cheetahs check in wednesday 6/12/06



thanks for the info. On most of my runs I am in the high eighties and nineties so I guess my max heart rate is close to 200 and I can still carry a few word conversation. should I not be running like that everytime? most of the time except for lately I have been able to sustain that with no problem for the entire workout. I remember running with a male friend of mine and my heart rate was 195 and his was 142 running the same pace. I was able to maintain like I said for long periods of time so he said he'd be more concerned if I was gasping to say words and I could say several without gasping. thanks
Good morning, Laura and all that follow.......:)

Ok - my motivation is completely in the toilet! x( x( x(

I can't seem to break out of it. I'm not sure if I'm just tired and rundown with all the summer activities??? But, come on - my race is in about seven weeks and I actually thought of giving up last night! What is up with that?!?!?!?!? I've gotten out of the habit and it's hard to get back to it again. I ran 7 miles on Friday and I have 8 to do this weekend, but have only ran once since last week. UGH!!!


I need to get myself up in the morning and run before it gets so hot, but that is a struggle....Today it's suppose to hit close to 90-95 degrees and extremely humid, so I will not run in that, is the elliptical a close second???

OK, enough whining-how are all of you? I hope you are staying faithful to your workouts (not like me :-( )

I have no idea what I will do for a workout tonight after work, just hoping to find my lost motivation somewhere.....

Have a great day everyone!
Marcia. :)
Marcia- You have been doing so well. If you can just get thru this little difficult phase you will be Ok, really. :)

Hi Laura :)

It is rainning very hard here,and my running buddies are making alternate plans this morning. I am going to view this as an oppurtunity to give my hip a rest. Today will be a long yoga workout.

For any one who has had hip pain, and cut back on running, did Cathe cardio DVD's agrevate your hip pain too? I pulled up my puzzle mats to move, so for now cathe cardio is out. I am curious though.

Karne Victoria- What were you symptoms with your IB band issues?

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Good Morning Cheetahs.

Laura, I think your friend is probably right. If you can talk then I'll bet you are training safely. I am no expert but it makes sense to me.

Marcia, I know it can be hard to get out of a rut once you are in it. Everyone has been there. You are not alone. Just try your best! The elliptical is a great crosstraining exercise for runners so if you can't run, the elliptical is probably the next best thing!

Judy, Enjoy your yoga...and your packing. ;)

Well, my plan for today is spin and weights. Not neccessarily in that order...If something happens and I can't make spin then ofcourse I'll hop on the TM. :) We'll see what happens....
Hi there Cheetahs!!

Just did a 6 mile super muggy run!! It rained all day y'day & it's supposd to rain on & off all day, but it was clear while we ran!

My toes are hurting, I'm going to have to switch shoes. I really don't want to lose a toenail again (lost my 2 big ones & middle left one while half marathon training last year). They're plenty big (an 11, size bigger than my usual shoes), but for some reason my toes are hurting (actually right one is throbbing!). I'll try to make it to the running store soon, really can't afford new shoes & just ordered my Cathe DVD's!! I'm soooo excited to do the Gym Styles after hearing so many people here rave about them!

Going to do some Pilates & stretch today!! I'm going to be so wiped out by Friday, it was a busy day all day y'day w/ my friends 3 kids & the Bible school again.

Have a great day!

RE: Hi there Cheetahs!!


Losing toenails? YIKES! :eek: Go get new shoes girl!! NOW! ;)

Make sure you get some rest/take it easy this weekend!

Right now we live in a small 3-4 bedroom 1 bathroom cape that has a small eat in kitchen and no dining room, no garage, no basement and VERY little storage space. We want atleast 3 bedrooms and 1.5 baths in out next house with either a BIG eat in kitchen or a dining room. Both is fine too but we do not require it. Right now we can only fit a 4 seater table in our kitchen so it really limits us on company for dinner, etc. We also require either a garage or basement for more storage space. More and bigger closets than we can currently have now is a must as well. I don't care what style the house is so long as it suits our needs.

