Checkin 5-11-02


Happy Mother's Day!!! My 3-year-old son gave me a Winnie-the-Pooh card and it was so cute.

My week was fairly good. I have come to a conclusion about my weight workouts. This week I did a three-day split at the gym and I felt that I lost strength and muscle size. I know one week is not going to make that great of a difference but I just did not feel like I had worked hard enough and I get bored with having to weight so long in between sets. I don't with the S&H but I do at the gym. Anyway, just a little observance. I prefer total body or upper and lower split at the gym.

MONDAY: GYM: Back, biceps, and legs
15 minute stretch

TUESDAY: Yardwork--2 hours

WEDNESDAY: GYM: Chest and triceps

THURSDAY: Yardwork--2 hours. Helped my brother cut his grass that was approximately 3 feet high. He has been sick with the flu, had an abscess, had lawnmower problems and then hurt his back so it had just about gotten to the point of no return. I thought something was going to reach out and grab me from the depths of the grass. I cut about a 1/2 acre with a push mower. How's that for a workout? I mean a 1/2 acre of 3 foot grass with about 10 ant hills.

FRIDAY: GYM: Shoulders, legs and abs
15 minute stretch
Step Heaven--30 minutes
15 minute stretch

SATURDAY: Unplanned rest. Stayed out in the sun so long with my son that I just did not have the energy to work out.

I will not be checking in next weekend because we are leaving Wednesday to go to the beach for a week. YIPPEE!!!!!!! It will be my husband, son, mother & daddy, brother and sis-in-law and I!!!!! We have looked forward to this for so long and I can hardly wait. We rented a 2-story house right on the beach in a complex that has 2 outside pools, 1 indoor pool, tennis courts, basketball court, lots of space to ride our bikes and it has a weight room. I do not think I will have trouble getting in exercise but I will definitely offset that with all the eating that I plan to do!!!!!!! So see ya in two weeks, as far as checkins go!!!

Wow, Kelly...sounds like you'll have a wonderful time! Your week looked great...and TOUGH with all that yard work! Yuck!

Okay -- 5/5 to 5/11

Sun. - Off

Mon. - Power Hour (I FINALLY got it!! :-jumpy)

Tues. - Step Fit

Wed. - Off

Thurs. - 3 mile walk

Fri. - 1 mile walk a.m.; Powerstrike Millenium 1 p.m.!!

Sat. - 3 mile walk; Leaner Legs w/abs.

I didn't check in last week because I took the whole week off -- I sprained my ankle on April 27, so I was off for a while....and the week before that, my mom was visiting from Florida, and I don't think I checked in that week either. Oh well. I'm here now!! :) Everyone have a great week!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-12-02 AT 06:36AM (Est)[/font][p]Hey Kelly - have a WONDERFUL vacation :)
Interesting you talk about the gym work out. I actually have upped my weight (for the last set) and find a GREAT difference to the intesity of my workout. I cannot do all 10 reps but I know its doing something - this week went up in shoulders and bicep. Also I added walking lunges WOWO - its amazingly hard!
I'm still primarily doing upper body at the gym and cathe tapes for legs - running/cathe tapes for cardio.

Welcome back Hollie!

Oh here was the week

Sunday - run 3 miles
Monday - rest
Tuesday - upper body gym - S&H legs
Weds - kickbox
Thurs - upper body gym
Friday - S&H legs
Saturday - run 3 miles

So didnt hit my 3 upper - 3 lower - 4 cardio
With the higher weights I think I'm going to have to break up the upper body soon into chest/back bicep/tricep

I must admit I've been frustrated this week - even though my abs- upper body are defined, size is good, weight is w/in a couple of lbs of goal - I've been totally focusing that I'm not as toned as I'd like for lower body - and I'm working out - eating clean etc... guess this can be good It will get me motivated. But this is very FRUSTRATING - and I'm being a BAD role model for my teenage daughter :( totally obsessing over this.

Have a great week all - lots of energry and good workouts!
I'm on the third week of an S&H rotation, and am thinking of trying that "tank top" rotation I keep reading about everywhere...

