Charlene Prickett Fans


Charlene is having a sale until Sept. 30th. If you type in the code NEWEST you will get $10 off three selected videos. S& H is very inexpensive too! Does anyone have "crazy for Step", Well Rounded Body or Be Somebody? Thanks!
I have Crazy for Step and it's great! It's really long - about 63 minutes, and it's fun all the way through! I would say it is intermediate/advanced, but you can always bump it up with more power. I had "Be Somebody" - it's two half-hour low impact workouts. They were fun but were really more for beginners so I gave that one away.
I have 'Crazy for Step' as well and really like it. So far as Charlene goes it is, IMHO, her most interesting and challening step video to date. I have one of her ball videos and granted the exercises included are good but I never do it because, God bless her, she just yaks waaaay too much between exercises and I'm sitting and thinking, 'c'mon Lady, giddy up and let's just DO IT!!' I'd say check out the reviews and see what the consensus is on her newer stuff.

Take Care
I absolutely love Charlene & have all her workouts, including the new ones.

I think Crazy For Step is fabulous...I also love the Be Somebody workouts. I often do them both to make a longer workout.

I've learned a lot from Charlene & truly enjoy working out with her.

Aha! Thank you! I wanting 'Crazy for Step' for a while now, but I couldn't bring myself to buy a dvd for $30 with only one workout on it (see Cathe, ya spoiled me :p). I just placed my order for it, and $20 is MUCH better IMO! Thanks again for the code!

I have "Crazy For Step" too and I love it. It is long and by the time you add weights and abs, you are working out for two hours. But I like that! I ususally save the tape to do on Sunday so I have plenty of time. I think it is great for an advanced stepper.

I sweat so much during this tape that I acutally have to use TWO sweatbands or I will be slipping and falling down in my own sweat.

Boy you said it's tough! But fun. It's also the first time I've EVER seen Charlene looking tired as she did by the last part of the workout. Not that I can blame her!

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