:::CHEETAHS::: Friday Nov 24

Shelly, You are too friggin' funny! :7 :7 :7

Thanks for the kudos everyone! I am on cloud nine right now...

Unfortunately my knee is not!x( It started hurting me in about the last mile of the race and has hurt ever since. I have iced it, rested it, used one of those icy-hot type creams on it (which usually works pretty well!) but nothing is working for more than a few mins. Hopefully it will feel better in the morning. :-(
Wendy- yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee for you girl!! I knew you could do it. many congratulations on shaving off some minutes. what an accomplishment. you deserve to be on cloud nine.

susan- yes we can definitely start on monday. i gotta get my body back to looking like a pt, LOL

thanks for the congrats ladies!! i am truly surprised i passed the test as i didn't have much time to study. thankfully they went over alot of stuff in the first part of the class.

i do plan on eventually quitting my boring deskjob and get into doing something i love!!

have a nice night ladies:)
Well they already have all of the pics up of the race and I found myself at the finish and the clock read 50:54!!!:+ :+ :+

The pic is BEYOND FUGLY though so I won't be sharing the link with y'all. It's downright SCAREY!:eek: LOL

Anywho, I am hoping the official results will be posted fast too! I want to see where I placed and how many ran. It appeared to be a pretty big race...the biggest I've been in by far!:)
That's so funny Shelly, *blush**blush*:) Gracious! There will be no kissie kissie on the first date;):+ I'm a good girl but, as they say, when I'm bad, I'm better;-) :* :* Thanks for the smile Girl!:)

Carole, I hope you stayed lazy today and chillaxed on your holiday!

Susan, don't be melting your credit cards down. Shopping with a friend sounds very fun.

Wendy, I'm scrinching up my face and sending tons of healing (((vibes))) to your testey knee! Hope it feels better after a good night's rest!

Cathy, you ROCK getting a paper done on a holiday Friday, I think you need to crack open a Corona (or 2 or...) to celebrate *Cheers!!*

Take Care
Hey Laurie! Thanks for the face scrinchy vibes!:7 You are makin' me want a beer now that you mentioned it to Cathy!:p I don't have Corona though so if I decide to indulge, Coors light will have to do....Hmmmm....Should I or shouldn't I??? }(
Hey everyone! I went out of town for T-Day, so I didn't do anything workout-wise yesterday. But today I did Jari's R2TC and went outside and ran 4.5 miles. It was so nice. I was thinking on my run how thankful I am for everything in my life. My family, my home, job, the health and ability to even be able to run..and being able to come in and check in with you guys! You are all so inspiring and motivating to me!

Laurie - That is absolutely great news! (the spa as well as the coffee date!!). Have a great time on tomorrow's date, too! It sounds like you have been a busy, busy, bee! Hope Marley - recovers very quickly!

Cathy - Hope you find the card for your Camera that you are wanting! Enjoy your run, too! I ate too many carbs yesterday

x( !!!!

Susan - Have fun shopping! I did not brave the crouds this year. I usually do ....but not this time! I am sure I will venture out tomorrow. I love Imax3, too. I have done BM2 upper x 2 once and I loved it. I loved how I got DOMS in a different way and in some different areas that I usually do with other upper body workouts! I was a good soreness...not a bad one in any way. I mean...no joint pain, or anything.

Wendy - Contrats on your race! Sounds like you did great! I ran both of the races that I have done by myself. I guess it was okay, but I was really wishing I had somebody there with me. Even if they would have been way behind me, or waaayy ahead of me!

Carole - Good job on your 8 miles! I am sure you "slow" run is much, much faster than my "fast"!

Sunny - Wow!!! Congratulations on becoming an official certified PT! That is awsome!!!

Fitkansas - Oh my! 10 inches! That would be a toughie! I usually do my step on 8 inches. I have never tried it on 10 inches before! Do your knees hold up okay with it like that?

Shelly - Glad you enjoyed your run! That sounds awesome! Sorry you had to work so hard, though. Are you a doctor or nurse?

Elaine - It is so good that you got to spend TG with your
SIL. I am sure it was good for all of you to be together. Did you get to do your 8 miles today? If you did, hope you enjoyed it! I didn't do any exercise yesterday, either! Just kitchen - wise!

Judy - Hope you enjoyed B&G and glad you had a good run with your friends yesterday! Mmmm! The pumpkin pie sounds yummy! Was it hard for you to make the switch to veganism at first? I need to study up on it, as I am really interesting into "converting".

Hope everyone has a great evening and hi to anyone that I may have missed unintentionally!!

Just had to stop by and give some ^ 5s to Wendy!!! Whoohoo!! Way to go! THREE MINUTES OFF YOUR TIME is AWESOME:) :) :)
Good Day Ladies!!!

