CHECK-IN for week of 3-11-01

Love it Debbie

I really thought I would regret this tape. I'm not a huge fan of endurance full body workouts and since it wasn't Cathe...I thought for sure I would only be luke warm about it. I was pleasently surprised. I do think, however, when that new one comes out from'll be pushed off to the side;-). Well, maybe not completely ignored because it would be a good alternating tape with Cathes new one. As it is right now, it's a nice tape to rotate the upper/lower body CTX strength with:).

The only down side is the music is very soft:-( and there isn't a lot of excitement in the tape..but it is a good solid workout.
Sounds Like...

...a WINNER! Maybe, I'll luck out and be able to trade for it. I need to save my $$$ for the new Cathe's! Thanks so much Nancy for the review. Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
Must be spring ...

'cause Nancy's bird has removed its muffler!

My husband & I rode the Solvang Century (100 mile bike ride) on Saturday. Between moving & stormy weather, my training has been terrible the last few weeks. I didn't taper, I dropped out. It turned out to be a beautiful, but windy day. Much smaller group this year & not very many women. They tended to be "fast women" observed my DH & he wasn't referring to their morals - they were young & rode very expensive bikes. There were a lot of washouts so everyone ended up looking like mountain bike riders instead of road riders. Many of those expensive bikes sounded like Huffy's with all the mud.

Mon: nada
Tues: Pilates mat class
Wed: spinning
Thurs: nada
Fri: see Thursday
Sat: cycle 100 miles (& eat mega calories)
Sun: Millenium Stretch

This week I'll go easy on my legs, but I hope to get back into a workout routine. Have a great week everyone.
Hey Debra!

How fun! It sounded like a fun day! 100 MILES??? :-wow!! You go girl! Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
I was sore too!

Hey Debbie,

I agree, it was fun to shake things up a bit. I especially felt it in my biceps and triceps. It really is amazing how heavy Cathe goes in this tape.

Hope your soreness subsides...

Talk to you later,
Lisa :)

Oh, yeah, I do PS legs, and then pop in Leaner Legs for a light workout.
HA! Just kidding. NO, in fact I've been kind of slacking on legs. But my plan is to do EITHER leaner legs OR PS legs once each week while I'm doing the PS/CTX thing. I was sick yeserday, so never did get around to working out (it was supposed to be a leg day), so today I did Circuit Max and then on the weekend I will do LL or PSLA. For Circuit Max (first time by the way, and was I ever sweating buckets!), I didn't do the upper body stuff--instead I modified the moves and used my barbell, and then for the final back work I just did step ups and back lunges off the step.
Let me know how you like the PS/CTX combo.
:) Wendy
Sorry, I'm late with my check-in this week.
Well (for me) this was an excellent week as far as exercise goes.

Sunday PS CST + PS BBA (without abs) I had a time crunch this week, otherwise I would have never combined these. ouch!

Monday 50 minutes stairmaster/running

Tuesday 30 min. stairmaster + PS Legs

Wednesday 30 min. stairmaster

Thursday PS CST + abs only from PS BBA

Friday planned rest

Saturday PS BBA

I ordered MIS finally!!! Can't wait to receive it.
Another late one!!!..............
Geez it's been 2 weeks since I posted!! I missed reading all the great workouts from the best group of fitness babes(and guys) on the net!!
Well my work schedule is back to normal after working 12 hour swing shifts while filling in in our manufacturing group. I am thankful it was temporary....manufacturing is a DIFFERENT world. I imagine that kinda schedule takes years off of your life.
Anyway.....I have had bronchiitis for about 3 weeks so I took 2 weeks off from cardio when it got really bad and am starting up again this week. Still have a slight cough but so far so good. So in between sleeping and working long hours, I did not workout.I did spend ALOT of time taking more pics of Brandon and the rest of the family. Really getting into digital photography and various software to manipulate them.
Brandon now has a cold.....I hate hearing him sniffle and struggle to breathe thru his nose. Worrisome because he is so young. I am staying home with him today so Michelle can go in to work without having to take him.
On a side note, I saw Karen Voight for the first time last night hawking tapes on QVC I believe? That woman is built!!! I am sure you all have posted about her before but I will ask anyway. How do her workouts compare to Cathe's? I think it would be tough for anyone to top Cathe.
Anyhow....sorry to be wordy....I will have an ACTUAL workout post for next week. Have a happy, safe, healthy, week!
Trevor :) :-jumpy
RE: Must be spring ...

Hey Debra!!
"Fast" women???!! lol That's a funny one!
Riding in the wind really sucks the energy from ya doesnt it! And hey.......what's wrong with looking like a mountain biker?? :)
Have a good are quite amazing!
Trevor :) :-jumpy
RE: I jinxed the weather

Hang in there Nancy!! I felt sorry for you northerners when that Nor'easter went right on by us and landed on you all up there.
Hey, spring will be sprung soon'll be working out outside drenched in sweat before you know it!!
Trevor :) :-jumpy
Hey Trevor

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-14-01 AT 08:08AM (Est)[/font][p]Hope you and the little guy are feeling better soon.

As far as Karen V, I tried doing her years ago. She does have good solid workouts but I just found them rather dry..if that makes sense:-hmmm. They just don't have the spark that other videos do. However, she is very professional, knows what she's talking about and can deliver a solid workout..if you can get past the....can't even come up with the right just wasn't happening for me;-), but you might find her completely different:). If you give her a try, let me know how you liked her.
I know how you feel listening to Brandon. He'll feel better soon! My son had a cold when he was 2 weeks old. I just bought my Mom's digital camera and am having fun too. She just told me about webshots so I'll have to go check it out. Does your wife take Brandon to work with her usually? Ack! I have to go back soon :-(

RE: Hey Trevor

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-14-01 AT 02:43PM (Est)[/font][p]Voight has loosened up in her newer videos but she's never going to be as warm as Cathe on camera. Trevor, she has awesome form in more ways than one ;-) but does use light weights & isolates smaller muscles. I'm not sure that's your kind of workout.

The mountain bike comment wasn't negative just an observation :D.

Nancy, sorry that your bird's optimism was unwarranted. It does seem like the northeast has had more storms than normal this winter. Personally I wish for a mud room with a shower to throw my husband & dogs into after their walks!

Debbie H - watch out. After a few months of spinning, you & the hubby are going to want some wind in your face! If you thought spinning bikes were $$$, wait till you start looking at road bikes :eek:!

Oops, forgot my manners (again). Andrea & Trevor, good to see both of you posting even in your sleep deprived state. Sorry to read that you & the baby have been sick Trevor but at least it led to some quality bonding.

Hey Andrea!
A cold at two weeks!....I would be freaking out. Hope all is better now. I am sitting here while Brandon naps and his nose is making all kinds of noises.
Yes webshots is good and I recommend it.....they have cool screensavers for members also. If yu create an album I hope you will share some pics with me. Did I get you the addy for our little album I made when Brandon was born?
Yes, Michelle has been taking him to work some. She works in an office in back of a gourmet store so it's not too bad taking him in there. She had a few emotional days at first because she got used to being alone at home with him. I know how she feels. After one day alone with him I dont want to go back to work either. :)
Take care.
Trevor :-jumpy

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