Checkin 8-24-02


Well, here we are again! Another week another fitness dollar spent! My weeks are definitely improving and I am finding the enjoyment of exercise again which is something I had lost for a while. Of course the anticipation of the arrival of new tapes has NOTHING to do with it, right? I am still waiting on Kari's and Donna's and I don't want to wait any longer!!!!!! (picture a child stomping one foot and with their bottom lip poked out....that's me)

MONDAY: BFRD My husband's friend came and put the floor in my bathroom. Looks super! I still need to find a curtain of some sort and it will be FINISHED!!!!!!

TUESDAY: Totally Cool Step & the w/u of CIA 2203
15 minute stretch

WEDNESDAY: Danceworks & 10 minutes of Totally Hot Cardio
15 minutes

THURSDAY: CIA--9801 (hi/lo)
15 minute stretch

FRIDAY: Total Body at the gym
15 minute stretch

SATURDAY: BFRD I planned to do something all day but I just never seemed to find the energy. It's TTOTM and I just felt rotten.

I have never done 2203 because I am not a kickboxing fan but I thought I would add it on a little at a time to some other workouts just to see if I might tolerate it. This was only my second try at Danceworks. I REALLY like it and it does make you feel like you are dancing if only I could move some more furniture so I could move a little more...some day! If you think you are getting too big for your britches (not literally...that's another story) then try 9801 hi/lo. I have done the step part many times and have no problem with it. I have only tried the hi/lo once before and I don't even think I finished it then. It really humbled me. I did fairly well but it was a really tough one to catch on to. I will keep trying because I think it is great, just tough. Well, better get back to my work that I need to finish!!

I will be back to read about what everyone else did!
Hi Kelly! I hope you'll let us know how you like Kari's and Donna's new ones. I'm still wishing for Christi's Totallies and Step This Way. My first Christi ever was 9801 and I QUICKLY traded it away. It was much, much, much to much for me at that time. I now have the Just For Funs and they are definitely FUN! You still plan on showing us before and after pics of the bathroom...right?

My week:

Sun. 3 mile run a.m., S&H L&S and my own abs on the ball p.m.

Mon. PowerMax WU and #3, Step Jam #2, #3, CD

Tue. S&H C&B

Wed. rest

Thu. Precision Cycling

Fri. S&H B&T

Sat. Imax intervals 1-4 only. My breakfast wasn't as settled as I thought :-( I didn't get sick, but I was feeling pretty nauseous.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-25-02 AT 05:49AM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-25-02 AT 05:48 AM (Est)[/font]

I'll throw mine in, just for kicks.

Sun: Legs on the Jake machine with leg extentions and walking lunges thrown in. Cardio: 10 minutes on the Jake machine using the blue bands, and 10 minutes on the Airdyne. I'm trying to incorporate more low-intensity stuff besides HiLo.

Monday: Step Fit

Tues: Upper body weight work on Cybex machines at the Y in the AM, and HiLo class PM.

Wed. Rest

Thur: Leg work on the Jake, with no additional cardio; abs

Fri: HiLo Heaven

Sat: HiLo class and upper body weights on Cybex at the Y. I've decided I don't like ab machines....I prefer doing my ab work with a fit ball.

"Ah-th-th-th-th-th-That's all, folks." (Porky Pig)
I don't know if you guys remember, but I am on my holidays so I made the best of my week.Despite my TERRIBLE eating habits.But I am on vacation right???
Sunday: Body Max (before we left)
Monday:powerstrike(when we got to our destination)
Tuesday:Run 40 min/abs
Wed: run 22 min
Thursday: powerstrike
Friday:run 50 min/abs
Saturday: off
Today: I just finished a 45 min run/abs

As you can see it was all cardio.I can't wait to get home and hit the weights.I am SSOOO ready to go home.I have never been away from my dog this long and the dog sitter said that he is so sad.She put the phone up to his ear on Friday night and he went crazy.We are leaving to go home 7 tomorrow morning.We won't get home until Tuesday at 3p.m.You can only live out of your suit case for so long.I need to get back on my schedule...even though that includes work...
Hope everyone had a good week, I have to take tomorrow off to.
Hi gang!!! :) I thought I'd jump in the check-in again. I've been a lazy bum (with posting -- I've BEEN working out). I was also getting discouraged when I read the check-ins because it seems like many others had so much time to workout like crazy, and I just don't. :'( Oh well -- some people have more time than others. One day my kids will be grown and gone and I'll be able to work out like crazy too!! :-jumpy

Here it is:

Sun. - 2 mile walk.

