Cheetah - Runners Check In Thursday July 13

Just getting the thread started early this a.m....

Yoga X for me as a reschedule of my Tempo run for me today . I'll do the Tempo Run tomorrow. Yesterday's weight workout and swim workout -- though fun -- were challenging and I think I need to rest a bit before charging out there, sticking to the written schedule like an inflexible Cheetah.....I need to be a Flexible Cheetah.. ;-)

Jess-- I'm a 4:00 a.m. riser too to fit everything in! It works as long as I go to bed early enough. Hope your shoes worked out for you today. :)

Marcia -- Glad you got a workout in. You conquered that slump feeling and made a new dinner to boot! WTG girl!:)

Christine --The Lentil Burgers were a hit with the whole family last night. Had them on Ezekiel Sprouted Grain Buns instead of Pita (because we didn't have Pita).:) When do you leave for your race?

Judy -- How's your hip today? :)

Hi to everyone coming to check in today. Hope to be back later, but am off to work (it's a work day, not a SAHM day for me). :)

Have a great day runners: Elaine, Gayle, Carole (when do you leave for your race this weekend?) , Mattea, Pamela, Laura, Karen (We miss you!), Thomasina, Amy, Sarah, Cathy, Karin, Wendy, Shelly (any DOMS from P90x?),

:) :) :)
Good morning all -

It is already hot and humid today and it's only 5:45am. Whew....this weekend is going to be a scorture.

I'm not sure, again, what I'm going to do for a workout. I am to run 8 miles this weekend, but have no idea when I can get it in. I think I'll have to do it tomorrow morning very early due to the hot humid weather we are getting. Next week we are going to a friend's cabin up north so I won't get in a run there.

Now, that I've taken a few days off to get out of my slump (still working on that a little :-( ). What can I expect tomorrow during my long run? Do you think I will be struggling a lot? I guess I'll do whatever it takes to get through it and hopefully bounce out of this soon.

Barb - enjoy your Yoga today!

I hope everyone has a great day ahead of them!

Stay cool!!
Marcia--yuck to the humidity! I bet you'll do fine on your long run -- if you get into a tough spot, just walk and then restart. I think you did the elliptical yesterday -- maybe if you do a little something today, e.g. a walk or some stretching or ab work, you'll feel like you're bridging your days together. Take Sarah's approach and fill your head with positive affirmations -- it really works: "I'm terrific and will do a great job on my run this weekend."
Or I love Sarah's "I'm a running machine....make those hills (and the humidity) your B#tch!!}( "

Yoga was a good choice for me today. I feel the blood flowing and will be ready tomorrow for my Tempo run.

:) :) :)
Another hot & muggy day out there today! Very foggy too, we stayed close to our neighborhood & did a few small loops because we didn't want to be on the country roads where no one could see us! We did 4.75 miles & then I came home & did Baron Baptiste's Core yoga & PUB's stability abs. Had my coffee & my kiddos are still asleep!! VBS must be wearing them out! ;-)

I've got to run a couple errands today, not sure if I'll make it to the running store today or tomorrow. I'll definitely go before my run on Sat!! And I totally forgot that my dh is going out of town to help his Dad on Sat, thank goodness they aren't leaving til about 7:30AM so it'll be an early 13 mile run for me! At least my buddy Erin is an early bird too & it will probably be a good thing to get it done early since it's supposed to be in the 90's & humid still!

Barb ~ Good idea to do a little changing in the routine, being flexible is a good thing! :) Yeah, I get up at 4:30 usually. Fridays I get to sleep in. It's not so bad as long as I'm in bed by 10!! I think my body's finally adjusting to the early hours. Although my dh wishes I had a bit more energy in the evenings!!! LOL

Marcia ~ Hope your motivation comes back in full force!! Sometimes it's good to have a little break before a longer run, that extra rest can be good for your body. Just make sure you're hydrated & you should be fine!

Have a great day, my Cheetah friends!

G'morning Gals!:)

Barb, You do Mr. YP, right? Then we know that you are ALREADY a flexible cheetah! ;) Ya just gotta let yourself bend now!:) There IS such a thing as being TOO flexible which can become MY problem where I TOO easily change my work out plans and end up being disappointed in my work outs when I look back.:-(

Marcia, I am not experienced enough to know how your 8 miler might go but GO FOR IT! You can do it! Let us know how it goes!:+

Jess, Do you wait until AFTER your run to have a cup of coffee? What about breakfast?

