Checking In

Dawn W

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-27-00 AT 02:24PM (Est)[/font][p]I didn't want to be the first one to check in again this week, but I need to get it in before I forget what I did. Had another good week (for me anyway). Knowing I'll need to "fess-up" after a bad week keeps me in check. Someday maybe I'll have a week as good as Lisa or Debbie, or some of you others who make me feel like a slacker at times. Okay I guess I don't really feel like a slacker because I know I'm doing well for me, but I do have alot of respect for you guys (when I say "guys" I'm refering to the Wisconsin version of the southern "Y'all").

Hope everyone's injuries and drug acclimations are coming along well. I'll be thinking of all of you going on the Road Trip. I'll be out of town this weekend again and won't be able to log on to see it. x( I'll just have to check the forum about it. Have a great time :-jumpy . Like you need me to tell you that. :-rollen

Before I ramble on too much(I know it's already too late for that) here's my week.

SUN - Hiking near the Wis Dells(morn) -- MIS (even)
MON - MSB (morn) -- LA YOGA for weight loss (even)
TUE - Gilad Fat Burning Workout and PS BBA (morn)
WEN - 20min LI aerobics and PS CST (morn)
THUR - IMAX and day 4 of FIRMs 5 Day ABs(morn)-- LA Power YOGA Strength(even)

I tried Power Yoga for the first time. I might reserve power YOGA for my days off. It didn't seem vigorous enough to replace strength training and it wasn't relaxing enough for evenings. Anybody else find this to be true? :-hmmm Maybe I'll just have to give it more time.

Have a great Week Everyone,
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-27-00 AT 04:16PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Dawn and Everyone!

What the heck, I'll check in too (it's much more fun than finishing this boring probate I'm supposed to be working on, don't tell my boss!}> ). Great week Dawn! "Guys" = "Y'all" - is it a "cheesehead" thing? :) I'm originally from Pittsburgh and we say "yins" which is roughly translated to "you ones" - where are the grammar police when you need them! Anyway, now I live in FL and so find "y'all" creeping into my vocabulary on a regular basis.

My experience with Power Yoga was similar to yours when I first started. You get addicted to the sweat of Cathe and it doesn't seem as intense. BUT, once you've done it a few times and really get into the poses, breathing etc. you will feel definitely feel your muscles the next day. I am trying to fit it into my rotation more often.

O.K. enough babbling, my week (so far)

Sun - PS BBA & CST & S&I
Mon - Advanced Tae Bo
Tue - Circuit Max
Wed - Meaner Legs
Thu - CST and All Step
Fri - BBA and Lisa Gaylord's Power Blast (planning on this tonight)
Sat - Either rest or Brian Kest's Power Yoga "Tone" and then go out on our dock and hang out with the manatees. The weather is so beautiful right now!

I keep sneaking CTX cardio in, this is supposed to be my rotation without them, but the shorter segments work well with longer weight work outs.

Hope everyone had a good week minus any illness or injury. Looking forward to hearing about the Cathe trip!


PS - Honeybunch, awesome s'mores recipe! Thanks :9

What are you talking about? You had a great week. You even have days where you work out morning & evening. That's a lot more then some people do!! Give your self a BIG ole pat on the back!:D I have thought about getting into the Yoga & Pilates also, but I am soo busy using my Cathe tapes at this point that I haven't concentrated on the other. I definitely would like to add it to my rotations though. I agree with you though~I think we are just used to the more intense workouts that Cathe gives us. Again, great week! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

You just can not resist those new tapes, can you? I don't blame you. They are wonderful! You had a super week. "You guys" is an expression that I use all the time and I live in Ohio! I have all female students and one male in my classes and I always refer to them as "you guys"!! Enjoy your weekend. Us people "UP NORTH" can't go out on our docks to view the manatees. How neat! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
Hi Lorrie,
You had a great week. Thanks for the encouragement, I'll be sure to stick with the Power Yoga. Do you do this late at night before bed or earlier in the evening? Also what is S&I?
Hi again!

Dawn~S&I is Step & Intervals, one of the new CTX tapes. It is great! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
RE: Hi again!

Thanks, I will be getting that eventually but I want to finish this rotation and do one more first. Also thanks for the pat on back. I appreciate it :D .

I thought that "guys" was more of a midwest thing rather then just Wisconsin and northern IL, but I didn't want to mis-speak.
I'll check in too!

I figure what the heck...I'll add myself to the list since my exercise week ended with my workout this morning.

