Cheetah runners check in Sun June 18th


Good morning Cheetahs

Wendy...really, I do try and remember...:)...there have just been alot of races...Sorry your DH is feeling bad, I hope he gets better soon. new pics are so cute. Loos like a very nice area to run. The pic of you and the girls with your medals is just adorable...:)

I'll be heading out for a 20 mile trail run with some hill repeats. Trying to get done before it gets to hot here. 95 expected today...

have a great day...:)
Hi Carole and all Cheetahs who follow.

I was only teasin' granny Cheetahs should never be expected to remember that far back! :eek: :p ;) :+ A 20 mile run before it gets too hot? I'd have to start in the middle of the night! LOL

Jess, I agree, the new pics are sooo cute!:+

Today is my rest day which I have decided to keep active from now on so I'll be doin' a w/u, abs, a little YP :9 and then a stretchmax segment if time allows.:+

Hope all the fathers in your lives have a Happy Father's Day!:)
Good morning, Carole & Wendy!! Thanks for the compliments- the park is really nice!! (Wendy- that's also where the pool is! ;-) ) Carole- you go girl w/ the 20 mile run!!! You rock!

My quads are so sore today, but it feels good!! I got a little sun y'day too, but just a little pink today! (dumb me didn't think of sunblock at 7AM & spent all morning outside!

All packed & just waiting for my Mom to get here so we can head out!! Kids are sooo excited, they're bouncing off the walls!!! I think I remembered everything- I just finished chopping up a whole bunch of veggies to munch on in the car so I'm not tempted to eat other junk!

Well, better get movin'- I told my dh I was going to shut down the computer....

Happy Father's Day Cheetahs!

Wendy-HSTA is such a great workout! (Enable) But I wouldn't try the mish mosh until you've got time to be disabled for a few days!}( Aren't you going on a cruise or something soon?!?! Congrats on the full mile w/o stopping!!! Rock on! I ran my first 5K last March and came in at something like 25:56. I had only been running consistently for a few months prior.

Carole-"Other side of the tracks" LOL! I bet the running was much more choice on that side anyway;-) I LOVE the sweaty smilie!! That is so me:)

Judy-My parents and my in-laws live about 15 min. away from each other, so when we come home we always stay with my parents and (reluctantly) visit my in-laws. You're upcoming vacation plan sounds great, you'll have some top notch running partners:D

Marcia-Hope you had a great anniversary!

Karen-Your 'local' 8 miles sounds like a great run! Don't you love going 'somewhere' to help the miles fly by?

Christine-What a way to celebrate graduation, getting your wisdom teeth out, Ouch!:-( Sounds like a beautiful hike:7 I love the 30-30-30 you put together!! I will have to give that one a try.

ShellyC-Hope you're having a great time on vacation!

Barb-Hope the long run is going well! I'm totally with you on the floorwork from Cathe, it helps my legs recover like nothing else!

Jess-Sorry that the race turned out to be one of 'those'!:-( I have tummy troubles the last 5K as well and it certainly makes it hard to really sprint that little bit, lol! Considering that and the heat I think you did FABULOUS! Cheetah crown! Can't believe you then added 6 miles on top of all of that in the HEAT! Craxy, crazy}( Have a great vacation.

Elaine-What a fun way to get a shirt a training run and great motivation! LOL!

Well, you'll be happy to know that I survived yesterday and it actually was not as bad as it could have been, just very, very, very tiring and straining. I asked every conceivable question about the wedding and the shower and then listened while she complained and trashed the rest of the family. So all in all, not too bad. LOL! While I was entertaining his mom, DH was running a local 5K with his father. He did great considering his crappy calf injury. He came in a 19:31 and got first in his age group! He felt very good b/c he beat a friend that he used to run CC with who actually runs in a lot of races. Now his calf's making him pay for it, but he says it was worth it}(
Yesterday was a rest day, except for some time in the in-laws pool. Today was a 5 mile interval run (10 min. w/u, 3 min. on 90 sec. off, 4 strides and 4 min. cool down. I was running on the trails and fields behind parent's house, and was soaked (see Carole's sweathy smilie, thanks Carole!). So I'll get some ab work in later today.
Have a great father's day!
hello everyone,

