Cheetah-Runner Check In Monday July 17

Good Morning running Cheetahs:

Christine: great job on the 10K and I'm so happy for you that you felt good about it. I like your thoughts about the half and walking. I'm proud of you!!! Go Girl Go!!!!!! :)

Elaine- hope you had a great time, too. It's so cool you guys could meet up.:)

Amy G-- congrats on the run -- heat is a killer for running. good job!!!:)

Carole--Hope you are feeling even better today and proud of your major accomplishment. You are an inspiration to those of us here on the forum and I'm sure other posters have told family members about you -- like I have-- and you help us all become better and stronger. :)

Wendy -- hope your knee is better. Glad you had a good run though. It's so irritating when those types of strains kick in with no warning. Happy B-day to your DH.:)

Mattea--glad the wedding is over. What a relief and glad your SIL is happy.
Hope you have good news about DH's job.:)

Marcia--hope you survived your walk in the heat. :)

Sarah-- thanks for the info on the open forums about the V/S sports bras. I'm going to check them out! :)

Karen-- Hi Karen! We miss you!:)

Jess-- hope you had a great weekend:)

Shelly -- belated comment: I'm not crazy about P90x legs & Back either. Scary thing happened last week, my cousin's 3yo son had a tumor on his spine and was temporarily paralzyed! Luckily, it was benign -- or that is what it seems today. In your job, you must have to deal with this kind of stress of being near others going through super-scary things regularly. It is a good reminder for me to remember to be very thankful for being healthy and being able to be alive without that level of worry.......

It is super hot here, too. 100ish yesterday. I got my long run in very early, so it was bearable. Now it's upper body weights for me today. DH has the week off. Mixed blessing. Great to have him around. Challenging to have him around and still stay focused on what needs to be done.

Have a great day Cheetah Runners. Hi to everyone who is checking in later.
I hope to be able to check in later today. But my days have been so busy, I don't get to sit at the computer as much as I want to!

:) :) :)
I am back on line in my new digs and catching up on Cheetah goings on.

Carole:"Well....sometimes you just have a bad day.. ...It started out good, but"... thank you for all your well wishes....and I will get thru this...

To read about your race is the reason I rushed to the computer this morning. You are an amazing person and even in your disappointing race, you still send a positive message. There must have been many contributing factors on race day and the days and weeks before too. It will probably take some reflection to figure it out. I am sorry it didn't turn out the way you planned, however you still ran quite a distance and didn't get a serious injury. ( Does your head have a bump on it?)

(((((Hugs to you)))))!!!!! And I look forward to reading about your trainning. You have been and continue to be an inspriation to me.

I am out the door to run with my buddies after a week off from running.

Later I will try to catch up on all the cheetah check-ins. It will be a break form unpacking boxes and getting DD ready to leave for China.


Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Good Morning Cheetahs!:)

Barb: I know what you mean about your DH being home! ;) LOL :7 The heat started for me yesterday as well! I was out pulling weeds around 10-11 am and I felt the sun "scorching" the bare part of my back! It's supposed to be even worse for the rest of this week. UGH!x(

Judy: Have a good run! You probably need it and should not totally neglect your work outs for unpacking. The boxes can wait. Take the time you need to "unwind". It's important!:)

Christine: Great job on the race! I think you should definately go for a half soon! I'll bet you could run the entire thing! So glad that you and Elaine were able to meet this weekend. Too bad you never caught up with Amy though.

My knee is acting very quirky. No rhyme or reason to when it bothers me. I ended up taking an unscheduled rest day yesterday because of it. I am going to go to the gym and try to use the elliptical. If I can not, I will decide what to do instead at that point. I am also due for weights today. I will pick my poison, so to speak, at the "last minute".
Wendy-- good to be careful and choos-ey working around a strain

Judy-- good luck with your unpacking and the run today. Hope your hip is better!

