Check-in 11-3-01


Hello everyone! I just finished my last workout of the week so I thought I would start the ball rolling. I have felt really good this week except for a few sinus headaches. The Synthroid is getting my thyroid back within range so I think that has helped my energy level a lot. The first test the doctor did (TSH) was 17 and something and it was suppose to be between 3 and 4. After being on 75 mcg for a month he rechecked it and it was down to 6 and something so he upped the medicine a little. Thank goodness for modern medicine when you really need it. Anyway, I feel good about my week even though I am still not getting in enough cardio but I did get in three ab workouts which is a goal I set for myself. Lets just say I am putting a greater emphasis on weight training and that will make it all right!!!!

MONDAY: Rhythmic Step and Stepping Zone (abs only)

TUESDAY: Unplanned Rest. DH came home after being away for several days so I didn't have any "formal" exercise! :)


THURSDAY: CXT- All Step. I had fogotten how tough this was.


SATURDAY: S&H Legs/Shoulders

I felt really strong this week and upped my weights on some of the exercises.

Hope everyone has had a great week! Your turn!!!!

Hi Kelly! I'll join you early as my boys fell asleep early tonight, which means uninterrupted computer time (except for my big boy DH ;-)) Don't you LOVE slow and heavy? This was my last week with it. For November I'm taking Stacy's idea and doing a 3 on 1 off rotation.

Mon. S&H chest and back
Tue. Xtreme Intervals
Wed. S&H bis and tris
Thu. Gay's Greatest Step Workout
Fri. S&H legs and shoulders and MIS abs
Sat. 9801 step. I actually got it.

DebbieH-may I email you with more instructor questions? I am building up my wimpiness and am thinking I can do it. I am just totally lost. Cueing??? Counting reps??? ARGHHHHH!!! Okay, so I'm very scared too. Any other instructors that want to put in their two cents is welcome!

Usually this early morning time is my time for exercising, but my colitis/Crohn's decided to act up yet AGAIN over the last two days and I'm forcing myself to rest.

My week:

Monday: CTX All Step and CTX Step & Intervals (all cardio)

Tuesday: S&H Chest, S&H Back and S&H Shoulders

Wednesday: S&H Triceps, S&H Biceps and Abs

Thursday: Rhythmic Step/Power Circuit portion of Body Max/Abs

Friday: Crunch Fat Burning Yoga

Saturday: Power Hour

Sunday: Rest

That's it for me! Hope everyone is doing well...

Hi everyone. Here was my week:

Monday - Power Hour

Tuesday - walk/run 60 minutes

Wednesday - S/H chest and back

Thursday - Rhymthic Step (got my new shoes and no weird calf thing happened this time)

Friday - S/H legs and shoulders

Saturday - run 60 minutes (11km in just under 60 actually)

Sunday - I think Happy Hour Hi Lo for today.

I know you don't see a rest day here but tomorrow will be one.

Have an excellent week all.

Hi everybody!! I just got in from a company party the night before, so today is definitley going to be a rest day for me;-)! I think I did the eat, drink, and be merry thing a little too much this past week, but that's ok, that was the plan. didn't help with the guilt though. I'm going to start with last Sun., because I didn't take a rest day that day. Ok, here's my week.

SUN: a.m. walk 2 miles, p.m. walk 2 miles

MON: a.m. walk/jog 30min, p.m. taught my bodypump class and participated!!

TUES: a.m. walk 30min, p.m. MIC step only

WED: a.m. walk/jog 30min, p.m. Power Hour my first time doing this, boy was I sore!!

THURS: a.m. walk 30min, p.m. walk 30min

FRI: a.m. walk 30min, p.m. MIS

SAT: walk/jog 30min. had 3 soccer games after that then went to the party.


I'm getting ready to start a mass building program so I can compete again in the summer. I actually have to make sure I gain weight. Boy, this will be a shift in gears. I've never intentionally gained weight before. I want to keep it in check though and not get above 110lbs. Wish me luck on NOT going overboard;-)!

The number of check-in folks has really decreased. Where'd everybody go? :-hmmm

Kelly--glad the synthroid is helping.

Terri--darn Crohn's/colitis. Looks like you had a good workout week, though.

Aimee--if anybody deserves to eat, drink, and be merry this week, it's you! Congratulations!

MONDAY: rest from 5-K -- calves were mad so I stayed off of 'em
TUESDAY: Cardio Kicks w/u, Kickbox arm drills, MIS upper body in reverse
WEDNESDAY: 3?4? miles hiking with kids
THURSDAY: active rest, some hiking at work
FRIDAY: active rest
SATURDAY: 12.5 mile easy bike ride
SUNDAY: 30 min. Cardio Kicks, MIS upper body

I was going to go to the gym and do Total Immersion swim drills, but I'm pretty toasted after the bit of Cardio Kicks and the MIS.

Have a good week everybody! Gretchen
I am new here, but I would like to join you all in posting my weekly workouts. I have ordered my first Cathe tapes and hope to get them this week. Here is how I did...

Monday: 1 hour hilly walk

Tuesday: 30 minute cardio machine, 20 minute ab class

Wednesday: 50 minute walk

Thursday: hour spinning class, 45 minute walk

Friday: nothing

Saturday: 40 minute walk

Sunday: 45 minute walk

I guess I chose walks this week over gym workouts because I wanted to enjoy the nice weather. Who knows how much longer it will last! Thanks for letting me joining. You all inspire me! Love, Heather
Hi Andrea!

Sure, you can E-mail me. I'll try to help where I can! YOU CAN DO IT! It's so fun and so rewarding! Let me know what you need.
[email protected]

Hi everyone else! I MISS you all. :-( It has been soooo crazy lately. I'll TRY to post soon.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi, everybody! Looking great in the workout department! Terri, I hope you feel better really soon! Aimee, did you say you get to gain weight and Not go over 110? I wonder what that's got to be like! lol! Thanks to Halloween, my clean diet took a few hits this week but I am on the straight and narrow this week. All the good stuff (chocolate) is gone! My week in exercise was a little funky too. These past few weeks it seems I am able to focus on weight training OR cardio but not both! This week I didn't do as well as I'd like with the weights but I just finished a 3 week Slow/Heavy rotation (love Slow and Heavy!) so I figured one bad week was ok!

Monday 6 mile run

Tuesday Power Circuit

Wednesday 6.5 mile run

Thursday 1.5 mile walk 40 lb 4-year old on shoulders most of the way!

Friday 5 mile run MIS C/B/S/B/T/abs

Sat Major yard work

Sunday Cleaning and playing with the family!

Hope you kids have a great week! DebbieH, we do miss you!
Can you guys believe it's NOVEMBER already? Anyway, here's my week:

Sunday - PS-BBA + Power Circuit (cardio only)

Monday - PS-CST + CTX-Kickbox (cardio only)

Tuesday - Step and Intervals cardio + Jane Fonda Step and
Stretch + extra chest, shoulder, and tricep work with PowerBlocks

Wednesday - PS-SLA + 1.5 miles walking

Thursday - Cardio Kicks

Friday - Body Max thru Shoulder Work (My first time with this tape - WOW! is all I can say.:-wow Ran out of time in morning so couldn't complete tape. Intended to finish up Friday night or Saturday but it didn't work out. Did a little bit of "Inhale" yoga with Steve Ross instead that I recorded from the TV show.)

Saturday - Rest

Have a great week everyone!


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