I have been MIA for a few days. I have read the posts but havent been feeling very positive with myself lately . I ran our annual 4miler yesterday and didnt do as good as I did last year. I had to do a few short walk intervals because I was having a hard time breathing. It got up to 90 here yesterday.The hotter it is the harder time I have breathing plus even though i dont feel really sick, I do still have this crap lingering on,even with the antibiotics. It really is discouraging me with my runs. I know I shouldnt let it get to me but I have worked soooo hard the past 6months and the year started off so good for me and now I feel like I am back to last years races where I had such a hard time breathing.I started my first few races and half marathons with such good times for me without major effort that I thought ,all the winter running I did paid off and I was going to have a good season of racing. Now I am feeling like I am back to square one again. It just depressing when you worked so hard to do better. I am sorry for sounding so negative. you all have been such supporters and I appreciate all of you. I will quit rambling on with my bad vibes.

Carole hope you have a great run.

jess great job on the 5k!!your time is awesome!

I will run later today after my sons baseball game,hopefully it will be cooler then. I also need to do some upper body work. My arms are still so hard to get more muscle definition in, especially my side delts. Hopefully the new jari love videos will help me break through this plateau.

hope everyone has a great day!!
Hello Cheetahs! I am here for my weekly check-in. Sounds like everyone is doing great!

Carole – I hope that you were able to complete your 20 miler before it got too hot.

Jess – Great job on the race yesterday even with feeling yucky. Have fun on vacation.

Wendy – That is great going a whole mile without stopping. You are progressing so well.

Mattea – Sounds like a good workout today. Glad to hear that you made it through the in-law visit. They can be very stressful. Woohoo for your DH’s race yesterday!! Sounds like he did great.

Karen – Have a good picnic and enjoy your rest day.

Laura – I am sorry that you still aren’t feeling 100%. I hope that you get better soon.

As for me, I did my first run at altitude in 3 weeks. I was visiting in-laws and parents at sea level and had some really good runs. Then I got busy/lazy while traveling and didn’t do anything for a week. I eased back into working out this week and did my run today. I went 4 miles in 45 min. Blah!!! I left at 7:30 am so that it wouldn’t be too hot, but it was blazing! I felt sick and yucky the whole time. I managed to run miles 1, 2, and 4, but did a run/walk for mile 3. How do you guys run successfully in the summer? I guess that I might need to get up earlier or something.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. I’ll be in next weekend to check-in and of course will be lurking all week.

Jess...have a great vacation...

Mattea...glad you liked the smiley...:) was a good description of me today! Way to go for your DH!!! He is speedy...I am glad you got thru the not so nice shower. Luckily I live far enough away from those social events with my in-laws. My family lives here so I am lucky. Sounds like you had a good interval run today...

Karen..enjoy your rest day and the picnic..

Laura...once your body gets rid of the nasty bug you will be back to your old self. Getting sick like that can really take alot out of you so try not to be too discouraged, you were in good shape before the bug and trust'll come back. Give it time...:)

Karin...running in the heat can take it's toll on you. I just go earlier and I do need to get some electrolyte caplets that help in the heat. You did good!

The 20 went well. It did get warm but the trail is very shady, and the last 2 miles were killers. Thinking about you cheetahs always helps me...:) a shower and some sun will be nice...[/img]
thanks carole, I sure hope you are right. It does get discouraging, especially when I worked so hard to do better in my races. I surely will give it more time. I wont give up on running. when your an active person, you hate it when you cant be your best at something. when I am real sick and cant even exercise it bothers the heck out of me. I am not use to being sedentary.

great job on the run! send some of your energy my way!!

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