Good morning lovely Cheetahs -

Barb - THANKS! That's sooo sweet! I know what you mean about DH. I love mine, but I get so much more done on the weekdays than the weekends! Enjoy him, though. Housework will wait. :)

Judy - Hope the run goes well and your hips feels better! Good luck with packing...

Wendy - well, I don't know about the "run the whole thing", but I could finish it. :) Thanks, you're sweet too! I love the encouragement on these boards! Hope your knee feels better!

Amyg - sorry your half was so tough! Hope your knee is better now. But CONGRATS GIRL! On finishing! Way to go!

Carole - I re-read about your race. You really are an inspiration. I mean, we all know that it's better to turn back before we reach the top of that mountain if we will hurt ourselves in the process, but when we are in the middle of obtaining that goal we tend to get so focused on the goal that we don't listen to what our bodies are telling us. The mountain, the race, whatever, will be there again. If we don't really listen to our bodies, we might not be there to try again. But it's so hard to use our brains and turn around. I think the definition of a true winner is knowing when to not finish. You're a HUGE winner in my book!

Another hot one today. Ick. I'm so sick of sweating while sitting still. We have air upstairs, but not down. Normally that's fine as we have thick walls, and it keeps the house cool. But when it's over 100 it doesn't matter. 102 yesterday and hotter today. I'm taking DH to the airport this morning, then I'm coming back to workout while it's still in the double digits. I think it's BootCamp 2 times today. We'll see. LOL. For some reason my neck is bothering me. I think I twisted it either sleeping or on my run. Weird. But, it's a pain in the neck - literally and figuratively. So I may do something that doesn't require putting weights on my shoulders. I'll be thinking of all the Cheetahs today!
What you wrote is so well put:

If we don't really listen to our bodies, we might not be there to try again. But it's so hard to use our brains and turn around. I think the definition of a true winner is knowing when to not finish. You're a HUGE winner in my book!

That is so true and Super Carole is a HUGE winner!!!!!

Barb:) :) :)
Good morning cheetahs have helped alot...:)..Glad you got your run in early.

Judy..thank you for the hugs and kind words...:), thankfully no serious injuries! Yes I do have a bit of a bump and washing my hair can be a bit painful. That feels better today..Tell us how you like your new digs!!

Marcia...thanks for your kind about yuk we are supposed to be like 111 today!!!

Shelly...thanks so much...:) legs are still sore today and with the heat I am not running! I did order some new trail shoes though...Have you tried Shoulders & Arms yet???

Laura...sometimes an elevated HR can mean you might be getting sick and also it can happen when you over train. But I think your Max HR (the highest it can ever go) is fairly high anyway...

Mattea...I have always run thru most any stress that came my way. I rarley have work stress as my job is fun! The marital stuff has been going on awhile. But I think that with the hard training and the perimenopausal symptoms, it took its toll on me Sat. Barb suggested a good book about menopause (thanks) and my sister has been helping me in that area too. I'll get thru it...thanks...:)...I love your description of the wedding! So how far away from where you are now are you moving??, running in the extreme heat is never a good idea!! I hope your knee issue goes away, just be careful today and the rest yesterday was probably a good idea.

Christine...actually I only ran about 16 miles....Great race report...I am glad you got to meet up with Elaine. I wonder where Amy was hiding...Being in the top half was great!!! Yes, I bet you could have done the half. Thanks for the champagne toast!!! I know for me it would have been a bad idea to continue my run Sat. I am sure I would have fallen as it was a rocky trail in many areas. One of my friends told me it is one of the toughest 50K's around....well....darn....would any 50K be easy???...:)..Now in reflecting it very well could have been the elevation besides the other issues! The reason I love Mondays is because I am off...and my DH goes to work so I can get alot done.