Today should be cardio AND weights since that's what I missed yesterday when I ended up taking a rest day. I am going to the gym for a run, that's for certain. I am unsure of my plan for weights right now....

Thanks to all who posted responses in regards to my going out of my mind during the house selling/buying process! You may find me "venting" here alot once this all gets rolling!

Have a happy Thursday everyone!:)
Wendy ~ Yep, coffee after my run!! I would have to get up even earlier if I wanted to drink my coffee before & I don't really like to drink anything but water before I run. I usually just eat something light like my favorite thing right now is a whole wheat mini-bagel w/ a smidge of PB or a banana. Then I drink my coffee & eat my breakfast after my run. It works for me! I get up early enough, I couldn't get up at 4 to eat & then wait before my run. It's taken some tweaking to figure out what works for me and sometimes I still have tummy issues (which seems to be race days lately!! UGH!).

Enjoy your cardio & weights today!


I can't do ANYTHING w/o my coffee! LOL I usually eat first too but then again, I am not doing my work out as early as you so I can see why you do it the way that you do! Whatever works, right? :)

Well, I had better get my butt in gear...I want to hit an upper body work out before the gym and will probably do legs @ the gym before my run...

Back later!:)
I'm like you: I have a little morning coffee before the run and like Jess: I have a small snack if it's pretty close to the run. But it also works for me to get up super early, and have oatmeal before the run 2 hrs before/but I make sure late in the day, my dinner is pretty early, so I'm living the 4 a.m. to 4 p.m. day. I get into trouble late in the day if I start eating an extra meal I don't need.

I eat a lot early in the day. Good luck with your gym workout and with your upcoming move! Vent all you want here!

Jess--once you get your shoes figured out, you can order online from They have free return and I've found it helpful timewise and getting the just-right size.

Barb:) :) :) :)
Ooh, I'm so excited. Just got an email that my Gym Styles are on the way to my house via UPS to be delivered tomorrow!! YIPPEE!! You know I will have a hard time not doing them, but it probably isn't a good idea right before my long run Sat! We'll see if I can attempt it after.....

Anyone else get so excited to get new workout DVD's?????

Thanks for the tip! I can't remember the site my friend Erin uses but she orders hers online too. I seem to keep having to switch shoes, need to find the perfect one for my feet!!!

As for the eating, I've found that waiting & eating is soooo much worse for me. I think that's part of my problem w/ the race days, I usually eat at my normal time but the races aren't usually til 2- 2 1/2 hrs after my usual run so my body is off-schedule!! I also eat more in the mornings & lunch too & try to eat less in the evenings except for the day before my long runs. I used to always run on an empty tummy but that started causing problems once I was running more mileage so I've had to get use to eating something before.

Anyway, better get movin'!

Jess--don't know if you'll see this, but I had the same problem with the race I did in terms of eating. For the 3 weeks before the race, I "practiced" my eating for the race day and ran closer to the time of the race (even though it was 2.5 hrs later than my preferred run time). It really helped me pin down what I needed to eat for me to fuel the run.

Maybe as your marathon approaches, your family can help you with this on your long run day and your DH can cover for you with a.m. duties so you can get your food issue completely covered.

I used to not be able to eat without tummy troubles, but reached a point where I needed to eat more for me to fuel a run and had to experiment with what type of food I could have "on board" since no food or less food wasn't working.....but we are all so different: my friend who has run many races, like Carole, eats very little and it works for her.

Have a great day.Enjoy those new tapes once you get them.
Good morning cheetahs

Barb..good workout yesterday, I do enjoy MM alot. Let me know how those lentil burgers were. A flexible cheetah can be a much happier one...:)

Marcia...if it is going to be humid, do try and run early. I bet you will do fine with your 8 as taking a few days off will help...:)

Jess...I like Baron's Core workout, short and sweet! Have fun on your 13 miler. Barb is right Zappos is GREAT!! You could do the Upper body Gym styles, but before your run I would not try the Leg one...:)

Wendy...have a good gym run. This is a good place to rant...:)...I need coffee before also...not after!!

Elaine..I bet you will do great in the Sonoma half! How did you enjoy vacation in my neck of the woods?...:)

Christine...Tai Chi was quite fun and seemed like the perfect workout yesterday. I do feel it a bit in my upper back and shoulders. I liked the slower concentrated moves. Hope you had fun with Imax2 and Coremax....Cleanmax around here is just never ending...:)..I hope your DVD player is fine, I 'd like mine to freeze during interval 9!!!

