CHECK-IN for week of 3-11-01


Hey all! Hope your week went well. I had a good week. Here goes:

Monday~Spinning for 45 minutes w/hubby-"Jay Blahnik's "Precision Cycling" tape, CTX-LL/with ABS, Taught a Hi/Lo

Tuesday~Taught a Hi/Lo in the A.M., CTX-BICEPS, TRICEPS & SHOULDERS and Yoga For Dummies in the P.M.

Wednesday~Firm Standing Legs (decided to shock these ole legs of mine with an oldie!:-wow), IMax, now, THAT is shocking the ole legs! :-wow A shower was definitely in order after those two!

Thursday~Taught 2 Hi/Lo classes, CTX-CHEST & BACK

Friday~Spinning for 40 minutes with hubby watching T.V. We pushed hard on the commercials! Whew, "sweat-city"!!:-tired, Mindy's Extreme Intervals, new tape-lots of fun!!

Saturday~MIS, LOVE this tape. I had to dust it off because I have been sooo wrapped up in the PS & CTX series. Zowie, I forgot how heavy Cathe went on this tape! Hurt so Good! TaeBo 2 "Get Ripped" series (advanced workout) Great tape, thanks for the loan HB!!

Sunday~REST! :-sleepy CAUSE WE ALL NEED THEM!!

Looking forward to hearing about everyone's week! Too bad no one is excited about the new vids coming out! ...and the PS series on DVD's! Yippee Yi Yaaaaay!! :-jumpy
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

Oh geez, Deb, me and you posted at exactly the same time!!! Should I move my check-in to yours???? What do we do???

Hi Debbie!! Boy you just amaze me with your workouts! You and HB could run a marathon with how fit you all are!! My week wasn't too bad either. Here it is.

MON: Leaner Legs, All Step, and Yoga

TUES: Step Max and Yoga

WED: Taught U.R., tap dancing, Body Pump and did yoga on my own

THURS: Step Fit and Yoga

FRI: Kickbox, SNI, and Yoga

SAT: 10-10-10 and Power Circut and Yoga

SUN: Nothing but rest with a little yoga thrown in there as well!

Well, that's my week. I'm soo excited about the new tapes that a re coming out!!! I've been itching for these ever since she started taking reccomendations!!! The push/pull sounds awesome!! As do the others, but I'm most excited about the push/pull! Ok, have a great week everybody!!!

Everyone sounds like they worked really hard this week. It must be the promise of spring that is getting everyone excited. I know that I can't wait until it gets warm for good! I was happy about my week and really enjoyed myself.

MONDAY: CTX-Power Circuit/Back AND CTX-Chest

TUESDAY: CTX-Kickbox/Biceps AND CTX Triceps

WEDNESDAY: CTX-All Step/Shoulders AND CTX-Leaner legs

THURSDAY: Unplanned rest :-(

FRIDAY: CTX-Step & Intervals/Chest AND CTX-Back

SATURDAY: CTX-10-10-10/Triceps AND CTX-shoulders AND CTX-Biceps
I did warm up and first 10 minutes of 10-10-10 and then shoulders, next 10 minutes and then biceps and then the next 10 minutes and triceps. I liked this but by the time I got back to the cardio my legs had tightened up. Oh well! Had a great week even with the unplanned rest day. I was absolutely just too busy!

Hope everyone else has a great week!

My week....recovering from the move

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-11-01 AT 10:00AM (Est)[/font][p]Sunday: Nothing. Too pooped
Monday: Power Circuit - whole thing
Tuesday: Step and Intervals - whole thing
Wedneday: 30 minutes on the mini-trampoline
Thurs: Kickbox and triceps from 10-10-10-
Fri: Nothing. Too pooped
Sat. Leg workout at the Y and a 30 minute race walk.
Today: PLAN to do Intense Moves or Imax plus CTX shoulders and biceps.

