Check Chicago Plane Tickets


New Member
I just checked my flights for the RT and found out that the airline (American) had changed my return flight to 10:25 a.m. to Chicago. They are apparently making these changes automatically. I was able to call and get it changed, but I just wanted to let everyone know so that they can get theirs changed, too, if needed while it is still early.

Check all flight Itinerarys

I just got off the phone with epedia- my flights had all changed:-(
So much for booking in advance..I think I should have waited till the last min to book flights.

RE: Schedule changes

All, this is normal for the airlines to make changes to their flights. This usually occurs during season changes (changes to the jet stream, increase/decrease in passenger flights for a particular airport based on time of year, etc.). I've had this happen on numerous occasions where they will either change the departure time or physically remove my original booked flight (so they have to put me on a different flight that may leave hours later). Well, after they change my booking, then a new flight pops up that departs within minutes of my original booking (this also is normal). If this happens, you are entitled to demand to be placed on this new flight WITHOUT PENALY! Be firm if they try to charge you $100 change fee. You may have to speak to a supervisor to get the airlines to change this for you.

Hope this helps everyone.
Ugh! After reading this post, I decided to check my flight from Boston and they changed my return flight on Sunday. I was supposed to depart at 2:00, now my flight departs at 1:15.

I'm actually on hold with them right now trying to get a later flight, but I'm wondering if the 1:15 flight will still work if I get picked up at the Diner.

Thanks for the post. I probably never would have thought to check that!

Oh, and BTW, my itinerary on Expedia still shows the original return flight, but I noticed at the top of the page there was a note about a flight change and I had to call Expedia to find out what the change was.
Are you taking Rapid Rover or are you renting a car? I believe you need 2 hours prior to departure to be picked up by them. This makes pick up time at 11:15 which is right around the time everyone is leaving the Diner. :)
Hi Lorrayne. I am planning on taking Rapid Rover from the Diner (if that is still an option).

I ended up keeping the 1:15 flight because the only other one they could get me on was after 4:00. I think it'll work out fine!

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