Check in 8/9/01


Hope you all don't mind, but I felt like starting a check in to hear how everyone is progessing.

As of earlier this week I am home on modified bed rest. I am in my 30th week and started having contractions. The dr. gave me meds to stop the contractions and to speed up the baby's lung development. I am not dilated, so it is technically not pre-term labor.

I have had a very active pregnancy and I have been outside in the heat quite a bit. The doctor thinks that I have been workign too hard and partial dehydration triggered the contractions. I guess I wasn't listening to my body very well to know where my limits are.

Needless to say, my workouts have been pushed aside for awhile and I have no idea what to expect when I return to the doctor on Monday. I am hoping to be able to resume some type of activity. Right now I feel like I am on house arrest. If any one else has had early contractions, I would love to hear about your experience.

Hope everyone else is getting along well,

Take care of yourself Tina

You be careful Tina. I'm sorry you've been put on modified bedrest. I'm thrilled you've had such an active pregnancy though. Try not to let this drive you crazy. Remember it's the best thing for both you and your baby.

Let us know how it goes on Monday...k?

Not too much new with me. I'm getting board of nothing happening. I wanna feel pregnant!! This Saturday will mark the end of my 1st trimester and the begining of my 2nd. It feels like a major hurdle :) I keep thinking I'm feeling the baby but logic has me brush that aside.

I can't remember if I posted about my last Dr's visit or not. I'll check and if I didn't, I'll post it.

How's that for pregnancy

Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and.......

Littlest one due on February 24, 2002
RE: Take care of yourself Tina

Yes Tina, please take care! This heat is atrocious. Finally, today we are getting some heat reprieve here in IL. I am in my 37th week and taking it day by day. I think my dr. is a quack lately. With my last visit this past Tuesday I felt in the twilight zone. First, I didn't have to wait at all and then everything he was telling me was contradicting everything he's said for the past 7 months!

let me ask any of you this, on July 17th the baby was sideways. Within a couple of days I felt this major move and I had an ultrasound on July 21st and this showed the baby with head down. Then, this past Tuesday the dr. says it's breech. Wouldn't I feel a 180 degree turn with a baby at 37 weeks????? I can't imagine not feeling that kind of turn. Plus, if you're looking down at your tummy and they find the heartbeat on the lower right side - wouldn't you think the baby is head down, but face up? And with the hiccups, I feel them down near the pelvis on the left side (looking down at tummy). I just feel like this is never going to end, and he was going to induce me in week 39, but I know it won't happen if the baby is breech!

Sorry to carry on so much, I am just sooooo ready for this to be over! I do have another ultrasound (quickie) on Tuesday to see what position the baby is in, but if it's still breech I have to have that painful procedure where he tries to manipulate the baby from the outside to a head down position! Yuck!

Thanks for listening,
RE: Take care of yourself Tina


I hope you are enjoying this break from the heat. Here in MO (Misery) it is wonderful today. Of course that makes it even more difficult for me to behave myself when I want to be outside very badly.

Enjoy the weekend and let us know what happens with the U/S. I know I saw a totally different side of my dr. this week too -- he went from being a really nice guy to being very serious and concerned. Maybe your doc will be thinking straight by next week.

Have a delightful weekend!

Hi Tina! Hope you are doing better now. Don't stress about not being able to work out. Its so much more important that your little muffin finishes "baking" right now. I know you realize that but sometimes it helps to just hear somebody else say it.

Drink lot's of fluids and go easy. Keep us posted! Take Care!
Hi everyone!
Try to hang in there Tina. That would be really hard to have to cut out so much activity. I know that would make me crazy! However, Cathe is right. Listen to the doctor. A healthy baby is more important than a workout (a lot easier said than done).
Sue, two of my sister inlaws had babies that suddenly turned to the breech position. They said it was a really scary feeling. They were both lucky because the baby turned again and ended up in a head down position. Hopefully yours ends up head down. I know sometimes doctors can mistake the butt and the head too. At any rate, good luck with your ultrasound.
My nausea is finally subsiding at 16 weeks. This pregnancy definately is different than my first. I have been getting terrible headaches every afternoon into the evening. I went to the doctor for my checkup and he thinks it may be sinus. That makes sense. We have some construction going on in our house and the drywall dust is everywhere no matter what. Hopefully the headaches will go away when the construction is finished which should be today or tomarrow I think.
Other than that, the check up went well. I am also starting to feel slight movements at night when I am lying still.
I love feeling the baby move!
Take care everyone. Stay out of all the wicked heat if the cold front hasn't moved in for you yet.
Hi Tina,
I was on modified bed rest during my twin pregnancy, but didn't have preterm labor. I hated the bedrest - it made me crazy to lay around and do nothing when I felt perfectly fine!! But, try to enjoy the rest - once that baby comes you will be wishing for some time to relax!!
Good luck at the doctor on Monday!!
Take care!
Hi Tina

Sorry to hear about your bed rest. I hope you are doing okay. It must be difficult. Did you go to the doctor yesterday? Hope you got some good news. Hang in there!