I. ofcourse, want a space to work out in (that is not family living space). I have a space right now which is great, even though it is small and some step work outs are a space-challenge!LOL Having that extra bedroom or perhaps a full (finished would be WONDERFUL!) basement would be great for that. If we just can not find that for me than I will be okay working out in family space so long as it's plenty big enough w/o moving tons of furniture around and so long as there is a closet close by that is big enough to house all of my vids and equipment. }(

Am I being too picky? :p LOL..Actually, DH wants a large space we can dedicate to working out too as he would love to get a universal type gym set up for himself...which ofcourse, I would also use!}(
RE: Hi there Cheetahs!!

Yeah, one of the lovely things that you have to deal with higher mileage!! I just switched shoes a few weeks ago. I bought 2 pairs on big sale back in Jan, I think?? And w/ my foot injury taking me off running for 8 weeks I wore the other pair & saved these til now. I can't take it easy this weekend, gotta run 13 miles!! ;-) However I'm sooo looking forward to Fridays now (my days off!).

Sounds like a great plan!! Our house right now has 3 bedrooms & 1.5 baths (my dh added the half bath a couple yr ago- HUGE improvement from 1 bathroom w/ 3 girls!!). But, with 3 kids my younger 2 share a room w/ bunk beds & my older dd has the smaller room (that used to be the nursery). IKWYM about the kitchen, we have enough room for the 5 of us at the table, but not enough when we have guests.

If you want closets/ storage then don't get a split-level house! Ours is a tri-level & the closets are small & we have pretty much no storage. A workout room would be awesome too!! We do have a large family room in the basement so I have plenty of room for my workouts at least! The weights go in the utility room & I pull them out for workouts.

G/L w/ the house hunt!!

RE: Hi there Cheetahs!!

Laura, here is a link for finding your max hr and some other things too Christine did a great job of explaining Heart Rates!!

Marcia...I think this is just a phase...what I have tried when I was feeling a bit unmotivated is one of Cathe's workouts (or anyone elses) that just has a high fun factor, sometimes the music is what helps me get going. SJP is one that works well for me...:)

Judy..enjoy your long Yoga today..

Wendy...enjoy your spin and weight workout..:)..You should be picky about what you want in a house. A room for you and DH to workout in would be great! If I didn;t have a garage, I have no clue where DH would hide all of his JUNK!!! Good luck house shopping...:) does take some time to find a shoe that won't give you black toenails! I rarely get them now even with long distances, but I did in the beginning. You need a shoe that is not tight and not loose and also the right socks. A running shoe store should be able to help...

I am doing Janis Saffells Tai Chi, I haven't tried this one so a new workout for me today! Giving my legs a running rest...:)

Have a great day...
RE: Hi there Cheetahs!!

Hi Cheetah Runners--
Today I swam a mile -- did GS Triceps, MM Chest & part of GS Chest & MM Shoulders & MM legs except for step-ups. Hope to squeeze in some abs later.

Yesterday I did an easy 5.5 mile run and 30 min. of stretching (hate to stretch, but it really pays off for me!)

Everyone seems to be getting in great workouts. WTG Cheetah Runners.

Only time for a few personals:
Judy -- re: hip and Cathe workouts: I could do Kickboxing with no problem (as long as I warmed up well) and step workouts as long as I didn't do too much plyo. I am wondering if you should see a doctor since your pain isn't going away though?

Carole -- that snow picture was great. I'll think of it as the Michigan portion of your run.

Marcia -- hang in there. getting through the slump is a part of the workout. I had to drag my Sorry a$$ out the door this morning to swim with more than a million excuses filling my head until I just dove in and started swimimng: then I was fine. Getting there was the biggest battle.

Laura -- good luck figuring out the right balance of intensity for your workouts. It's tough to figure it out, you've gotten good advice from Carole and Christine.

Jess -- great job on the muggy run.

Shelly -- glad you are liking p90x. It's so fun to do something new! Congrats for registering for the marathon. Go girl go!!

Now I must run -- my day of driving kids to activities begins -- hectic, but I love it.
Hope to check in later.
I'm trying Christine's lentil burgers tonight for dinner. They are in the fridge now because I ran out of time....

Have a great day everyone!

:) :) :)
RE: Hi there Cheetahs!!

Hi, ladies.

Marcia-I just used a PLUNGER and unclogged the toilet. Your motivation was stopping up the toilet and leaking into the kitchen downstairs. I'm sending the motivation back your way so you can get your running feet back under you! (lol). Seriously, we all go thru this. Hang in there. Sometimes the best thing (for me) for my lack of motivation is to JUST DO IT! Once I get going or get that first workout done, the motivation comes right back.