Barb I do agree with you about what Christine said...A-Jock posted last night with a passage from Lance Armstrong which is so true:

"The thing that makes winning so difficult, and I mean winning anything, even a five-cent ring toss much less the Tour, is that the mind and body almost never work together cooperatively. Mostly, we are at odds with ourselves, and for a road cyclist, this is especially true: when your body gets tired it's the job of your mind to override the impulse to stop. Or, when your mind wants more than can rightly be accomplished, it's the job of your body to tell you it needs food and water before it does anything else. Occasionally, the two workin concert, and what happens then is, you fly up the Huatacam. When they're in direct opposition, you bonk on the way to Morzine."

Wow...this post got way long...:)...not sure what I'll do today, some stretching and maybe a TLT...Have a great day cheetahs and really....THANK YOU...:)
Lost Cheetah checking in!! What a crazy, busy weekend!! I don't even know where to start, but I did go for a 21.5 mile bike ride early y'day morning. Then I drove to my Mom's w/ my dd Hannah y'day after church to visit my Grandma/ other relatives that are here visiting. Grandma looks frailer, thinner, & weaker but still awesome for a 92 yr old!! They will meet w/ the Dr. this week to see how fast the cancer is progressing....

I got to see some relatives here from CA & my Aunt is back from Russia. It was lots of fun visiting. Got lots of compliments on my weight loss, so that's always a good thing! ;-) Went out for an awesome dinner last night & then drove home so we didn't get home til close to 11. I'm so glad that my chatterbox dd was awake keeping me company to keep me awake!

So today I slept in, I was sooo tired. I think I deserved a little rest after running/ biking/ swimming on Sat & long bike y'day. And we also went out on my best friend & her dh's boat Sat afternoon/ evening & I water skiied!! I did awesome, I couldn't believe how easy it felt! (thanks to my stronger upper body!) Except then I took a good crash on some waves & got hit in the head w/ a ski & think I gave myself whiplash. My whole left side of my head/ neck is soooo sore. It's like a pulled muscle in my neck/ shoulder. I'm not lifting or doing anything strenuous today- ouch!!!

And then I had about 5 phone calls this morning and my Dad called to say he was on his way here (he's here now taking a little power nap... gotta love being almost 70! :p ). So he's here & taking us to meet my dh for lunch in a bit & then the girls to Toys R us to spoil them....

OK, quick check in getting long! Just thought I'd update!

Carole ~ You totally rock!! Good for you for listening to your body & knowing your limits. 16 miles is still an awesome run! I know you'll rock that 30K!! Sorry things are a little rough w/ your marriage. Vent away here anytime!

Sorry no more time, hi to everyone else & have a great day!

Hi gals.

I did the upper body portions of Ripped this morning along with the following exercises on my own for lower body:

50 inner and 50 outer thigh leg lifts on each leg.
50 pelvic tilts on the ball.
50 walking lunges(non-weighted because of my knee)

So I took a VERY short walk outside to my garbage can at 9am this morning and thought I'd DIE! BLECH! ARGH! It's just freakin' deadly N-A-S-T-Y out there today!:eek: With that I decided to can the gym. I couldn't even fathom taking myself or Joey out in to that heat for one second if I don't have to so no gym for us!

I am still debating on cardio today...may give that another rest now that I've nixxed the gym idea. Not quite sure yet but if I do it, it will be low impact for sure!

As far as running class goes...I am going to go outside around 5-5:30pm and see what it's like. At that point I will decide wether or not to go to the class. I really don't want to miss it but if it's just too brutal, it's simply not worth it!

Sorry, no personals right now...been washing, folding and putting away laundry most of the morning and want to get it done before I sit for too long and lose my motivation!;) DS just went down for a nap so I can get a lot accomplished if I JUST DO IT!;)

Will catch up with y'all later though! I promise!:*
I just wanted to *leave* and I thought you guys had already done the whole post-race fun since I was sure you were done waaaay before me! I was *not* in an okay mood when I crossed the finish line!

Elaine, I'm so sorry I couldn't meet you yesterday!!!