Did everyone wish CHUCK NORRIS a happy 61st birthday this week? That's what exercise will do for you!! I wish HE would have a road trip!!!!! Wouldn't that be a gas?!! :7
(Okay, I just moved my posting over to here!!!)

Hey guys! Hope everyone is feeling good!

My week went better than expected, especially considering I got my period and that usually totally messes me up (literally!). However, I was able to get in really long workouts on Monday and Tuesday due to a huge snowstorm that we had and I just couldn't get out of the house!!!

Enuf goes:

Sunday: Circuit Max

Monday: MIS Chest/BM Chest/MIS Shoulders/BM Shoulders/MIS Triceps/BM Triceps/MIS Abs/ Ali McGraw Yoga
(Wendy: Finally tried this and LOVED it! The next day I felt so "tight" and strong! REALLY tough, but I'm definitely incorporating this "theme" into some of my workouts! Thanks!)

Tuesday: MIS Back/BM Back/BM Biceps/CIA 9907

Wednesday: MIS Legs/Abs

Thursday: Interval Max (I am always amazed that I'm even able to still stand up after this tape is over!!!)

Friday: CIA 9907

Saturday: CTX Shoulders/BM Shoulders/BM Biceps/Abs

Sunday: Well, this may be my lazy day. My husband and I were planning to go to the gym "bright and early", but it doesn't look like that's going to happen.....

Hey...anyone else excited about Cathe's new tapes??????????????

Incredible weeks!

Wow, it really does look like everyone has kicked up their workouts this week, or at least kept them kicked up! I actually had too many rest days, but I had a cold so I guess I needed them...
MONDAY: PS and BMax back + PowerMax + 1hr walk (light)
TUESDAY: PS and BMax chest + extra presses and flyes + 50 min light walk
WEDNESDAY: rest (the cold really hitting hard :-( )--I previewd Circuit Max and Cardio Kicks after getting the 8pack DVD's--oh, how I've missed the CTX series!!!!!
THURSDAY: PS and CTX shoulders + PS and CTX biceps (1/2 time on CTX) + CARDIO KICKS!!!!--first time and loved it
****Terri, if you like MIS/Bmax weights, wait till you try PS/CTX--wow!!!!
FRIDAY: rest--unplanned :-( --couldn't do weights anyway--my shoulders and biceps were soooo sore!!!
SATURDAY: PS and CTX tris + All Step + 2k01 (only 10 minutes for a total of 45-50 minutes of cardio)
SUNDAY: plan LL or PSSLA + 30-45 cardio
Hope you all have wonderful weeks again!
HI Terri,
How do you like 9907. I was thinking of making this my next video purchase. (When ever that is.)
Hi everyone...great weeks!! And, aren't we all just a little ;-)excited about Cathe's most recent announcements...I, for one, CAN'T WAIT :)!!

Here's my week (I got my new Mindy Mylrea tapes this week so got to add them to the mix):

Sunday - Imax; PS BBA; PS CST
Monday - TaeBo AL#12; PS SLA
Tuesday - Mindy's Extreme Intervals; upper body split from CTX; planks and abs from Power Circuit
Wednesday - 45 minutes on elliptical machine
Thursday - MIS (Hey DebbieH, funny how we both dusted this one off this week :))
Friday - Mindy's Action Packed (step portion)
Saturday - Mindy's Action Packed (hi-lo portion); planks and abs from CTX Kickbox

That's it. Talk to you all later.
Lisa :)
Hi all!! I know it's been a while since I've posted, been in one of those winter blues slumps. But I've been exercising and Cathe's announcement was just the breath of fresh air I needed. Now if only Madonna would announce some tour dates I'd be all set. Here was my week:

Mon- leaner legs and ctx kickbox
Tue- Circuitmax
Wed- Heavy upperbody weighttraining
Thur- rest
Fri- Stepmax
Sat- CTX upperbody split and leanerlegs
Sun- CTX SNI and All Step cardio sections

Have a great week!
Jumping right in here since I'm sitting in sweaty, cold workout clothes and it's getting late;O).