Just a quickie post other than that to Marcia (sorry, everybody, but HI).

5 mile tempo run this morning, with REALLY sore legs from PLB Monday. Then a nice long stretch.

Hi everyone,

I've been busy and then on vacation so haven't been able to check in. I did a 15 mile long run before leaving for vacation but did not manage to run any while away (or eat clean!). I did take my step and managed to get in a couple of days of that but, as much as I enjoy Cathe's step workouts, it doesn't quite compare to running. In any case, I'm back at it now and ready for the 1/2 in Sonoma on Sunday. DH and I had a good tempo run last night (or maybe a fartlek since it was pretty unstructured). Just what I needed to kickstart shedding those extra few pounds I picked up at Pit River!

Today I'm going to do PLB, abs and elliptical. I'll run again tomorrow and do PUB. On Friday I'll get some sort of workout in before I hit the road headed for Sonoma!!
Good morning Cheetahs!

Laura – glad I could help. If you can sustain that pace through the workout, then I’d say that’s just your Max HR. It varies from person to person.

Marcia – I’m with you on the motivation. It’s 9AM and I’ve been doing everything BUT working out. I’ll get there, but, oh my. But, I went through the same thing for my race. Carole told me it’s pretty common to go through a period where everything seems impossible and motivation sucks. Know that, understand that it’s okay to feel that way, but push through it and conquer it. You’ll do fabulous!!!

Judy – can imagine that step would be tough on the hip – not to mention hi/lo! Do you have access to a gym? The elliptical might be good for you.

Wendy – have fun with spin! Or the treadmill – whichever happens. J I think it’s a great idea to get the space you want now. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that you’ll find the house you LOVE at an incredible price!

Jess – Oh, I LOVE the GS!!! You’ll love ‘em too! Now comes the wait. drums fingers on desk impatiently

Carol – Tai Chi? I took a Tai Chi class one time and it would be interesting to see a video for it as the moves have to be so specific. I enjoyed the class, though. Have fun and let us know about the video!

Barb – let me know how you like those burgers! I’m going to use the raita for a veggie burger today for lunch.

Gayle – great analogy. Can you unstop a toilet for me, too? ;)

Elaine – I’m excited for Sonoma! When are you getting there and what time are you going to pick up your packet? I would love to meet you!

I have Imax 2 and Core Max 3 on my agenda for today. I love Imax 2, but I’m having difficulty getting moving. Even ran to the grocery store and did other errands, and still have not gotten in my workout. Came on to the boards for a little motivation. I’ll get moving soon. After Imax and CoreMax I have Clean Max… J Fun, fun! Enjoy your day ladies!!
Good morning cheetahs! You are all so early with your posts! Lately I've been running first, then posting. The earlier I get my run in the better. The heat builts up so soon and really saps my strength! I did 5 miles today (felt great!), Later I'm going for some YogaX.

Christine- Hope you got the motivation you needed. Have fun with IMAX2. Everyone loves that one but for some reason it is my least favorite of her interval tapes. My fav is IMAX3. I just love your story about getting a stuffed cheetah :) I hope you do post a pic!

Marcia- What works for me when I lack motivation is a change in routine. Something to make it more exciting again. Pick a new route or if feasible a new running outfit, gadget, whatever. Get some new workout DVD or do one you haven't touched in a while. Good luck, we all go through this!

Laura- I agree that your perceived level of exertion and whether or not you can talk okay is a far better indicator of how well you are tolerating a run. RELAX cheetahbabe!

Wendy- It sure does sound like you need more space. You were smart in how you've picked a realtor!!! Go with your instincts rather than who gave you the best potential sale price! I've bought and sold houses more times than I can count! The hardest part about selling is keeping the house clean!!! :eek: At least for me ;-)
Have a great spinning day!

Judy- If at all possible I hope you see a doc (one who specializes in sports injuries) I really think you need to get the diagnosis pinned down! Since your pain does not involve the knee at all it may not be ITB syndrome. Anyway, I'm happy to hear your are resting from running for now!

