Cheetah Check-In Sunday, July 9


Good morning!

I can't believe I'm first today. I'm so behind on what's going on here I'll have to do personals later today. Just a quick post to let you guys know I did it! Today was my race. I can't tell you for sure that I met my goal of 5K in 30 minutes because they made a mistake with the course. It ended up being 4.2miles. I knew when I hit 40 minutes that there was no way it was 3.1miles. I couldn't keep up my race pace after that point. I couldn't see the finish line, I was way over 30 minutes, and I was confused because I was running at a good pace and felt I should have been finished. They told us when we crossed the finish line that there was an error in the course. I finished in 46 minutes, but my pace dropped drastically after about 40-42minutes, so I think I did run most of the race between 9-10 min/mile. Weather was great!

Have to get ready for church so I'll be back later for personals. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Good Morning Cheetahs!

Pamela, Was this your very first race?? I can't believe they measured the course wrong! That would have ticked me off! ESPECIALLY if it were my first race cause that time is important so you have a goal to work towards...continually setting a new PR! Congrats on a job well done regardless of the distance!:)

Today I am FINALLY heading outside again for a's been WEEKS!:-( I am going to run the same 2 mile course I have been using. The last time I did this I was able to run a full mile, walk/rest for a minute (the walk/rest was not part of the 2 miles)and then run the full 2nd mile. Let's see how I do today since it's been a while...

Hope everyone as a pleasant Sunday!
I wonder how Carole is enjoying Reno? }(
BLECH! That was awful! I did a 1 mile warm up walk and then only ran 1 mile and walked a 5 min cool down. There was a nice breeze but the sun was strong and it killed me. I am also wondering if the extended warm up hurt me...I usually only warm up for 5 mins and this warm up was like 15 minutes long. :-( :-( :-(

The only GOOD thing is that my pace was quicker than the last time...last time I ran my faster of 2 miles in 10.52 mins and this time I made it in 10.38 mins! That part I am happy about. :)

I just gotta get out there earlier so it's cooler! Even 8am would probably suffice!
Hey Cheetahs

Oh Pamela! I was thinking of you this morning. I'm sorry to hear about you 4.2 mile 5k. Good for you for finishing anyways! GOOD JOB!!! How tough for your first race.

Wendy - enjoy your run! Sounds like you're coming right along! I'm impressed with your progress.

Gayle - yeah, I enjoyed that hike. Kimo's last long one, poor thing. She's such a sweet dog. She's only about 20 pounds, and my Aussie is 60. People used to say that the Aussie would run her into the ground, but she could easily beat him up any hill. It's really sad right now.

Amy!!! You checked in! Oh, don't be whining about my enabling! You're happy I did it. We'll have FUN!!! Sounds like BootCamp is coming right along. I really want to take your class one of these days.

I FINALLY decided on the rotation I'm going to do for the next few weeks (with the exception of the week in Hawaii). I decided I want do last years August rotation - the tough one. I have the time, so it seems like the time to do it. I'll add a few shorter runs this week. What ironic is that if I start today, I have a 5 mile run on Sunday of next week. I think I'll do six instead. LOL...
Wendy - sorry to hear it was too hot to run! I do know that feeling! It going to be really hot today here too. We hit 100 yesterday. And yes earlier is better, but it's tough to get motivated!
Hi Runner-Cheetahs, (I was thinking that the checkin should change to say Runner Cheetah or Cheetah runners so other runners on the forum can join up and say Hello? I was thinking that since it's listed as Cheetahs, new people may not feel welcome to pop in and say "hi!" I noticed a few running questions in the Open Forum and wondered if the cheetah name was confusing...)

I've been MIA this week, but hope to be back in regular present-and-accounted-for form this week:

Did a shorter-than-usual-for-me long run today of 6.5 miles, with a little slideboard warm up for the hip, because I am trying to ease back into running after my muscle pull.

I felt the difference though of having not run in regular style for almost a week.

Yesterday, I did P90X back & biceps. I bow down to you p90x pros. That was a hard, hard tape for me, but I enjoyed the pace and format of it....Then I did some easy kickbox later in the day. My muscle pull is definitely heeled and I feel accomplished that I did the sensible thing and rested and didn't run. But it was work for me to stick to the cross-training plan. A different kind of challenge, good for me to shake it up! Friday, I did an easy run and abs + floorwork.