Monday: 12 minutes of Mindys Action Packed. Gave up on the choreography and popped in CTX All Step(thank you Cathe for your flawless cues!) and finished with the 8 minute TBII from QVC.

Tuesday: Power Bar Training, loving this tape and decided last week to do a rotation with this and CTX done in Upper Body and Leaner Leg rotation. Can't wait now for the new endurance full body strength from Cathe!

Wednesday: Precision Cycling(AM), TBII Basic orange, but only 45 minutes of it in PM.

Thursday: Leaner Legs}> evil tape;-)

Friday: Aerojump flyer(intermediate tape) followed by TBLA #1

Saturday: Power Bar Training

Sunday: Just finished TBLA#2

I'm liking this endurance rotation. I'm going to try to do strength every other day and alternate the full body with the split upper/lower combo. This week gave me two full bodies and a good leg workout. Next week should give me an Upper, Lower and two Full bodies. I'm going to try to stick with this for a while, but I'm not the best at staying long with any rotation..we'll see.
Hubby is in England, so...

I had lots of luxury time to myself and my gym!!
Leaner Legs
Reebok Circuit Challenge
Firm Time Crunch
MIC__this one I still can't do all the way through; I have enough "air", but my feet kill me!
Jane Fonda Lower Body Solution
Minna Lessig Strength and Grace--new to me (stupid tape)
*If it weren't for a medium good ab section in the middle, I'd trash it before it's even paid for...)
Wedding Video Weights (heavy)
Charlene Prickett Next Step
Kathy Smith New Yoga
Circuit Max
I don't know exactly why, but I **LOVE** this tape! The more I do it, the more I love it!

The first 35 minutes or so are a warmup with kickbox drills. After that she goes into kickbox choreography, but she uses what she taught you in the kickbox drills so it's not too hard to pick up. Then she goes into isolation moves which I REALLY felt in my legs the next day (basically doing the kicks in slow-motion, really concentrating on your form). As for what comes next, I have no idea because I've never had the time to do the WHOLE tape (it's 110 minutes!!!).

For me, I do all of this with 1-lb weights and find it's a nice long workout. While my heartrate doesn't seem to get up as much as it does with Cathe's workouts, it does seem to stay at a "medium" level for a much more extended period of time.

I also found that I really like Janis Saffell's personality. You can tell she's really enjoying herself in this video...

For me, the tape is definitely a keeper!!!

RE: Incredible weeks!

<<< ****Terri, if you like MIS/Bmax weights, wait till you try PS/CTX--wow!!!>>>

Wendy: Hmmm, that sounds like fun too....think I just might give that a shot tomorrow!!!!

Just curious, do you do the same for legs also? (please say that you don't....I **HATE** doing legs!!!) x(

Hi Nancy!

I really like both of the Mindy & Jay tapes! They are both workers! We have not received our JohnnyG tapes yet. We were SUPPOSED to have gotten them when we picked up our bikes, but just like the delay on our bikes, so be it with the tapes! He keeps saying tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow! TOMORROW NEVER COMES!! :-mad I'll let you know WHEN & IF we get them. I love our bikes. We had our "spin" scheduled for this morning and instead, my son decided to run out of gas on his way to work. So, we got to drive our car instead of spinning our bikes! Thanks so much for getting me excited about spinning. Hubby & I are enjoying it. Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
Thanks Terri!

Thanks for moving your post. I ALWAYS seem to do that with check-ins! I need to learn to type either faster or slower!! LOL! Great week for you! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
Hey Lisa!

How sore are you??? Oh my goodness! I could hardly move yesterday and today isn't much better! :-wow I don't remember being THIS sore for a looong time. Isn't it amazing how shaking up your rotation can do that to you? Hope you are getting around better then me! LOL! Super week for you! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
Hey Nancy!

How do you like the PowerBarTraining tape? I have it on my wish list. I NEED MORE TAPES!! I need a NEW room to store them all in!! I'm with you~LL is evil! }> Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)

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