Hi Jess, aka muggyrunner! Sorry you're having toe trouble! Your poor tootsies :( You will absolutely LOVE the gym styles. I feel they are Cathe's masterpiece weight workouts! the PFChang's marathon I signed up for is a FULL one :eek: (my first) but there is also a half marathon.

Carole- Tai Chi? Sounds interesting....and an excellent workout to do in your taper period. I read Danny Dreyer's book "Chi Running" a few months ago and incorporate his method in my own running. It has really helped. I just love your smiley laying in the sun yesterday!! too cute.

Barb- I also HATE stretching, which is terrible because I know how very important it is. I just have no patience for it. I think I've gotten better though.

Gayle- Have a great tempo run! PLB always gives me DOM as well!
Glad to hear your still doing well.

Elaine- WELCOME BACK! How nice to hear from ya! Sounds like you had a great vacay---you'll be back in top form in no time. Good luck on your half coming up....we want pics!!!!

Got to run- later cheetahbabes!

Well, I managed to get through IMax 2 and Core Max 3. It was tough - my hip flexors were really sore from the leg drills of KM yesterday. Never expected that! Then I had troubles with my DVD player - I think it's going bad. It froze during Interval six. Once I stopped it fully and restarted it it was fine. Weird. But I'm glad I did it. Now I can shower, and get ready to pick up DD17 from cheer camp. Have fun everyone!
Top O’ the mornin’ runners!

Boy do I need some of your cheetah speed to keep up with the pace of my life! DS’s football conditioning camps in itself even keep me hopping. Last Friday, Saturday and Sunday were filled with sun up to after sun down football camps that lasted forever. It was actually kind of cool though as there were teams from all over participating in the camp drills and games, etc. The crappy part was the HEAT.. Exhausting. Anyhoo, I’m up to my elbows in work and kids and well a lot. My workouts have been so so and I’ve had a few oversleeping episodes due to complete exhaustion lol. Although, in between the contact camps last weekend, I did get in my 35 mile bike ride (early early am) with my friend. We are riding a 65 mile route next month in Sebastopol so I have to make sure we get in some long rides. Unfortunately, I will not be able to join the Sonoma cheetahs this weekend as my DH has asked that I stay behind on this one with all of the stuff going on at our house. He’s totally stressed out from the piling on at work and his new 2 hour each way commute, and his upcoming surgery, etc. The pain in the a$$ daughter is up to her same antics and well….the list goes on and the coming weekend is not a good time for me to go off and leave it all to him. Tough decision for me but my family does come first in this type of situation. Some will say I shouldn’t worry about the DD’s crap since she is only my step daughter but it isn’t that easy since I have been her caretaker since she was very young and not to mention the years of my life I’ve spent to help her succeed. Besides, she doesn’t even know where her natural mother is and has not seen her for about 9 years now. Anyhoo, this is probably way too much info for the fantabo enthusiastic cheetah check-in, but I just wanted to give a taste of what has been happening in my busy world and why I just don’t have time to post a lot lately. It may appear to be awful negative stuff but it really isn’t too bad just busy, busy! I do laugh and remain optimistic on a daily basis! 

Now a few personals as I have a bit of a lull (thank goodness) at work right now:

Hi Laura – I use a polar heart rate monitor and my higher range for step is usually 130 -150 and 150 – 175 for runs. I do notice that my hear rate drops quickly if I slow way down or stop. I hear that is supposed to be a good sign though. I’m no expert my any means but I agree that if you are comfortably breathing while running at that heart rate then it must be ok. It would be interesting if you could borrow another heart rate monitor and then see if there is a difference in the ranges.

Marcia, Marcia, Marcia – Sounds like you have a classic case of Thomasina-itus. Yep, you probably are overloaded with work, family and then don’t get enough sleep which in turns causes another episode of “just a few more minutes” and before you know it the am workout opportunity has passed. But never fear my dear, as the advice already given is just what you need. I agree that trying something new other than running will jump start you again. When I do this, I use cardio and weights because it is a good overall workout, the stepping is fun (IMO) but not real hard on the intensity level. Even if I have been oversleeping but I get up and have only 20 or 30 minutes left to exercise, I still do SOMETHING in order to rev me back up. Also, I try to make myself leave a few things go and get to bed a bit earlier to get caught up on sleep. Don’t worry, you’ll get there. OH and you lucky duck, you have an elliptical!! Just get yourself on it after work today (if it is too hot for an outside run) even if you make a deal with yourself it will just be for 5 or 10 minutes, you’ll be surprised that yourself will talk you into 20 to 30 minutes on top of that once you get going. Ok, enough babble from me. Think of how well you did on your seven miles then get on that elliptical today! Gayle has plunged the way and then you’ll be good to go for 8 this weekend! CAROLE, CAN WE GET PLUNGER SMILEY IN HERE ? lol