My knee is feeling a bit better today (in that I can bend it without too much pain) but I certainly let the bootcampers off easy with legwork today, LOL!!
Goodmorning running cheetahs! I slept late today....felt great. Today will be a 6 mile run and some core synergistics! I am definitely getting into the P90x, it's really what I needed to shake up my routine and energize me in general.

Hi Jess- you do sound awfully busy! I haven't waterskiied since i was about 13 or so! I remember the stress on the arms/back. It definitely would help to have some well developed muscles. I hope your head and neck are feeling better tomorrow. Have a great rest deserve it.

Carole- Sounds like your enjoying a relaxing day off- EXCELLENT
:7 New trail shoes too--when you start with your runs again that will make it extra nice! Did you get your Reeboks again? Yesterday I did the p90x Chest,Triceps,Shoulders AND Back,Biceps. My upper bod is singing to me today!!! Love it!

Wendy- If you're doing weights today try to focus some more on strengthening the quadriceps so your knee has better support! Hope it gets better soon!

Judy- Great to hear you took a week off! Let us know how your hip is feeling after your run. You must be so busy now with unpacking.
That is such a chore:eek:

Barb- The heat is pretty intense almost everywhere now! We cheetahs need to be careful! Upper 90s here today which is pretty unusual.
But at least I don't have to deal with high humidity. That was a scary episode with your cousin's son. My work in ICU certainly does help me to keep things in perspective when problems arise in my own life!

Christine- Great race report. Sounds like you had fun which is my far the most important aspect in racing!!!! You ran a respectable time and finished in the top half!!!WTG!!! The last time I ran a half there were ALOT of walkers. My MD ran the same race and walked almost all of it...she was amazed that I "ran the whole thing" .
So by all means- go for it! I didn't see any report from Amy...did she post anywhere? Will we see pics?

Mattea- Wedding is over....yea!! Your life can get back to it's normal hectic routine now! You seem to operative in overdrive alot girl! Where may you be moving to?

Well, time to get off my butt and get something done! Since it's already almost 0900 and the heat index is so high I'm doing a TM 6 miler today (boring...I know) But then it's Core Synergistics :7

Have fun everyone

Hi Amy, I was asking Christine about you and I guess we were posting the same time. I guess your half was a tough one :-( and that you've injured your knee somehow. It does sound like you're recovering though and I hope you take it easy for a while! It's too bad you missed seeing Elaine and Christine. It would have helped to salvage your day some! Take care!!!

Amy - I think we finished around the same time as the Half started an hour before the 10k. I'm surprised we did not meet up! Oh well. good thing we live close! I'm thinking of the San Jose Rock and Roll Half in Oct...

Shelly - thanks! You know, I've been bitten by the running bug again. I so dreaded running any distance, but now I know I can. I'm glad as I do enjoy running.

Thomasina, Elaine and Amy - I'm SOOO glad you made me do this! Thanks!

Carole - unfortunately, after talking it over with DH, I'm not going to be able to do the Half in Humboldt. With me out of work, I can't afford the entry fee and the cost of the hotel, etc, especially when I have Half in San Jose the weekend before. I think I'm going to do that Half instead. I'm so bummed - it won't be as pretty!!! And I won't get to meet my idol!
I just did KPC kicking and punching drills for a bit o' cardio and added 50 weighted squats after the warm up for my quads!

BBL-still doing laundrymax and cleanmax in general!

Hi everyone!

Carole, I need to go back to yesterday's thread to see how you did on the 50K. I gather from todays posts that all went well. I'm happy for you!

As Christine must have mentioned, we were able to meet up on Saturday before the race. She's a lovely person and her avatar picture does not do her justice at all!!! I just got the best feeling when chatting with her, a real sense of niceness. Her DH too! So, Christine, we'll have to see if we can meet up at some more fun races in the future.

Unfortunately, meeting Chris was the high point of the whole race experience. Amy, I don't know your specifics but if it's any consolation I can say that was the worse race experience I have ever had!! It was way too hot without a cloud in the sky and the sun beating down. It didn't help that they delayed the start of the 1/2 by 20 minutes as it got warmer and warmer. Living on the coast where temperatures are almost always mild I was ill equipped to handle the heat.

