Checkin' in Week ending March 3



I'm moved in, but not settled. What a stinky job!!! Got some help from Deb H yesterday afternoon...she helped dismantle my kitchen. Did you ever see so many glasses?!

My week with moving lifting "moves" thrown in all week.

Sunday: Only CTX back work
Monday: Power Circuit with chest work from Step and Intervals
Tues: Walk at the Y early am
Wed. Step and Intvervals with Triceps from 10-10-10
Thurs. Kickbox tape
Friday: Leg work at the Y on the Cybex machines at 5:00 am, then I MOVED!!!! I don't know what the calorie burn is for that!
Sat: Plan to either do a Cathe tape for cardio or walk at the Y, plus do the shoulder work from All Step.

Here's a weird out of the blue question for anyone. I have a collection of fake food that I got out storage. I have a kitchen table that will serve as a functional eating place, and a dining room table which will display my beloved fake food. WHERE CAN I GET MORE FAKE FOOD??????? Cracker Barrel restaurants used to have a lot of it, but it seems not hardly any at all now. HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!

By fake food, I mean either ceramic, foam rubber, or some other form. I know someone out there can help me.

Honeybunch: How you moved AND worked out all in the same week is AMAZING to me! Good for you! (As for the "fake food" question, I'm clueless on that one so obviously no help for you...sorry!)

I came back full force this a matter of fact, am definitely going to take it easy today and just do yoga as the past few days of workouts were sort of intense for me...

Monday: Woke up too late to get a workout in before work.
Tuesday: MIS Legs/Abs (AGAIN overslept but at least got in a half hour of SOMETHING!!!)
Wednesday: PS Chest/CTX Shoulders/CTX Step & Intervals Cardio/Ab work
Thursday: CTX Biceps/CTX Triceps/CTX 101010 Cardio/Rodney Yee's Yoga for Athletes (first section only)
Friday: Gym workout with husband - Heavy lifting for back, 45 minutes on stationary bike doing intervals.
Saturday: Planning on doing Ali McGraw Yoga tape.

I hear we're supposed to be getting a HUGE snowstorm by Monday so I'm off to the supermarket to get LOTS OF FOOD!!!

Hope everyone who had colds last week are feeling healthy once again!

Great weeks Honeybunch and Terri! And HB, I too am impressed that you could get your workouts in even while moving...good job :)!!

As for the fake food, at the hospital where I work, we get the rubber food we use to teach patients at a company called Nasco. Their website is -- some of it's even pretty realistic looking. If you wanted a little less rubbery looking food, I know I've seen some fake fruit, etc at places like Pier 1 Imports (or even at craft stores like Michael's)...this might be a little classier looking than the rubber stuff!

Anyway, on to my workout week:

Sunday - PS SLA; PS CST; PS BBA (whew :-tired I whipped all my muscles that day!)
Monday - TaeBo AL #11; Living Arts Yoga for Athletes (first two sections)
Tuesday - CTX combo of SNI and Power Circuit; KV Body Reform Total Body
Wednesday - Cardio Kicks in AM; CTX biceps & triceps, planks and abs from CTX Kickbox in PM
Thursday - All Step (entirety, as is with the shoulder work)
Friday - Leaner Legs
Saturday - MIC

That's all folks. Hope everyone has a great week.

Lisa :)
Hey everyone! Great weeks for you so far. Honeybunch, I think I would have forgotten any workouts because moving is enough!!! :) You are so dedicated!!

I had a pretty good week. Just changed rotations to the CTX series. Changing always gives me renewed energy and focus!


TUESDAY: Step works (about 30 minutes) and Pure and Simple Stretch

WEDNESDAY: CTX-All Step/shoulders, including abs
CTX-Leaner legs Boy oh boy!!!

THURSDAY: CTX-Step and Intervals/Chest

FRIDAY: CTX-10-10-10/triceps
CTX-Biceps & abs

I had forgotten how the CTX series can really work those muscles. I used such heavy (heavy for me) weights for MIS and PS and then of course had to go lighter for this series and I am sooooo sore. It's weird. I had not used the CTX series since they first come out. I have been going as heavy as possible and thought this would be a nice change. AND IT IS!!! Love it!

Well, have a great week everyone!!!