Judy, - Sorry to hear your hip is still bothering you. I went through that last summer up until recently and it really was awful. You may want to go see an orthopedic doctor to find out what is going on in there. Good luck with your move!!

Wendy loo – I like spinning, when it is a good instructor though. I’m happy to see you are already kickin’ butt in your running class at this early stage. Good luck with selling and buying a home. I would have total anxiety 24/7 over that so make sure you keep up with the running as you’ll find it will help with the nerves. I agree you made a good decision with the realtor and I’m sure you’ll find the right home for your family. Just keep positive and be thankful for atleast 3 things on daily basis and good things will come in return…like a great house!

Jess – O impressive one. Good job with your run. I actually like the muggy runs I did when I was visiting in Virginia in July one summer. I hate running in dry heat…ugh… I leave that job to our Super Bionic Carole to do. OH! I picked up a copy of Family Circle this morning at the market and saw your photo. As I have said before, your efforts have been a great inspiration! Great job! I hope you can get new shoes and I wouldn’t wait too long as you probably know that you don’t want to break in a new shoe with high miles. If the cost is an issue, then I’m going to start a fundraiser called something like..“KEEP CHEETAH MOM JESS ON THE ROADS” fund to get you some new treads…er I mean paws! LOL

Howdy Carole! GREAT pic! I see that Super Bionic Carole is combining a little high elevation snow with her high mile arduous dry heat filled runs…lol Good luck with your run this weekend and I know you’re going to do great! Those temps seem to be pretty nice for running. I have only one Janis Saffel DVD and it is the kick boxing one with her BF? DH? Kickbox circuit I think. Wait I lied, I think I have her butt one called new butt and more or something. Lol I have only used the kickbox one a couple of times and it was ok. I haven’t used the butt one yet probably because the Cathe DVD’s arrive and I did them instead and then never looked at Janis again. Hmmm I should pull out the kickbox one and try it again. Anyway, good luck with the Tai Chi as it could bring you some ‘energy” for the upcoming run!

Hi barb! - Yeah, driving kids can be hectic but fun. I do it all of the Good job with the swimming. I did some swimming a while back and it can be some hard work if you make it so. Actually, I kind of like the way it stretched out my lower back too.

Gayle – Great job with the plunger! Lol Have fun with PF Chang’s too. I ran that one with the LLS and it was really flat (compared to up here anyway). The weather will be just fine too. Seems like you are enjoying the summer with the boys but getting in your workouts too! Way to go super mom!

Elaine! Hi there. Sheesh, eventhough you didn’t get the runs while on vacation you’re still going to cruise through the half this weekend I’m sure. As you may have read at the beginning of my post, I won’t be able to make it to Sonoma. I’ll have to find another run in the future to meet up with you cheetahs! Good luck though and make sure Christine doesn’t drink all of the wine! LOL

Christine – Ooooh, I’m envious of your new jobless situation! Boy could I use a break from my job right now with everything going on. That’s really cool that you like to cook though, and I expect to hear about all the new experiments to come. Imax 2 is great but I can see where some of it can be annoying. Actually, most of the DVD’s have their annoying bits, but I just improvise or skip them…lol As I mentioned above and to Elaine, I can’t come to Sonoma this weekend. But you’ll do great with the 10K I’m sure and then you’ll be much more ready for a half. Good luck and I’ll be waiting to see how it went.