Hey had an awesome week, you're not at all a slacker. Anyone who can get through Interval Max alive can definitely dub herself a true Amazon :-wow.
BTW, I also refer to groups of people as "you guys." I'm originally from South Dakota and that's where I picked it up...I've been using that phrase since junior high school I think. (I must admit though, that like Lorrie, I picked up the "y'all" tendency during my four years in Texas and that still comes out sometimes too :)).

Hey Lorrie, must be nice to see manatees from your deck (ha, ha). The best I can hope for is a raven or an occasional moose (that is, if I can stand to be outside for very long...the temp is in the twenties today and we've got almost a foot of snow). What a difference a few thousand miles makes in climate, huh? :)

Okay, enough with the rambling.
This was my final week using primarily the new 8 pack, I will be switching to a new rotation starting tomorrow. I will use some of the older Cathe tapes with CM and CK (and probably some non-Cathe tapes), but I'm sure that a CTX tape will show up occasionally...they're just too fun :-jumpy.

My week (again a near repeat of the previous week):

Sunday - Power Circuit (entire); PS CST; Leaner Legs
Monday - Interval Max
Tuesday - Step & Intervals (entire); PS BBA; PS SLA
Wednesday - 45 minutes elliptical machine
Thursday - w/u and cardio sections from 10-10-10 and CTX Kickbox in AM; strength and cooldown/stretch from these in PM
Friday - All Step (entire)
Saturday - Cardio Kicks

I'll talk to you guys/y'all later,
Lisa :-gloat
Check-In-Time already?

Whew~where did this week go?

Lisa, great week. I can't believe you are done doing a CTX rotation. Us DVD'ers are just getting started!

My week:

Monday~Step & Intervals & CHEST, jump roped for 5 minutes, ABS from StepHeat. I also taught a Hi/Lo class with light toning & Abs

Tuesday~Hi/Lo class with toning & ABS in the A.M., MEANER LEGS in the P.M.

Wednesday~CTX-Kickbox (warm-up & Cardio)
CTX-10-10-10 (cardio, TRICEPS & Cool Down)
Ended up teaching a Hi/Lo class for an instructor friend that hurt her back)

Thursday~Taught 2 Hi/Lo classes, CTX-BACK with plank work & Ab work, CTX-BICEPS only

Friday~CardioKicks, CXT-CHEST & SHOULDERS only

Saturday~ MEANER LEGS with ABS:-mad, CTX-TRICEPS, BICEPS & BACK with plank work, Also, wore myself out watching the Cathe Cam from 1:00-2:00!! My goodness, those guys were working!!! :-wow You all looked sooo good.:D

My goal this week was to do each body part 2 times and I did it!! Notice I had to cram Legs, Triceps, Back & biceps all in today to get it all in! :-tired Whew! I will need my DAY of REST tomorrow!

Have a super week everyone. I'll be waiting on a report from all the road-trippers!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
Cheez! Just reading what you did wears me out!!!

You are a machine!!! The energizer bunny! :-jumpy I surprised myself today and did a long workout after a week off....30 minutes running in place on the mini-trampoline, 5 minutes on the airdyne bike, then parts of Cardio Kicks and MIC HiLo till I'd gone an hour! Wow! That's a lot for me! Cardio Kicks is very easy to workouts like that!

We have to do a double birthday outing in a couple of weeks, ya know!!! :-wow Those birthdays come faster and faster, have you noticed that? We're not getting older, we're getting better!!!!! You've already been told that you look like a 36 year old chick!!! ;-)
what a mega day!!!

Whew DebbieH-you're wearing ME out!!! Even though I don't have the CTX series yet-I'm sure it'd be a killer workout to put that many together. I just did Circuit Max-planks are a lot tougher than they look :eek:!!!!!
wanted for assault and battery...

or is it attempted murder?!? Cathe what are you trying to do? Kill me!!! :D Did Circuit Max early this morning for the first time...note to self-do not use an 8 inch step next time!!! My legs felt like lead during the last cardio section!!! But I loved it, esp. the kickbox with step!
You all look as though you've had a wonderful week!!!! Hope all the Cathe trippers had fun :) (i'm a little jealous though ;-) )
Sunday-recovering from SHIN SPLINTS I got from dancing 4 hours on Sat. night!!! It was a fun way to get a lot of cardio though!
Monday-HLH with SLA (gotta love Harold :D)
Tues-nada-didn't get home from work until 9:30-was tired from running all day at work :-(
Wed-Mindy's slamming sports cardio + CST
Thurs-BBA and Bryan Kest's tone
Fri-CARDIO KICKS DVD!!!! Loved it!!!!What a rush jumping all over my basement :-jumpy
Sat-ran/walked/jogged with Tanner (while he sprinted/pee-ed/sniffed all of Dunlap!!!!!
Anyway...glad to hear from all you guys (yes-from Iowa, Iowa doesn't have many other little expressions unless you talk to the farmers :D) take care and have another great week!!!
:-jumpy :-jumpy julie-excited to get her CTX dvds :-jumpy :-jumpy
It Really...

