changes in body rhythms


For years, I loved getting up around 5 or 6am to get my workout in. It energized me for the day not to mention it was nice not having to worry about fitting it in later in the day. But as the years have gone on I have noticed that my body doesn't like it as much. I'm finding that I feel better doing it later in the day and I get a better workout in. So I was wondering if our bodies rhythms change with time? Have any of you experienced this?

Well, I can't say that I like getting up at 5:00 in the morning to work out. I don't get enough sleep, I've been doing this for years, and frankly, it does get old.

However, if I don't work out first thing in the morning, I never will. Something will always get in the way, and then I'll be too tired, or it will be too late.

I guess it's been a habit for so long that I don't give my body the option of saying "nope, not today!"
For years, I loved getting up around 5 or 6am to get my workout in. It energized me for the day not to mention it was nice not having to worry about fitting it in later in the day. But as the years have gone on I have noticed that my body doesn't like it as much. I'm finding that I feel better doing it later in the day and I get a better workout in. So I was wondering if our bodies rhythms change with time? Have any of you experienced this?

I think our bodies can change with time, and everyone needs to do what works for them.

I used to get up before 5:00 a.m. to do my workouts. I had that routine for 10 years. I just can't do it anymore--it was soooo counter-productive for me, as I was constantly exhausted. I'm now at a place in my life where I don't have to get up so early (my youngest is now 9), although I still have to get up at 6:00 a.m. for the morning routine. It is harder to fit in my exercise now, but getting enough sleep has made a HUGE difference in my life and exercise goals.
I agree with Kathryn - getting up at 4:30 am does get old. However, just as she said, I won't get a workout in unless it's in the morning so I do what I gotta do.

On the very few occasions I have worked out after work, I found that I had less engergy and just felt blah. I'm obviously used to working out on an empty stomach and like how my body feels then as compared to a days worth of food in me and the stress of the day.

Even though it has become a habit for me, the older I get, the tougher it gets to keep up this schedule.
I could've written this post myself! For YEARS I got up at 5am - 4:30 if I was working in the suburbs - and got my workout in. It was great! I was energized, and it was done for the day.

Then all of a sudden, about 9 months ago, it's like I hit a wall. The energy was just NOT kicking in during my workouts at all. I dragged through them, and felt exhausted afterwards. I tried food first, but I take my thyroid meds when I wake up, so I couldn't do much there.

Short answer, I now sneak out of work early everyday to get it in at 3 in the afternoon. Worst case scenario, I work out at night, but I HATE doing that. This change doesn't make me happy, but I get far better workouts in when I don't have to force my way through them.

So yea, I guess rhythms can change. I wish mine would change back!
Maybe rhythms do change as we age, but I do know that our sleep needs change as we age. It becomes harder to sleep, yet technically you should get more sleep.... or at least as much as you always did.

Sleeping helps tremendously with the aging process. It is cruicial for the skin and body to have this down time to renew itself.

I think at a point, sleep becomes primary and working out secondary. That's not to say I would stop working out, but to sacrifice sleep for working out is counter productive as we age.

I feel very fortunate that I have the time and the schedule to be able to work out when I want to. I don't know how those of you who get up so early to work out do it. My hat is off to all of you!
I used to get up at 6 (not so early) to workout before the kids got up. However, around age 38, I couldn't do it anymore. It wasn't just a matter of not liking it, my body would not move the right way and I would get nauseated. Now, I am lucky to workout after I take the kids to school. But, it was a struggle to fit in the workout when I didn't do it first thing.
You'll find the right time for you, and I don't think things have to be the same forever. Melissa
I can no longer get up at 4:30am like I used to. It was so easy for me back then, now I struggle with early mornings and it is because I think I need more sleep than when I was younger, just like Jeanne said.
The time change for this daylight saving time has really thrown me for a loop. I can't get up before 6:30 now matter what. Luckily, when I get home DH has dinner cooked so I can get in a workout before we eat otherwise I'd never get it done.
Yep! I hadn't thought about it in terms of body rhythms, but that sounds just like me! At first I thought I was just being lazy, but if I work out too early my blood sugar tanks (even with a snack before) and I spend 20 minutes just getting it back up before I can finish the workout.

I do much better having breakfast, taking the kids to school, and then working out.... luckily I have a great, flexible part-time job and everyone understands when I say, "I would've been in sooner, but I just had to work out."

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