Cheetah check in - Sun July 23

MooooorNINGGGGG!!:) This sleepy Cheetah is waking up with a coffee and heading out for a 10K run. I noticed last night when mapping my run that I've got some major avoidance issues with hills:+ I know I need to stop this but.....not today}( I'm running early as we are heading up to a cottage for a BBQ and a day of tubing with the folks I work with at the Spa. The greek pasta salad is marinating and I'm hoping to be on my way up north by 10:00. The Girls are excited, should be a fun day.

Elaine, that's really neat that you are seeing your exchange student's sister after all these years. I too can relate to antsiness when I can't get my workout in but I bow to you for running 17 miles, that's why I want to be here, to be inspired by other's commitment and love of running. Have a great run today!

Barb sounds like a nice mix of a w/o yesterday, hope you're having a good weekend.

Shelly, that's great that your enjoying your motorcycle training, safety first is so true. I was driving home this week and saw a guy on his motorcycle zig zagging on a straightaway it scared me for a second then it was obvious that he was doing it on purpose! All I could do was pray hard that he'd stop tempting fate before he gets hurt or hurts someone else. Youth, testosterone and motorcylces can be a baaaaaad mix. I think it's awesome that you are doing this training!

Gayle, I'll think about you on my run this morning and work on getting my heart rate UP THERE near the end of my run!

Wendy, it's on my Sunday long runs that our training says run 10 and walk 1. It's working for me and I'm not dreading long runs as much as I thought.

Carole. 117! OMG, I'm speechless!:)

Away I go to sneak in my 17 y.o.'s room to borrow her i-Pod, I'll run to Collective Soul and some BodyPump music! Have a great day all:D

Take Care
Good morning cheetahs!

Hi Laurie, I am having my coffee before heading out too...I bet you might even like hills...:)...I have been listening to alot more Alternative rock and I really like it, but I have never run with anything in my ears...weird I know. The 117 was nasty. But that is how our summers are here. Have a great run...and of course have fun at the BBQ....what is in your Greek Salad?

The trails we are running today are by one of our Lakes. It is called Whiskeytown and I'll even share a pic!

Can't wait to try out my new shoes. Hope you all have a good day and our temps will be soaring again...:)
Wow Carole, that's so gorgeous, I can just imagine my mind getting lost in the scenerey running through such natural beauty. Enjoy! My run was great, I ended up running 2 hills and it wasn't so bad. I did display some bad behaviour though, a car cut me off at a green light (she turned right on a red) and I slapped the car and gave her the finger:( I feel bad about it but was somewhere between scared and pi$$ed when I did it. I'll have mind myself so as not to pi$$ off the wrong person.

I'll give you the recipe for the greek pasta salad, it so yummy but not vegan. I'm sure it can be modified.

Marinade - 6 quartered plum tomatoes, 2/3 c fresh basil, 2/3 c Extra Virgin olive oil, 1-1/4 c crumbled feta, 3 cloves garlic, 1/2 tsp pepper and salt (I throw in about 3/4 c black olives too:9 ) let it marinade 2 hours and room temp or overnight in fridge.

Cook 1 lb. penne rigate or fusili, toss hot pasta with marinaded tomatoes and 1-1/3 c asiago cheese. I always get raves when I bring this to a party and it's one of my 11 y.o. Faith's all time favourites.

Hope your shoes are comfy and you have a wonderful run Carole:)

Enjoy your Sunday Cheetahs:7

Take Care
Wow! I think this is a first! Only two people made it here before I did this morning!

Since it's warmer than usual here (although I am sure Carole practically spits her coffe onto her monitor when I say that!!) I'm running a little bit earlier today since I'll be going 17 miles and want to be done before it gets too warm for me. Yes, I am a weather wimp..... Right now I'm sipping the last of my coffee before I head out.

Laurie, The pasta salad sounds delicous. I'll have to give it a try. And you *need* to conquer those hills!:) You will get stronger and reaching the top will build your confidence. Your BBQ sounds like lots of fun. Wish I were there!

Carole, How far are you running today and is the temperature still hovering around 117?

Talk to you later!
Hi Cheetahs

I managed not to electrocute myself or any swimmers yesterday being a "timer" at the meet. My son did well and was happy that in one event he qualifies to be in another meet in a few weeks.

