Check-In July 7th


Hi! No time to write much, so here's my week:

MONDAY: Step Heaven I
9906 II


WEDNESDAY: PS shoulders, tris and bis
abs (PSBBA) and stretch
Stepfit wu, TCS bonus cardio and RS challenge

1/2 SW cd (DVD problems!)
BMax stretch

FRIDAY: rest

SATURDAY: unplanned rest, so now I'll torture myself with...

SUNDAY: Bodymax

Have a good week, all of you!
Hi Everyone,
Finally, I had a better week.I was getting a little slack.

Sunday: Step and intervals and 10-10-10
40 min walk
45 min jog

Monday: Rythmic Step

Tuesday: Run 45 min
Walk 1 hour

Wednesday: RUn 45 min
Walk 1 hour

Thursday: Run 45 min

Fri; unplanned rest

Saturday: Body Max,abs

Sunday interval max, abs
Now I start a week of holidays and I am pretty sure I may find it hard to work out as much as I did the last week.
Hope every one else had a good week
Lori ann
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-07-02 AT 02:02PM (Est)[/font][p]Well I am working on Slow and Heavy. I am doing Bi Tri and Abs today. This is the end of the second round. It has taken me more than a week to go 'round. The first week I really needed more sleep than usual and I got a bit grumpy. DH had to be bargined with, LOL! But all is well. I have really built muscle and enjoyed the series.

Sun 6/30 Rest
Mon 7/1 S&H Chest, Back; Shoulders, all 2 sets only. Planks.
Tue 7/2 Rode bike 45 min
Wed 7/3 Rode bike, did prone and supine planks
Thur 7/4 MIS
Fri Rest
Sat Rest, BBQ with family
Today plan S&H Bi, Tri, Ab

Hope all of you had a good 4th!
Where is everybody?

Lori, you were really moving last week! I can't believe how unbelievably sore I am from Power Hour.

Sun. rest

Mon. Spinervals, MIS upper and abs

Tue. 3.8 mile run

Wed. IMax Wu, #1, #6, Power Circuit #4, #5, SnI #1, #3, IMax CD, Kickbox abs

Thu. Ran 4.5 miles

Fri. rest

Sat. Power Hour

Testing, testing. The reason I'm doing this is because I haven't been able to post messages here lately. My hubby and I have been trying to troubleshoot the problem. If this works just ignore this post.

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