Check in 7-14 to 7-20



Guest one has started the check in yet?

Had a great 4 mile race yesterday!

Sun. 42 min. run

Mon. rest

Tue. 4 mile run

Wed. Power Hour

Thu. Hills on treadmill 30 min.

Fri. rest

Sat. RACE! I posted my report on another thread titled "Andrea" if anyone is interested.

Okay everyone, where are ya? I know you've been working hard this week!

Hi Andrea,
Thanks for starting this. Earlier this week I was thinking that whoever starts the check in should write "all are welcome" so that we will get some more posters here! This thread used to grow to over 40 posts, and now it hardly makes it over 10!
Here's my week:

MONDAY: rest

TUESDAY: G-force Super Conditioning wu only
CIA 2102 Powerbar Training + my own extra shoulder and tricep work

Step Heaven II
TCS cd and stretch
PH abs and planks


Still Steppin' II
PS S,B and T
S&H abs and stretch

SATURDAY: PS standing leg work

SUNDAY: probably some Franny cardio and Cathe upper body

Everyone have a great week, and stop lurking! Post your workouts!! :)
Hey guys!

Hope everyone had a great week - Beautiful day today.

I'm kind of in summertime work out mode and had a wonderful 2 week vacation. My goals is to continue to work on legs - happy about the rest.

Think what I'll try to do is 2/3 days running - 1 interval max or circuit max 1 day cardio kick, kicbox or ctx. Also want to get in one day Lean Leg and 1 day S&H Legs. For the rest lifting wise I'll just do my own thing - I think I have enough to do shoulder, bicep tricep, back shoulder.

Here's the week
Sunday - circuit max (so got a little over all weights)
Tuesday - cardio kick
Weds - run3 miles
Thurs - S&h - shoulder and leg
Friday - my own thing weights
Sun - run 4 miles

Amazing how doing cathe makes running so much more enjoyable - endurance is so much better

Have a great week all!
Hi Andrea, Wendy, and Robyn!
Okay I'll de-lurk and post.

This week was an all-cardio week. Next week I will emphasize weights.
Sun CTX Kickbox and abs, no weight work
Mon Rest
Tue Rode bike (round trip to work about 30 min)
Wed Rhythmic Step- added risers and did 8" for the first time!
Thur Cardio Kicks
Fri Did some single sets of arm weight work, but basically rest
Sat Step Fit, first time!
Today probably nothing, but maybe something. <<<That's definite, lol.

Let's see some more weeks. Post! - Connie
Okay, I will de-lurk as well. Usually I just read everyone's week and compare my own.

I was on my second week of a SH rotation:

Sunday: CTX 10-10-10 cardio plus SH legs and shoulders

Monday: CTX Kickbox cardio plus SH Chest, Back, planks

Tuesday: CTX Step + Intervals plus SH Tri's, Bi's, Abs

Wednesday: Powerstrike 2

Thursday: was going to do PH, but went to NYC for a friend's gallery opening, stayed overnight, and went for a big walk in Central Park before driving home

Friday: Rhythmic Step

Saturday: Rest day (if cleaning house does NOT count)

Sunday (today): back to SH L and Sh with CTX All step.

Plan to do Powerstrike 1 on Wed. and IMax on Friday for my all-cardio days.

I started this SH rotation after a 10-day hiatus (vacation in Italy), and boy, was I stiff and sore the first week. It really surprised me because the last time I did a SH rotation (after being on a PS rotation with MIS), I didn't feel a thing.

From doing so much walking in Italy, I was surprised at how sore my hips and calves were. I did not gain an ounce though, and ate gelato every day and ate wonderful, wonderful Italian food with plenty of vino rosso.
Hi everyone!
I'm relatively new to this Forum (posting, that is). This is the first time I've ever posted my week's workouts, on any forum! :)

M- off

T- am: MIS upper + abs pm: circuit max (no weights)

W- off

Th-pm: MIS legs, Body Max upper body weights + abs

F- am:Wedding tape cardio, Karen Voight abs on step
(from Circuit Training DVD)

Sa-am: Stairmaster 45 mins., Crunch Joy of Yoga (30 mins)

Su- off

hmmm..doesn't look *quite* as sluggy as I thought it was.

Thank you for having me!:)
Hi everyone!

I decided to do the tank-top rotation w/a modification. I substituted MIS w/a pilates tape and cut the cardio down a bit. Here's my week:


Tue - Leaner Legs + cardio from All Step

Wen - CTX Shoulders/Bi/Tri + cardio section from BodyMax

Thr - MIC (hi/lo portion only)

Fri - Rest

Sat - Pilates for Dummies


I already got a comment on my arms. Could the tank-top rotation work so quickly?!?! It made me feel great anyways :) I really love this rotation!!! I never thought I would be able to stick to this, but I'm really enjoying it.

Have a great week everyone! :)
Hi, everybody! I've been lurking recently instead of posting since I've been doing all triathlon and hiking stuff. But I did some of Power Hour today. Does that earn me a ticket back in?