I did my long run today, 9.5 miles and I felt good before, during and after (so far). It's nice to have days like this when some days are definitely not like this. The weather was great for a change. This is the first time I've gone over 8 miles in a long run since the half marathon in June. It felt good to go for longer.

Today it's back to another afternoon of swim meets....should be fun. I Enjoy it.

Laurie--thanks for the pasta recipes. It sounds great. I am going to try it this week. Perfect ingredients for this time of year. Hope you had a great run. for me: I like hills actually, I don't know why. I like hill runs better than speed intervals, so I need to work on that!

Carole -- 117 degrees???Ahhhhhh. Hope you had a good run. The trail scenery looks beautiful. Hope the shoes feel good.

Elaine--hope your 17-miler goes well and you survive the heat.

Shelly - vroom vroom. The motorcycle weekend sounds like it was fun. Thanks for your nice words about my being an involved mom. I am getting better at working the stop watches. My timing "partner" was a more experienced dude, :7 who was a college swimmer before becoming a dad of 3 kids. So I learned a lot from him.

Hi to everyone else checking in later....!


:) :) :)
I don't konw how you ladies can drink coffee before a run? I can't even EAT anything before a run, let alone coffee! LOL ENJOY your runs, each of you!

Today is a rest day for me. I am sore all over. Right calf (for some odd reason) from my 12 mile long run yesterday, and my lats and shoulders from Kickbox on Friday. I've been doing my long run with the team on Saturday mornings, 6am, this time around. I didn't think I was going to like it on a Saturday, but I AM LOVING IT! I may do some deep water running if I take the kids to the town pool.

Anyway.......enjoy all your scenery, the solitude, the JOY of running!

See you all tomorrow!

Long time no talk cheetahs!
I've missed chatting with everyone SO much, but I have been reading of your various exploits as a nice break from my online class work:)

First--A giant big cheetah (late) welcome to Laurie and Yadi! I've been incommunicado lately as I've been crazy busy, but am so excited to have you to talk to now!

Laurie-I'm super jealous of your trails! I love, love, love trails, but have to do most of my longer runs on the road. I hope the 10K went well (get on those hills girl!). Have a great day at the BBQ

Yadi-Welcome!!! Do you do most of your runs on the treadmill? Another element I'm jealous of. I live in upstate NY and the winters are cold, and windy, and icey, and well, you name it!

Wendy-Sounds like a fantastic workout on the treadmill yesterday! I can really see how the iTrain helps to motivate you to really push it! Hope you knee is feeling up to par today. New shoes should really help you out.

Jess-I am SO excited for your trip!!! Our cheetah celebrity!:7 :+ You have accomplished so much and are such an inspiration to us and to your girls! I hope you had a fantastic hike w/ your family and can't wait to hear details of your trip. {{{{GIANT HUGS}}}}

Carole! Some trails I could probably drive to, and eventually I'll get that treadmill, but how in the world am I going to get a lake like that to run around? LOL! Stay cool in the heat and have fun in the new shoes! You story yesterday was sad, but a great reminder of cherishing what we are able to do with each day of our lives:)

Barbara-It's so nice to see you back! I've been neglecting UB this week and if I'm not careful I'll be sent to my room with PUB again;-) Have you tried LoMax with a med ball? (A-jock's "evil" creation?).

Elaine-I don't know if I ever said congratulations on your race! I know that it was tough for you, but it's still very impressive to me!
Yes, I know exactly what you mean about missing one part of the planned rotation. I missed the leg drills from KM earlier this week and each day I've tried to guilt myself into adding them back in, lol! Have a great 17 today!

Barb-Quick summer hi! Quick summer bye! I'm glad you're enjoying the time with your kids. I love the workout you did Saturday and might just add it in next week! Cooking up anything good lately? Have you ever made ice/frozen banana/cocoa powder/stevia/soymilk crushed in the blender together? It's heavenly in this heat and sometimes I add in protein powder.

ShellyC-You can officially never call yourself grandma cheetah again! Motorcycle training?!}( Now there's a way to get up those hills in style:7 Fantastic 12 in the heat! Rock on my Shelly, rock on;-) Do you have a motorcycle yet? What color? What kind of gear are you going to buy?

