Check In for M & F Hers program


Active Member
Hey, I am posting the check in for anyone who started the program this week.
I did really well, I even added an extra day of cardio and a dance class. More importantly, I ate really clean, but I struggled with my energy level, so I ate about 1500-1600 calories Sun- Tues, and Wed and Thurs had 1800 calories.
I hope that wasn't too high.
I have never done a check-in before so I have no idea if I did this right.

I am going to a dinner theatre tonight, so I know I am going to cheat! I might give up a dietary cheat day to make up for it.

Hello! Ive never done a check in either. Heres how I did with the m&f program this week.
Not good for the first week:
Started on Tuesday with the circuit did:
15 reps flies, 15 reps squats, 15 reps lat pull downs, 15 reps leg curls, 15 reps side raises, 15 reps calf raises, 15 reps french presses, 15 reps alternating arm curls...
repeated all 3x
Wed I was supposed to go to my karate class, but didnt...was in some kind of funk....
Thursday funk continued, was really grumpy and wanted to do nothing so thats what I did.
Friday morning I got my arse out of bed early and did my curcuit training...I did:
15 flat bench press, 15 leg extension, 15 bent over rows, 15 deadlifts, 15 military presses, 15 calf raises, 15 lying tricep extensions, 15 seated arm curls....repeated all 3x
Today I plan on doing some cardio....havent done any cardio this week at all....I also didnt do my abs....tomorrow (sunday) I'll do my last circuit training for the week.
Eating is not clean....gonna work on that this week. Its not HORRIBLE, but its by no means CLEAN...gotta NOT fall into any funks this week :) dont know where that came from this week, I had a good week actually, dont know why I got grumpy!
My muscles all feel nice and sore. I love it! Excited to continue and keep up and get more strict with it!
Hows everyone else doing?
I start tomorrow. I'm supposed to do an hour of recreational cardio, so I thought dh & I could take the kids fast walking/jogging in the double jogger. But it isn't supposed to be nice out so I may end up doing my powerstrike video which is not really recreational - it's hard work - but it's an hour of cardio. Then Monday I start the circuit. I am really excited to do this program!

Andrea - you may have seen my posts here about martial arts. That's so great you're able to do karate! Hopefully you'll be more psyched to go next week, you are lucky to have the option! I've been looking around my town but it's really too expensive, about $70-80 per month which we can't afford right now as I am not working (home w/2 kids). So I am going to get some kickboxing/karate tapes and take pointers from my husband, who had martial arts training in high school. Any suggestions on videos I could try? Hope you get out of your funk soon!

Candice :)

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