Check in for week ending 8/4



I decided to start this because I wanted to see what everyone did with the new tapes. I viewed more than I did, but I am happy with the new batch, not that I expected to be unhappy with Cathe tapes!!

Before I launch into my week, I have to relate a personal experience......I went to an OB/GYN for a second opinion on my HRT pills (Prempo). I had been gaining a little weight (5 lbs.),which for me is TOTALLY unexceptable, plus I had some other side effects. I am too careful with my fitness and eating to let that happen naturally, so I called the doc who prescribed the pills and asked to be changed to anyother kind. He refused (or rather the nurse on the phone relayed that message), and told me it was just "my body adjusting," and that my weight would "stablize." I asked whether that meant it would go back down, and they said that it would keep going up and then stop, but not necessarily go down!!!! I just had to live with it! I pitched a fit and refused to accept that! So I went to this other doc, who said that I shouldn't even be on hormone replacements, and to stop taking them!

My weight has gone back down, in less than a week, and I no longer have fluid retention. I feel OK, too. I am just mad because I was supposed to shut up and just keep gaining weight!!!! NO WAY, NO WAY, NO WAY!!!!!! The moral of this story is, get a second opinion if you don't like what you hear!!!!

Enough of that blather..., my week:

Sunday: Imax and PS back
Monday: rest
Tues: Legs at Y and PS biceps
Wed.: Walk outside in the humidity (6:00am) with lots of hills, then PS chest
Thurs. Legs at the Y and PS shoulders
Friday: CTX Kickbox (shorter cardio because the leg work has pooped me out) and S&H triceps! I'm not sore today, so I must have been in pretty good shape already.

Today, on tap is another walk outside (cooler today) and another leg workout at the Y.

I am finally seeing REAL results from the Lower Body Solution work. The addition leg extentions and inner thigh work is what I needed for that awful jiggle above my knees. I am SO HAPPY, that I FINALLY have found the routine that I need to do, and that amounts to WORK HARDER ON THE LEGS!!!!!!

I have been windy-er than usual, and I appologize! I hate "talking" too much.

Sorry, honeybunch, I'm one of the DVD buyers so am trying to be "patiently" await my next UPS delivery!!!

I'm probably not going to post in my workouts next week as I find I really think I need a "vacation" from my exercise routine. I've been feeling really burned out lately, exhausted all the time, no energy....So I did a few workouts this week, but am just absolutely exhausted (especially after I did Circuit Max on Thursday) so will either do no workouts or maybe just some stretching...

So...enough about that! Here's my week:

Monday: Nada

Tuesday: CTX Biceps/CTX Triceps/Abs

Wednesday: CTX Chest/CTX Kickbox

Thursday: Circuit Max

Friday: EXHAUSTED!!! Totally wiped out.

So have any of you others taken "vacation" from your workouts to get some "rest"????? (I'm really trying not to feel guilty about doing this so could use lots of support here!)

Have a great week, everyone!

Hi Honey

You weren't windy at all...and I enjoyed hearing about your routine. I am just getting back into taking care of myself and have my very first tape of Cathe's...MIS...which I am looking forward to doing...need to get a step and bar today. And, down the road, I will probably add to the collection for variety...I am 5'10" and a young 50...and under this layer of fat there is a body waiting to happen!!!! It is just the first time in my life that I can concentrate on MYSELF...

So, I will be returning to these boards often for inspiration from all of you lady wonders!!!

Hi Terri...

I would say listen to your needs a rest!!!! Maybe just a quiet time to recenter itself (yourself)...

As much as we enjoy exercise, it is still a committment and we all need a vacation from committments!...

So, NO NO NO guilt trips...take that vacation, will all be there when you get back!

Hi Everyone!! HB- you weren't windy at all!! I'm glad you got that second opinion! My mom was on HRT, but her Dr. gave her one that hysterectomy patients should NOT use!! Her second opion Dr. caught the first's mistake!
I just got off of a mini vacation, but was so active in different ways that I'm posting anyway. I did NOT feel guilty at not exercising or about my eating habits this past week. Everyone needs a break!
Kathleen- You go girl!! I can't wait to see you post your results with your workout routine!
Ok, It was an active rest week for me. My DH and I went to Put-In- Bay for a couple of day and we rode bikes and we went hiking. My kids were at summer camp. I loved it and missed them at the same time! Ok, here is my week!

MON: Walked all over P-I-B Island from noon until 9 at night. For 1hr we rented a golf cart, other than that we hoofed it:)!

