Cheeseburger Pizza

Ewww! OK I can agree with that. I don't fry anything. I have a George Foreman grill & pretty much everything I eat is made on it. Also I pretty much stick with chicken, pork & turkey (I have been on a major turkey kick lately, can't explain why), although I do love a good steak on occasion. Main courses w/a side of some kind of veggie, usually asparagus b/c I love asparagus.

So that stuff combined with enormous salads with a lot of crap in them (tuna, ham, chicken, etc.) are the basics of my diet. Add in multivitamins to replace what I'm missing by cutting fruit out.

I actually broke down & had a plate of pasta last night, stuffed with spinach & cheese, boy was it delicious! I guess one of the benefits of depriving yourself is how good things taste when you treat yourself.
Marla, that commercial makes me sick too!! Just thinking about it gets me grossed out. As for the cheeseburger pizza, are you sure it was ketchup? That sounds nasty, but a regular pizza with cheese and hamburg is awesome (I know this first-hand, unfortunatly) The Wendys' tip is right on, knowing that a small french fry has about 20 or 30 grams of fat helps me avoid them, but I still want them!
That ad makes me really sad. It's gross! Then again, I'm not saying I wouldn't ever order it...

It's sad though that I think too many people eat pizza as a regular item, not like at our house when it's a special thing I plan for a few days.
It's too bad pizza has such a bad name, because I think you can make a pretty good, healthy pizza: whole grain/flax crust, roasted veggies, no high-fat luncheon meat.

Though pizza can be dangerous as well! One of the last times I had a pizza with cheese (years ago), I was eating my first piece, and a piece of mushroon that stuck to a stand of cheese hit my chin and stayed there long enough to burn me!
You guys are making me hungry! I have a great pizza for you to try!! Canadian bacon and saurkraut. It's sounds gross, but is very good. This is one of my splurges. :9
>You guys are making me hungry! I have a great pizza for you
>to try!! Canadian bacon and saurkraut. It's sounds gross, but
>is very good. This is one of my splurges. :9

I love saurkraut on pizza (with roasted veggies or veggie "meats"). I'll sometimes get an Amy's roasted veggie pizza with no cheese and add my own saukraut to it! Yum!
Oh yuck. We were just talking about that at work. I was telling one of my co-workers how I thought it looked disgusting. I do like pizza but with lots of veggie toppings. She said that they ordered it the other night and I was right, it is disgusting.
Okay, here's my wild card. You guy's are grossing out about this pizza, but how many of you will crave a chocolate bar of your choice at the store shelves. Same thing! I can bypass ANY chocolate bar or M&M's, even pizza, 'cause it's too doughy for me, but a good fat juicy piece of meat, I am a gonner. Mind you, I have converted to veganism for about 6 out of my 7 days. But, unfortunately, I grew up in a hearty meat eating environment & sometimes I just can't shake t off. So a hamburger pizza sounds good right now.


P.S. I'm not even a big cheese fan.x(

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