I’m running late today! I ended up going to the gym and doing the iTri workout, but as I ran yesterday I did the running part on the elliptical, the climbing part on the stair climber and the rest as it was supposed to be. It was fun – a nice change. Then we went for lunch. Tomorrow we’re going to Napa for the day to see our real estate agent. I did okay last night. Stepped on the scale this morning and hadn’t gained a pound. Amazingly enough! Did stay vegetarian, but not vegan. :+ We ended the evening watching 8 Below – the Disney film about the dogs left behind in Antarctica. Even my non-dog loving friend was cheering those pups on by the end! Great feel good movie. Odd though, the kids didn’t watch it, but the six adults were glued. Go figure.

Wendy – WAY TO GO!! Sounds like you did a great job! I’m impressed. I haven’t even read the other personals, but I scrolled through to see how your race went! Yeah girl! You’re doing so well! But I seriously hope you’re not the next on the injured Cheetah list. If ice isn’t helping, try heat. Sometimes that works. And you’re so darned cute that I REFUSE to believe that there’s a fugly photo of your somewhere!

Laurie – Happy Thanksgiving to you as well! There’s always a reason to give thanks, whether it’s your national holiday or not. We’ll share and you can share your Thanksgiving! I’m so happy to hear about the Spa re-opening! How wonderful! I hope Marley (cute name) feels better soon! And YIPPEEEE!! I was smiling so wide when I read about your date! You deserve much happiness. I wish only the best for you!

Cathy – Hey, I’m all for scoring great bargains for yourself!! I know what you mean, though about eating too much and running. The turkey trot is more like a turkey waddle! Glad it went well, though. I run sometimes with my iPod, sometimes without. I’m less focused on the scenery with it, and at times, like yesterday, I just wanted to enjoy the view.

Judy – great! Sounds like you did a great job with the run! Where’d you get the recipe for the vegan pumpkin pie? I’d love to see it! I didn’t eat meat yesterday either – it was odd, but as you said, there was so much other stuff that I really did not miss it.

Sunny – Oh, I hope DH is feeling better soon! Men do not do sick too well. I always feel bad for my DH when he’s not feeling well. Glad you enjoyed your Thanksgiving – and ate and ate and ate! That’s what it’s all about, right? :+ And you’re right – there is much to be thankful for. And CONGRATS on the certificates! How exciting! What are you going to do?!

Carole – How’d the run with sis go? Was that Karen? Tell her I said hi. Enjoy your leftovers.

Elaine – cooking a big dinner is a workout in itself. Your sister in law is lucky to have you, and it sounds as if you are lucky to have her, too. As I told you before – you have a heart the size of Kansas and the courage and determination to go with it. I hope you enjoyed your run.

Shelly – I can only imagine how disheartening it can be to see the ICU so busy on the Holidays. Is your sis an identical twin? That would be interesting. Funny how you like different things. 10 hours? WOW! Glad you were able to rest! Glad the 14 miler was nice. The gym was not as crowded as I thought it would be either. I guess not everyone feels compelled to work off the food. Then they wonder why they gained that 5 holiday pounds!

Natalie - nice when all the hard work pays off – eh? Good job!

Susan – Hope the shopping went well! My gym is at Santana Row, and we went to lunch afterwards and just sat and watched the shoppers – the tons of shoppers everywhere. That’s always fun! Glad you’re not guilty for eating a lot at a feast for being thankful for what we have.

Linda – a day off is no biggie – glad you enjoyed yourself!

Enjoy your evenings lovely ladies!!
Linda: NICE work out today girl! You made up for not being able to work out y'day! Good job! I ran my first race alone and it was okay but it's certainly more fun to have someone with you. Even when I left my friend behind today it was still okay cause I knew she was still running with me and I hung out and cheered her on as she crossed the finish line!:)

Elaine: Thank you so much! I admire you so much. Reading that you think I am doing well is VERY inspiring!:)

Christine: Thanks so much for the kind words but trust me...the pic is TRULY awful!:p DH and I rented the movie you watched tonight some time ago. It was a really good movie. So sad when some of the dogs died. I'm glad, atleast that it had a happy ending. :)

PS...I'm icing my knee with a bag of frozen zucchini as I type this and watch "Bruce Almighty". :7 :7 :7
Anyone know anything about the MoreMarathon held in NYC in March? I read a bit about it today and it sounds interesting. My friend and I qualify to run the half-you split it so we each do half the distance. I was just wondering if anyone has any additional info??

>PS...I'm icing my knee with a bag of frozen zucchini as I type
>this and watch a Jim Carrey movie. :7 :7 :7

ACK! My zucchini started melting and I had a streak of green water running down my leg!:7 :7 :7 :p
Wendy - don't eat those zucchini... :+

Don't know about the MoreMarathon - sounds interesting - your friend and you splitting it.

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