::: CHEETAHS ::: finally Saturday!

Happy Saturday, Cheetahs!

Well gals, a position came up at the campus in Rocklin, I put in for it, interviewed yesterday and I got it! The hours are 11 am – 8 pm M/Th and 8:30 to 5:00 p.m. Fri. My DH is in bed usually by 6:30 to 7:00 p.m. most weeknights anyway (he gets up at 2:30 a.m) and my kids are older now doing their own thing and pretty self sufficient during the week. We do our family dinners etc on the weekends. I thought this move would be good for me for several reasons. One of them I’m pretty excited about, because this means I can sleep from 11:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m, coffee up and see my kids off to school (DD drives DS) , then get my full workouts in and not have to worry about cutting them short to get to work by 8am. I’ll also be able to enjoy some quiet time in the morning before going to work. As long as I get off by 5 on Fridays for DS’s football season then all is good. Oh, and since the shift is considered an evening shift, there will be a 5% differential pay which will be very nifty for this very Posh cheetahs’ maintenance needs…lol…. Sooo, now I’m going to cheat and do the whole BOSU blast including the abs instead of a 20 min HIIT. I just got back from Auburn where I had my nail appointment.(posh cheetah maintenance…lol) and picked up my pups at the dog groomer. Tonight is DH’s company dinner in which we pre-selected a meal off a planned menu. DH ordered steak and lobster and I ordered the macadamia nut crusted Halibut…lol.

JUDY!! OMGoooooddneess! I’ve had the Joseph Phelps Insignia!! Actually, it was the $25 per glass (remember I am a Posh Cheetah afterall) wine I had up at Sunnyside Lodge and with one small whoosh of my hand while speaking (must be the part Italian in me…lol) I dumped the glass all over the bar as well as the splendid shattering of glass….I was extremely embarrassed but since Dana at Sunnyside is the best ever, he said no worries and filled me right back up with a new glass and no charge even! (I insisted but …) Anyway, the Chef’s dinner sounded absolutely divine to this Posh Cheetah but like you, I would have given the host my main course…Dang, I would have seated that Joseph Phelps right where my water glass is supposed to go….lol…hmmm. I wonder if you could have gotten a doggie bag for the Cakebread….lol…ok, I’ll stop now.

Sunny – awe, I hope DS is feeling better, I remember the days when my poor lil babies were sick and all they wanted was mama, heck I think they STILL want mamma when they don’t feel good and they’re almost grown! lol…You’re a good mom….Um, I previewed Seasun Ziegler’s BOSU blast and me thinks she’s going to fairly pleasant like Cathe is…

Christine – Hope our flight home has gone well. I got the Yogilates 2 since I have some experience with Hatha yoga and Pilates. I previewed the DVD and it looks like Sunday is going to be an AAAAAhHHHHHH day. Hey, will your Jimmy dog run around like a freak when you get home? – LOL. My dog freaks out when I’ve been gone and return…Just give DSister the ol’ in one ear and out the other…

Kristi – Poor dear, I’m sorry you’ve had to work all week with a terrible cold. Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better and getting back to workouts…me thinks the airborne is calling me as I am trying to fight getting a cold….yuk.

Carole – So you did get snow after all…what elevation are ya’ll? Funny about you doing the Nordic track and it snowing. I was listening to Frank and working out with weights the other day whilst watching it snow…Nothing like our Nor’easter friends though…lol. I’m going to try and find the book this weekend. Nice chatting with you as well!

Jackie – Sculpt Sweatfest? who is that? Yeah, I enjoy the workouts in the morning as well. Hey, didn’t you ask me once what color I was going to paint my *garage*? Well, I bought 2 gallons of Coral Gable. Very pretty me thinks and I’ll probably not get to painting until the President’s day weekend….

Shelly – Yep, I previewed the BOSU blast and I am pretty anxious to try it out. I know what you mean about the eye rolling junk food pushers. Seems to be an epidemic in my workplace. All you have to do is say, “oh, I saw so-and-so sneeze all over that plate” and nobody will want to eat what is on it…lol

Lorie – I can’t take all credit for the silly Cheetah naming - Me thinks it was Crazy Cheetah Shelly that first named me Posh ….soooo, it just took off from there…lol I would buy your other yoga DVD but first I have to use the 400, 000,000,000 I already own….

Lori – Glad your cold/sore throat is going away. I’m trying to fight one off…

Cathy – Hope you are lovin’ the new skis! I’m trying to talk DH into a ski day next Sunday….Now you’re making me want to get a Wii!!

Wendi – Our workin’ Cheetah! What the heck is BOSU Viper? is that a Cathe workout adapted to a BOSU??

Wendy – Good Job with the food choices at Applebee’s. I am finding it easier to choose healthier while out too. Glad you had some fun girl time out!

Linda!! - Welcome back…..we’ll have to set you up with a Cheetah name….

Tess – Welcome to our Cheetah Den –I preach to all new combers about the fine, fabulous, and most beautiful friends a girl could ever want are RIGHT HERE, in the Cheetah Den……be thinking of your Cheetah name cuz you ARE a runner!...

Dallas – Happy Birthday to DS! And congratulations on his soccer game. My DS did 3 years of soccer until his love of football and track took over. I’ll have to check out itread 11/40….(enablers!, all of you! ….lol }( )

DH is beginning with the "eye" so I better get moving here so I can w/o, shower and be ready to go when Mr. Hastoleave Wayearly starts tapping his toe....lol

Have a great evening!

reporting in from my workout. i did CCPP (cardio coach press play) on the EXT then the upper body premix from 4DS. for some reason, i'm just not that crazy about it. i prefer gym styles. it did go by faster than i thought it would. i also got in some cleanmax but not enough. :-(

i think i am going to do bosu blast tomorrow and some kickbox. i am determined to get into kickboxing and was surprisd that i really enjoyed it the last time.

shelly-i havent' started the pain free book yet. i am reading a "chick lit" book right now (goodbye, jimmy choo) and might wait a bit on the PF book. it's just not as fun. my workout today was great!

sunny-yes, i am allowed to do cardio that "doesn't hurt." since the only thing that hurt is running, i know i can't do that. also, i haven't done step since my injury except on the bosu, so any step i do will be on the bosu (which i absolutely love!).

jackie-i like the HRM just to see how hard i am working and make sure i am not killing myself. i am learning a lot about working out specific to me (and that i don't have to KILL myself like i have been to get in a good workout). i like using it so far.

hi linda! hope you can visit us more often!

dallas-i am so glad the party was a hit! wtg on ds winning his game!!! CCPP is cardio coach press play (it's one of his workouts). a group of us do it the last saturday of every month. it's a good one!

wendy-even though i plan my workouts (or try to) some days i just feel like doing something else. i think it's important to go with what you enjoy and what you feel like. congrats on the shoes!

posh-CONGRATS on the new job!!! what will you be doing? i know you probably said, but i can't remember!

anyway, i hope you wonderful ladies are having a nice saturday. i am planning a nice, relaxing evening in with the pups.

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