TUES: Walked for about another hour then came home, that night we went and walked all over Easton shopping mall. Of course, in the meantime I HAD to stop at the Cheesecake Factory;-)!

WED: Went biking and shopping again for a couple of hours, then had a t-ball game.

THURS: S&H Chest and Back and hiked all day at Old Man's Cave.

FRI: S&H Tri's and Bi's and CTX SNI, I didn't feel any soreness, except for in my chest and back from thurs.

SAT: Like HB no sore in Tri's or Bi's, But today I am doing S&H Shoulder's and Legs and CTX Kickbox.

Sun: REST and Practice for my PT Cert.

Have a wonderful week everyone!!

It is scary to think that doctors can have such control over people, and not be right!! I'm sorry for your troubles, and happy for you that you seem to be getting it worked out the right way!
Here is my week:

MONDAY: MIS ABS and stretch only


WEDNESDAY: rest (supposed to do cardio, but Lee came back from 5 days away, so....)

THURSDAY: Powermax (all but a few minutes of the last section--defective DVD that is too old to send back)

FRIDAY: PS BBA (Debbie--I love using the towel and ankle weights on the t-bar rows--what a difference!!)

SATURDAY: I'll do a fun home-made circuit with PS SLA and Cathe cardio, because I need to make up for 2 skipped cardios this week!

SUNDAY: probably Cardio Kicks, + I may add some of CTX Kickbox--we'll see...

Anxiously awaiting the DVDs!
I only did Power Hour

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-04-01 AT 02:13PM (Est)[/font][p]Yep, that's the only new tape I've gotten so far. I'm hoping DH will get me S&H for our anniversary on Aug. 14. I LOVED Power Hour, though. I've been doing 3 full-body weight days per week since I had the baby because I just don't have enough time right now to do a split routine, and this one was a perfect addition to my tapes. Cathe really did a great job with this one. Hopefully, I'll soon be able to comment on the other ones. Anyway, here is my week:

Mon: CIA 2102, Powerbar training
Tues: CIA 8003 hi/lo and step
Wed: PS CST and BBA
Thurs: Step Heaven
Fri: Power Hour
Sat: CIA 9806 step workout w/ the sisters

Overall, it was a good week for me. I had never done 8003 or 9806 before since acquiring them through trades, so I finally got to try them.

Well, I hope everyone has a good week. Take care and count down the days until cooler weather :) I can't wait until I can go back outside and start taking my baby for walks. This Arkansas summer is just too hot to do anything.
I go at it hard for 6 wks., then take a week off. Cory Everson suggested this, and if it's good enough for Cory, it's good enough for me! She knows what she's doing!
RE: I only did Power Hour

I just started a new rotation 3 days ago so I only have those 3 days to report....

Thurs-StepWorks and abs from PS LA (first two sections only. This was my first time doing this tape and it seemed to kick my butt! I still have problems with figure 8's, anyone have a good substitute move?? Those turns make me dizzy.)

Fri-BodyMax (dripping with sweat after that one!!)

Sat-Reebok's Intense Moves and abs from the wedding video

Sun-Rest Day :)

HONEYBUNCH.....I was wondering if you could share your Lower Body Solution experience, ie. how long have you been at it and what your workout routine is like. I've played around with doing it after reading about it (I have the book) but dont know if I could fit in legs almost everyday. Are you doing legs that frequently?? Thanks!!

The next 3 days I have planned as follows..

Mon-Circuit Max and abs
Tues-Rythmic Step (I'm preparing myself for alot of rewinding!)
Wed-CIA's PowerBar Training (my favorite non Cathe tape)

Have a good week everyone!!


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-04-01 AT 07:15PM (Est)[/font][p]Well here we are again...another week gone by. As usual everyone's week looks great. I've been trying to shake things up a bit and the slow and heavy series is definitely helping with that. I am loving the new vids.

MONDAY: Walk/Run 3 miles approximately 50 minutes so that tells you that I walked quite a bit. If you put the running together I did just about a mile but having to do it a few laps at a time. Really felt it the next day!!!!!

TUESDAY: S&H--Tri/Bi and Rhythmic Step (20 minutes) Love the slow and heavy. It really allows you to concentrate on the muscle that is being worked. Rhythmic Step is really fun and hopefully I will be able to fit in doing the whole thing next week.

WEDNESDAY: Walk/Run 3 miles approximately 45 minutes. I ran just a little more this time. I run in my backyard where 5 laps is a mile and I have a slight hill to go up and that is killer.

