Cheetah Checkin 6-23


Ok Cheetah's my IT Band is coming around. Hopefully by Monday I will be in full force to run again. Today I have my annual. Lucky Me!!! So I'm off to shower and get over there. I did do Iron Yoga this morning which is not an easy workout. It is very decieving at first but really gets you good in the end. Hope you all have great runs today. Wish me Luck.
Very good news Karen!!! Just take it easy. Hope the annual is quick...:)

I'll be doing The Power seqment of Bodymax, and then the upper body and abs, so no run for me today. It has gotten very hot here so I figured I'd save my running legs for pacing tomorrow night!!

Here is the info about the run and the girl we will be pacing. It starts Sat at 5 AM but I don't think I'll be pacing until about 8 or 9 that night:

This is the Homepage this is the webcast page if you click on "where's my runner" you should be able to see Pats progress. Her # is 325 and her name is Patricia Mueller, I should start pacing her at mile 62, and my sister will take over at mile 80.

Have a great day...
Good morning, Karen & Carole!! Good news on the IT Band!! G/L at the annual, I had mine a few weeks ago.

Carole- I'll try to track you when you're pacing her! Very cool!!

Rest day for me, but since I've been on vacation I plan to do PUB & maybe the ball portion of PLB too later. I slept in & I needed that extra rest this morning!

I'm fighting allergies terrible- woke up w/ a stuffy nose, scratchy throat, etc. Yuck! I took my Claritin & Flonase so hopefully that will help soon!

OK, gotta run errands this morning & get some groceries. We're way low since being gone & have company coming next week so it's time to stock up!! 10 mile run planned for tomorrow morning- yeah!

Good morning Cheetahs!

I missed check in yesterday, but I was thinking about you ladies! No running yesterday -- I biked for about 35 minutes instead. It was a nice change of pace, but I was surprised that my knee started bothering me again. Today was speedwork, and it was one of the best runs I've had in awhile! I went out at 7am, and what a difference! It was so much cooler, and I felt I could run for miles. Also, it felt great to run faster. I think it's time to up the pace a bit in my steady state runs. The park where I run laps was closed so I ran intervals using time to guide me. Since I know my warmup is 1 mile, and I completed it in 12 min, I would run fast for 10min followed by a 1-2 min walk recovery, and a 3-5min recovery jog. I did 4 speed intervals, 4 recovery intervals, and a 1/2mi cool down. It was great! (7 miles total) *Edited to add total miles :)*

Karen, glad you're taking it easy. I really hope you recover soon. I know you've got to be itching to get back out there and let loose. :) ~~~~GET BETTER SOON VIBES~~~~ :D

Carole, I can't believe it's time for your pacing already. I'm so excited for you! I'm definitely going to try and follow some of it tomorrow night. Good luck!

Welcome back Jess! Glad you enjoyed your vacation. Now I know why you run so early in the morning. It feels 10x better!

Hello Barb, Elaine, Gayle, Mattea, Thomasina, Judy, Marcia, Shelly, Laura, Christine and everyone else!

I'm off to stretch and get ready for the parade. We're going to the Heat parade to celebrate Miami's first NBA Championship victory. I'd like to take the kids, but I'm undecided since it's smack dab in the middle of the hottest part of the day. Decisions, decisions :)

Have a great weekend everyone!
Hello to everyone. I am not on this checkin, but I had a running question. When I run on the treadmill, I run about 5 mph. I tried running outside and ended up running way too fast and had to stop after 20 minutes (2 miles). Can anyone please advise me on how to pace myself outside? Thanks, Melissa
Hey - hey - hey everyone..........TGIF!!!!

I just finished a WONDERFUL 6 miles and felt great up until about the 5 1/2 mark, then it's almost like I can see the finish (my car) and everything goes the opposite that I think it should - down - . You'd think I'd sprint because I'm almost done. :7 Goofy!!!

I do have a question, though, I always get a toe cramp towards the end of my runs, especially the long ones. Anything that could be causing this??? I don't want to stop and massage it or anything because I'm always 'in the groove' and don't want to stop. HELP! :(

Otherwise - I'm just pumped - the run was great!!!! :7 :) :7 :)

Beginners - one thing I realized today on my run was that I need to go into a long run especially with a sense of calmness. If I start out anxious and wanting to go too fast, things just aren't right during that run. Take your time - enjoy your scenery - get the "feel" for a good comfortable run. There's always time for you to concentrate on speed when you are ready. Go into it with confidence and relax during your run. I get lost in the moment with a certain song that may come on and before ya know it a few miles have gone by. Just ENJOY it !

OK - enough of the coaching for today. :7

Have a great day - be back later.

Hey much depleted Cheetah ranks! (Aka-vacation time!)

Glad to have you back Jess! Sounds like you had a great time and I love the way you handled the food on your trip:) Very smart cheetah.

Karen-See, internet healing vibes really do work! And they're free:7 My annual is coming up in early August and I'm doing my best to forget that it even exists, hope yours goes without a hitch.

Carole-I think what you are doing is amazingly fun, tough, and generous (all things we already knew about you:D ) I'll have fun tracking you tomorrow and then you sister takes over? Wow, Pat is probably going to wonder where your other relatives are! How did BMax go for you? Isn't it always a little tougher than you remember?