Shelly...good job on the tempo run. Let us know how you liked YogaX, it is a long one. I have heard about Chi running but have no clue what it is. I did enjoy the Tai Chi alot though. Glad you liked my smiley....:) really have a full plate! It's never too much info here, this is the place to rant...:). I bet it is hard with a step DD, but when you have taken care of them forever you know you will do whatever you can now. Since you'll miss Sonoma, set your sites on Humboldt in Oct with Christine and me!!! (can't find a plunger smiley..:() one to me is as good as Cathe, but Janis is fun and I wanted something light this week. I don't know if Guillermo is her SO, but he is good also. The Tai Chi one is done with Scott Cole, and he is very easy on the eyes...:)

I am doing a 5-6 mile run and some light upper body work, The TLT workout monday did get to my glutes so I want to stay away from any DOMS before the run Sat.

Barb and all you other lovely cheetahs, I will leave early Sat morning for Ashland (it is about 2 hours from here) the run starts at 7 and the cut-off time is 2:30. I do hope to be done before that!

Have a great day...:)
Good Morning Wonderful Cheetah Ladies!!

Barb – so glad you enjoyed the lentil burgers! The sprouted grain buns sound fabulous, actually. We’re leaving Saturday probably around noonish for the Sunday race.

Marcia – sometimes I find that if I take a few days off, I run even better as I’m fully rested. So, don’t fret. You’ll do well. Sorry about the heat and humidity. We’re rolling coasting through this year. A week in the mid seventies, followed by a week in the high nineties. It’s really weird!

Jess – a foggy morning here in the Bay Area means a nice cool day, but I remember those oh so muggy days. Good job at getting up and out the door! I used to get up at 4, but now that I’m a lady of leisure (ha!) I’m up at 5:45 or 6. I have more time to get things done because my kids are teens and sleep all day! And yes, bed by 9 or else I’m asleep on the sofa. Does make time alone with DH tough to find.

Wendy – I’m like you – need the coffee before I do anything. And please do feel free to vent – that’s what we’re here for!

Jess and Barb – I need to experiment as well. I can run 6 miles on no food in the morning, but beyond that… I’ve found I cannot eat complex carbs, so a peanut butter sandwich is out of the question. I do better with some light protein like yogurt. I even had a full breakfast of eggs on morning and was able to run, but if I eat one piece of whole wheat toast, I get indigestion. I’m just weird! And YES I get so excited to get a new workout that I schedule them into my rotation, just to be able to do them. I get Slow and Heavy and Cardio Hits on Monday. I’m trying to figure out how I can fit them into my rotation next week!

Carole – OHHH!!! How exciting! You’re race is coming up! I wish I could go up and watch, actually. I’d love to see a run like that. Amazing. I have to let you know – I asked DD13 what I should name my stuffed Cheetah. She asked me a bunch of questions, and came to the conclusion that we should name her Super Carole. So, now you have a stuffed Cheetah named after you – I’m sure you’re honored LOL. She’ll be riding along in my camel back for the race on Sunday. I’m going to have to try to Taei Chi video. Sounds like a good one. And yes, I spend the second half of Imax 2 dreading #9! We’ll see about the DVD player.

Elaine – ABSOLUTELY! I’ll PM my cell phone number as well. I’ll probably leave around noon on Saturday, so we’ll get up there around 2. I’ll be carrying around the stuffed Cheetah, so you’ll recognize me by that.

Today on the rotation is one of those “5 minute brisk walk, 400 walking lunges…” and I just don’t do those very well. So, I’m thinking of subbing The Gauntlet for it. We went out for Indian food last night. Well, I know carb loading is a myth, but if it turns out to be true, I’m set for the race! I’m eating very light the next few days. We’re going to an Italian restaurant tonight – I think I’ll have them just sauté some veggies and toss it in a marinara sauce. And only eat half the portion they serve.
HI Quick check in here. The computer gets packed tonight.

I did KPC/L&G premix of kicking & punching and ankle weight work. I added the ab work at the end and extended the stretch. This premix was good for cross training and still hit legs and abs.

After much reading on line, I just can't tell if my hip issues are more IT band related or Bursa related. I notice very little knee pain and only when I am warming up. This is not very consistant wiht IT band syndrome.

Anyhoot, I will probably not get in many runs during the big move this weekend. Perhaps the forced rest will help? I plan on keeping up with the stretching. If I can I may get up very early tomorrow and do Low Max or a spin interval workout before it all gets packed.

