR long Itread work out...I'm looking very forward to the well as the TORTURE!;)

I also have weights on tap for today...I may do only u/b today given my DOMS and do l/b tomorrow or friday...we'll see how I feel...

Hope everyone is well!
Ahhh, Wednesday already!!

Went for a 7 mile run this morning- it was just oppressively hot & humid out even at 5AM. Erin & I were having a hard time, it just felt like we couldn't get enough air!!! I was feeling almost shaky by mile 6 & couldn't wait to get home to guzzle some water. Feeling better after drinking, eating, and taking a shower- I was DRENCHED in sweat. Yuck!

I had thought about doing GS legs today, but just didn't feel up to it. I'll just do some Pilates later & am taking the kids to the pool again. We had fun y'day & I'm watching my friend's 3 kids again.

Wendy ~ hope your knee is feeling better! My chest/ triceps are a bit sore today after y'days GS workout! G/L if you do hit the TM!

Wendy...I would definitely keep the TM run short if your knee hurts. Have fun with upper body...:)

Jess...I do hate that about running in the running shorts are so wet they look like short tights!!! The pool sounds nice, have fun with all the kids...:)

Christine...yes I will agree about the GPS loosing the signal in dense areas, but usually not for long so I guess I feel it was not too far off?...I'd be interested to see what you find with the SR2000...:)

I'll be doing a KPC/L&G premix today. Another hot day for us, about 108 and they have even threatened with saying it could be up to 120 this weekend! YIKES!!!!!

Have a good day...[/img]
Hi everyone!!! Once again I'm still alive and well. I have been keeping up with my workouts but my life has gotten very busy. My sister and I decided to go into business together for one thing. It was a very anxious time on mine and dh's part. We really took it all in and decided to just go for it. So we are now partnered up with my sis and her dh. Whew!!!! There is so much to do to get this thing up and running. Basically it will be for now and ebay store which coresponds with the store her and her dh run down here where we live. In the process of all of this my dh and I are remodeling our back room into an office. We are actually getting a huge desk delivered today. Plus the fact that he is still wrapping up school. Two more weeks. Yeah. Anyway I am still here but very busy. I love all of you.

Barb- I hope things are going well on your big reunion picnic that is fast approaching.

Wendy- Take care of that knee.Trust me it sucks not to run

Oh by the way my knee/ IT band is still giving my trouble. I have an apt. next week but I fear what he will say. I really don't know what else to do. I didn't run at all this week and it is still giving my trouble.

Jess, Carole,,Christine, Mattea, Thomasina, Judy, Pamela, Elaine and everyone else on board. Have a good run on me.

Good morning Cheetahfriends! Had a great 3 mile tempo run yesterday and today will be MuscleMax when I get up. I'm at work now, finishing a long very slow night.

Wendy- Great job with the eliptical yesterday! I think crosstraining on them really helps with your running. I do hope you take it easy if you run today and listen to your knee!

Carole- I was reading yesterday's posts about how your 50k was at 6000ft elevation. I think that played a MAJOR factor for you. I normally run at that elevation here and at the local races when we have out of towners come, they tell me they don't have problems racing shorter distances but on the longer endurance runs the elevation plays havoc! I guess after a while the "thinner" air just takes its toll. It sure works great in reverse though! When I travel and race at elevations < 2000ft I always feel supercharged!
Temps up to 120!!!!!YIKES!!!! I'd stay with the kickboxing!

Jess- That 7 mile run sounded tortuous! These days I've been using the TM more than usual due to the heat! Congrats on your newest infomercial. I guess your our celebrity cheetah!

Christine- I have an old Garmin and have been contemplating getting a new one. I'll be curious to read what you find out about the new Polars.

Have a great day everyone----stay cool!

Hi Karen! We were posting at the same time. It's great to hear from ya! You sure do sound of luck to you with your new business. So sorry your ITband is still a problem :-( These things can take a while to resolve sometimes. Keep your chin up! Let us know how it comes out with your doc visit.

Hi all.

Well, my knee was still iffy this morning so I canned the run. I downloaded a 40 min ICycle work out and gave that a shot. FUN! I really enjoyed it!}( Prior to the gym I did the push pull u/b body 2 set premix with heavy weights. Once again...I still have abs to to do. LOL

I am planning an early morning run tomorrow in the hopes that my knee will be better after all of these days away from running. My last run was outdoor on tomorrow I would HOPE it is feeling good enough for a SHORT run atleast! DS will be going to my mom's for an overnight tonight so I am going to take advantage if I can!:)

Jess: I didn't go to my running class on Monday because I was afraid of not feeling well due to the heat and humidity. Please be careful. I know you are a pretty well-seasoned runner but no one is completely immune to the effects of heat and humidity!:)

Carole: Wow, you are getting some high temps! It's not humid where you are though, is it?? Have fun with your premix! I've done kpc/lg premixes and they are fun!