Wendy--don't worry, some days are like that. Also, I think it's really hard for me to get back on track after taking time off. Be patient, it will get easier again. A little bit-by-bit building up will get you back into a comfort zone. You did a run today, less than you planned, but you got out there. Yay!

Pamela--good job on your race aka the 5K (not). Good for you for forging ahead!

Christine -- do you mean the Aug. 2005 rotation I have saved on my computer called the "insane rotation?" Are you starting that this week before your 10K or after your race?
Hawaii sounds lovely. I was there many years ago, only to Kaui (sp?) and wished I had gone to Maui, though Kaui was beautiful and I loved the food and spirit of being there.

Carole --hope you had a great trip. your big race is around the corner!!!!

Karen- hope your hair turned out beautifully! sounds like you have a lot on your home schedule plate

Shelly & Gayle -- that would be too fun if you guys met up in Arizona....Gayle how was the deep water running? Shelly, how is it being back at work? You sound full of energy post-vacation.

Mattea--I made Pizza Bandiera (Just pizza crust topped with cooked fresh tomatoes, peppers & onions & fresh basil) yesterday from Vegan Planet. It was good! I used cherry tomatoes instead of regular tomatoes, because they looked good at the co-op market....used a different crust recipe (more whole wheat than in Vegan Planet recipe) and it turned out nicely. Very summery! What cooking things are you trying after reading your new books?

That's all I have time for now:
Hello to Elaine (good Luck next weekend!), Amy, Jess, Thomasina, Marcia, Judy -- and anyone else I missed. I'm off to do annoying-errand-Max.

Have a great Sunday

:) :) :)
hello everyone,
I didnt get to post yesterday as I had to meet my good friend jenny in cleveland for a girls day out. We had fun shopping and eating!!! I found a couple of cute shirts and we both found a new bathing suit. sears has them half off. Anyway thanks to all for the kind words concerning my dogs. Jack is acting a little better today but has followed me around everywhere I go.

I ran 4.15miles yesterday morning with my friend marci. I have been getting tired right around the 4mile mark since I took a week off. I hope this gets better as I am suppose to run a 5k next saturday. I did notice however that my garmin says my heart rate isnt going up as high since I havent been sick. When I ran during my bronchitis and rhinitis my heart rate was going up to 240bpm,YIKES!! anyway it has only been going up to the 190's now, so that says something anyway. Thats what I love about my garmin,its keeping track of all the things I wouldnt know how to.

wendy it is very hard to run when it is too hot but did you say you ran 2miles in just over 10minutes? if so, wow you are fast!!! 2miles would at least take me 17minutes at the least.

any tips on how to get faster from anyone would be appreciated. I am lingering around the same time and I am doig speedwork but since the half in may, you all know I have been sick and it has hindered my progress big time. how long does it take to come back from that? It just seems like I should be back to normal by now and I am not.Very frustrating because I was feeling awesome with my runs until after my half marathon and I really want to feel like that again !!!!

talk with you all later!!!
Hi Cheetahs!
My oh my have I been busy! I'm getting ready to start teaching an online class this summer and so have been finalizing the details for that, being involved in SIL's wedding plans, DH has two more interviews lined up and he doesn't even know the results of the first one yet, I had to babysit our neighbor's dog yesterday, find shoes for the name it.
Anyway now I finally have time for some personals! But I have kept up with reading your various accomplishments, aches, and good times so that has been such a pleasure while trying to keep my head from spinning off, lol:p

Pamela-That's terrible about the race course screw-up! But, then again, think of what a great "tempo" type run you had and you kept your race pace up for over 30 minutes! WTG fit cheetah;-)

Wendy-Sorry the outdoor run wasn't a total success. The heat can sap you very quickly, especially if you're used to exercising in air conditioning. I doubt that the walking w/u hurt you too much, but maybe shoot for about 10 min. next time and then ease into the running. Also, even the slightly quicker pace may have taken it out of you more quickly, you don't have to get faster every time, especially in the heat, DH always tells me I'll never get me best times in the summer so just have fun out there:+

Christine-I think your plan to take Kimo out with DD13 is a great way to still get her out there w/o over taxing her. I babysat our neighbor's dog yesterday (big afghan/lab mix) and we went for a long walk/run out back. I did take him on the leash b/c he's notorious for running off, but he LOVED running w/ me and he's definitely fit enough so it looks like I might have a new partner. I loved last year's August rotation, it was the first time I had ever run 5 miles! LOL. You are in for some serious DOMS my friend;-)

Barb-Your idea about the thread name makes complete sense, you mean people won't just KNOW that cheetahs are fast runners;-) WTG on taking care of that muscle pull and getting fully healed as fast as possible. Barb that sounds like one delicious dinner! I made a giant batch of new veggie burgers (whole grain, 10 veggie, BBQ), and tonight DH and I are having hummus/grilled veggie pizza.