SUNDAY: 45 min. run/walk/hike in mountains
MONDAY: Pilates studio class
TUESDAY: 20 min. run, 20 min. swim
WEDNESDAY: 50 min. spinning class, upper body at gym
FRIDAY: 35 min. swim
SATURDAY: Pilates studio ball class, 1 hr. 30 min. bike ride
SUNDAY: 40 min. run, Power Hour upper body

I over did it on the run today. I guess that's what happens when you're listening to (over)motivating music!

Could somebody please send us some rain here in Colorado, and not of the flash flood causing variety? I know you midwesterners got some to share ... Gretchen

Thanks for posting!
Wow on your Rhythmic step accomplishment! Interesting idea of week of cardio/week of strength. I might try that...

Lynda, Italy sound wonderful! I've been thinking about France recently--you're so lucky...
Thanks for posting :)
I'll de-lurk as well even though I'm up a pound this week and not really enthusiastic about my week overall. I'm nursing a sore ankle so my cardio was on the lighter side this week, sure wish the scale was!!

Monday...Best of Gilad + abs

Tuesday...CTX Power Circuit cardio + PH (omit leg work)

Wednesday...Step Max (first 2 sections) + abs

Thursday...30 min on recumbent bike + Body Max upperbody day

Saturday...Powerstrike Mil. #2 + abs

Sunday...Candice Copeland's Step Ahead + Tamilee's I Want Those Arms

Hoping for better luck next week,

Hi Gang! I mostly lurk too but today I'll post my week. I too am doing like tsut the Tank Top Rotation and loving it. This will be my third week.

M: PS chest/back/shoulders/bis/tris
T: Leaner Legs/abs
W: CTX shoulders/bis/tris
T: Janis Saffell's CIA 9809 Kickbox Express. Forgot how much I LOVE doing this tape; did just the choreography part.
F: OFF (OH I'm sooo mad at my husband for talking me out of working out; he's been doing that a lot lately. Said he never gets a chance to talk to me and after we ate dinner he just a read a book!! I'm never listening to him again!!
S: Power Circuit/pilates
S: yoga

The first week on this rotation on Fri. I did PH but with having shoulder tendonitis and missing cardio so much I decided to change things up a bit last week. Also this rotation from Marlene123 doesn't incorporate pilates and yoga but I happen to practice both of these so had to tailor the workout to suit me. Have a great week everyone!! Kathy
Hi everyone!

Great to "see" some new posters here! :7 :7 :7 Andrea~CONGRATULATIONS on your uphill race! Woo-Hoo!!!

Here's my week:

MONDAY~PS-LEGS, StepHeat ABS, Jogged 24 minutes (2+ miles)

TUESDAY~Taught a Hi/Lo class, PS-BACK, BICEPS, ABS, Lower Back work


THURSDAY~Taught a Hi/Lo class


SATURDAY~PowerStrike 1, MIS (It is Monday & I am STILL sore from the Powerstrike tape! Those "lunge-down-and-touch-the-floor-thingies" get me every time :-tired

SUNDAY~REST! :7 :7 :7 (Cause we all need them! Right everyone?)

DH & I just finished up a 3 week rotaton of PS and he is chomping at the bit to get back to S&H, so that is what we are going to do, starting today!! I also LOVE that series. Again, great to see all you Cathe-ites de-lurk and all my other friends post. "See" you all around!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

I'm glad you posted. I've been wondering how the tri training was going.

Hi Everyone,
I had a pretty good week....
Monday morning: Powerstrike 2
Tuesday:unplanned rest
Wedesday: Body Max
Thursday:Interval Max
Friday: Powerstrike 2
Saturday: rest
Sunday: Powerstrike 2

I went a little easy on the weights this week,trying to confuse my muscles a little.I have to start in again this week.
Debbie H !

How about a hubby report? It seems you've got him hooked. Any physical changes? Once they can tighten their belt a notch, they're usually unstoppable!

Hi Debra!

Thanks for asking! You are absolutely right! There's no stopping him now. He loves the Cathe strength tapes. (with the exception of the warm-up on the step in MIS! Oh my gosh, he is aaaall over the place! :-wow It's all I can do to watch!) As far as results, yes, his pants are definitley getting looser and he feels so much better. The greatest result is that his sugar level has come down almost 100 points!! (He's diabetic and his Dr. was considering starting him on the insulin shot this next visit if his sugar was still elevated!) Woo-Hoo!:7 I am in the process of getting him back into his fast walking. He was doing that for about the first three weeks and got away from it. He did say yesterday after a lil' talk from me that he wants to start back with that also. He is also starting to see some defintion in his chest and BIS & TRIS. Sooo, as we all know, once you know how GOOD it feels to be stronger and healthy, it's easier to keep at it. I definitey think he's hooked and can't imagine him stopping. Again, thanks for asking.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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