Karen: Best of luck with your business venture! So you and DH will be running the online store portion of the business? Way cool! What do they sell? Can't wait for your life to calm down a bit...I miss "seeing" you around!:)

Shelly: I almost did an MM premix this morning as well! I was tempted as I LOVE that work out but I also have to mix it up a bit! LOL

Edited to Add: Oh, I almost forgot...when I was purchasing and downloading my ICycle work out I also bought and downloaded a 60 min ITread...once my knee is back up to par, I'm going to give it a shot! Wish me luck! I'm very excited!}(
Hey there lovely Cheetah Ladies!

I'm late today - took my Aussie for an 8 mile hike, after doing S&H Tri's and Bi's. I wanted to run all the down hill, but it was very hot, and poor Tucker is very black and furry and could not keep up. *Shrugs* Oh well, rather have a healthy pup then run all the down hill. That's the tough hike I went on with Amy. Burned mega calories! :)

Wendy - DOMS is wonderful isn't it? There's no better way to tell that you've had a nice workout the day before! Way to go!

Jess - Oh, it's muggy here, too, but not that muggy. I'm impressed you managed to run 7 miles in that! Way to go!

Carole - I haven't calibrated the SR2000 yet, so it was a bit off on the mileage. I'll do that on Friday and go for a run then let you know. I like all of the functions it has, though. It's kind of fun to use. 120?!? Holy OUCH!!! I thought it was hot here!! I know in Phoenix the planes cannot take off if it reaches over 122... *sends cooling vibes Carole's way*

Shelly - *points above* As soon as I calibrate it I'll let you know. I agree with you on the elevation, though. I've lived at altitude and I know what it can do to people, too.

Well - I'm off to the showers then I'm going to take DD13 to see Pirates of the Caribean. Hmmm, *ponders movie popcorn, then shakes head*...
Karen - GREAT to hear from you!!! Hope the knee is feeling lots better! Your business venture sounds interesting. Let us know how it goes!
Hi Cheetahs-

Just a quick check in here. I ran the Erie canal with a friend today. We did 6.5 miles and both of us had to have a BM but waited until we finished. That is an awful feeling and it affected our run today. I did not have my morning coffee, ahem. I will have to get up earlier to have it before our early runs.

My hip is not as painful as it was two weeks ago, but not up to par yet. I am stretching better though.

Yesterday was HSTA and Stretch Max in my new unfinished WO area. I had a contractor in today for an estimate on finishing it off and putting in a kitty door for Rocky & Apollo.

Caorole- I have been thinking about your race experience during my runs. I read abou the possible effect of altitude. Beign a former Respriatory Therapist, I believe it could be a major factor. Any way I hope you head is feeling better from the bump and that your heart and soul are feeling better too.

Wendy- How is your knee? Are you doing quad exercises to keep those muscles around your knee equally strong?

Jes- keep cool; 7 miles in humidity sounds awful.

Karen- i hope your knee/IT band issues reslove quickly
Shelly, Barb and any one else I missed ' Hi' and keep it going!!!

I have to go make cookies for all my wonderful nieghbors who sent over food. I can't return dishes without any food in them!!!

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Christine...The last time DH took our dog to the vet it was hot out (it must have been last summer) and a dog came in on an emergency basis-don't remember what breed. Well, it ended up that this dog died in the vet's office from severe heat exhaustion. The boy in the family had it out with him while he was riding his bike and had the dog on a leash running along side him...well, it was too hot and the dog finally collapsed. When Sal told me this I felt soooo bad, I wanted to cry sight unseen! Sorry for the sad story but when you mentioned being careful running your dog in the heat, it made me think of it. Soooo much better to be safe than sorry!

Judy...Sorry for the less then desirable experience on your run this morning. I can imagine it had to be pretty uncomfortable. :-( Hope that doesn't happen next time! Make sure you drink that coffee first!;)

Okay, well I'm off to my mom's to drop off DS and then to help out my friend with the last of what she needs done to FINALLY complete her move into her new apartment!