Mon. - Upper body weight work; Leslie's 3 mile walk; (a.m.); 2 mile walk (p.m.)

Tues. - 1 mile walk w/dog & kids; 2 mile walk with Leslie's tape (a.m.); 2 mile walk (p.m.)

Wed. - Bike: 15 min.; ski machine: 10 min.; Lower body weight work.

Thurs. - off

Fri. - off

Sat. - 2 mile walk

Wow...that's 14 miles of walking this week!! Cool. :) See you all later!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-25-02 AT 10:44AM (Est)[/font][p]Two weeks until the triathlon. Yeah! I'm excited to race, but I'm a little sick of training, too. I started 12 weeks out of the July 7 race (which I missed b/c of the flu :-tired ), so it's been a long time!

Sunday: hike 3.4 miles @ Rocky Mountain National Park
Monday: swim :30
Tuesday: bike to work, Pilates class, walk 3 miles with hubby
Wednesday: spinning class
Thursday: swim :30
Friday: hike 1.25 miles, walk 3 miles with hubby
Saturday: swim :30

Today's a bike/run (or rather, walk, in my case ;-) ) brick day. I'm really looking forward to it. I haven't gotten in a long ride yet this week due to technical difficulties (afternoon rains of the monsoon season, flat tire, rear brake popped off, had to run around town to find someone with the right nut for the bolt, etc.)

Have a good week everybody! Gretchen
Hey, don't feel bad because you don't have time to devote hours and hours to working out, because YOU DON'T HAVE TO!!!!! Kids or no kids, it's not necessary to work out more than an hour a day, if that. The key is to work out efficiently. Do you have those power cords Leslie uses in her tapes? Those would kick your workouts up a notch.

Are you planning on walking instead of running the foot portion of the race? I hope you'll post a report after the race. I'd like to do one next year.


I agree with HB. Even if I didn't have kids I wouldn't work out more than I do. My body responds better to working smarter, not harder. Plus I want to be doing this well into my retirement years! And at 27 I'm already feeling the effects of my unsmart high school years.

HB & Andrea....

Hi...Thanks for the encouraging words! And I know you're right. On the one hand I'm quite glad my life is more balanced than when I was in my early 20's. On the other hand, I miss those days when I could workout whenever and for however long I wanted to. LOL My body sure feels if I push too much.

Honeybunch, I love Cathe's workouts and wish I could do her step tapes EVERYDAY...but, alas, as I get older (okay, I'm only 35), I need lower impact stuff. BUT...when I do Leslie's tapes, I end up making them moderate impact!! LOL I usually hold 1-2lb. weights, and you know when she does those little toe taps to the side? Well, I'm usually doing those Gin Miller-180-degree-turn lunges instead. :D And lots of jogging in place. Ya know, I'll bet Cathe could put together a kick-butt low impact tape that would have us begging for mercy!! If anyone can do it, Cathe can!

Thanks again Andrea and Honeybunch! :) :)

RE: Gretchen

I figured I'd post this week since I've been lagging in the posting department. My eating was pretty good all week which is always a bonus.

Monday...Step Jam

Tuesday...CTX Upper Body Split + abs

Wednesday...Recumbent bike 35 minutees

Thursday...CTX LLA

Friday...Rest Day

Saturday...CTX Upper Body Split

Sunday...CTX Kickbox cardio + abs

Planned on doing a longer cardio session Sunday, but my allergies are kicking in, I've got a cold on top of that and I have poison ivy!! I'd rather have it be TTOTM!!

Have a good week!


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