Carole- I wish you ALL THE BEST on your big event this weekend. As soon aswe are back on-line I will look for your 'race report' !!!!

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
That's a great idea! It will be easier once the kids are in school, I can get back to running w/ my 3yo in the jogger & run later in the morning. (ahhh, can't wait to sleep in past 4:30 again!!!) So I think that will be good training for my tummy. Oh, and I also have IBS so sometimes it doesn't matter what I eat or do, I just have issues!! UGH!

I definitely have to make sure I'm eating enough before the long runs. My friend Erin gets up at least a couple hrs early before races to eat her oatmeal.

I think I'll be waiting for my UPS guy for my DVD's. Oh, and funny thing- my UPS guy is a runner!! I see him at a lot of the local races now!! He was like, oh yeah, you live at....

Hugs,!! I really am honored your DD wanted to name the cheetah after me. Now I have this huge grin...[/img] The place I am running also has a 15K (9.3 miles), so maybe next year?????

The Gauntlet is quite fun...not sure I really agree with carb loading, but you will find out what works for you...:)
Hmm, Carole - I could probably do that 15k now... I think I'd really enjoy it! Definitely on the agenda for next year as I want to do more trail running this year. Oh, and the carb loading - I was joking - I know it doesn't help - I was just "justifying" my excess last night... Glad I could make you smile!

Judy - good luck with the move!
Good Morning!

I need to get all my stuff together for traveling this weekend. Packing my clothes is no problem but my DH always takes care of the other stuff like printing directions to the hotel, Expo, race, etc. One of the things I have always appreciated about him is his obsession with details. When we were dating, whatever we had planned, all I had to do was show up!!

Carole, Good luck on your awesome effort! I'm just amazed that you will be on your feet for 7 hours! That's incredible. We had a great time up in your neck of the woods. I travelled through Redding on my way to Oregon years ago and I had forgotten how beautiful it is. It was so freaking hot (108 degrees) all we did was sit by the pool, get in it to cool off, sit, get in, sit, get in, you get the picture...... But we don't usually have such laid back vacations like that so I thoroughly enjoyed it. Problem was that my attitude with all things was laid back so I ate pretty crappy and only worked out a couple of times. It feels good to be back to a healthier lifestyle for sure.

Christine, I've replied to your email with my cell nbr. I'm looking forward to seeing you and Amy(?).

Jess, Do you have any books on marathon training or do you check out, or Hal Higdon's website? All of these have excellent information on marathon training. I think it's a good idea to try to practice for the marathon on your long run days by doing the same things that you plan to do/eat night before and morning of the marathon as much as possible. It's critical that you figure out what works food and hydration wise and each long run provides an opportunity to experiment. An excellent book is Runner's World Performance Nutrition For Runners by Matt Fitzgerald.

Sounds like everyone else is doing great! Hello to you all!!
So now I'm back from the gym...

I ran 4 miles on the TM in 42.10 mins. That's a good time for me! I kicked my pace up .2 from my usual. I also ran the last half mile on a 2% incline which really made me work hard to get to the "finish"! I was dripping with sweat like crazy by the time I was done!}(

This morning before the gym I did a full body weight work out on my own. I started with 25 walking lunges and then hit every upper body part, putting in another 25 lunges between every couple of u/b exercises for a total of 125 lunges plus 40 pelvic tilts on the stability ball for l/b. It took about an hour. I still have abs left to do at some point today as well...

Barb and Jess: I don't have much of an issue with food and work outs. I used to work out in the evening after dinner so I couldn't wait too terribly long if I wanted to get done at a decent hour and I didn't "cut back" on my food intake either! I guess my body is used to it now. I wait to do cardio after eating but I can start my work out an hour after eating and be fine. If I'm weight training I barely wait at all...just don't require it!:)

Carole: So saturday's the big day, ey? What time does the race start? How long do you figure it will take you finish??

Christine: So you whimped out of the walking lunges, ey? :p LOL Just kidding! Hope you had fun with the Gauntlet. I like the Terminators. They are TOUGH but they are fun. Carbo-loading...ony have a vague idea of what it is but as with anything, I say, do what works for you! There is NOTHING that will work for EVERYONE!:)

Judy: You'll be missed while you are "away". Hope the move goes smoothly. Take care of that hip!

Elaine: Have fun wherever you are headed! Where are you going, btw? LOL I guess I missed it!:p

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