Laura-Sounds like you had a blast yesterday, don't you just love it when shopping works out nicely? I don't have much advice on how long it takes to get back after being sick, but I do know that hills (you know them and love them) work great for making you faster (sometimes even more than speedwork) and hill repeats are especially good, but you'll want to take it slow at first. Check out for some hill repeat workouts.

Jess-Killer job on the 12 miles! So glad you found another running partner. You are just such a huge inspiration I love hearing about your accomplishments!

Great run yesterday Amy!
Hope you're having a great time in Reno Carole!

Gayle and Shelly-Racing together?? Holy moly, I'm going to need Barb's special chair to fall into after I hear the results of this one}(

Hi to , Karen, Thomasina, Marcia, Elaine, Sarah, and any lurking cheetahs.

Friday was a 'working rest day' w/ GS Bi's and Tri's, yesterday was an 8.66 mile run (I can finally use!), and today was Step Blast w/ S&H Chest and Back coming up later.
I also have to do something to even out my tan lines for SIL's wedding this Saturday. You know, the pretty raceback ones...
Hi again!

Laura -- good advice from Mattea -- to try hills...but I was thinking about what Shelly wrote you awhile ago, that you might have overtraining issues going on.

Running through your illness or running, even a little while you were still sick or sicker than you thought your were, may not have given your body the full recovery it may be now telling you it still needs before you can get back to your groovy old self???

Maybe you could make up an 8-week recovery rotation for yourself that starts you out at a lower weekly mileage than you do now, and have some kind of policy for rebuilding running, that if you really don't feel good during a run or afterwards -- and it's physically not good -- that you need to go back and look at your plan and adjust around your running. Think about increasing one variable at a time: Speed or distance/enudrance, not both and increasing it really gradually, like a 5 or 10% increase per week. Then assess the results as you rebuild. Where are the trouble spots?

I know I sometimes have pushed myself to get back out and run when I was "nearly" rested, but not fully rested and it's always been a mistake for me.

I have found X-training really helpful, e.g. swimming, Kickboxing, an elliptical, if I can get to one....Also, I have found writing out my run plans really helps me not go with an impulse to do a type of workout that really doesn't make any sense for me once I look at what I have been doing for the week before that "great idea" hits me to do a tempo run, when in fact, I should lay low....

Mattea -- great job on that long run yesterday! Go girl go! Your workout today sounds fun, too, but I really find S&H a toughie. I like to separate working Chest & Back from Bi's and Tri's, too, though. It helps me mentally. Your veggie burger smorgasborg sounds great. How do you store them? Fridge? Freezer? cooked? uncooked? Thanks for the support about taking care of my injury and easing back into running. It's hard to "do the right thing" when the mind says: get out there.

bye for now!

:) :) :)
Barb-The next time I have any workout related problem I am coming staight to you! You gave some really amazing advice to Laura which I wholeheartedly endorse, lol! DH and I make up a large batch and then press and freeze them all. We use nonstick aluminum foil and then cook them in convection for toaster oven. They have cooked quinoa, millet, barley, and red lentils, sauteed onion, carrot, turnip, sweet potato, mushrooms, celery, scallions, garlic, peppers, cauliflower, nutritional yeast, ground flaxseed, ground walnuts, old fashioned oats, vital wheat gluten, all-veg soy free protein powder, and homemade barbecue sauce (ground in the food processor). They are amazing in wraps, salads, pasta and so quick and easy!

Mattea--Glad my "find the culprit" in feeling yucky during runs advice sounds good to you. The approach has really helped me get out of slumps.
Hey, what's the veggie burger recipe? Is it in Vegan planet. They sound amazing and organized, too, to get them all done and frozen. The array of veggie sounds great.