So, I've put that sad excuse for a racing effort behind me and now need to soley focus on the full marathon in October!!

Just wanted to check in quickly. I'll try to get to personals a little later today:)
Hi Elaine- You hung in there and ran 13+miles in that heat? Pat yourself on the back girl! Job well done! The October marathon is the one in St. George isn't it? That aught to be beautiful with ideal running conditions!

Carole, I finally worked my way back to your account of the 50K. Bummer that it didn't go well for you but I can totally relate. Yesterday was such a miserable failure for me!!!! I never walk in races but yesterday I did. Twice!! So yes, I too have been deconstructing what happened. Started doing that while I was still running it. I think I've got what went wrong nailed down. Some of them (the heat and the course) won't be issues in the future and the others are things to work on. Sarah has said to me many times that you learn more from the runs that go bad and, as usual, she is 100% correct. Too bad the lessons had to be learned this time around during the actual 50K in your case and the 1/2 in mine. I guess we'll both be looking forward to October from here on out!!!!:) :)
Congrats on finishing the race even though it wasn't how you wanted to finish it. The heat sounds miserable and it's still impressive to me that you ran it (even with some walking) and also that you have an impressive racing history.

It sounds like your deconstructing will lead you to run a great race at St. George in October.

I'm jealous you got to meet Christine! That sounds so fun.

Hang in there and keep us posted on what you learned and what you will work on.

It's miserably hot here in Michigan where I live, so that getting the mail feels like an Olympian feat!!

:) :) :)
Jess...I can sure relate to the sore head!! Mine of course was a log...:)...I had a number of adjustments at my Chiropractors today! You have been and still are a busy cheetah...enjoy your visit with your Dad. Thanks for your kind words...:)

Wendy...looks like you had a good workout. Awful hot nasty weather here too...

Shelly...glad you are enjoying P90X seems you are kicking butt! I got some Montrail trail shoes. I use Reeboks for the pavement runs. I am needing a shoe with a wider toebox as one of my bunions is giving me a bit of trouble so it needs more room...:)..hope you enjoyed your 6 mile run and CS!

Christine...I'm glad Sonoma went so well for you and the running bug is biting!! You are sweet and its okay of you miss Humboldt, there is always next year or even the Avenue of the Giants half in May. I'll let you know of any trail races that come up that might not be to far from you..:) just was not our weekend for racing!! But you pushed thru it til the end. WTG!!! Yes Sarah is exactly right about learning from the bad runs. I am already working on some remedies...:)...onward to Oct for both of us...!

I didn't workout this morning but after a good breakfast and lunch I will try one of the Janis Saffell kickboxing workouts I got this afternoon. They are alot milder than Cathe but have a nice fun factor.
It is already 111, so this girl is not going outside for nothing!!!!
Elaine - I really got great "vibes" from you as well. We absolutely need to race together again! And spend more time together!!! I love Catheites and Cheetah's in particular. Great, great ladies!!!

Carole - Do let me know about trail runs that might be closer! And the Avenue of the Giants race? Hmm... I'm going to research trail races around here, too. Of course I've changed my training schedule again!

I was feeling so good after the 10k yesterday that I ended up taking my Aussie for a 5 mile trail run - hiking the steep parts, but I run well over half of it. This is the one that has the 1500 foot elevation gain total and is challenging in places. We had a good time despite the heat. Then my S&H arrived. I watched them all - doozing on and off in the heat. Picked myself up and went grocery shopping then came back and did Chest and Back and all of the planks! It is a lot easier to lift in 100 degrees then to run! (I lift in our garage - no air conditioning at all - just used the fan). I'll finish out the series this week and see what I think. But it's good to lift heavy again!

And THANKS for the congrats everyone! I love this forum.

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