Thanks for that website!!!! Fabulous looking stuff, and just what I'm looking for! I WILL check out Pier I also, and Michaels. This is a real handy site for getting darn near any info!
Checking in

Hi everyone! Wow, what a week for everybody who's posted so far...
My week was fun, although I'm in a continuing saga with my downstairs neighbors, which I thought had ended months ago with my note of apology for the noise, and a list of probable times during which I would be working out. I don't know what's happened, but I've been subjected to rude poundings on my floor/their ceiling during my workouts this week. My initial reaction was to stop, but at this point they have me so annoyed that it's actually motivating me to jump harder, finish each interval/segment, and really just go all out. Oh, well, I guess their problem solving methods need some work!
Here's my week (and the neighbors are loving those un-modified power scissors, let me tell you!) :)
MONDAY: MIS BIS and TRIS + 2K01 step and strike (fun!!!)
WEDNESDAY: CST wu, BMAX and MIS SHOULDERS, 9802 hi-lo (can you say bad cuing??), my own leg work
FRIDAY: BBA and CST +Stepfit 50 min

Next week I'll be starting a new rotation: 5 cardio plus each body part once per week. I'm going to do the PS series, plus add on the same body part from MIS or BMAX, 1/2 time with heavier weights. This will be an experiment--I'm going for training each body part once a week, for 15-20 min a day...we'll see how that goes!:-jumpy

Have a great week!
RE: Checking in

Great week everyone!!! My week was the same ol' same ol'! But what the heck? I'm enjoying it! I thought about going off my CTX rotation for the month of March, but hmmmmm, I just can't do it! I'm going to give it one more month! OK, so here is my week!!

MON: Leaner Legs and All Step, yes, my yoga too!

TUES: yoga and StepMax

WED: yoga, Urban Rebounding, and BodyPump

THURS: yoga, and StepHeat

FRI: yoga, and SNI, and CTX kickbox

Sat: yoga,10-10-10 and PowerCircut


Well, that's my week!! And let's hope that this storm front coming through will be enough to give us a snow day tomorrow!!
Have a good one everyone! And stay healthy!

Before I forget where is Cleda? Anyone know?

I did the CTX series this week except for All Step. Did some shoulder work on my own. This was my first time for LL and I loved it! The sweat was pouring off me! My new fave leg tape. I'm having a tubal tomorrow, so I'll probably just be walking for a week or two :-(

LisaG and Aimee-where are you guys? I suppose I could research DebbieH's mammoth thread--but I am supposed to fly to Philly tomorrow--is that going to happen?

Lisa: I can't believe you did all 3 PS tapes IN ONE DAY...

I did a bunch of stuff this week, as usual:

Body Max (all the way thru!)
Firm Abs, Hips and Thighs
Vol 2 CTX Kickbox/Biceps
Firm Strongheart
Reebok Step
Baron Baptiste's Power Yoga Level II
CF Mega Step Blast
Charlene Prickett: Start Your Engines and, finally,
Kathy Smith Kickbox

My DH has given me his nasty cold....
Honeybunch - fake food

Check crafts stores. There's a chain here called Michaels that has what you described, but I don't know if they're national.

Can't believe you managed to get in so many formal workouts :-wow!! As far as calorie burn, it's HIGH. My husband lost 5+ pounds in 3 days & he started at 146. He did more heavy lifting than I did - said his glutes & biceps were really sore.

My workout week:

Monday - Friday: Packing, moving, & unpacking
Saturday: Cycle 46 miles (hilly); see Mon - Fri
Sunday: See Mon - Fri

My bewildered dogs didn't get much walking in between stormy weather & the move. So it was a bad week for the entire pack. They don't seem to know if the new place is their's to protect or not; I'm not so sure it's home either but it's progressing.

Have a good week everyone!
Hey Andrea!

I'm still around! ;-) Just reading more than posting....... Still working out! As a matter-of-fact, this week was alot of Cathe. Like going home. Some CTX, some Step Fit.... I was pleasantly sore!

Thanx for checkin' on me though.

Good luck tomorrow and remember: WALKING IS A GOOD THING! ;-)

Cleda :)
Hi All!!(My normal NOVEL!!)

Wow, great weeks for you all!! We left here at 10:00 for church this morning and just got home a few minutes ago. Not, that we were at church ALL DAY!! We celebrated both my In-Laws birthdays with them with the whole family at a real nice restaurant and then did a bit of shopping and then to the in-laws house to visit some more. I'm pooped but thought I'd go ahead and get my check-in done cause I have a SPIN scheduled with my hubby at 8:00 tomorrow morning.:7

HB~Yes, I would say that there was DEFINITELY enough glasses in your house for two people!!! I'm the same way~we have 100 of them but use the same 8 over & over!! Your workout room is awesome. Did you give it a try yesterday? I'll keep my eyes peeled for "fake-food" in the Akron/Canton area!

Terri~I'm hoping that storm misses us. We already have snow covering our mulchbeds! :-( I've seen enuf Winter. Bring on the sunny weather. :-coolAren't the CTX bodyparts great? Great week 4 U.

Lisa~Zowie girl! All 3 PS tapes at the same time. Whew, I bet you were feeling that the next day. I need to give All-Step another try. That is the only one I haven't got down yet. I tried it only one time and was all over the place. Maybe, it will click next time around?? Great week!

Kelly~I also changed to the CTX this past week. I agree, they are a "HAPPY" change! YOU have a great week too!

Wendy~Whewie~did I understand you right? You did shoulders from CST, BodyMax AND MIS??? Are you getting ready to duke-it-out with those neighbors of yours? Just kidding! Good Luck, hope you can figure something out that will work for the both of you.