I hope everyone is doing well. The hot weather put a hold on my workouts for a few days, but I'm back on track and I feel great. However, I have heard a lot of reports about the heartrate not going above 140bpm, but that's got to be wrong, right? I'm drinking tons of water and wearing a heartrate monitor (never really going above 155) but I'm concerned. Am I doing too much or am I just being a worry-wart?

Going for an ultrasound next Thursday and can't WAIT! I've been starting to feel the fluttering movements of the baby at night when I go to bed. It's amazing. Looking forward to the really big kicks.

Take care everyone! Be well.
Guess I'll join in

Hi everyone,

I'm 15 weeks with my second (my first is TEN!!) and I'm just now getting over some major nausea and really weird bloating/gas issues. It seems as though for 6 weeks I would come home and starting at 5:00, my belly would just start expanding and aching with bloat. Now I feel much better, but the evening is still hard for me...I can't seem to find anything to eat for dinner that is appealing! I think part of it is the heat -- I just can't stand to eat hot foods or really, anything that's cooked.

I just started working out again with a trainer at a local hospital gym, and I'm returning to my Ashtanga yoga classes next week. Energy-wise, I feel like a totally new woman, but I'm still taking it pretty easy. When I come home from PT, I have to take a short nap!

I WISH I would get some kind of craving! So far all I have is aversions -- I can't stand any dairy and the thought of melted cheese makes me cringe. Chicken, fish and beef are all gross. Oh well. As they say, This too shall pass.

Hang in there everyone,

-Claire M.
OK, I'll join too!

First of all, Claire, my sister had her second baby when her first child was just a few months shy of her tenth birthday--and it has definitely turned out to be a blessing in disguise. My niece loves her baby brother SO much. She is a great help with him, changes his diapers, feeds him, watches him, and truly loves doing it--my sister doesn't have to twist her arm to get her to help--she was often running for the baby when he cries (he's now 3, so not much of a baby anymore) before my sister has a chance to do it!

Anyway, Tina, sorry to hear about the bedrest. Make sure you take it easy on yourself these last few weeks!

I'm feeling verrrrrryyyyy tired these past few days. I'm now in my 9th week and my first doctor's appointment is tomorrow. I haven't had any sickness at all, I have been able to eat fairly normally, so I consider myself very lucky! I am getting in on average 5 workouts, while before I was pregnant I got in 5 to 6 per week, so I think I'm doing pretty darn good! I am still doing all my old favorites (don't worry-IMax was never a favorite! lol) but just modifying them down. I did CTX last week, and took out almost all the impact on the cardio. This morning I did Still Jumpin' and could barely make it through, though, because I was so tired! And this after I feel asleep on the couch at 8:45 last night!

One food aversion I have noticed is to cottage cheese, which is normally a favorite of mine. Lately I open a container and get a few bites down, and all of sudden, it just seems disgusting, and I want to ralph! So I've knocked out the cottage cheese for now. :)

I had a horrible dream last night, too--I dreamed I was pregnant with TWINS!!! Egads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a good week, ladies! Take care of yourselves!
Hi everybody--
Sounds like everybody is doing fairly well..

Tina, how was your Dr.'s appt?? Are you still on bedrest?

I love hearing about everybody's cravings/food aversions... Cottage cheese grossed me out too!! And I couldn't get enough salty foods.. potato chips were the "perfect" food.

I am almost at 34 weeks.. for the most part still doing well. Having a hard time w/ eating.. My stomach is squished up and I get really full fast/and indigestion and heartburn seem to be the norm. Its really weird because I am a huge foodie ( I work for a dessert company) and not having an appetite is so foreign to my world!!

Still exercising almost every day and that is going great.. Slowing down on cardio, but managing to still stay "safely" intense on strength training. I know for sure it is helping me mentally!

Looking forward to all you other fit moms to be updates!!!


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