Gayle-I LOVE your reason for kicking it up during your 12 miler! You put a huge smile on my face:) :D :7 I think that running too slow could definitely make your knees hurt, as you are probably altering your stride and maybe even decreasing your turn over so that you are in the air longer and your feet are hitting the ground from a greater height.

Christine-Have an amazing Hawaii vacation! We want pics and details lady! My SIL and BIL are in St. Lucia for their honeymoon this week and between the two of you (and the evil travel channel) I'm longing for some place tropical. Oh, and check your email, there's a recipe waiting for ya!

Long time no hi to Thomasina!(Crazy western cheetah!), Karen and Marcia (entrepenurial cheetahs!), Pamela (still recovering from Europe cheetah), Laura (one of the toughest cheetahs I know), Sarah (pure cheetah inspiration), and Amy (the smiling cheetah!).

Well it's been pure craziness here with DH's interviews and (finally) new job! That, coupled with my online class and apartment hunting (we are going to have to move!) has kept this cheetah on her toes, lol}(
We're moving to Hornell, NY as DH will be teaching in the Andover school district. Imagine the smallest school district you can,:7 He's likely to have about 9 students in each class, but they actually offered him the most money, a chance to teach the college credit classes, and journalism. (He gets an additional stipend for both:7 ). Also, everyone there is SO nice and SO helpful, it was amazing. I think we may have even found a place to live--a beautiful rural side by side duplex on top of a hill that daunts even this killer hill gal. Luckily it's not the only way to go. And the views, of the views, I will post pics once I know the place is actually ours. We have to fill out the application and then wait.
DH and I have taken several runs, and (inspired by Shelly) I've done both HCE #3 and The Viper this week}( Today was the first half of KPC and then the abs from ME and C&W. An easier day...ahhh...
Great to chat again cheetahs!

Barb and Gayle-Posting at the same time!

Barb-Sweet job on the long run! Glad all survived the swim meet! Lately it's been side stitches on the downhills that have been haunting my long runsx(

Gayle-I can only eat very little before I run, or I'm asking for it later! Enjoy your well deserved rest day!

Judy-So glad the move went smoothly. You always seem so calm and togther, I had no doubts! But now I need moving advice...
Good morning fellow cheetahs! Feeling pretty good this morning, no unusual soreness which is great considering I ran 12 miles and did alot of p90x upper body work, guess I'm not abusing the old bod too much:) No running today but I'll sweat anyway. Planning on Leaner Legs and then some PlyoX. }(

Gayle- OMG I must have my coffee in the morning before a run. Do you really not eat something as well? I don't no where you get the energy for a long run if you don't eat? I simply wouldn't have enough in the tank if I relied only on drinks or gels. Great job on your 12 miler really are kicking some a$$!!!

Carole- What an inspiring pic!! You sure do live around some beautiful country. I guess it's worth putting up with that heat!I ran without any music yesterday and discovered I didn't really miss it at all. I may start doing that regularly. It's safer that way anyway.

Elaine- Best of luck to you on your 17 miler:eek:

Laurie- Go for them hills girl!!! Sounds like you have a great day planned. When I read your first post I wanted to ask you for the recipe for your greek pasta salad and then noticed you already provided it...thank you so much...looks incredibly YUMMY :9
I see motorcyclists acting like idiots alot, if more sensible minded women took it up we'd be seeing less of that nonsense :)

Barb- Congratulations to your son for doing so well with the swimming! Great job with your long run today. Are you training for another HM or maybe a marathon? Sorry if this has been asked before. I keep a log of everyone's races but I didn't see anything more for you.

Time to get moving. I'll check in later.

Hi Mattea! Posting at the same time:) Fantastic to hear from you.
No wonder you've been away a tad, you sure have had a lot on your plate! You're DH's new job sounds like a wonderful opportunity...Congrats! I'll have to look up Hornell, NY. Is it more north than where you are now? Good luck on getting that duplex! Even with all that you're still getting in some killer runs and workouts!!

I'm waiting til I get my license (next week) before I buy a motorcycle. It will probably be a Honda Rebel, they only come in black or white. But it's a great entry level beginner bike. I've already bought my helmet and some good boots. :7

Keep us posted when you can and good luck with your move!

Shelly! Hornell is more north of where I am now, but not as far north as Judy in Rochester. Sort of in between and over, lol! Oh, and my vote is for black...}(
Hi all...This post is going to be short and sweet as I want to shower and get some cleaning done while DS is napping.