Aimee~Hey, our "Yoga-Queen"! Where have you been? We miss "seeing" you around here. Haven't you had enough snow in Ohio to last a few Winters? Good to C U posting.

Andrea~Good Luck with your tubal tomorrow. It will give you an excuse not to put yourself thru the torture of LL for awhile. I agree though, it's my fav leg tape too. Keep in touch!

Murph~We are hoping that storm misses this part of the country. Good Luck if you have to fly out. My hubby is also leaving tomorrow to drive to Virginia. :-( He doesn't let the weather bother him at all. (TONS of experience driving in it)Yeeeah on getting all the way thru BM! I just did it on Saturday. LOVE IT!!! Good Luck with your cold.:-(

Debra~So glad your move is finally over with, not that you are all settled yet. Packing & unpacking is quite overwhelming. Right HoneyBunch? Give your dogs a big ole pat on the head. They will adjust soon.

Cleda~I was going back thru everyone's post and was going to comment to Andrea that I was wondering where you have been also. Glad to see you here.

Okay, my week:

Monday~CTX-LLw/ABS, PS-SL&A, floor work from inner thigh on.(Thanks for the suggestion HB-OUCH!!),Taught a Hi/Lo later

Tuesday~Taught Hi/Lo class with lite toning, ABS and some kickbox in the A.M., CTX-CHEST, BICEPS, SHOULDERS, plankwork, reverse plankwork & ABS from CTX-KB in P.M.

Wednesday~CTX-TRICEPS & BACK, plankwork, lower back work and ABS from PC., 10-10-10 Cardio only, power drills from CardioKicks, and to top it all off, we HAD to spin for 20 minutes on our new spinners that we just picked up. (about 2 1/2 weeks late in coming in!)We decided to go for an easy ride so we wouldn't get too sore. Felt great!

Thursday~Taught 2 Hi/Lo's with toning & ABS (Went out and bought new seats for better comfort on our bikes! OUCH!!:7)

Friday~My dear hubby & I got up at 7:30 for our 1st. official SPIN with a video. We did Mindy Mylrea's Sport Cycle. She is so fun. THANKS NancyC for the recommendation! After my hubby went off to work, I decided to pop in Gin Miller's Intense Moves. I havd only done her tape one time right before I discovered Cathe and it got put on the back burner. It felt good and I was pleasantly surprised how well I kept up.

Saturday~BodyMax! w/ABS,:-jumpy One of my all time favs!! 20 minutes of spinning. (Just couldn't resist my new bike staring at me!)

Sunday~REST!!! I had hoped to get a Yoga tape in today. As you can see, I did terrible in the flexability department this week. I promise to try to add it back in this week. SORRY for the loooong post. Hope the week goes well for everyone and be careful you Easterner's if we get that predicted storm!! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
Hi, Debbie!

Every day of your week looks tough, but Wednesday was really a killer! Wow!!!
In response to your response to my post (!), I only did the CST warmup, then shoulders from MIS and BMAX. You must try the body parts from these two tapes together sometime--I love it!
Hope those sweats help ;-)
RE: Honeybunch - fake food

I did a search on "food replicas," and came up with lots of sources. What a gold mine for me.....a perverbial (spelling?)fake "candy store!" I can fill up my whole table!!!

Ain't moving the worst drag? I'd rather stick needles in my eyes, to quote Jack Nicholson from "Terms of Endearment." My kitchen finally is functioning as a kitchen now, and I will go downstairs to work out shortly for the first time in the new house. Saturday and yesterday I felt like I'd been hit by a train, so I guess it caught up with me. :-(
Hi Ladies,
I had a good week. I'm trying to make strength training my focus for now. Boy, was I sore this week! I'm gonna try to do the PS series twice per week for 4 weeks, then switch to CTX weight sections twice weekly for 4 weeks. I'm also gonna buy MIS soon. I would so love to wear a bathing suit on the beach this year WITHOUT A T-SHIRT OVER IT!!!!!

Sunday Wedding Step plus 10 minutes of MIC step
Monday 15 min. stairmaster plus PS Back
Tuesday 15 min. stairmaster plus 2.6 mile walk/run + PS shoulders, triceps, biceps
Wednesday 3 mile run + PS chest + wedding abs
Thursday 30 min. stairmaster/walking + PS Legs ouch!!
Friday rest
Saturday 3 mile walk

Lisa Seymour

I missed the "WU" you posted right before CS&T! Still, that sounds tough. I'll have to give that a try. Wish we could talk Cathe into ALL DVD's for ALL tapes! No more forwarding or rewinding. Keep on sweatin', Wendy!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
Hey Lisa!

MIS is awesome. GO FOR IT!! Talk about a total body workout. :-tired Keep up the good work and you will be able to throw that T-Shirt away this Summer! You have three whole months to kick-butt! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

Movin' is a DRAG! Just did it last July! So, what was your VERY 1st. workout in your new room? I bet you could sashay all the waaaaay across the floor! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

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