TOODLES Girls!:+
Hi Running Cheetahs--

I'm doing ok, but busy with kids, their summer activities are fun, but busy and DH is off this week....which challenges me because he is on vacation, but I am not.
Did an easy 5 mile run yesterday & Abs from C&W and GSL today with the abs from PS Biceps & Back and 30 min. of slideboarding.

Karen-- great to hear from you -- and thanks for checking up on me about the big party. So far so good in actuality with the to-do list, but I'm a stress case about it all.

Carole -- interesting to hear all the thoughts about altitude. That sure makes a lot of sense

Christine --Good job on the hike & S& H tapes.

Hey, I have the Polar RS 200 SD with the footpod:

I basically like it a lot and the calibration process, though annoying, seems pretty accurate when I re-drive routes with my car. It's on my to-do list to calibrate at a track like the manual recommends. I calibrated mine with a marked distance on a road.

Problem though: It was totally off when I did my half-marathon and I don't know if there was an interaction with the footchips from the race or cross-interference with the millions of other Polar monitors around. So that would tip me toward the new Garmin that Laura has. I called Polar. They did not have any idea what could have gone wrong. But my monitor said I ran 15 miles and it was a 13.1 mile race!!! **funny today, not on that day really...**

I picked the Polar over the Garmin because of price and I liked the watch better for my wrist. I like all the other data functions, etc. It's a nice gauge for me to keep up with output/exertion, but I don't put too much stock in the Calorie burn literally -- but it's an interesting measure of effort & Intensity....
(Can I flap my typing gums any more on this?)

Judy-glad the move went well and you are baking cookies! How fun.

Shelly - A slow night at work sounds like a good thing and having MM waiting for you to do when you get home sounds good, too. Glad the tempo run went well and interesting advice for Carole about the altitude. It makes a lot of sense.

Jess- congrats on the invite to be in another infomercial! Good for you!
The humidity is a bummer for running, though, but good for you that you did it!

Wendy-- I hope your knee heals and I agree you're doing the right thing X-trianing and trying to take it easy until you are recovered. If you run tomorrow, ease into it and don't be afraid to mix running and walking again. The standing ankleweight work in L & G always helps me if I get twinges in and around my knee....The standing quad work is helpful for me when my knee bugs me.

Hi to everyone else checking in later or in the next few days:
Mattea, Laura, Pamela, Cathy, Gayle, Elaine, ...gotta go!

:) :) :)
hello to all,

I crawled out of bed today and ran just under 31/2 miles . I was able to push a little more today. I feel like I am slowly coming back to where I was.

Jess that is great about your infomercial!! I dont know that I read what results you got from the pilates circle or whatever they call it.

wendy hope the knee is feeling better!!
barb sorry to hear about your polar problem. Hope you can get it straightend out.

talk with you all later!!
Wendy - oh yeah! Tuck has been trained as a Search dog, and one of the things they really cautioned us about was heat exhaustion. He's fine now, but he was hot. That's why I took it slow. Thanks for the reminder, though - it's a good caution. Dogs are not equipped with good ventilation systems. The minute I got him home, I hosed him off to cool him down (cool, not cold water). I just had him out for a walk and he was chasing squirrels, so it was the heat and not his conditioning.

Barb - It's hard finding an accurate calorie burn. To give you an idea on that 8 mile hike - my Timex said I burned 1990 calories, my Polar F4 told me I burned 1300, and my Polar SR2000 said I burned 2300 (now I ran more of the 2300, and walked all of the 1900 and 1300). I'm 5'10 and a "big" girl, so I'm thinking that today I did burn close to 2000. I did the fit test. I will be doing it again - it told me I was a top athlete. I laughed. But as you said, it's all a gage of intensity. I'll be calibrating mine at the school track probably Friday. I figure I can run laps early. We'll see. I do agree that on the half you got info from other watches. When I hiked with AmyG, my heart rate was suddenly at 167. To reach 167 I have to be doing a sustain full out sprint. It was Amy's watch (when I moved away it dropped to 143). We were just walking next to each other, so I do know what you mean about that.

Laura - glad to hear you're coming back to normal! YEAH!!!
Barb - one more thing - did you find any descrepency with hills? I'm wondering how accurate it will be once it's calibrated when I hike.

Oh and DD13 and I really enjoyed Pirates of the Caribbean 2. It was a good time. She was really interested in the actor who played Calamari face (Davy Jones - I made the comment that I'm not certain I'll ever be able to eat calamari again after that movie and he became Calamari Face). His name is Bill Nighy - and he's not at all what we expected. What a great actor. Of course, Johnny Depp is just phenomenal.

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