Went out to dinner and dancing last night and had alot of fun!:+ By the end of the night between my morning's run and dancing, my legs were just aching...They are fine this morning but last night I couldn't wait to sit down!}(

Today is my rest day.:)

Have a great afternoon, folks!
Laurie!!![/img] you know, I can just see you doing that. That really made me smile...You can very well get lost in trail runs and this one was nice and shaded, tough though as it got hot. The shoes were great. Thanks for the recipe...yes it can be modified and it really sounds good.

Elaine....nah, no spitting my coffee!!!...:)...I am just jealous of all of you in cooler places than me...I ran 13 miles (walked a bit of the last 2). Not 117 but in the high 90's. Let us know how the 17 goes...

Barb...that is really great you felt so good before, during and after the run! Thanks the trail is very beautiful by the water. The shoes were good...

Gayle...I have always had coffee before my run , I can't believe you don't eat something before a run, especially a long run? But then again, we are all different. Enjoy your rest day. you do LL before or after PlyoX? Yes I am very lucky to live around such beautiful lakes and scenery. It could be very worth the high temps!

Hi Mattea!! I guess I am fortunate not to have real bad winter weather so a Treadmill is something I don't really need. If you come visit I'll take you to many lakes and trails...:) I am so glad things worked out for you DH's new job! Sounds like your move went well. And still time for some great workouts!!! You are an amazing cheetah...:)

Wendy, sounds like a fun evening!! Enjoy your rest day!

Well the trail run was nice. I did walk a bit the last 2 miles (even jumped in the lake!), it felt so good as it was getting hotter. I am still not terribly strong, so I will have to work on a few things...:)
Hi Cheetah:)

This is also going be short as I had a horrible night sleeping. I woke up around 2:00am with panic attacks and was waking up a lot and finally just stay up when 6:00am came around. Today is good so far just tire. No workout for me today which was a rest day anyway.

Tomorrow I probally will not do any workout either because I have to help my mom pack as she is moving this Tuesday.

Mattea no I never try that with a medicence ball, wow that must really make it even tougher}(.

Well I will check in a few days.

P.S. Wendy I order the Get Ripped to the Core from
Hello my cheetah friends, I'm glad everyone is having a good Sunday. Today is my rest day so I'm just enjoying the day with the family.

Talk to you all later.
Mattea- congrats on your DH's new job. I'm glad it's going to be a good change for him. Good luck with moving and doing your online class. It sounds like a lot of work.
Thanks for the smoothie recipe. I have done something similar but not with Stevia --I can't get the Stevia thing down. I'm contemplating buying a new blender because mine doesn't do well with ice. I've been making a lot of smoothies in this hot weather but using frozen organic strawberries -- a great bargain I must say, too! No great cooking for me this week, but I hope to do some this coming week!

Shelly- Honda Rebel -- excellent and aside from sounding like a lot of fun, you are going to look great riding that! You must post pics of you on the new bike! No races for me on the horizon yet. I am in a hold steady pattern....

Barbara -- sorry about the bad night's sleep. It's awful when then happens and the effects can reverberate for days. I hope moving your mom goes ok and things get back to normal with sleeping.

Yadi-enjoy your rest!
Wendy-- so nice you got a night out!!!!

Gayle -- we were posting at the same time. I'm joining the curious Cheetah crowd wondering how you run long distances with no food! I have to have my a.m. coffee and something to eat or I crash.

good night Cheetahs!
:) :) :)
>Laurie!!![/img] you know,
>I can just see you doing that. That really made me smile...

Whaddaya mean you can just see me doing that!!!!;-) ;-) :7 Just when I think that perhaps I've matured and evolved and that all my years of yoga practise have integrated and resulted in a more 'non-reactive' self, my personality goes and gets in the way yet again!:+ I'm glad that I could make you smile! :D

I have a wonderful mental image of you running right off of the trail and straight into the water. Now that made ME smile :)

Elaine, Barb, Shelly and Mattea, I promise that I will get my butt up some challenging hills this week. Thanks for your encouragement!:)

We had a perfect day today, no stress, good company, good food and the tubing was AWESOME! My face hurts from smiling and laughing so much, hmmmmmm....I've got DOMS in ALL of my cheeks:+ :p :7

Take Care

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