P.S. talked to my MIL today -- forgot to screen the call....OMG my knees are aching, but it was so the right thing to do to cursty it up before she appears here for a visit in Sept. My kids do a funny imitation of her speech patterns: "simply mah-velous, dahling...." Nice of you to help your SIL with her wedding plans!
Finally checking in!! Thanks for the awesome support w/ my 12 mile run, it felt great to get it done!!! And nice to have another running buddy! Funny, then my dh ended up going over to help him fix up his tractor (yes, my dh is good at fixing everything!) & I took their 5yo dd for the day. We spent a good 3 1/2 hrs at the pool, then came home to clean up & head to a cookout! Busy day! I was sooo tired last night, almost too tired to actually go to sleep.

Supposed to bike at 5:45, but it was raining so we had to cancel (didn't want to chance an injury on the slick roads!). I was almost glad, I got an extra hour & a half of sleep!! ;-)

I'm just going to do some Pilates & stretch out some more today & we're biking tomorrow, then back to our usual run schedule Tues, Wed, & Thurs. BTW, if anyone gets Family Circle magazine, I'm on page 67 for the Winsor Pilates sculpting circle (just a small photo w/ my before/ after shots).

I also managed to break our shower this morning (thankfully after I was done!), so we had to make a trip to Lowe's to get some parts to fix it after church (it needed to be fixed permanently anyway!) & my dh had it fixed in about 15 min!! I love that man!!

And now my dd's are all napping after a long day y'day- they were all worn out! I'm going to watch Pirates of the Caribbean (the original) & do my Pilates! Have a great afternoon!!

ITA w/ the over training. I think that's what caused my tendonitis before. Now I have to seriously MAKE myself take a rest. It can be hard for me, but I find that I'm actually STRONGER now & can do better when I do run only running 4 days a week & doing more cross training (before I was running 6 days a week). I'm actually speedier too because I'm more rested, and helping to prevent future injuries. I hope you're feeling back to normal soon!!

Great job on the run, Mattea!! I keep getting confused on who's training for what- are you training for a half?? Good luck w/ the wedding this weekend, I got some sun y'day after so much time at the pool!!

And thanks for the compliments, I am loving the marathon training. I'm a weirdo in that I actually like the longer runs! :p

I think I might have enough money to buy the GS workouts soon!! I've been saving a little here & there & my good friend asked me to watch her kids all day on Tues. I think I'll have enough after she pays me! WOOHOO!!!!! (where's the happy dance icon???)

Pamela- I can't believe that they had a mistake like that for the course!!! Oh my goodness!! WTG on the race, you did awesome considering you weren't planning to run that far!! I'm sure that a lot of people were upset after that, I would have been!!

Good job for getting out there, Wendy! The heat will get ya every time! It was probably a combo of the heat/ longer warm up. You're still doing great though, keep working on it! WTG on improving your time too!!

I appreciate the advice on the over training thing but I just took a week off of doing anything. No running or weight training what so ever. I only run 3 days a week and backed off the bootcamp class entirely. so I dont really know how I could still be overtraining. I was told that after being sick it could take a month or longer to recooperate, so thats what I am thinking is part of the whole thing and after a half marathon I was told that could affect your running for a month or so also. anyway, thanks for the tips!
check out the homepage on and you can enter a race distance you want to train for and it gives you a training plan. You can keep changing your base speed that you enter until you get a range of speeds in your training plan that are realistic. (I had to put in a much faster pace as my base pace so that my easy days were at a fast enough speed to be realistic..)

But the plan it gives you when you look it over taught me a lot about how to make easy days truly "easy" so that then when you get to hard days you are recovered and can go for it.

I increased my mileage very gradually--and kept my eye on what I was doing per week not per run and it showed me something different.

Good luck figuring out what will work best for you. I'm rooting for you and hope you feel back to your old self soon. It takes a lot out of you to be sick, especially on the heels of running your half and struggling with asthma, too.

:) :)
thanks barb, I have checked that training out at runners, they have some really good stuff on their web site. I appreciate your support and advice. Talkwith you later!
Thanks for the encouragement ladies! You've made me feel tons better!:)

Laura, Not 2 miles in just over 10 mins...1 mile! LOL Wow, I WISH I could run fast enough to do 2 miles in just over 10 minutes!}(

I was out all afternoon helping a friend move so I got some extra "exercise" in. Joey was at my mom's visiting while I helped my friend and DH had a "free" day to do as he pleased with no wife or child to bug him...lucky dawg, ey? ;)

I have my running class tomorrow but want to get some more mileage in so I think I will go to the gym and get in a couple miles on the TM in the morning. I also have to do weights so I guess I'll do that before DS gets up. Then I won't run at all on Tuesday.

Have a great night!:)

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