...isn't as "killer" as you'd think. With each body part only taking 10 minutes each, you are done in no time at all. YOU COULD DO IT JULIE!!! (Of course, that's not to say MEANER LEGS didn't kill! Whew, that tape gets ya':-tired!) Great week Julie. Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

...I am keeping on the "lookout" for that brownie sundae you want. They have one at Friendly's! :9 Seems like it was 3 months ago we were discussing our B-days and it's almost here. 36 is GOOD!!!! I'll take it. ;-) Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
I agree about the Energizer Bunny

Hey Debbie, Honeybunch is ARE a machine.

All I can say is WOW !!!!!!! :-wow :-wow :-wow
RE: Hi All!!!!

My week flew by, but it wasn't too bad of a week. Just one little mishap with working out and one big mishap with my dog!! She was hit by a car today, but ol' Molly just rolled over and ran right into the back yard all shaking and scared!! She's a little scraped up, but that's about it Thank God!! Ok, onto my week!!

MON: NOTHING!! My husband's buddies and my brother in law all decided to drop by at the same time and the last one didn't leave until 9:30pm. My Hubby wasn't even home!! He had to work late.

TUES: Cardio Kicks!! I'm loving this tape more and more!!

WEDS: Taught the Urban Rebounding thing and Body Pump.

THURS: Circut Max!! AWESOME!!!

FRI: Step Heat. I can't help myself, I still enjoy this tape!!

SAT: Took all of the strength sections from the 6-pak and did Leaner Legs. An awesome 1hr and 40min workout!!

SUN: Today, Kellie and I went "junning" again. I love doing this, I just wish my knee loves it as much as me:-(.

Welp, that's it. Have a good one everybody!!

Hey, people, whassup???

Finally getting over all the little "flu's" that have been going around the office, though my stomach isn't quite right yet. I'm one of those skinny ones who is always trying to put ON weight, so I ended up losing like 4-5 lbs over the past few weeks with between the stomach flu I had and then bad head cold. But now I feel ready to jump back in, put that weight back on (I even bought myself some protein shakes!) and get back into the workouts!

Monday: CTX Chest
Tuesday: CTX Kickbox Biceps and CTX Triceps only
Wednesday: Rest day
Thursday: Circuit Max
Friday: GI Jabb Warrior
Saturday: Chest and Back Heavy Lifting at Gym/22 minutes bike
Sunday: Ended up being a rest day because I took my husband out for his 40th birthday yesterday and we didn't get home until the wee hours of the mornin'....

Sounds like everyone had a great time at the Cathe trip! Can't wait to read what everyone says!

Had a busy week getting the family ready for Mom to be away. I am one of the lucky ones who went on the Cathe trip! :)

Mon: Interval Max

Tues: Body Max ( Did most of the tape in the AM, upper body PM)

Wed: rest

Thurs: CardioKicks

Fri: rest

Sat: At Cathe's :) All Step and later on a weight training workout! Whew! Wiped out. Glad I had an extra hour to sleep!

Sun: Mix of step , step circuit, step kickbox and those arm drills :7 Realized I wasn't giving my all when Cathe is looking me straight in the eye and saying give me 100% and use those hips! She's incredible!

Joyce I
checking in

Hi everyone! I'm feeling pretty good about my week, considering my boyfriend's mom and sister were visiting for a week, and I expected to have a lot of "unplanned rest" days ;-). Somehow I managed to get a lot of workout days in, instead! Here's my week, and I'm definitely ready to change my rotation. Next week is my last on this 12 week rotation, but I think it pretty much ended last week, because I have shamelessly changed things around, substituted, etc....
MONDAY: CTX All Step cardio and abs
THURSDAY: CTX Step and Intervals + StepWorks section 1, + Power Circuit abs and planks
SATURDAY: kidkbox from 10-10-10, + CTX Kickbox cardio, + Yogasculpt (postures only)
SUNDAY: 40 minute light hike/walk (will have to do Leaner Legs tomorrow--just wiped out from my company filled week...)
Have great weeks!!!
Hi Dawn!

I do all my workouts in the early evening after work from about 6:30 to 8:00. I would love to be able to work out in the a.m. but every time I have tried I get an upset stomach and I am just such a slug. Still, I want to keep trying because I know it would give me so much energy for the day and I could then fit in 2 workouts per day, 1 a.m. and 1 p.m.

Debbie clued you in as to S&I - you will love this series when you get it! Keep up the good work! :)

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