Shelly – grannyfastest cheetah! Cool, you signed up for PF Chang’s! I ran that one with Team in Training before and it was a pretty flat course. The only crappy part was the 45 minute bus ride driver dumped us off at the porta potties near the half marathon start and we ended up standing in line for the porta potties with thousands of half marathoners wondering what time it was and where the heck the start for the marathon was. WELL….needless to say, we ended up finally finding the marathon start 35 MINUTES after the start as they were taking down the chip mats!! HoLY cow we had to run our a$$eS off to even catch up (which is a bad thing to do when starting a marathon) and one TNT coach, not ours, was trying to get us to just give it up! We finally passed the walkers and then started to ease back. We missed the fun of the starting, most of the bands in the first half and the timers have never gotten our finish times right probably since we passed over the start line after the chip mats were removed, but it was an ok race besides that. Seeing more of the bands would have been nice though. I would probably consider the half sometime but next time I’d be sure to KNOW where the dang starting line is the day before! Lol Anyway, with the shape you are in, you'll do great and the crowd support is good on the course too!

Have a great rest of the day cheetahs!

Thomasina - oh we're going to MISS YOU!!!! But, I absolutely understand and yes, family does come first. Speaking as someone with a step daughter who lives with us on a full time basis and for whom I am responsible for her care (not her dingbat mother, which is the nicest term I can use) - you're doing the right thing! She is YOUR daughter. Blood is fine, but you're the one who raised her, was there for her through thick and thin, nursed her through her illnesses. You're her mom. I totally understand. I just do wish we could have met as I think we'd have a lot to talk about. *shrugs* Next year! {{{{HUGS}}}}} I hope you're life settles soon!
Hi Christine, We *better* meet up at some point this weekend!!!! Is Amy planning on being there? I'll be arriving sometime Friday afternoon, probably late afternoon because it always takes me so long to get out the door.......I'll be picking up my packet at the expo on Saturday. At 1pm Bart Yasso will be speaking so I think I'll plan getting my stuff around that time.... When are you planning on arriving? What about Amy (if she's still going and you if you even know what her plans are)? I'll shoot you an email with my cell phone nbr before I leave. I'd be really disappointed if we missed each other and came back with no pictures!
Oh Thomasina - you are absolutely AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You hit the nail right on the head, girlfriend!!! :) :) I know I've been lacking sleep, that's for sure.

THANK YOU!! All of you have been so supportive (as I figured you would be ;) ) and I'm feeling much better, too. That could be, too, because I've got 10 minutes before I can leave work. :p

I will figure something out for a workout tonight and be back later to see how everyone is doing.

Thanks again - you guys are the best!!!

It's my Meatless Inca friend!! ;-) I love your posts, you're always so sweet & insightful & downright FUNNY!!! Sounds like things are keeping you busy. Sorry about your dd, I have no advice but some ((HUGS)). And sorry you won't be able to run & meet up this weekend!!

And you're so sweet. Don't worry, I'll get some new shoes when I can get to the running store, hopefully tomorrow. I'm not going to push this toe issue & end up w/ blood blisters under my toes again- NOT fun. The hard thing is that I have a 13 miler planned this weekend & don't want to break in new shoes on a long run!!! What to do....
And cool that you found my pic in Family Circle, I really need to get a copy of it while I'm at the store next time!

Take care & post when you can.

Thanks for the kind words – I’m sure things will settle sometime.

Christine and Elaine – Ya’ll HAVE to meet up this weekend! And I ‘m sure Amy is still going. I’m really sorry I can’t make it and I’m trying not to be too bummed about it. I got a last details race update in my email and started to get down. Then I saw that Bart Yasso will be speaking at 1:00 pm and started to get more irritated about not getting to go…THEN I started thinking about how much fun I’m going to miss out on. However, quickly I realized self pity and selfishness were setting in and I got over it. I truly do hope you guys run well and have fun. I too will be looking forward to pics!

Marcia – Seee? Your outlook and motivation have already changed for the better! I hope your workout went well!! Get to bed earlier tonight so you can get up fresh for a workout tomorrow. LOL – listen to me say that! I’ll be practicing what I preach tonight!

Jess – Yep, a meatless Inca mule! LOL Thanks for the kind words and I’ll send you my copy of Family Circle when I’m done with it if you want. Hope your running shoe adventure goes well and you can get a couple of runs in on them before Sat’s 13. Wait, what's today? oh, I guess that would only leave 1 day of a run if you rest on Fridays. I dunno..which shoes did you run your long run last week in? the same ones? Hmmm... maybe the running store folks won't be as baffled as me and will know just what to do for you. :p

Meatless Inca
Meatless IN CA


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