Here's my week:

Monday: S&H Back & Biceps/Planks

Tuesday: S&H Triceps/Abs

Wednesday: 40 minutes Intervals on the Stairmaster (tough!!!)

Thursday: Rest Day

Friday: Power Hour/Abs

Saturday: 35 min Stairmaster/Abs

Sunday: Got my period last night so feeling really really tired today....doubtful I'll do a thing exercise-wise!

Have a good week everyone!

I'm in my second week of my new (third) "Get in Shape for My Wedding" rotation.

Here was my week:

M: CTX Power Circuit & CTX chest
T: run 2 miles & CTX shoulders
W: CTX Leaner legs & CTX biceps
T: CTX 10-10-10
F: rest
S: run 2 miles & Interval Max & Upper Body from BMax
S: have not decided yet

Have a nice week everyone!
Kelly-Have a great time! I know what you mean about looking forward to vacation. We've been looking forward to our since Feb. Only 2 more weeks to go!

Hollie-Doesn't feel great to come back to exercise?

My week:

Sun. rest

Mon. Taught a hi/lo, upper body on my own...I'm sure many of you have worked out in front of mirror. This was my first time, since I wasn't using the TV. You can really see muscles that way!

Tue. LL

Wed. Taught a hi/lo

Thu. rest, knee bothering me

Fri. CTX upper body

Sat. Ran another 5K race! and Power Circuit cardio

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-12-02 AT 07:29PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi everyone!
Kelly--have a wonderful time :)

Here's my (sick and pitiful) week:

MONDAY: S&H chest, back and planks

TUESDAY: sick with flu

WEDNESDAY: sick with flu


FRIDAY: S&H tris, bis and abs
Totally Cool Step (this wiped me out--still not feeling 100%)


SUNDAY: Imax wu
Step Heaven III (did barbell leg work instead of Christi's stuff)
PS legs--sit-n-stands, deadlifts, calves only
S&H Shoulders
All Step Abs (on an incline step--really felt this!

Have a great week. I think I'm going to do Tank Top Arms...
HI Everyone,
I think I had a pretty good week as well.I always have trouble remembering exactly what it is that I did cause I never write it down.I usually do whatever I feel like doing.
Sunday:Jogged 8 kms

Monday:Jogged 8 kms.. I remeber that one cause I got up at 7 in the morning.It was such a nice day.The sun woke me up shining in the window so I just had to get up.

Tuesday:Another run same as before,or did I do cardio max???

Wedesday; Interval max but in between the intervals I would stop and take out the tape and put in power hour and do a segment from that.

Thursday: Jogged 8 kms and did biceps and triceps slow and heavy

Friday: did step works

Saturday: Cardio max

Sunday:jogged 8 kms(today)
So there was my chest was sore but that was about it..
Take care
Hey Everyone :)

Haven't posted on this one yet .. so I'm a rookie! Here goes:

Monday : Rythmic Step + Abs
Tuesday: 5.8 mile run
Wednesday: Power Hour
Thursday: Mindy's 2K02 + Abs
Friday: 5.6 mile run + Leaner Legs
Saturday: Interval Max chased w/ the 3 intervals in CTX +
CTX Upper Body parts
Sunday: Attempted 1st run through of Happy Hour Hi/Lo (not pretty, and not too "cardiovascular"), chased with a 4 mile run + abs.

That's my week.
~ Nicole
This is good, I like seeing what other people did. Here was last week, which I plan to repeat:

Sun: off
Mon: 6 mile run
Tues: Pure strength cst and bba
Wed: off
Thurs: 7.2 mile run
Fri: Stepworks
Sat: Pure strength legs

This week I also plan to:
drink a gallon of water every day
keep a food journal, but follow intuitive eating

Let's go!
Happy Mother's Day everyone! After many weeks of not checking in, here goes.

Monday: Leaner Legs

Tuesday: Powerstrike Millenium 2

Wednesday: Slept in :-(

Thursday: Rest

Friday: MIS lower body & Kelli Roberts' Abs & More (level 3)

Saturday: 4 km run

Sunday: DH & our 3 wonderful kids took me to the park for a Mother's Day picnic, where we ate too much, then went to my parents for dinner and ate too much again! Oh, well, we had a great day :)

Have a great week everyone!


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