Jess-Sorry about the sucko allegies! x( I just read that Butterbur is supposed to as effective for seasonal allergies as Zyrtec if you're interested in looking into it. It was in either this or last month's issue of Vegetarian Times.

Pamela-Sounds like a fantastic bit of speedwork this morning, okay, so a fantastic LOT of speedwork, whew!

Marcia-Nice to hear you sounding so Happy!:D I know exactly what you mean about the long runs, you have to settle-in and remember that long runs are about distance, building stamina, knowing what it's like for you body to run that far and that long--speedwork is for speed and it's a whole different animal, lol!

Melissa-Running outside is always a bit of an adjustment from running on the treadmill. I wish Wendy was here as she's just been making a fantastic transition between the two, but she's on a CRUISE! So you'll just have to put up with us, lol. You might want to start with a run/walk program outside and build up to running the complete distance after slowly lengthening the 'run' portions. Try starting with 5 min. gentle warm-up, 10 min run/1 walk, 10 min. run/1 walk, and then 5 min. gentle cool down and stretch. Next time try increasing the running interval to 11 run/1 walk and see how you feel. If this feels too easy for you at the start try lengthening the run intervals or adding on another run/walk interval so you're doing 3 total instead of 2. Hope this helps!

Today was Lomax Blasts only, GS Floorwork, push-ups, and CM #3 and boy is it sticky!
DH and I came home with a new quilt yesterday, new running socks for both, and a whole boat load of fruits and veggies, lol:9
Have a hot one!
Good afternoon,

Today is a rest day for me. I have a 5k tomorrow. I went back to the docotor today and he said I still had a little residual bronchitis and that my allergies are working overtime right now. He gave me another medication to take along with everything else. All in all though, I am slowly getting back to normal. a little too slow for me but at least it is happening. I am trying to tell myself not to expect too much out of tomorrows race, to give myself another couple of weeks.

carole that is exciting about you pacing someone. that is so nice of you to help!

Melissa like mattea said, running outside is always harder and by the way 2miles in 20minutes is pretty good. take it slow and work your way up with the mileage. Listen to your body, you dont want to get injured!! and your welcome to this thread anytime!!
Hi Cheetahs,

Went for a 6 mile run this morning on a different route. Fun to do something new. I'm trying to stay true to not letting myself get bored with my workouts.

It went well and then it has been one of those rats on a treadmill day for me. (But my hair is looking ok -- the humidity is my friend...)
I'd like to squeeze in some upper body work later, but I don't think it's gonna' happen. I'm getting DS ready for camp and there's a swim meet for both kids tomorrow. It's a happy busy, though.

Karen-- really glad you ITB is better. This was a quick recovery. Hope the annual went well.

Carole -- good luck on the race tomorrow. Thanks for all the web links! Definitely sounds smart to save the running legs for tomorrow.

Laura -- good luck to you tomorrow. I'm glad you doc gave you something new to try. You're steadily getting back to feeling "normal."

Jess-- good luck on that long run tomorrow -- and restocking/reacclimating to home after your vacation.

Pamela -that is so nice you had such a good run today. What did you decide about whether to take the kids?

Melissa--Hi! Welcome! Mattea is right that Wendy is your girl here for advice on this. I think you should just hang in with the transition from treadmill to outdoor. It takes awhile (IMO) to acclimate. Don't worry about your pace, just acclimate to running on a different surface. It always takes me awhile to warm up outside -- probably longer than on a treadmill. If you get too winded, just stop and walk for a bit and then restart. There's no right way to do it, just figure out what feels right for you and you will find a groove for outdoors.

Mattea--Lomax blasts and GS Floor work, pushups and CM#3? That's a great workout. I have a love-hate -- more like mostly-hate relationship with LowMax. But it's a really good workout. Good job on all those gifts from DH. That's a nice surprise!

Gayle -- good luck tomorrow!

Hi to everyone who is in town checking in later and to all the Cheetahs on vacation, hope you're having a great, great time!

:) :) :) :)
Marcia--sorry I forgot to say Hi and say I think your point about being too fast at the beginning of a run is a good one. I sometimes have the opposite problem (LOL) in that I can be so slow at the beginning, or at least feel so slow, it takes me a few miles to wake up!

Carole -- good luck tomorrow! Since you are leaving so early, I don't know if you'll be checking in. I'll be thinking about you and wishing you luck! Go Supercarole Go!

Hi, ladies. I've been busy all day (per my usual) with the kids, PLUS computer issues. I HATE THIS PC! LOL

This morning's workout was Push PUll upper body 2 set premix, followed by a 20 min power walk.

Forecast for tomorrow is RAIN RAIN RAIN, FLOOD, RAIN RAIN RAIN! LOL. My weekend plans have changed to accomodate babysitter issues and stuff. Tomorrow I'm running my 6 mile long run with the L&LS team. Then Sunday is no race. I don't have anybody to sit with the boys. disappointed as I am, Sunday will have to be a Mr. YummyPants day to make myself feel better. Oh well.

Hi to everybody! I hope you all have a great weekend. I probably won't be online this weekend with these computer problems of mine, but I'll see you all Monday!

Carole-GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!

Thank you to everyone who responded. Mattea, I think I will try the walk/run combo to help me get less winded. I usually use the treadmill because I don't have anyone to watch the kids. Anyhow, thanks again. Melissa

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