THURSDAY: S&H--Chest/Back Really felt this in my chest the next day. I need to go heavier on my back the next time but some of those exercises I don't believe I will be able to go much heavier.

FRIDAY: 1 hour yardwork

SATURDAY: S&H--Legs/Shoulders Definitely need to go heavier on the legs...felt it but not enough. The shoulder work was pretty intense even with light weights.

All in all I am happy with my week. The running is interfering with my step workouts. I just didn't feel like I should do too much step since I had two days of running. My knees and ankles didn't hurt but the muscles around them were sore including my hips. It was a good sore though. I may alternate 2 days of running one week with just one day of running the next week. I love my step but want to include running also. So many exercises and so little time!!!!!

Have a great week!!!

Hi everyone!

HB - good job on switching doctors! It's amazing what different information you get when you get another opinion.

Kelly - What did you think of S&H Legs? I had a tough time feeling the work - I lifted as much as I could safely over my head and I don't think it was enough. I'm going to try it again next week. Good luck with the running - I'm glad you are starting out slow - it can be addicting!!

My estranged mother and her boyfriend are visiting, so things have been kind of tense here. Thank goodness for my workouts - they are really keeping me sane!!

Monday: 40 minute run/Rhythmic Step - I LOVE this tape

Tuesday: 9905 Hi/lo + 9803 Hi/lo and S&H legs - am
S&H shoulders - pm + abs

Wednesday: 40 minute run/Rhythmic Step - I finally got all the choreography this time (my 3rd time)

Thursday: 40 minute run/Bodymax - first 2 sections + MIS legs-am
S&H biceps/triceps - pm

Friday: Hi/Lo Heaven + stairstepper

Saturday: 10 mile run/walk - am - this killed me for some reason. I was soooo wiped out when I was done and I had to add in a lot of walking at the end which I usually don't need to do.
Power Hour - pm

Sunday: probably some easy cardio - haven't decided yet.

Hope everyone has a great week!! My 2 "babies" are turning 7 next week!! The time just flies, doesn't it? We are going to have sooo much cake - 3 celebrations and 2 cakes at each one!! Help!!
RE: Hi everyone!


I don't lift that heavy anyway espcially with a barbell but I wanted to go light just to see how the S&H legs went the first time. It's funny but I wasn't burning but my legs were shaking. I wanted to do Rhythmic step afterwards but I could tell my legs were a little weak so I didn't. I will go heavier next time to see if that makes a difference. I don't understand why I didn't get the burn like I did with Leaner legs or even MIS legs. Oh well, still experimenting!!!

RE: Hi everyone!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-05-01 AT 09:56AM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-05-01 AT 08:26 AM (Est)[/font]

I'm going to try S&H legs this morning with a 50 lb barbell. I always take my weight cue from Cathe and use what she uses. I'll give you my review later.

I've gone almost exclusively to gym leg workouts to save time since I do 3 per week, but the Y isn't open on Sunday, so I have a chance to try a new tape. The machines save time.....a one hour workout becomes 30 minutes at the Y. That's a significant time saving. I use 6 Cybex machines.

P.S. I did S&H legs this morning. I have to up the poundage on the barbell, next time will go to 60# on the squats, went 55# today, and used 55# for static lunges. I think this tape is a nice addition to my other leg tapes, but I wasn't blown away by it like I was with Meaner Legs. I'm so used to heavy weights anyway, that I don't know that this is enough for me.

P.P.S I'm SO excited...I have this pair of shorts I bought 2 years ago, and never wore because they were a little too tight, but I WORE THEM YESTERDAY because they are looser!!!!!!!!! Yippee!!!!
RE: Checkin

Hi Kelly

I am glad you like the S&H series. I have been thinking they would be the next videos I order. I just have the MIS at this time.

I enjoy the walking/jogging too...more than indoor aerobics, but in all fairness (to whom, I don't know)...I will give the step a try...especially when the snow flies here in the mountains...

I just order my Lite bar so am waiting for that to arrive but can at least get started on some of the other body work and use dumbbells where necessary.

HB-thanks for the lesson!

Terri-I hope you feel refreshed after your week off :)

Compbound-Good luck on your PT cert. Let us know how it goes.

Stacy-I also think StepWorks is a killer :-tired

Kelly-How cool to have a track in your back yard!

Erica-Looking at your week you must have had A LOT of stress to burn off :-wow

Sun. 30 min. run/walk

Mon. Step Heat

Tue. LL, CTX shoulders

Wed. Biked to work and back (7 miles total)

Thu. CTX chest, back and 10-10-10 cardio
Biked to work and back.

