Changing routines



It seems that you all have been exercising fo a long time & if so have you ever completely changed you routine for a period of time. I do love to strength train and do step, but I am starting to get burnt out. I would love to become more flexible and was thinking about adopting a new training regimen for six weeks. I was going to run,walk,kickbox for cardio and do yoga & pilates type workouts for strength & flexibility (maybe even try the balance ball). I think it would be a nice change of pace.

I am a little afraid of the gains that I would lose from this type of workout, but my body is telling me that I need a break from heavy weights.
I am just flirting with the idea, but I think it might be a fun experiment and it would free up time, so I can get serious about yoga.

I know I am babbling and I do have a point. Does anyone have any info about changing routines or where I can research more on this subject.
Change is good

One of the advantages of home video workouts is that we can change our routines regularly. You won't "lose" any gains. You'll gain the advantage of challenging your body in new ways.

I usually plan out my workouts in six- or eight-week segments. I alternate among several favorite instructors or types of workout: Cathe PS, FIRM, a variety of cardio alternatives. I recently returned to Cathe PS, and my muscles are saying "ouch"--but in a good way!

Go ahead and get that balance ball. Try Kathy Smith's Kickbox workout. My new favorite tape is Christi Taylor's Strength, Balance, and Flexibility. Mix it up any way you like. You can always return to what you like best.

As for research, the videofitness website has reviews of hundreds of instructors and tapes. And, of course, VFers on the Forum will be delighted to tell you their favorite workouts!
Change is a VERY good thing!

Hi Alicia....

Change is a VERY good thing!
For your mind, for your body, and to keep the FUN in exercise. I try to mix things up every 6 weeks. Same as Barbara mentioned (in the previous post.....And she's a PRO!

I happen to be doing the Firm Rotation right now which I must admit, I was a little worried, what with lighter weights and all. I haven't lost any of my strength (actually gotten stronger)!

I have gone to all walking, just cardio (last summer), and I have had no problems. It kept things fresh for both my muscles and mind!

So, put the FUN back into it, give up those heavy weights for awhile and CONFUSE your body! I think you'll like your results!
If not, you can always go BACK to the old routine (which will then seem FRESH!!!!)...

Just my $.02!

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