Fri. rest...I think I'm gonna have to put LL at the end of my week.

Sat. CTX bis, tris, All Step cardio. Now my knee feels funny :-(

In Limbo....

Well, I'm in limbo as to what to do. Thought I was headed for a slump, but I think I'm ok now. :) Started a Firm Rotation, that lasted 3 workouts.

Missed biking, spinning, and trying to vary things. Oh well, that's this week, ask me next week! ;-)

Here it is:

Monday: Rest Day (we all need 'em!)

Tuesday: The Firm Time Crunch (last day of THIS rotation!)

Wednesday: Rest Day (ran out of time! IT happens.)

Thursday: Walked the dog, spin class at the gym**

Friday: Kristin Kagen's Step This Way -- New CIA tape and I gotta say, I absolutely LOVED it. It just flowed, her cueing was impeccable, she put the moves together nicely. Not too much repeating things, threw in some wonderful intervals..... Of course, I did my modifying thing, but most everything in LIFE is modifiable, at least as far as I am concerned. I was dripping with sweat and I felt great and it was the first NIGHT workout I've done in a LONG time...... I was also mildly sore the next day! Yes, yes, yes.......

Saturday: Biked 3 miles (I know, stellar, don'tcha think???) This was to test my very first tire-change that I did (mostly) by myself. I've had practice changing the back tire (harder than the front) 3x..... but I had help and supervision for all 3, so I figure I've done 3 half tires!!! I also did Yoga Zone, Stress Relief and NO SNOW STORM.....

Sunday: Biked 26.50 miles. Went with my partner who's shipping his bike out tomorrow for the AidsVaccine ride in Alaska. He is soooooo inspirational. I got to reshare and tell my story of MY ride.... what a guy!!!! It was AWESOME!!!!

I'm trying to keep my hand in biking and will be doing my first Century in September. Ok, so I dove in with almost 3 centuries back-to-back, but I want to keep the momentum going.....

Spin class was fun....but it wasn't the REAL thing. Still a FANTASTIC workout, but it was dark, loud music, the breeze was man made with a fan..... and the only comradrie was the people around me grunting!!!! :-( It will work for the cold days of winter though!

Everyone's weeks look terrific (as usual...)
Onto another week!
And that's all she wrote for this week......
Checking In

Hi everyone!

Started the week out great with workouts & eating but then hit a bump. Oh well, that's real life.

Mon: trot 30 min w/ dogs; PS legs (standing w/o calves); PS BB&A
Tue: Cycle 33.5 miles (hill work); Voight Abs & Back
Wed: Spinning; PS CST; PS Legs (calves, floorwork & abs)
Thur: trot 30 min w/ dogs; Pilates mat class
Fri: nada - took one of my dogs to vet at 7 am for surgery
Sat: nothing again except walking between couch & kitchen. Dog not doing well post-surgery. She split a nail (think bear claw) & it had to be surgically cut back. They also removed a growth. She's an uncomfortable hound.
Sun: Cycle 69 miles w/ DH; (hopefully stretching tape tonite but the Sun ESPN game is my Mariners vs. Cleveland. Dog slept much better last night as did the rest of the household!)

The running is going well. I'm going to stay at 30 min for a few weeks & work on speed. I was actually charging up hills this week! I've got to get back into Pilates as I'm losing torso strength. Rode well today, 2 days off does give one fresh legs & I actually pushed my husband on some hills. Also won the sprint to the house! Oh, in the interest of full disclosure, I'm doing PS Legs with light weight. Trying to have enough leg left for cycling & running.

Have a great week everyone & keep drinking that H2O.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-05-01 AT 06:44PM (Est)[/font][p]A big YIPEEE from me!!!! That has to make you feel great. You work hard and your body is rewarding you. I wish I was as strong as you are but alas my bad back holds me to lower weights. I am trying to strengthen my core muscles so maybe one day I will grow up to be a strong as you. You are an inspiration!!!!!!

RE: Checking In

Hi Debra...just had to laugh at your term "trot"...I like that...being a horse person...

Also, my old dog, Bert (deceased) had a nail thing also...ended up having to have the entire toe removed and fiddling with it for months...just a very tricky area for dogs, I guess.

Hope the week goes well.

Thanks Kathleen

Luckily she still has her toe & a stub of a nail. Speaking of horses, she's wearing dog hiking boots to keep her from licking & tearing out stitches, & she's clomping around the house like a horse. She hates the boots & is playing it up.

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